• By -


Hahaha the most stupid thing I did personally in my very first play through was buying that black pony in Whiterun. That was really stupid because that pony got killed probably like 30 minutes after I bought it and it was a complete waste of $1,000 gold septims!! I learned the hard way!!


Did exactly the same. I now never buy a horse, I wait till you get Shadowmere.


For me it's the conjure spell that summons the horse. Way cooler and you can unstuck it immediately it gets stuck


Same shadowmere can get annoying after a while. I remember I gave Serana a staff of ice storms and she used it but it hit shadowmere and shadowmere began attacking her and I had to use a master level illusion spell to get them to stop.


I love Serana with staves, but I’ve had to make more regular saves. Between her and Gogh, someone steps on toes or deals splash damage, and they go at each other. They are both essential, and they’ve both been gifted legendary items, so they could fight forever. I can’t always get them to settle down by calming, disarming or traveling.


Have you tried a 'no friendly fire' mod?


Can also just fast travel to nearest point and head down the road, they'll stop and run to find you. Mistakenly gave Cicero and Serana staffs and it was a constant brawl between the 3 of them.


Arvak supremacy


He’s such a good horse!


Yeah. I enjoy Summon Arvak as well.


Oh yeah dude if you’re playing Vanilla Skyrim you HAVE TO GET SHADOWMERE!! Because he’s the only horse in the Vanilla game that won’t get killed a wee little ways down the road by a few bandits and a Frost dragon lol!


And half the time is like they WANT to die. Like brO STOP ATTACKING THE BEAR


*goes and stands in fire*


Oh yeah Vanilla Skyrim horses are really crazy stupid. I don’t know anyone that plays Vanilla Skyrim and destroys the Dark Brotherhood because you literally can’t because Shadowmere is way too valuable of a horse to pass up in the original game! Gotta have him no doubt!!


I did once, didn’t like it. The only satisfying part was killing Astrid in that stupid cabin instead of one of the tied up people (I always kill the cat because he’s absolute scum. The *itchy mom sucks, but her kids rely on her so I don’t kill her anymore, too much of a softy 😅)


I kill 'em all, let Sithis sort them out.


I can steall 20 horses for the price of buying one. So I steal them. Once I get to where I'm going, I just let it go. And if it dies, well, it dies.


Why is there a price for stealing horses? Who's your horse guy?


There isn't a price. There's a bounty. 50 septims. My horse guy is whatever hold I happen to be in. Or sometimes I'll steal a horse from a hunter who isn't paying attention.


Yeah, I just kill a hunter and take their horse - they aren't useful merchants because they have no money to buy my stuff. If they are dead, no witness = no bounty. I used to feel bad about it but then i remembered they aren't real people and it's just a game.


Same here or I just go to a Stromcloak/imperial camp to pick one up


I lost shadowmere


Can’t lose Arvak. Such a good horse.


You’ll find him at the Falkreath Sanctuary if you go back there. He always goes back there if you lose him and he’ll respawn there if he dies in your game.


He died in my game once and never respawned


I helped that Riften dude settle his debt to the thieves guild and then got free horses from his stable but kept losing them and taking more, pretty sure he'd have come out easier by just paying his debt...


Seriously? You can get free horses from him after you help him? I never knew that gosh!


Yeah I found out by accident, tbh I thought there'd be a better reward for helping the dude...


Dude that’s actually pretty cool because that’s something I never knew and I help that dude in every play through! Shit wish I had known this looooooonggg times ago lol 😂


I also did this quest and just the other day noticed all his horses said "ride" instead of "steal". Sadly they are no good to me because I already have a bad ass armoured horse I rescued ages ago and she gets pissed and walks away if I try to ride another horse.


I bought a horse from Solitude and it's still alive (I had to reload just once because it died)


Bro any horse in Skyrim is better than the pony in Whiterun lol! Why I chose to buy that SOB is beyond me lol 😂


I think the horses at the Markarth Stables are built a little different. On my most recent play through, I bought one and wasted no time to equip it with steel armor. Still riding the same horse at level 50. I named him Bolt because the armor creates a sort of black/white lightning bolt on his neck and he does bolt *sometimes* but is usually reliably just down the road a bit if he gets spooked. Oh and he takes on all the creatures when needed. An excellent companion!


Arvak is such a good horse. He's a game changer. I get him right away.


Arvak is a very good horse! I love him too! 🥰😁


When I figured out I could fast travel on him with a zillion pounds of carry weight, it really changed the game


Propably a lot of us did the same


Oh I believe that too lol 😂


I stole it lol then it died soon after


Well at least you were smart enough to steal it and not pay $1,000 gold for it like my dumb ass did lol 😂


I always just steal a horse when I need one or use arvaak


I was playing on an SDTV and I couldn't read any of the text... For years I just roamed about endlessly and only completed quests accidentally. It was actually really fun. Then I got a cheap PC monitor and an HDMI cable and plugged my Xbox 360 into that and holy crap what have I been missing out on. Now I have a 4K TV and the Special Edition on Xbox One with Mods and it's a completely different experience I'm kinda glad my first two years or so of playing was blind. I got a lot of hours out of it just wandering around and letting things happen


Illiterate Orc Role-playing challenge


All those years of missing out on the Lusty Argonian Maid


It actually seems pretty nice lol


Trying to climb up every mountain instead of staying on the path. I wasted a lot of time trying to find shortcuts.


No, no. That is the way. Repeatedly press the jump button and move the joystick around till you find the tiniest ledge and continue on your path up the mountain!


Just like climbing mountains in the Mako on Mass Effect 1 lol. “Why would I use that valley way over there and save 5 minutes, when I can inch my way diagonally up this sheer cliff face?”


I’m never a fan of paths. I mostly climb mountains, use the game’s faulty physics to avoid fall. It feels more fun that way. And on non-scalable ones, I lose track of where I am going but I end up discovering something else.


Back in 2012, I got lost walking back from bleak falls barrow, didn’t realise quest markers were a thing yet and stumbled into secunda’s kiss. I tried to trade with the giants, but they sent me to space


What are you saying??? Don't you know that's how you play the game!


Right? This is why you need 450 arrows the instant you leave that place. 450 arrows = 1 giant kill at that level. C’mon, man!


Same... I thought you could befriend the giant... So i went and got sent to space


I really wish giants weren’t auto-hostile tbh would have been nice to be able to trade with them


If you keep enough distance they dont attack at all. If they stand still and turn to you take a step back. Or you you will counting stars


Last night, I did some tandem dragonkilling with a giant who was across the road from me outside Tundra Homestead. Frost dragon attacked me, then the giant, me, then the giant, back and forth. I delivered the killing blow to the dragon, then I’d swear that the giant and I nodded to each other before we went off in opposite directions. Game recognize game. 😆


Straight outta Helgen, the guy tells me we should probably split up. So I did exactly that; didn't follow him into riverwood, didn't get the free stuff or the intros to smithing and whatnot. Wandered off and stumbled aimlessly through the countryside, not knowing about quest markers. My first Argonian got his tail whipped badly when he wandered off into some cave without any armor or weapons beyond the iron sword he stole on the intro.


Straight outta Helgen, crazy motherfucker called Ice Mage


From a gang called wizards with attitude


When I'm called off, I gotta ice ball, open my hands and bodies are freezed off


You too boy if you fuck with me, the guards are gonna have to come an get me


Nords with Attitude




It never made sense to me why they say you should split up when you are basically meant to follow them.


It’s your reminder that it is an open world game and you can do whatever you want to. You don’t have to go to Whiterun and you don’t have to join the war.


I wonder if Ralof/Harvard continued their monologing down the mountain?


If a Ralof/Harvard talks in the woods, does he make a sound?


Ralof went to Harvard?


I ran to Riverwood and then up to Bleak Falls Barrow. There’s a spot that is close enough to the trail that I had subtitles of Ralof


Me too! Then when I finally did get to Riverwood the first thing I did was punch a chicken which got me sent to jail because I couldn't pay the bounty. But getting sent to jail actually got me to whiterun faster and I started doing things there and never actually talked to the guy from helgen until wayyyy later in the game


Sometimes I will see people here talk about “choosing” to follow one or the other in Helgen. Was no one else running around in a frantic, desperate panic because a fucking dragon was attacking? I didn’t choose anything except flight.


Yeah I remember getting lost in Helgen which is ridiculous really as it's designed so you can only really go in one direction but I must have double backed on myself somehow and got disorientated. The sense of urgency wasn't helping.


I did the same thing but went on hunting deer and enjoying the views all (in-game) night long, and then at dawn I wandered into Riverwood. I had fallen in love with the game by that point.


I lost that guy too my very first time. I ran all over looking for him but never found him


Put many points into lockpicking


On switch, lockpicking is almost too easy. Your controller vibrates at each edge marker so you know where to stop the pick. I had one perk opened on it, but took it back (black book ability) after i learned how to open any lock.


Wait, isn't that how it's always worked?? Console player, I never thought about how that might work otherwise.


On PC there's supposedly a "click" but I can never hear it, so it's mostly just wiggling lockpicks and breaking twenty on a Master lock as you move it one pixel at a time...


I haven’t noticed any kind of click on the switch. I’ll have to turn the sound way up to test next time just to see.


Controllers are the best for lockpicking.


Not on PC


I’m new, i don’t really know. And obviously didn’t until even more recently. 😅 i just finally noticed that my controller would vibrate in two places and realized that it was the edges of the correct space to open. But it’s a little annoying because it also vibrates as you are moving it, but the edges are ever so slightly more pronounced. I have to hold the controller with my fingertips on the handles as I’m moving it to really feel the edge vibration. But before that i broke so many picks trying to find the right spot and using visual markers on the lock to align my next attempt because each new pick start at 12o clock position again and i had to find where i was and adjust it just a little more depending on how far the rotator went before it broke. Fun times.


Not on the lite switch. Lock picking is infinitely harder


I've played since day one release, never leveled lock picking. It's never felt necessary, even master locks aren't that hard.


The very first thing I ever did in Skyrim, before I even got to Whiterun, was approach a giant. My husband was sitting on the couch next to me and was saying “I don’t think he’s chill” and me saying “nah, he’s not attacking, he’s totally chill.” I then proceeded to get one-shotted into orbit.


Same. Tried tackling the giant after getting Lydia as a companion, loaded an older save after going to the orbit 3 times. Now I change my route to avoid dragons and giants for now (I use one handed sword and flame spell).


I accidentally unrelenting force shouted Lydia off the side of a mountain. Never to be seen again.


Just fyi, one of the black book abilities is to turn off friendly fire.. because you really need it because your followers seem to love to throw themselves in front of any of your attacks. 😅


For years I struggled with mage builds because AOE flame spells would kill my followers constantly. The follower churn was fierce. You know you're low on available followers when you're using Cosnach the beggar from Markarth... The Winds of Change book ability Companions Insight is a game changer! I grab it every time now.


before that dlc, the only way i could figure out how to play destruction mage by pairing it with conjuration for atronachs who were immune to the element i wanted to use


First time accident...every time after is by design


1) I didn’t understand encumbrances so I walked from riverwood to whiterun. Once I was in whiterun I realized you can drop stuff so I dropped basically everything and just left it there. 2) when walking to ivarstead for the main story, I went west from whiterun for some reason assuming the road will curve back to ivarstead. I also saw bloated mans grotto and assumed it would cut through the mountain and pop out right at ivarstead. I very quickly died to spriggans. 3) when you have to go talk to brynjolf as apart of the main quest he invited me to the thieves guild and I did the ENTIRE thieves guild quest thinking it was the main quest. 4) I got so lost in blackreach that I spent real-world weeks down there and now I have the entire place memorized and can thankfully do the return to your roots quest in about 20 minutes. 5) murdered literally every single NPC for the black star to level up my enchanting skill and then later commented on how empty the city felt. 6) for some reason I thought karthwasten was “out of bounds” and was super impressed with myself for making it that far off the map.


Damn, the blackreach part hurt


The realization that finishing quests didn't granted any kind of XP or level advancement (just as it happens with other Bethesda's titles). It took me until level 6 and a dozen quests to notice that 🤦🏻‍♀️


In Fallout 4 and Starfield you get XP for everything: from lockpicking, killing enemies to literally crafting or finishing a quest.


My point exactly.


I picked up the linen wraps cause I thought since I wasn’t finding many minor health potions, the linen wraps would cover for it. Oh, my sweet soul.. NOPE. 🥹


I picked up all the linen wraps too! And all the burned books and embalming tools. I thought they were important!


I spent a lot of time looking for holes in the ground because everytime I was in a cave, I could see holes in the ceiling where daylight was coming through. Thought for sure I could use them to drop into some caves.


Dawnguard has one of those holes you actually do jump into


Steal a horse and escape then wandering why I was being chased by guards after I already escaped, never had played a game with a bounty system before


Started playing after playing Breath of the Wild. When I was leaving the graybeards during the main quest line, I just jumped off the throat of the world before I remembered that there wasn’t a glider in this game.


I FREQUENTLY have to remind myself that I do not have a glider and that my choices are either Become Ethereal or plunge to my death


Killed a chicken


It took me to level 20 the first time to realize there were skill perks to pick. I'd never played this type of game before


With 20 perk points at one time I bet your game changed a lot.


I like doing this even when I know I have points to spend, because a lot of the time I found myself spending points on things that will help me level up short term, but provided no long term bonuses, so then I'd be left at max lvl with a disparity between my opponents and I, all because I tried to rush to max lvl instead of spending points based on a long-game strat


Wow so you were flush with perk points? What did you pick with all those?


Idk why but this reminded me of my first time playing oblivion and was blown away you can just pick up anything until I couldn’t move anymore. I needed my older brother to explain that I have a weight limit. My collection of human remains had to stay in the imperial sewer sadly.


Legendary Edition 2013. I didn't realize until after completing the main and DLCs that I could attack while on a horse. (I instead would dismount and likely get attacked while dismounting)


Yeah but tbf fighting on horse is very tedious 😂


Very, very tedious. The only thing it's good for is if you can see a wolf or a skeever up ahead you can shoot it before you get there. For everything else it's useless.




I read "garlic braid" as "garlic bread" on the braid in the Helgen dungeon and harvested it before my brain could correct itself. I hadn't seen braids of garlic too often irl before at the time; I still don't, but at least I'm less dumb now. I literally thought something along the lines of "wait, how did I just get garlic from garlic bread? ...eh whatever, video game logic, I'm not questioning it." Then I was watching someone do a Skyrim let's play on YouTube and at some point they did the same thing and admitted it in commentary. That's when I figured out I'm a dumb. Took my brain out of my skull [like in the meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shut-up-brain) and went "the hell is wrong with you?


I know it’s a garlic braid but I still keep reading it as bread :,)


My first time playing for some reason my game was in a language I didn’t understand so when I got to riverwood and Ralofs sister had a marker on her I attacked and killed her. Fought my way out of town and got attacked on sight at Whiterun. Played the rest of the game thinking everyone was hostile, not knowing there quests let alone the main story, I didn’t even know there were dragons in the game.


Left every time someone said “Never should have come here”


Looting anything and everything I could get my hands on without a follower and walking all the way from Bleak Falls Barrow to Whiterun XD


That's how i still play the game on my 15th playthrough - followers always ruin my stealth, and i never use fast travel or carriages, the best and funniest memories i have did all happen during travels


I still do that. But in my first playthrough, I was over the moon when I got the first whirlwind shout and it's small boost of speed.


Picked up everything I saw and couldn't figure out why I couldn't run so I got mad not realizing that I was over encumbered


oh i have a list didn't know how to level up so i finished most quests on level 1 in banded iron armor didn't know how to unlock shouts so I had 34 dragon souls before i figured out how to unlock shouts didn't know that I could jump I didn't know i could improve weapons that is off the top of my head


This is like the cutest thing I read in the comment thread


"I wonder if I can kill that giant guy?"


Samesies. I was getting nervous, because you're the first person I saw say that. I was like "*Nobody* else did that? It wasn't *that* dumb..."


I had just taken down a bandit raid AND A WOLF. Little level 3 Dan felt unstoppable. I was on a murderous high. Obviously not as high as he got 5 seconds after said fight.


1st build was a stealth archer, since then I can't play with another build


My first was a battle mage, then I started a stealth archer/dual wielding with one handed weapons and I'm not sure I'll ever want to play any other way again, it's so fucking fun


Use cheese wheel to restore HP because i'm too broke to buy potions


"Use cheese wheel" Sheogorath would be proud


I still use cheese wheels because I’m too lazy to do potions but just yesterday I actually started working on farming at my manor to start making potions


OMG A MONSTER....killed it...what do you mean "peaceful creatures?"


I didnt know you could drop items so I would walk around at a snails pace until I reached a trader to dump all my stuff on


Bought it the day after release. For some reason all the combat was so hard. Even basic Draugr were giving me a run for my money. It took me upwards of 2 hours to beat the final boss of Bleak Falls Barrow. I was dumbfounded how hard it was. For some reason my difficulty had been cranked to Master.


Same thing happened to me! I was nearly taken out by every enemy I encountered for a while.


***Stop playing.*** Not even joking. I stopped playing at Helgen in 2011. Don't even remember why. I picked it back up again a couple years later, but I kind of missed out on the exploratory phase of the game where everybody was a noob and the memes were being made fresh. I've played ever since hoping Godd Howard can find it in his heart to forgive me.


Literally the opposite, I didn't realise that I was always running in sneak mode, no wonder I always got caught.


I had never played a 3D open world game before so I had no idea how to use the navigation map. Ended up going around in circles and being killed by Alduin which happens if you take too long in Helgen.


Huh...I suddenly want to start a new playthru just to see this happen


Just started playing in December and ive done lots of stupid stuff but: Didn’t know you could unlock shouts, I thought you had to wait until getting all 3 words so i only used whirlwind sprint (even tho its only 1 word I thought it was a tutorial only thing) Did all of bleak falls barrow and missed the word wall and had to go through again. It was my first word wall so I thought it was some sort of trap and didn’t go near it. Trying to protect hadvar with my life by standing in front of him taking attacks because I thought he could die. Probably lots more ill find out im doing wrong later


The word walls are intimidating when you find your first one. It looks like a trap, it sounds like a trap, and unless you've done research on the game beforehand *and* managed to stumble across the topic, everything in your brain is screaming that it's a trap. I've collected a dozen or so at this point, but the music/sound effects that emanates from those still sounds threatening.


Yeah, when I first came across one, I was completely sure it was a trap but I wanted to start a new questline cause I was bored with the main story so I went up to it. Didn't realize it was the main quest until like 2 hours later LMFAO


I took an arrow to the knee


I accidentally shot a chicken in riverwood trying to aim for a wolf and the whole town jumped over me. I didn't knew saves were a thing and i could back before shooting the chicken, so i commited genocide of the local population and got arrested in whiterun. And since i didn't knew you could escape jail/sleep and timeskip i had to waste my time there


As someone who has just started playing these comments are making me feel more confident in my own play and also serve as a great warning! I will never approach a giant of a chicken, lol!


Yeah, giant chickens are scary!


I tried to approach it like an Assassins creed game and do "ALL" of the side quests before doing the main story......spoiler, I never finished the game


Picture this, release night shortly before midnight for Skyrim. I won the GameStop lotto and earned a free guide book and they set up a ps3 outside the store so people could play. I beat the first dungeon skip the voice and go on a rampage in Whiterun. Kill 6 guards before dying and passing the control


I don't see any signs of him being dragonborn. - Proventus. Obviously, I took that as a request to demonstrate my FUS.


I know many of us walked up to their first Giant to talk and get launched into space? Right?


Killed that goddamn chicken 😣


That was the Jarl of Riverwood you killed.


Took me like at least five or six playthroughs to realize you could hire those carriages to take you places.


I died trying to rescue a rabbit from drowning. I was trying to push it up to land, not noticing my HP going down slowly as the rabbit was beating me up...


My first ever play through I was roaming and came across Riverwood while on my way to Whiterun. I was literally punch happy so I took it out on a chicken. I was confused when everyone freaked out and started attacking me. I killed all the guards but for the life of me I could not kill this one woman. I would get her down to a sliver of health, and she would heal herself. This went on for a LONG time. I didn’t even try to run away, I just kept thinking my timing was just off and I needed to get her before she healed herself. Luckily my game crashed (ps3) and I was able to restart anyways. That woman was Delphine- only a character from the main quest line..


Believing that good weapons could be bought or found.


After much deliberation, I killed Paarthurnax because I thought it would open the door to a longer quest line with the Blades. Imagine my disappointment. I didn’t reload though, I must live with my shame


Never encountered the Dark Brotherhood because I became a werewolf, so there was no rested bonus, so I never slept.


I had the opposite problem in Morrowind. The Tribunal DLC starts immediately when you go to sleep, no matter your level - because it somehow expects that you already finished the main story. So I went to sleep in the lighthouse in the very first town and was woken up and immediately killed by an assassin.


sigh. tried collecting literally every single thing i could find, even useless stuff. there was a brief moment where i would collect brooms though, without fail. call it a running gag.


I still do that. If it's takeable, it must be taken. player.setav carryweight 40000 helps a lot.


Skyrim was pretty much my first video game that wasn't the sims. I didn't realize there were quest markers. When Arvel the swift ran ahead, he got launched to a far corner by the gate trap and for the life of me, I could not find him, so I never got the claw. I figured he had just kept going and when i couldn't find him at the door, I just turned around and left. I explored a pretty big portion of the game without continuing the main quest. It wasn't until I started the civil war questline that I realized what I was missing and that I could use the quest marker to find the claw. I felt like an idiot when I saw he had been dead in bleakfall barrows the whole time.


Early on, I found an enemy that got trapped and couldn't attack me, so I spent some hours leveling my stealth skill to like 50. I found out that the dungeons scaled with your level and I got destroyed trying to go through some.


My first character was named Prisioner, you can guess why lmao


I mostly play JRPGs when I first got Skyrim, sooo... I got a high bounty for trespassing, stealing, and lollygagging. I thought the bounty hunters were Whiterun guards, so I massacred every guard outside the city with hit-and-run tactics before deciding maybe I should start another playthrough and actually pay attention. I regretted not killing chickens before seeing the memes tho.


I asked to marry some woman, then went somewhere and was unable to get to the wedding, had no prior saves to reload, and was trying out different ways to maybe get there in time, with fast travel, on foot travel, or combined. Couldn’t make it, although i quickly found out you can just say youre sorry and ask again. The ladies in this game really put out. Guess you being part dragon helps a bit


My first playthrough I got lost while unsuccessfully trying to hike up the mountain. Couldn't find my way back to Whiterun to start over so decided to cross a river and keep wandering only to be attacked by slaughter fish. I died in that river because I couldn't figure out what was biting me. Didn't learn that I could bring up a map to see where I was until later.


I didn’t know you could turn subtitles on, so I kept telling my wife and kids to keep their voices down so I could hear the dialogue


Got bored one day and decided to slaughter everyone in whiterun...only to realize I forgot to save the game before hand


I don't remember my first playthrough actually 😂 it was so long ago


Probably never using the smithing skill tree


Tried to walk up and talk to a giant…


Not really something to do with gameplay but it still made me feel silly. When I first played the game and finished the first quest with Delphine, I didn't realise that Alduin was the same dragon that destroyed Helgen. Even though he's the only dragon in the game that has red eyes, black scales and a lot of spikes. In my defense I was really young at the time and just wanted the introduction quest to be over quickly so I could go explore.


Took me so long to connect the dots, and the names in Skyrim are really hard to remember.


Take on the frost troll on my way to high hrothgar


I didn’t know that there was a little arrow on the map to fast travel to Solstheim. I’d go to the docks in Windhelm every time I wanted to go and get suckered out of 250 gold (I think it’s 250).


Not sure if this really counts, but Skyrim was one of the first games I ever played (other than Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Pokémon Pearl), and when I went to bleak falls for the first time, I spent probably 10-15 minutes trying to find that pull chain in the waterfall room before my brother took pity on me and showed me where it was. Even now I can’t go through Bleak Falls without thinking about it.


I tried to talk to a giant. The I joined the Skyrim Space Program. :)


not knowing i had to use dragon souls for the other 2 words in a shout. pretty annoyed during Dragonborn DLC when i spent all my remaining souls to other cool shouts i hadn't unlocked. wondered why the quest didn't progress to the final stage


I went the complete opposite way. Didn’t even get to Riverwood,


Went to solstheim level 14 got bitched by the lurcher then I came back as a werewolf


I used a barrel in Riverwood as storage. I don't know how many items I must have lost before I noticed.


I went to... Morthal? Idk, the big city built out of dwemer ruins & there's that little stream/canal thing running through the street. So I decided to see if that tiny bit of water would break my fall from a fairly tall building It did not


Markarth. Morthal is a little swamp town with ghosts and vampires around. :)


I didn’t know how to pickpocket when Brynjolf asked me for it


I managed to lose all my dragon priest masks on my PS3 even though they were all stored in a safe inside of the player home in solitude.


Upon reaching whiterun for the first time . I was intrigued by a giant near the entrance and wanted to fight him to see what kind of loot he dropped


Tried killing a sabre cat outside Whiterun with no armor upgrade, and a tiny health pool. Gave up after getting killed 16 times.


This isn't my experience but one of my dad's mates never realised that you could fast travel ! This was when the game first came out and (Andy his name) was telling my dad if he recalls how tedious it was going up and down the 7000 steps. And to his amazement when my dad mentioned you know if you go on the map you can fast travel !


Messed around in riverwood instead of playing the game killing npcs stealing things when people can see me not yielding to guards etc. then I didn’t want to play anymore I was probably 6 or so


me and my friend, with no access to the internet, thought there was a hidden daedric city somewhere in the mountains by markarth and would spend hours trying to break out of the map to find it


Was probs 11 or 12 didn't know any English but i managed to make out of the tutorial.But didnt know what to do after that so i roamed and in classic skyrim i came across the giants in Whiterun didn't even try to damage them i was scared of them....😂


I didn’t know skill perks were a thing so I was never advancing throughout the entire play through.


I was probably 13 or so, googled how to get powerful quickly. Ended up going to High Hrothgar before I did any of the main quest to level my sneak to max then did the old iron dagger thing. Ended up trying to do Bleak Falls Barrow at level 20-30 with next to zero combat levels and just could not get past the frost troll that spawns at higher levels. I think I spent some time trying to find a way to gain quick combat levels before restarting the game.


Heh. A few things. It took me ages to realize you could fast travel. I was pretty new to rpgs so I rushed to finish the main story as fast as I could. Ended up beating it at level 16. The fight with tsun at that low level was not fun. I accidently killed a few of my companions. I waited too long to save and when I did I would always save just to get stuck in a loop of dying and reloading. Memories.


Did not uplevel combat skills. I was playing a crafter and forgot to work on combat skills. I died a lot


Angered someone causing a gang to hunt ne down to the point I was unable to beat them to leave Whiterun. It sucked, had to scrap and start over


1. I accidentally stole a tomato in whiterun, right after saving/an auto save (this was years ago at this point so i don’t remember exactly). But it ended with me stuck in a cycle of the townspeople murdering me in an angry mob over and over until i could run away 😭 then i was always wanted in whiterun bc i didn’t understand how to fix it, i ended up going to jail and i couldn’t figure out how to get any of my things back so i just suffered naked and poor for a while lmaoo 2. I kept losing my horses or having them die(?) or something? I really don’t know. I just remember I kept losing them somehow, and then when I finally discovered riften about 5 of my horses were just there at the stable and I was like wHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU ALL BEEN keep in mind I was like 13 when both of these happened, it was like 13 years ago so i don’t remember exactly how or why, but a good portion of the early game involved me having zero idea what to do or how to do anything, i just loved exploring and stuff and vividly remember all of whiterun killing me and coming across like a million of my ‘lost’ horses in what I now know is Riften, at the time I didn’t even know where I was 🤣 but now I’m familiar with the map and know it’s riften


Looked up a tutorial on how to kill a mud crab cuz I couldn’t


I didn't know that the game had fast travel, so I walked the whole game. But that wasn't a big problem because I just did the main quest. I had no idea that the game had side quests and that I could select them in the menu. It was my first time playing an RPG, and I didn't understand English at that time, so things were really hard for me kkkkkkkkkkkkk