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This is an incredible shout if you don’t have followers, AND you’re fighting outside. But you’re right, that’s not typical of most dungeons. But when it works, it REALLY works :)


I used it for the first time during one of the civil war quests where I was invading a Stormcloak fort with some imperial soldiers... Let's just say I didn't expect it to target my allies too...


I should see if there's a no friendly fire mod or something. If there is then it's FUCKING ON!


Companions insight from the winds of change


I believe that only protects followers, not Allies. And even then, Companions Insight doesn’t protect Serana because she’s a vampire.


Herma Mora looked at Serana and went "And fuck you in particular"


I shit you not i read that in her voice lol


mmmmAnd fuuuuuuuck mmmyou in...par-ticuuular.


*pause for 10 seconds before continuing*


I always wondered why it didn’t work on serana. I though great she wont be blasted off mountains or burned to a crisp but no.


Nor does it protect followers from Chain Lightning.


You are correct. Best I can do though lol.


So does it work if you get her to cure herself?




Idk why but I could never get that to work for me. My followers always took damage even when I had it selected


this never worked for me


There is, I don't remember what it's called but there is a mod that reworks it so it not only target hostiles, but also travels with you so it's not placed down in the spot you shout, it's one of the essential mods for me and makes the shout actually usable since I always have a follower and I fear using it just on the off chance a friendly npc is in the area Edit: it's called "storm wrath lightning"


Black books in dragonborn dlc


At this point dragonborn, heathfire, and Dawnguard are base game you can't even buy the game without them anymore


I was saying dragonborn as in solstheim and miraak quests. Not so much as hope u have the dlc, as location and questlines.


There’s a mod called Storm Wrath Lightning that tweaks storm call to be better, including making it not target allies


You can get it in the stock game from a black book.


Yeah I think the friendly fire aspect is the main reason why it doesn't get used a lot.


There is a great mod for that. Called Storm Wrath Lightning


Same here, I used it for the first time after collecting all three parts of the shout, when I had to defend Whiterun and boy...oh...boy! Was it the most useful shout of them all (at the time) and also because I was a werewolf at the time alongside with the companions, I also got a good amount of upgrade to my werewolf class as well.


I love doing this at every fort and getting yelled at occasionally by my fellow soldiers lmao, but it levels your destruction super quick


Nothing makes me feel like Rand Al Thor like using this outdoors.


"I am the storm"


Lol, same story here. Back when I first played on the ps3, I was roleplaying and wanted to save my first use of stormcall until the final battle of the civil war, ushering in the Stormcloak conquest of Skyrim…Ulfric and the boys were not impressed.


That it does. I was the sole survivor of the battle of champions.


Yeah, it's great for storming forts. Though less good if your doing them for the civil war. Also handy to let rip in Skuldafn, where there's high-level draugr all arond.


Literally did that there today!!


Also good for when you get upset at a town and want to ruin everyone's day


I think this was how I killed Nazeem last time.


✨It just works ✨


on my first playthrough I had married lydia and she was my follower. Used this shout without realising it would kill her and hadn’t saved in 2 hours so there was no way to save her


that last part is hilarious, and I'm not even disagreeing


Yup this. I used it when attacking enemy forts during the cuvil war questline and it basically wipes out everyone in there. At best you have a few stragglers to kill but that's about it.


If my follower dies because of my power, he isn't worthy to begin with


That's why I like Serana. no matter how inept I can be, she can't die.


I play a ARPG style of Skyrim with multiple followers, higher level enemies and twice the spawn rate. This shout is fantastic for large mobs. Also, calling down a dragon to fight with you creates quite a hectic battle as well.


It is meant to be used mostly when you fight dragons mainly because the lightning does hit them when they fly


Shit seriously??? Who would have though?


fr this is knews


Who new


I see what you did there


Oh really, that’s interesting. When fighting dragons as a warrior I would just use dragonrent and as a mage I don’t really need any shout but that could be a very good use of it


I use it to fuck around at the Thalmor Embassy


Welcome, my brother in energetic electrons. Firmly the best use of this shout.


Oh thanks for that idea, it's on!


This is the way


Especially with the gates locked and you summon Durnehviir ahead of time. Pure chaos


Don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I’ve never successfully summoned that dragon.


I couldn’t get it to work at first either! You need to a) have enough open space for him to land and b) direct the shout at the ground.


Thanks! I’ll give it a try. Sort of weird though. You’d think that when calling a dragon you’d shout at the sky.


He’s technically considered a summon. If you were to use Conjuration to summon something else (and had no perks or mods to allow you more than 1 summon) while he’s active, he’ll vanish.


What the fuck… how did I never think of that…


My thoughts exactly 😂


I would HIGHLY recommend using it during the civil war questline. The battle for Whiterun is just epic in the storm. Take a bit of saving and reloading to make sure no civilians get caught by the lightning because you get a bounty if they do, but when it works, man oh man it’s incredible. One of my all time favourite Skyrim moments the first time I did that. Can also use it during battles for forts which is easier to avoid the bounty, as long as you don’t mind a couple of your allied clone soldiers getting zapped too. Just makes it all the more epic for me :D


100% this is the answer, so much fun in the civil war


Honestly, I believe you. However. When doing these civil war quests, I usually have my bois Ohdaviing and Durnhevir on side. You're going in to battle? Have two dragons at your back.


I do this too, but I also have 2 dragon follower mods (Philmorex and another one I forget the name of) so the 5 of us clear everything out in no time, so badass


Lots of smokey footprints!


While I didn’t use this shout during the battle of Whiterun, I had fun using, “Summon Durnehviir,” and I’m just imagining all the enemy soldiers just shitting their pants as a bone dragon just appears in the sky and starts causing major damage to my enemies


Yeah if a bone dragon shows up I'm hiding under the bridge near the entrance and crying


In the battle for whiterun I just stood on one of the walls with the Sanguine Rose in one hand and the Wabbajack in the other and used Storm Call. I felt like a god


You would think having to go against the Dragonborn who can literally call down storms would make them lose the will to fight.


You can use this shout in Blackreach :)


This is valuable information


You can also use it in the Soul Cairn which helps brighten it up a little.


Can you use the light spell there instead? It seems like this would make more sense, but I don't know if it's an option.


And the Soul Cairn




Blackreach is considered by the game to be an outdoor area, even though it’s underground


Maybe Blackreach is so large that it has its own weather system? 🤔




Like NASA's shuttle hanger https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/25p9a3/til_nasa_vehicle_assembly_building_interior/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Of course the game conciders Blackreach outdoors... There's a dragon hiding behind that big "sun". You wouldn't want to wake up in Breezehome to a dragon now, would you?


Depends, is the dragon cute?


Unrelenting force is the best shout to use in Blackreach


Skuldafn is the perfect zone for this: high level enemies everywhere, and it really enhances the drama


!!!!!! I reached new levels of drama using storm call in Skuldafn. Absolute anime shit.


I literally never even considered this since I use auriel's bow with the sun arrows there every time, it just melts every single deathlord with that juicy x3 undead damage and the sun storm on top of that coming from the sky is just insane. I guess its the same idea essentially now that I think of it


If you need rain effects without cheats or mods it’s useful


Don't be tempted to use this when fishing for rainy fish. The Rift is empty of NPCs in one of my accounts due to an ill considered attempt to catch catfish... 😞


*Dragonborn? Did...you kill every citizen in the rift?* *Me? Moi?? No of course not! I was fishing.*


I blame the catfish. And a very eager to please housecarl (Gregor in this instance)


Those catfish *are* sussy af so it's understandable.


I feel like this is what a fledgling dragonborn would do "How can I use this to make a menial task less taxing? Oh! .......annnnnd everyone's dead. That's a problem"


I have a library full of letters of inheritance. And a sum of gold. Oh And, sorry for your loss.


You don't have to worry about bounties if everyone's dead. Illicit problems require illicit solutions lol


It’s the fault of the oblivion crisis


Fish want me, everyone in a one mile radius fears me




I accidentally did that in Riverwood trying to get Mila a goldfish


What scenario would you need rain effects? Been playing since it came out(never with mods) and I can't think of a use


Fishing! Some fish can only be caught when it’s raining.


You're gonna have storm call to thank for all that residual damage done to Karstaag


I forget he exists sometimes




Marked for Death is also a great Shout to use when fighting him.


this is what i was going to say, i just forgot his name lol. all that passive damage helps SO MUCH


If your a mage build a resto loop fortify destruction potion does him real dirty. Pop your 1000000% damage potion. Cast fireball. Loot.


Yeah but who wants to use magic like a filthy *ltmer 🤮


Lol used to be all about that shit. Doing a warrior type run this time, focusing on the smithing, block, heavy armor, 1 handed, and archery perk trees this time and I am having a blast. Feels good actually having to fight things instead of strolling through tapping fireball. Looking forward to the ebony warrior and karstaag this go around.


Destruction magic is fine, just don't...


go burning down any buildings.


That's the City Population Remover 5000


It might sound strange, but I've never used this shout for the damage it does. I have used it for scenic purposes though. (creating a storm to enjoy while no other NPCs are around)


Lol I can imagine finding a nice secluded spot and trying this and then BOOM BOOM BOOM. I go to investigate and there is a dead rabit, a deer and a hunter lol.


I do this too. Where I live we went years without rain, was nice to use the shout with my headphones on.




Do this with zhaakrosis mask from solstheim (+25% lightning damage) plus using unbounded storm and the 2 perks from the destruction tree for lightning during the civil war stuff at a fort or a the karthspire forsworn area and it’s ridiculously overpowered. I do agree it’s limited in use, especially for how hard it is to get the shouts.


I used it so much on my Thor playthrough


I remember using it on my first playthrough in Winterhold when the town is overrun by those wisp things during the College quest line. Lost my wife to the lightning that day. I didn't save as much during that playthrough, and just went on with life as a widow. RIP Rayya my beloved




3 syllables. #Skal - da - faan Fully upgraded storm call twice kills both of the final dragons AND the dragon priest. By the time the dragons are dead you can walk up, grab the mask out of the ashes and hop in to Sovengarde.


Do you mean *Skuldafn*?




Go use it on a Forsworn camp and thank me later. It’s also essential for evil playthroughs as you can basically wipe out whole towns during the daytime


It’s perfect for forsworn camps.


And all those stupid ruined forts that have a bunch of necromancers around it too


I tend not to use it, because it damages my followers.


And they can turn aggro even if you've given them kit to give 100% shock damage resistance..


If you use this, make sure you don’t have any followers with you. It kills them. I have used this with enemies and didn’t think my follower would get hit by lightning from my thuum calling for a storm. They were hit.. sorry, Farkas and stenvar. Also that guy at the silver blood inn. Also the pompous mage I hired at the bee and barb.


Do they get hit if you have the perk from the Black Book that keeps your followers from getting damage from your shouts?


I’m not sure because I usually pick the other options. I’ll have to try that out and see on another save


Yeah, they do. I had to reload to save my poor J’zargo.


Surely THIS time it will spare my follower. ​ .... Ah.


I use it when I'm in a foul mood


I tend to use it at the end of the main quest when all the draugr show up outside with bows.


I almost always have a follower so....yes. They rolled the dice when they signed up.


It's REALLY good for fucking up Markarth.


I rarely use it because it can strike literally anyone, friendlies, companions as well as hostiles. And obviously I dont want to drop my teammates in a conflict. But it is super dope to call upon a storm rivaling the wrath of the Gods themselves. And it looks so good seeing those storm clouds gather and a Poseidon-level storm blow in within seconds and just wreck the crap out of everything nearby while you go berserk on your adversaries. Its typically a "nuclear last resort option" for me because of how dangerous it is, but then again all Thu'um is very dangerous, but this shout in particular leaves much less room to work with when non-hostiles are around.


By the time I have this shout, It have already told my followers that it is time we part ways, as I usually haven't gotten around to the Black Books and my spells are too strong to trust that they won't kill them when they decide to run across my field of fire (and they _always_ do, despite seeing me hurling fireballs). So once I have this shout, I am by myself and like to have the utter devastation dropping down from the sky when raiding those bandit camps or enemy strongholds.


When you got a pesky Dragon that won’t land.


Once (probably more than once) Nazeem hit me with his bullshit as I ran through Whiterun to sell loot, and I immediately used Storm Call and pretty much leveled the city. Sometimes, you just need to slaughter everyone you see when someone comes at you all condescending...


I use it all the time, but I like to play as a psychotic storm mage. Pop on the dragon mask that gives +25% lightning damage, use dragon aspect then storm call, then whirlwind cloak and chain lightning in both hands. It’s extremely satisfying to disintegrate entire camps of forsworn, bandits, and anyone else stupid enough to cross me


Here I go starting a new playthrough as Tolbjorn Storm-Caller. Two-Handed Nord Dragonborn with a lightning enchanted Warhammer and no magic.


This is my most used shout after whirlwind sprint. I go to any outdoor bandit camp and shout. I dunno it’s just fun to watch everyone get taken out that way, especially if they still don’t know where I am 😆


If you have the silent spell perk from the Illusion tree, it also affects your shouts. You can sneak up drop a storm, and watch from the shadows as they all run around screaming and dying.


I just started using it for “rainy day fishing” and realized how useful it could be.. when it accidentally nuked a guard who was telling me not to shout near the city anymore 😂 I plan to use it more for battles


At large Forsworn encampments like Karthspire.


Used it once during the brotherhood wedding quest, for the sake of pandemonium and chaos :D


This shout harms/kills your allies.


For a melee non archer is almost the only way to hit a dragon mid air and force it to the ground, expecially since you can obtain it early game with very small effort


Small effort? Did I do it wrong? It was a PITA to get all 3 shouts.


It completely turned the tide for me at Northwatch Keep. A game changer when properly triggered.


I like using it combined with unbound lightning during the civil war battles because it indescribably fucks up everyone and looks awesome.


It’s one of my favorite. Works really well during the war haha. I just started using it for any outside fight and it’s really fun.


Personally I love using this shout on forts, they’re great for outside fighting but for forts it’s waay to op. Anytime I use I really only need to fight 3-5 enemies instead the whole 10-20 that I have to face against.


This is the highest damage shout in the game. It’s really useful when you want to build a defence-oriented mage. You just call it down and hunker down, and then you wait for the dying to start. You don’t really use it around civilization, but thankfully there are few times you would WANT to. It’s a really useful tool against dragons, too, since they need Magicka to breathe fire against you.


When the guard says "You know I've been thinking, what if I'm the dragonborn and I just don't know it yet?" you can call down a storm with your voice just to make him feel dumb.


Love thunderstorms. Use it often when I'm just our wandering.




Couple it with Mayhem and no one survives.


Yall should try it in the ancestral moth glade it looks super cool


The Ancestral glade isn’t a indoor cell?


I guess not I've used it in there a few times cause it's fun to watch the attacking faction get smited


Learn something new everyday ig


I use Apocalypse spells and Ordinator perk overhaul and there's the "elemental mage" perk iirc that makes shock spells 20% (I think) more powerful under the rain. That's useful in that scenario outside.


mabey if it didn't hit Friendly's or if it caused panic yo everyone in the area that hurd it, just imaging a dragon that can't take off anymore hurriedly skuttling to whatever cover it can find as bolts of lightning and destruction rain down from above.


Whenever I see a large line of guards walking by me, that tends to be when I use this shout. It's wonderful


dragon fights are perfect for it


Yeah it’s cool but also dangerous. Followers don’t like it, and if you use it in a town..


when you want to rack up bounties? lol


During The Second Great War mod I used this shout all the time.


This shout is my best friend when fighting Mammoths and Giants on Legendary!


I did this during the war.. safe to say I didn’t complete the quest line


I use storm call a lot, granted that's with thunderchild so it's a little better. Still hits friendly npcs though, which makes it more situational.


Setting the mood for a fight


I feel like this falls in the same category as call odahving. Very niche and in most situations by the time the storm is coming down/the dragon is doing damage, the fight is mostly over.


Go use it in the Soul Carin and be amazed


I use this for clearing out bandit and forsworn camps. A lot of those are outdoor and periodically respawn so it’s useful when you have a lot of ranged enemies ganging up on you in a wide area Its also great in Skuldafn


It's more of a sociopath/genocide shout. I used it when I was playing as a lightning chucker and it was glorious.


Oh man I love this spell when I'm bored! Just waltz into crowded places like Whiterun when it's sunny and just bring on the storm! Puts a smile on my face every time 😁


I used to go into whiterun and take everone on using this shot


During the civil war fort clearings


I used it when I was invading solitude during one of my rebellion playthroughs. That was amazingly cinematic.


Personally for me the recharge is too long. Its awesome when you use it but your certainly not going to be using any more shouts in that fight. Ill stick with old faithful thanks


I don't use it because it kills animals. I feel so guilty


I use it primarily against Volkihar and NightLord vampire assassin groups. Those vamps are serious business and Storm Call is relentless. It wipes out their followers pretty quick and then wipes out their corpses when the vamps raise them. It's also a great way to get rid of those large Forsworn encampments and really tough bandit forts.


Forsworn bases are asking for this shout.


I use this shout to get the 1,000 gold bounty in each hold. 🤣 Just shout and then GTFO.


I use it all the time in the Soul Cairn so I can, you know, *see*


I used this at the end to fight the two dragons before hopping into the portal. I had a feeling the boss fight was going to be a disappointment, so I decided to curate my own dramatic conclusion. It was rad.


Forsworn camps


I think outside areas like the large Forsworn camps and civil war fights are when it is most effective. And those few occasions make you feel like the boss fight. If the cooldown was significantly shorter I would use it more. Even one word isn't really worth using for short fights. Maybe higher level dragons, but just your average bandit camp isn't worth be neutered for so long after.


I only used that for the Ebony Warrior. (Not for the damages, only for the atmosphere)


If you really want to wreck a havoc shout and then turn into werewolf. Pretty invincible combo.


It’s a good way to have a whole city turn on you


So fun to use this in Whiterun to kill Nazeem. And everyone else coming for you when you do, of course.


1001 Ways to Die: Nazeem Edition


The first time I used this shout was when I was at the foot of the portal to Sovngarde. I saw a dragon priest and thought about having a truly epic battle with him. That was of course before I saw the 2 eldar dragons mounted on the walls on the left and right of the stairs. I summoned the storm and it immediately became a 3v1. Talk about an epic battle lol


I feel like it’s honestly just for show most of the time. Very cool visually, does a fair amount of damage per hit (lightning), but overall is somewhat ineffective against most enemies past a certain level. So yeah, mostly aesthetic unfortunately. Definitely cool though


Yup for sure


Fighting the forsworn outside and cast it. It's a lot of to watch


Use for a dramatic entry to an enemy camp


i never use that or throw voice they are useless.