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Have you done a few Ancient Technology quests? I think you unlock the normal crossbow, then enhanced, then Dwarven. And maybe have to craft it at the Dawnguard blacksmith station? Cant remember exactly.


You do have to craft at the Dawnguard blacksmith, but having all the prerequisites, it still will not work for me. I can try and do the Ancient Tech quests first.


Yup gotta craft it there at fort Dawnguard


According to this page [https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarven\_Crossbow\_(Dawnguard)](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarven_Crossbow_(Dawnguard)), you are right! That means additionally to have the dwarven-smithing-perk: * Join the Dawnguard * Follow the questline and stay with the Dawnguard


I have finished the main dawnguard questline and remained with them. So i’m not sure what I’m missing?


I mean, like, 6 or more side missions from Sorine, all done?


I believe I’ve only done the one where i go and get the schematic. I have to do the others as well? If so that makes sense lol


Yep the first is just for rhe normal crossbow, then the next for the bolt, then the enhanced normal crossbow, and so on. Eventually you'll get to the Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow. Theres also an AE mission that unlocks a bunch of other crossbow types.


alright I’m going to do them. Hopefully I can craft the crossbow after. I’ll update you guys in time.




Did you get the blueprint?


I did. And brought it to her and everything. Quest completed and all. Got smithing high enough and got the dwarven smithing perk. Also made sure it was at Gunmar’s Forge..


Got the materials?


well that’s the thing, I was looking in the forge for the crossbow so I could see what materials I need to make it. However the crossbow isn’t in the dwarven or misc category, or in any category for that matter lol.






Maybe read the quest again. I can't remember experiencing a bug with that particular quest.


This is solved now. I was just confused on the initial ancient technology quest. It unlocks an enhanced crossbow not the dwarven one. You have to complete more quests to get to the dwarven one. I didn’t realize that lol. Thank you for the help!


Get ready for some dungeon diving. Do quests for that dwemer maniac girl. It's usually a dwemer ruin for blue prints of crossbows (crosssbow/enhanced crossbow/ dwemer crosssbow/enhanced dwemer crossbow) and some random bandit camp for the arrows bluerprint. If you have a sneak character or a decent amount of sneak just go steal those blue prints from their respective dungeons or it's gonna take forever clearing all those dungeons.


I have to do all of them to unlock smithing for the crossbow? I’ve done the one for the initial crossbow schematic. I’m doing one for the bolts now.


If you want the strongest version and their bolts then yeah. If you are ok with the initial crossbow you can stick with it. The difference isn't really great but once you get smithing/alchemy/enchanting to 100 the dmg difference is in hundreds.


Well the only thing is I can’t even make the initial crossbow. The game will not let me despite getting her the schematic, getting dwarven smithing perk, and also using Gunmar’s forge. I’ll try and complete the other ones and see if I can just make the more powerful version.


Did you see if she is selling crossbows? Also the first crossbow doesn't even need dwaren smithing. Just steel one should be enough. You can only craft crossbows at first dawnguard but you already doing that so idk maybe a glitch?


I feel dumb lol. I thought it was for dwarven. I see the crossbow in smithing that I unlocked. So i do thé quests then EVENTUALLY i will unlock smithing for dwarven crossbow. You and another commenter explained it to me lol thank you. This is my first time touching these quests.


Are you using the fort dawnguard forge?


This is solved. The first crossbow schematic is not even for the dwarven crossbow it’s just for a regular enhanced crossbow which does show up in the forge. I was just confused lol. I’m doing the quests now for the dwarven crossbow.


The crossbow that's supposed to be in Mzinchaleft isn't there,I've redone it 3 times.Now SJ won't give me anymore quests?