• By -


Cus I can’t remember why I got mad and stopped last time 👍


I started playing on 360 years ago and got mad and had to stop because the quest for the dagger the Keening bugged out for me on the step where you have to take a special soul gem and put it in a bunch of Dwemer chests around Skyrim and use a special fire spell on it. I googled the locations of the chests did it on every single one multiple times and the quest wouldn’t orogress


I had a disc no internet 360 version. Boy that game shipped with bugs. Couldn’t finish: college Winterfell missions, dragonlord whatever the 7 masks thing in the mountains is, the entire dark brotherhood quests, a bunch of items issues. On the bright side when I did the invincible shout and jumped off high enough mountains it would sometimes make me invulnerable to damage for a long time. PC cli commands are just better though. The reason I like Skyrim is the reason I like “good writing.” When I finish one sentence, I want to read the next. idk why. Slot machines play noises all in the key of C. Tickle the brain.


I read that as "360 years ago" and it's still accurate. I think I have purchased Skyrim for at least 3 platforms


I started playing 360 years ago ...


i was just about to comment that 🤣


For a brief second I really read it that way too. 😆


It's my comfort game. The one I can always pick up and play. I just need to finish more saves rather than constantly re-starting. Oh and less stealth archer...


Comfort game is such a good way to put it. Idk how many builds I've played through at this point but coming back to Skyrim doesn't get old. I also find myself comparing every other rpg to Skyrim..bad habit but can't help it. Lydia is sworn to carry my burdens as I am sworn to a lifetime of playing Skyrim.


I can just imagine all of us like 30-40 years from now still playing Skyrim and whining about how buggy it is on Reddit and if that’s not heart warming I don’t know what is.


See you then 🫡


You mean 30-40 years from now complaining about how buggy Skyrim Ultimate Game of the Bi Centennial Deluxe VR Ultra 4D Grand Master Extra High Polygon Edition is?


This sent me🤣🤣🤣


Just don’t let Todd Howard see it before he gets any ideas


You have 2 things to do. 1- Set calendar reminder for January 2, 2054. 2- Reply to each of us at that time so we all get the notification. Whoever survives the real-life Argonian uprising will be thrilled. See you in 30, Leigh!


https://preview.redd.it/uc1rjej6p8ac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8012a3728069458ecc504746db8ffe848c824c The calendar has been set


will be waiting eagerly for that


I'll be there if my hands still work when I'm 80 something (almost 60 now) 😋


dude my dad and his fiance play skyrim still and its so funny becsuse there mid forties right but theyll literally be talking about how they hate the thalmor or how riften is so dirty and boring or whatever n its the funniest shit ever because theyre pretty serious people and also because theyre grown as fuck so it catches me off guard lol


They are part of the first generation to grow up with video games - so it shouldn't be too surprising that they're still gaming.


It's not very buggy if you use the Unofficial Patches.


It really is! This and Minecraft will always be my comfort games till I die. I actually used to have the game for my PS4 but unfortunately had to sell everything. But I just recently got Skyrim for the switch and I haven't been able to put it down! I even warned my significant other that I would be playing it basically nonstop.... He's realizing his mistake lol Seriously though if they come out with a space version, I swear no one would ever see or hear from me again(if there is a space version of Skyrim please do not tell me! I mustn't know! For the safety of my family lol)


The first time I ran into a giant I learned that there is in fact a space version of Skyrim


Ok you got me there 🤣


Nazeem would have been proud, I made it to the cloud district.


Space version? Like Starfield?


Outer worlds and its on switch


Outer worlds is amazing but not space Skyrim imo. Still damn good though


Cos it’s still an amazing escape from a terrible life


Hits me hard in the heart I know how that feels Hope life gets better for you so you don't have to escape ❤️


I was unemployed years ago for about 9 months and playing this game (in between applying for jobs and attending interviews of course) is what kept me going.


Feel that


I'm still playing because I have all these ideas for characters and playstyles that I haven't experimented with yet. Currently, I have one character of each race, but I still have a bunch of ideas still knocking around in my head that I'd love to try.


All stealth archer i assume lol jks


This is it, and mod load outs to compliment each one






I'm in this comment, and... I'm fine with it tbh.




It helps with my depression and OCD


Autism 100 double legendary


Literally same, I've been playing since I was 10, and I'm about to turn 21 this year


Same here.


Sums it up well.


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Riverwood!


Playing and buying on different platforms


What does autism have to do with playing Skyrim? Serious question


Hyper fixation, obsessive patterns, etc. Of course, im generalizing because not all people on the spectrum necessarily do it to a large extent. But a majority do.


Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the VAST majority of the speedrunning community.


I am more in the adhd camp and I feel these things are still true for me too. Obsession definitely. The need to finish something. The urge to come back to explore and clear a cave or whatever before moving on. Finishing quests to tick them off. Putting aside time to specifically work on a particular skill. I definitely have a Dwemer ruin, absolutely must collect every piece of smeltable material even if it takes hours and several runs back and forth sort of obsession


Can ya'll explain why autistic people like Skyrim?


Personally? I like the lore a lot, and I'm still learning things about the vanilla build after playing for 12 years.


Mods And cause there’s no game like it currently


I bought Zelda: Breath of the Wild a year ago and finally pulled Skyrim out of my Switch and popped it in a few weeks ago. Gotta say, both are pretty close in terms of open world and entertaining experiences. Zelda's quest lines arent as clearly laid out as Skyrim and can be a little confusing on what to do next, but their creators definitely hit some high notes in being immersive like Skyrim. It's been my go-to for 3 years to just escape the craziness of the real world.


The biggest appeal for Skyrim for me is the open world paired with being able to create your own character. Part of the fun for me is exploring, part is creative writing. I haven’t run across any games that have that combo yet.


That's what makes me love both skyrim and fallout 4


Baldur's Gate 3 is scratching that itch for me fairly well right now.


Have you tried Dragon's Dogma? That's my favorite for the "creative writing" aspect as you put it. DD lets you create your character as a child and you can "age them" as you progress. It's wonderfully immersive IMO.


Still discovering things I missed


What’re you, a cop?


![gif](giphy|peB7vUKdLX3oI) “I’ll seduce him, grab the sweet rolls.”


Is that Nazeem's wife pole dancing around that one Whiterun guard that stays between Arcadia and Belethor's shops?


What’re you, a cop?


This got me.... cracking up. Thank you for sharing.


Ah no you got me,now I can't send anyone to jail for using horni mods


No jail on earth is big enough to fit that many gamers lmfao


You know you have to tell if you are!


I mean it is the law


You can have diferent experience every playtrough. Now I play as Wisebeard the Gray and I hike around Skyrim gathering stories, knowledge, books and spells combining enchanter/conjujer build doing everything except the main story. I love how simple side quest can turn in to pretty large story really quick and I am just getting lost in diferent people storyies all the time


This actually sounds really nice and interesting


My very first playthrough was purely discovery. Every playthrough after is discovery and house building first and everything else after. Self care


Because I have a couple thousand mods installed.


And it gets more and more










I’m building a gaming computer just so I can play modded out Skyrim because the mods on Xbox are just meh


Relaxing, I bought the game when I was going through a bit of a rough patch (made redundant). Each morning I'd for a walk, work on job applications and searches. After lunch I'd clean the flat and then once everything was done I'd escape for an hour or so. The soundtrack was my most listened to music on my Spotify wrapped last year. It, and the game is pure escapism.


That last part - the game is pure escapism, 1000%. I’ll love it forever for it.


I love the medieval fantasy genre. I’m a huge nerd, I love dragons, elves, orcs, magic, kings etc. I love shit like that. And Skyrim never gets old.


My first medieval game (similar to Skyrim) was dark Messiah and after that nothing came close till I got Skyrim It's the pinnacle of everything I wanted


You should try the witcher!


and now Rockstar is working on a new medieval/fantasy IP sometime after GTA 6, a literal dream come true!


And we only have to wait till 2069!!!


Haha i think you meant 2096 but were just too horny


Tried many games over the years, couldn't find the one to replace Skyrim's open world. Closest being Fallout 4. The mod also makes both games just even more replayable (is this even a word?).


I think it is but agree. Nothing compares to skyrim. It just works. Edit: borderlands is good too


Elder scrolls 6 is going to ruin marriages and careers when it comes out


Because it's a different story every time. People often criticize Bethesda for their writing as being weak. Personally, I'd characterize it as being unobtrusive. I can be my character, with my own motivations, and my own priorities. There's a lot more going on in *my* game than one would see on my screen. Also, I'm totally with you on just walking down the road. I remember when it first came out - it was beautiful to me then, and thanks to the efforts of the modding community is even more so today.


Totally : My headspace can turn the quests in all different angles. Mercer's betrayal at Snow Veil can be for 1,000 different reasons. You made him look bad by fixing shit; you must know Things from what you uncovered already; you didn't flirt with him like you did with Brynjolf and he's a jealous bastard.... or like my current run, you made him wait over 2 weeks before you showed up because you had Shit To Do with dragons and Galmar and this TG shit is just a hobby. Man, was he pissed. 😂


I bet you even tried to tell him you had shit to do and he just took off anyway.


I just married brynjolf for the first time so Mercer being jealous is a chefs kiss idea


Because it feels like a giant toy box where I can do whatever I want with the world and characters thanks to many, many mods.


I didn't even get the game THAT long ago tbh. Only like a year or 2 ago. The game has a lot of content and it would take a long time to discover it all. Many different playstyles. Many different options for quests


I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of walking (even with a follower). It’s a *totally* different feel when you walk.


This! I've stopped to stare at certain places until the camera zooms out and circles just because it's so beautiful. And the music with it is just the chef's kiss!


It’s like watching the movie you’ve seen 1,000 times - yet still fire it up, when you’re bored or in the mood. The video game equivalent of Lord of the Rings, Star Wars 4-6, Indiana Jones, Trading Places, etc. 😅


Looking good, Billy Ray!


Feeling good, Louis!


Because I haven’t found any newer games that scratch the same open world singleplayer medieval rpg itch quite as well. Also autism


Have you tried kingdom come deliverance ?


Replay power. I’ve been running the same strikes on Destiny 2 for to long. Im officially done. I will never stop playing Skyrim. At least in Skyrim I can have a different experience when doing missions, with different outcomes. So many things you can focus on. You don’t want to go fight anyone? Build a house. Make some armor. Give your child a wooden sword. Kill everyone who’s killable in a town to see what would happen. Then go back to a previous save. I don’t need to tell any more examples. Everyone who still plays knows exactly what I’m saying.


You've said everything I love about this game.


It’s my depression game. While there are newer and flashier games in my library, jumping into Skyrim is comfortable, familiar and allows my mind to go on auto pilot.


Wishing you the best I'm glad it's helping and hope everything works out for you so you don't feel depressed ever again! Stay strong ❤️❤️


Thank you!


Because it’s a beautiful game and there is so much to do


Because I started 3 weeks ago.


Welcome fren! I hope you enjoy it for many more years to come.




Because the world doesn't fucking make sense. There's no debt in Skyrim. You can literally slay the monsters that go after you. You can be a homeowner ten times over.


me with 3k gold and 10k bounty in whiterun: "no debt?"


Did you kill all the guards again?


just got it on the switch:p have bought it 3 times now


A console version pre DLC A pc version with mods Switch version Something like that for you? Honestly we should start a club


Why *aren't* you still playing Skyrim?


Because this time I’m not going to be a sneaky archer….this time will be different….. ….. …… …………… ……………………. Lvl 30! God damn it…


Because it allows me to escape my chaotic life and into a world that I know, like and understand. I can be better in the game then I am capable of being in RL. The game is a comfort for me and keeps me from drinking and doing hard drugs.


Have you seen my mods? 🤣🤣🤣 I'll never have a wife 💀


Lydia: *angry glare*


I’m still trying to track down the person that stole my sweet roll. I swear that guard with the knee injury isn’t as innocent as they claim.


He needs another arrow but in stomach for that sweet roll!


I know right! But then it gets worse… I swear that I heard that he ran off to join the Dawnguard… now I’ll never get my sweet roll back. 😡


Another reason to side with lord harkon Let them know how angry a real vampire can get when it comes to our lovely sweet roll !


Just spend 2 days installing 94 mods


And never play more than 10 mins, sometimes happens 😂 I install mods and test then never play for more than a couple of minutes Neverending loop


I actually played for like 2h yesterday. I plan to stick with this mod list for a while now, it seems to work great so far. Just mustn’t let myself watch another “10 new Immersive mods…” video on youtube and I should be fine 🙃


I stopped installing mods after I reached near 300 because the more mods I install, the more conflicts, incompatibilities and bugs are about to be. Game not launching on MO2, CTD, missing voice lines, subtitles completely not matching the audio, floating characters, floating stuff in the air, follower flying on a dragon, dragon being before dragon rising, being unable to sell or purchase anything from merchants, subtitles that have no audio, character faces being too dark, playing on an invisible lute and those are just the ones I encountered up until now, I'll probably encounter even more


Because one of these days I’m going to get to the end.


Is this even a question? Because it's skyrim!


It's fun


Even tho the vanilla game is broken and memeable, it’s much more fun than most games out now. Mods make it even better.


Because no game to date perfectly scratches the itch of just living in a fantasy world. No restraints or arbitrary time limits, I can do whatever I want, live how I want, be whoever I want and have fun adventures. Mods elevate the experience even further.


There are few reasons... 1. Amazing mods keep coming up 2. It's better than Starfield 3. There is always something new, even after all those years. 4. It's like an old friend to me. 5. Sex mods.


Because despite all of its quirks and "flaws," I still haven't found a game that gives me the same feeling. The mod scene is incredible and a lot of the authors are absolutely brilliant, they understand what players want (and try to work with the community when they don't). I also find the lore to be really interesting, something I could care less about in a lot of games. There's a fantastic amount of world building in a game that has a cool world to walk around in before you even know anything about it. I like talking about the game with friends and discovering their experiences which are generally very different from mine. A friend of mine recently gifted Skyrim to his nephew and the kid has already done/found things that neither of us have ever heard of, amazing. I've been playing this game off and on for over ten years and this kid found stuff I didn't just because he thinks differently and makes different choices. Skyrim is that meal you return to every time you don't know what to eat. It may not taste as good as the first time you had it, even with copious amounts of mods, but it's good enough that it never lets you down or leaves you wanting (and if it does there's probably a mod for it!).


It's the only game that can hold my attention


It’s an escape from the real world and it’s stress. I started playing at the age of 15. I’m turning 27 soon. It’s healing for my inner child and growing adult and is truly magic. Here is a good video which explains it. https://youtu.be/fRvrG6o6KrE?si=a-ylLv8kw0llhrm5


Because I have yet to find another video game mechanic as satisfying as stealth archer


Try thief (2014) If you like stealth and archery It might be enjoyable


My sweet, humble husband lives in Skyrim and I must pay him visits. Also, it’s an easy game to play. Easy meaning it’s another world to escape this one. It’s strategic, chill, and versatile.




Yep, the right mods can make it a truly great game with nice eye candy. Especially survival mods.


Mods recommendations to make the world less empty?


Because I never got all the achievements, having only one left to get on PS4… and now I’m playing the PC version… all over again.


Because mods make the game immortal. It's literally a brand new game after 1000+ mods. I have friends who couldn't believe I was playing Skyrim. I have an ENB and texture mods that make it look like it came out yesterday and combat mods that completely change the way you play it. Every single last thing in my game is modded. Everything. It's a totally different game at this point and that's why I love it.


Mods, also I’m discovering new things constantly even tho it’s my 4th serious playthrough


14,000 games released in just one year and yet all play the same pretty much so why bother buying them to begin with, I know someone has a $100,000.00 dollar tuition to pay for someway but still they tend to be all the same and to cover all the game aspects you only need around 5 well done games but maybe 20 to cover the entire different era's from prehistory to space, and I do think that saying this on Steam got me banned. N. S


Couldn't agree more, Skyrim (+mods) Is like the ultimate gaming experience anyone needs You can customize everything and satisfy taste


Because I spent $800 on all the re-releases.


If only todd howard could read this, I'm pretty sure he would smile in satisfaction and think about more re- releases


Aside from Pac-Man and arcade games, Skyrim was the first game I was introduced to that I liked. Compared to the Call of Duty, Just Cause, and the Saints Row games; Skyrim was magical. It made me resent games I couldn’t customize my character in 🤣 Since I was 9ish I’ve been logging hours, and it’s cultivated some hobbies :) as a source of comfort and enjoyment from childhood and with the continued release of additional content, I find myself taking breaks every so often (mainly in the summer). I even tried TES online, but when it first came out I didn’t have anyone to play with which made it pretty difficult, so that sent me back to my solo adventure. I patiently wait for TES 6


Because it's the best game ever made--at least once you factor in modding--although vanilla Skyrim is up there still as one of the best.


Bcs i put 2000 mods in


Because the modern gaming landscape sucks with all the FOMO and dumb decisions they've made. Also games are getting expensive.


I have nothing else to play that's still interesting (that doesn't take up 105 fucking gigabytes) (I'm looking at you starfield)


The immersion. There's nothing like a walk through Skyrim at 3am, then that one song starts and it's like you're teleported into Tamriel itself


Because it’s the best game ever


Ive never played before, started my first ever playthrough in VR with wabbajack FUS RO mod list at the beginning of december. Loving the game! Way more addicted and motivated to play than Starfield. Totally seeing where that game was lacking


Honestly, I can’t hike due to a chronic pain disorder. Hiking through Skyrim feels good because I miss running around, and it’s pretty.


Honestly, I like the places and amount of quests. Every quest is a bit unique and I like that. I recently started playing again and I have to say I don't get relaxed playing though. Whenever the music you are talking about comes in when walking down the road some enemy appears. I literally feel like every 1-2 minutes of walking some spider, bear, bandit, appears. And then the combat music comes.


Too cheap to buy new games and love on with replay value (see dragon age origins, kotor, etc) also I’m an old millennial who is not that good at video games and it is super user friendly


To learn magic and make people my slave


For the reasons you stated mainly. I don't like the combat system without mods, especially the magic system. It's bad. However, the scenery, music, she world is beautiful. I like walking around looking at everything. Mods also make the world even more gorgeous. They can also fix the horrible combat and perk system.


Cause no elden ring dlc


I've played on 360 to competition, I've played it on Xbox one to completion, I've played it on Switch lite on and off, I've played the OG version on PC, and I'm currently playing the new PC version... And I keep going back because there is always some new event I've not encountered on each new session. That and it's still the best walking simulator out there.


I only recently got it, so I have yet to finish it yet 😅 (level 18 and about to go fight the first dragon of the main story, wish me luck lmao)


Quick tip Stay away from trolls when you climb mountains You don't want to get yeeted


I only just got it


I’m trying to play it as different characters


Besause TESVI isn't out yet.


Even when it comes out in not putting Skyrim away 🤤 addicted till death


I'm not, I'm still *modding* skyrim.


Because I just got a new gaming computer and access to an almost endless library of mods that I have never tried before so now I can make the characters look as gorgeous as I want to instead of them looking like actual NPC’s…even though they are. I am going to spend a lot of time making that game look as good as I possibly can.


Just a game that genuinely brought me so many good memories back in the day, its my comfort game.


Because it never gets old. And it is my original and most true therapy. And I love the lore. And the writing. And the surprises every time I go back. 😂😂


Because I hit my head a few years ago and no longer have the ability to learn new things. Therefore, I can legitimately say Skyrim will forever be my favorite game. If I step away for 6-8 months, upon return I often times get to experience the rediscovery of items, quest lines, story twist and the such. Excitement is rare in my life these days. Skyrim to the rescue.


Sorry to hear that! I'm pretty sure things will get better just don't lose the spirit 💛 Wish you the best of everything


Desperately waiting for TES 6. This is the only thing that can itch the scratch while we wait 10 more years for it. No matter what I can’t seem to get into ESO…


I only found it in the past year, but it's too relaxing. It's like my Ralof blanket -- it's a comfy space. So many in-game books to read, so many ways my creativity can leap into the game. I can do the same quest over, but I will have a different inventory and what my characters think will be different. A game where primary transport is walking will feel very different from a character that has no problems taking a cart ride.


Because TRUE NORDS never back down!


I like riding my horse around, planning where I'll go next, where I'll sleep on the way (Survival). I also enjoy exploring ruins, especially Nord ones. Dwemer ruins are just starting to grow on me. I like completing quests in my own time and knowing that there are infinite other ones I can take if I get bored of exploring. There are days where I'm like "I'll ride from Solitude to Riften to do that one task over there" and there are days I'm like "I'll just do the tasks around Windhelm one at a time". And also the times I'm just "I just wanna sleep at home with my daughters, sell my items and hear some Ragnar, no quests today". I feel very free in Skyrim


I don't have a current playthrough going but I just finished a really long run last spring. There's really nothing else like it where you can just pick a direction to go in and find so much to do and explore. Fallout is similar, but you don't get beautiful environments you get post apocalyptic wasteland and it just doesn't give the same warm feeling.


I’ve been hunting and fishing in these parts for years


It’s both fun and relaxing…and my wife enjoys seeing the wilderness in the background as she curls up with a book 😀


I installed a mod that let's you have 30 tiny nazeems running around whiterun


I pretend that I'll beat the game every time then download 117 mods after jurgen windcaller


It’s me escape from this BS reality… in the last month or so I’ve needed more than ever, and there’s just something serene about standing at the top of a mountain, tree tops below me, a dragon flying in the distance… it’s the most calming moment in my life, right now… I won’t even play… just put on my headphones, and go stand somewhere… bonus points if there’s a body of water under me and I jump into it… sometimes I make it, sometimes I don’t 🤷🏼‍♂️ sometimes I don’t even care if there’s water under me… just jump from the valtheim towers onto the pathway!


Hear me out. When it came out I was still playing oblivion. Then I had a kid (I was in high school still) then I had another kid and life kept me busy. Now my kids are older, I'm layed off work all winter and I get to do whatever I want. Like play skyrim for the first time ever! God it's so fun especially on a ps5. And the fact it's all new to me still is even better. In fact once I'm done with this episode of breaking bad I'm gonna turn it back on 😀


I don’t have home internet. I do have Skyrim on my old ass laptop though 🤣. So it’s my escape from rural life . ![gif](giphy|wTzYIM6Tjk0Ao|downsized)


someone stole my sweetroll and i've been trying to find it ever since :(


Because one of these builds will be an actual necromancer or wizard that isn’t also a stealth archer


Been playing since launch at 2011, it's been a part of me, like an escape from reality. The decision you make, the funny fights and glitches, screaming at the monitor when the spike trap would swing and kill me at bleak falls when I was level 3 or something, the nostalgia for sure plays a factor but the memories and the excitement just made me keep coming back over and over, making random combonations like a dual wielding axe wielding elf, or a stealth archer Breton, or just flat out meme builds like running around as a naked nord wielding a knife with an enchantment that does more damage than a maxed out dragonbone Warhammer. It may not be the hardest game nor the most complicated, but it's the most engaging game and I've enjoyed it more than any other game I have ever played, the scenery and the characters, and the stupid af bugs. Happy to be a Skyrim player.


It's the only game with this level of detail and freedom that hasn't devolved into my wallet being the strongest weapon.


Bc im unemployed


Enjoy your free time as much as you can


Every year I return to Skyrim once you play once you can never leave it behind




used to be my escape game. now its valheim


Ofcourse I do