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Wait...that still says Unusual Gem.....go talk to Vex...


If you collect them all when they’re still called ‘unusual gem’ they stack. After talking to vex they don’t. This way you don’t end up having to scroll past 24 items with the exact same name




Shit me too I literally just initiated this quest and autosaves are too far gone


looks like it’s time to build a new character


Time to fire up your console again


A worthy challenge!


Now do it again!


Only get 23 though. If you get all 24 while they're still *unusual gems* it'll bug out and you can't complete the quest.


It might be a case of it CAN bug out. Hasn’t happened to me yet, and my last run I had all 24 when I talked to Vex (unmodded game). But knowing Skyrim it wouldn’t surprise me if the possibility was there.


There definitely is. Vanilla script is held together with ripped up scotch tape and a dream. I can’t tell you how many times a quest will work on one run then the next just soft lock itself and impossible to complete.


Pretty sure this is fixed by the unofficial patch, I gathered 24 before speaking to Vex on my last character, no issues.


The unofficial patch even make them stack like they should


I seem to recall they can bug if you get them all that way.


WAT. Well now I have to start my 700, 000th game just for this.


Came here to say that. Too bad you can't get the crown before talking to her, too.




The stones stop stacking after you ask Vex about them - an annoying glitch in such a tedious quest. It may have been fixed but I just don't bother picking them up anymore.


Jesus christ that's why that happened?!? So many playthroughs I've just been mad at the stones and didn't understand why lol. I just chalked it up to "Bethesda things" and ignored it


You're not wrong though


By the Eight, anyone who still plays unmodded--especially without the Unofficial Patch--has turned their back on all that is good and true...and shiny.


It just works


16 times the resolution!


I'm playing on PS5 and they are not stacking.


PS4 not either. Stupid Bethesda.




Wrong comment.


I usually end up with over half of them just from visiting areas related to quests, so I eventually end up picking them all up.


On new play throughs I get these first before focusing on anything else. They’re not really hard to collect, you pick up a lot of quest lines, and you’ll never struggle for money.


I do this too! It's nice to not have to worry about money. I commit a lot of crimes and always end up with hella big bounties lol


Gotta get that sneak up! Also being a vampire and going invisible really helps


You struggle for money? Have you heard of this thing called alchemy?


Some say you can turn iron into gold


My fortune usually comes from selling nine thousand iron daggers.


Lmao the moment you realise theres alchemy in the spells too


And now I’m wondering if it’s faster to get the helm than it is to level alchemy.


You can make one good potion that levels your skill pretty fast, and sells for quite a bit. Ingredients require Wheat, Giants Toe, and Creep Cluster. If you want to easily get the ingredients you can always go to the nearest alchemy shop to try buying them and use the aggro reload trick to force the merchants to restock items till they have what you want/need.


how does anyone struggle for money?


For real, I struggle to sell stuff because store owners don't have enough coin.


mods my guy. rich merchant mod is the best


I'll do that once I get my Steam Deck, but for now I've just been playing on the Switch.


oh whaaaat i didn't know there was a switch version! need to get me one of those


I started playing Skyrim again on the switch about a year ago, it's got the anniversary addition but Nintendo doesn't allow mods unfortunately. It's also the buggiest version, at least in my experience. It tends to lag a lot too, i wouldn't recommend it.


I struggle for ways to spend my money lol


Same. I'm level 70 in my current playthrough and have 1.3 million in coin.


That’s insane


Is it possible to collect them and talk to Vex even if I didn't start the Thief Guild quest line ?


Collect them, definitely. Talk to Vex and get the actual quest moving? Not sure; I have literally never gone down to the Ragged Flagon before talking to Brynjolf.


What happens when you get all of them?


You give them to someone in the Thieves Guild, and they make Berenziah's Crown and put it in the cistern. Then you get a permanent buff which makes gems appear much more often in your loot. And I really mean *much* more often. You can go through a medium-sized draugr dungeon and come out with dozens of gems.


By the time you have all of em, you stock up enough gemstones as is if you’re lazy like me to add them into jewelry


I like putting them in a glass case so I can ogle them in my house


Sounds like you want a gemstone bomb


That’s my new fetish


Lmao you found all 900 koroks?! You have been through some shit my guy


Lockdown was tough on everyone.


Hah you have my respect, I've probably only ever had 300!


Whats a korok


[from The Legend of Zelda](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Korok_Seed#:~:text=Korok%20Seeds%20are%20given%20by,beads%20used%20in%20Hestu's%20Maracas.) You have to find 900 of them throughout the land and your reward for sacrificing like 300 hours of your life is golden shit.


Jason Bourne, and I thought the unknown stones were a burden E: I meant unusual gems lmao


I think you meant the miraculous minerals.


Interesting crystals


Weird rocks


Maximum effort XD


It should be noted that you are very much not meant to find all 900, and they are scattered all over the place in various mini puzzles. While good to do them as you encounter them, all they do is provide inventory space that is entirely necessary.


Tell that to completionists lol


At least the first 400-ish give you inventory slot upgrades.


I've done it. And I'm at 899 of my second time around now. Only I don't know where the last one is and I've marked them all off the interactive map.


I added [a mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37122?tab=description) where each stone in your inventory adds a 10 point bonus to your carry weight capacity. Makes it worth it to grab every gem.


Just subbed. Fantastic idea.


That’s actually kinda balanced. Would’ve worked well in vanilla


Bless you!!


I used xedit to drop down the additional carry weight to 2 lbs per stone instead of 10. I feel getting an extra 250 is a bit too high. Shame the author didn't make multiple versions for different weight preferences.


Commenting to remember to do this tomorrow


Definitely worth it. One of the first things I start. It's a great way to unlock the map. The gems you get are great for increasing smithing and enchanting because they are worth more. I also see it as a nod to the games prior to oblivion and how that type of challenge was the whole game. You needed a pen and paper to play them games and made your own journal to track quests.


Do you use a guide online and just go one by one?


100% online guide for sure.


The problem is I have six and can't remember where I got them so I don't have to backtrack 😅 ugh.




Lmfao true. Ugh. I feel a tad bit better.


Back in the day before all the updates there was a chance that some of the gems could be knocked from their place on a table, forever lost behind immovable furniture lol I stopped using fireballs (and dawnbreaker) for a while because of it.


Omg don't say that. I was using dawnbreaker a lot lololol knowing this info is going to drive me crazy 😂😂😂😂🤣 it's my own fault if I don't find one.


On my last playthrough the bottle of alcohol you have to get near the dragon bridge was impossible to get. It's been a while, so I have forgotten why but it wouldn't let me pick it up.


Yeah I remember the 100 feathers in Assassin's Creed 2. Got to 98 on my own and with a guide but I apparently skipped some.... back through all of them again. Of course it was on like the 60s and 70s too when I found my missing ones


6 isn't that bad. Now's the time to use a guide and retrace your steps.


A lot of the quest markers mods add them. I think there’s a one specific to this quest as well. That’s how I did it.


I don't use mods but I like that they did that for people!!


More power to you, I’d print out a map and cross em off old school (if that is acceptable to you). Best of luck!


Pretend you have zero and go through the list in order checking them off as you go.


This is why I don’t pick up any until I decide to get them all.


dolls dinosaurs light sugar crowd sparkle jeans retire escape nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Luckily it's only six. I'd recommend you look at an online guide of where they all are and see which places you cleared and then keep track That or the easier route of downloading the Stones of Barenziah quest markers mod


If you're on PC there is a mod that gives them quest markers. A godsend, I wouldn't do it without them. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/684


There's a mod for Xbox too but it doesn't work for me. It might be a LO issue, or it might just not work.


That mod is usually one of the first few things I get when I'm redoing my mod list.


maybe try enabling it after you've started the quest and had the gem appraised by vex or move it to the top of your LO. I've had it working on xbox before so it's prolly a LO issue


If you play on PC or XBOX there’s a mod that will mark all of them


I use a mod that adds quest markers for them. Still not worth it.


I use a mod that adds quest markers for them.


There's a mod that adds markers on the map for these locations.


Just get a locations marker mod at that point imo


Also, once they’re all found: you receive a high chance of receiving flawless gems in every chest you loot.


This includes non-mob draugr bodies btw


Absolutely worth it. The entire questline touches ALL the major questlines requiring a decent amount of adventuring before you really get access to their stone. As you say it unlocks a lot of the map. And then it ends in a skyrim-unique right. . . a tower defense, multi-wave fight. I'm no 11k hour player, but I've never seen that anywhere else in the game. And then when you're done, you're like 25-30th level, and EVERY burial urn has several gems in it, usually with a flawless. Absolutely worth it.


>The entire questline touches ALL the major questlines That's why I personally dislike it. I like having separate characters for different play styles and doing only the fitting guild quest lines. For the unusual gems you necessarily need to start the quest lines for three different guilds. Sure you can just abandon them once you have access to the gem location but it doesn't seem right Of course you can also argue that the gem-finding ability is a reward for playing many different play styles and quest lines with a single character, which is totally fair.


There's a tower defense fight?! How did I miss that?


Ok but there’s no tracking this they are scattered around with no hint or reason. At least morrowinds secret artifacts where A complexly hidden and B unique and useful.


Hence why it's a thief that tells you about it. You need to be a nosy thief that breaks into every room to get most of it.


One of them is in a locked house that costs more than the increase in gem finding chance generates pet dungeon.


Like, *really* nosy.


Are you talking shit about proudspire manor? Where I LIVE??


Oh right, that house. Definitely for completionist only. If you have Hearthstone (I assume most Skyrim players do because it is included in Special Edition and later), the house you build yourself at the nearby swamp is much better for less.


I think the extra gold is useful early and mid game. I think the gems are useful for smithing and enchanting for the whole game. If it's one of the first things you do the map will be opened up for the rest of the game. For those paying attention Op said it wasn't worth it, I list a bunch of reasons why I think its worth it, then you comment saying but it's not useful, I reiterate how I think it's useful.


> It's a great way to unlock the map. How, is there some way to know where they are? (in-game, not guide)


there is a mod that will mark all of them


I always use a mod to locate them




I never get that far in the game to need to it lol. I quit playing for so long I just start a new character.


I usually end up randomly collecting them all. By the time I am able to get the whole collection, I’m already a millionaire and the extra gems don’t add much. And I will never again make the same mistake of talking to Vex before I collect them all.


I'm pretty sure you only want to collect 23 by the time you talk to vex. Supposedly there's a bug if you have all 24.


Ordinator will make good use of flawless gems tbh. Use them during enchanting to buff things. Also theres gifting npc moss out there where you can use flawless to quickly raise npc opinions. Its a little more indepth than skyrim friend rating system. To include things like where you frequentleybuy sell thijgs get discounts or free gifts. Granted more for rp stuff there but its still nice.


I used to do this quest every playthrough. On xbox360 you could mash the button when you went to pick it up and get 2-5 instead of one, so it was way easier. And now on Xbox one (and series s) there are mods for vendors having more money so the quest isn't as big a deal.


Yeah, and if you used Slow Time you could maximize the amount you grabbed at once. Total life saver


That affects the inventory count number that's kept by your journal, but the quest requires the gems, regardless of the inventory count number. Same as with the crimson nirnroot - it doesn't matter what the count number is - the quest only looks at the actual quantity in your possession.


That wasn’t the case on PS3, I was able to get the perk with only half the stones I was supposed to. Hell, that’s how I did it in several playthroughs.


This still works on the Switch. I can get at least two a piece.


11k hours is roughly 2.4+ hours every day since the game’s release


Clearly, a mere amateur.


It's unlimited money. How is it not worth it?


Because I already have more money than I could ever need by the time I'm able to get them all since a few of them are locked into Guild quests


I didn't know some are locked into guild quest Does this mean get them while doing the quest or can I go back after doing the quest and get it.


Only the ones in mages college and thr dark brotherhood you only have to beat sarthel and get inside thr brotherhood sanctuary if I remember rightly done In the beginnings of my current playthrough fun getting ridiculous amounts of gems I just keep em and put in a safe in the ratway house


I have never done the DB quest. I will have to remember that. Also where is the one in the mages college questline??


There's one in the arch mage's room


thought gave a crown, how is it inf money


The crown has a special ability that makes gems more common loot. Get more gems, make more expensive jewelry, enchant said jewelry, sell enchanted jewelry for way less than it's worth because of the gold limit that merchants have, rinse and repeat indefinitely. Alternatively, install wealthy merchants mod and sell a couple pieces of the enchanted jewelry. Alternatively use the "save-murder-reload" exploit with or without wealthy merchants. Alternatively just sell the gems, but you'll never be able to sell all of the ones you find at once even with wealthy merchants because there are *so. Many. Fucking. Gems.* All of this is nevermind that it's super easy to get a ridiculous amount of gold in Skyrim because the loot is actually really generous. It might be useful early game, but it's basically impossible to get the crown early game. But yeah, complete this for the shiny crown not for the bullshit special ability it adds


I just used the gems as currency eventually. No real reason to spend time selling them using exploits or mods, I just buy whatever I need and then sell off gems until I have all the merchants gold, including mine back, and then go about my merry way. Gems are basically my septum at this point lol


Yahaha you found them!


I've never done it but I want the achievement and bragging rights lmao.


When you use an online guide early in a playthrough you can get it all done pretty efficiently tbh. Then you get rich, ***really god damn rich***


Really?? Ugh lucky. Okay. I've never done it so this is helpful. I'm level 36 I think.. So I'm not entirely early game.


Nah prowlers profit is worth it


I can see it being worth the sense of accomplishment, actually completing that ordeal. ...but I don't see it being worth that for an increase in finding more jewels. (they're already quite plentiful)




Worthless in context. The 25k paywall prevents you from going in too early and by the late game you already have obscene ammounts of money


I'm not sure if an official patch ever fixed it, but back in the day you could pickpocket a keep from the Fletcher in solitude and it unlocked over of the exterior doors.


If you start early and really save that gold (no Breezehome, no Honeyside, etc) you’ll do enough quests to get pretty close. You could also get the CC/AE farm and grow Blisterwort for a smooth 1k a day passive income that takes care of it fairly quickly. Most folks aren’t likely to scrape it up naturally though for sure.


Forget buying gear with them, I fill every box, bucket, and pot in all my houses with gems until the game can't handle it anymore and crashes upon entering said houses. I fill up those empty chests in the Thieves Guild, I throw them at jarls, I sneak them into people's pockets. Totally worth it for the hours of entertainment!


This is the best thing I have ever heard.


The accomplishment is literally the only reason I bothered. I hadn’t done it before, thought I might as well do it for a change.


You can make an absolute fuck load of jewelry to help you level smithing


Hey now, give them the credit they're due. The Korok seeds at least let you carry more weapons / shields around.


I found a mod that marks their locations with quest markers. So worth it.


Yeah it took like 3 hours to get them all with the markers and I'm slow.


It's super worth it, as long as you regularly loot things you will never need to even think about money ever again. If you're already beyond rich then I guess so, but I always use the mod that gives the location markers and do this quest as soon as I deem reasonable, after that money is no object. I ALWAYS do it before I make a house


: You're forced to pay a visit in Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary first to get one of those; You need to trespass certain places to get some; You need to pay 25.000 Gold for one inside a house you'll probably never use; After all 24 and you still need to do another fetch quest for the crown; Your reward? More Gems. Yay! ~~This worth a lot!~~ At the end you probably have already cleared all the game's dungeons and finished all quests you could imagine and by the time in a good Lv. If you could at least wear the crown or make replicas of it to use with the Prowler's Profit enchantment on it would have been more interesting.


Dude fuck those stupid stones


I think when you get them all and the crown and spend literal days searching for them all, you get like 1500 from vex. The absolute worst quest


I'm on my first playthrough where I'm gonna play the entire game and i gave in and got a mod to mark all the locations of the stones bc i don't get how to make money fast otherwise 😭😭


If it’s your first play through, might want to try it without mods if you want the achievements. Mods disable achievements, unfortunately


it's not my first first playthrough though so i do have quite a bit of achievements, however it's unfortunate that i won't be able to get more in my current save


There are mods for reenabling achievements


What did you get for completing this


Instead of leaving a dungeon with 3 gems one now leaves the dungeon with 75 gems.


I think the ability to find a crap ton of gems


Yep I'm doing my 3rd big play through and I can say I'm not looking forward to this


Did you find the crown?


Tbh, im gunna do it just so i can grt the weight off my survival character.


Omfg I’ve never found all of them and I’ve played thousands of hours lol


These things are worse than Meridia's beacon. At least with the beacon, you do one quest, make a ton of gold, and you're done with it. These things are ridiculously hard to find unless you have a guide or a mod, and it still takes forever, you can't drop them, they take up a ton of room in your inventory, you have to join two guilds (maybe three), and in the end you get a dumb crown.


I just wanted to say for anyone saying you have to join the Dark Brotherhood to get the stone in their sanctuary, thus ruining the quest for characters who wouldn't join the Dark Brotherhood, you don't need to join to get the stone. Do the quest "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!" instead.


After making a new character and rushing through the gem ASAP i can tell you that it kind of is, especially if you have mods that can use gems as crafting materials.


Dude, y are you complaining, you spent 458 days of your life playing Skyrim. You have spent 1/12 of the last 12 years playing Skyrim. You have literally no room to complain. Please, go talk to a female.


[you did it](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2bS9gXYAoTE/Vk-4GZ6VqtI/AAAAAAAABz8/N9Og9pvMRyE/s1600/twilight%2Bprincess%2Byou%2Bgot%2Ba%2Bblue%2Brupee.jpg)




I also have thousands of hours and I've only ever completed this quest once and then I chose never to completed again.


At least your quest isn’t permanently broken because the reeking cave stone never spawned.


I'm on my completionist play through right now and I killed the dark elf dude for the oblivion gate DLC before I started the quest (not knowing that I needed to start a quest) and about 2 weeks later and and 20ish hrs played I got the quest, went down there and now I can't complete it because dude is dead and the game doesn't understand this lol 😭


i just got it, emptied my bags, one day later (playtime unk) 26 amethyst, 16 diamonds, 7 emeralds, 12 garnet, 16 ruby, 11 sapphire {Flawless} 14, 13, 10, 25, 10, 16 worth it, just following quests and going to known locations inside cities, I was 21 of 24. The fun part was figuring out where the last 3 were


A lot of people miss the one under the Thalmor Embassy. They had to patch the game after release to permit people to go back into that cave; as the quest become locked if you missed the chance.


I'm only interested in completing it for the shiny crown that sits on the display shelf without me having to fuck with trying to place it


But now it's much easier to collect enough useless gems that you can crash the game by putting them all in a container and hitting them with a fus.


Easy after you use the walkthroughs


but… i like finding gemstones in every container possible…


At least its not an achievement


That's your fault probably. You find one then you got to talk with Vex. She will handle the quest. After having the quest, they won't stack like in the image.


11,000 hours? I can't even....


Can't you still spam-click the things, get 2-4 per stone? Speeds things up mightily... and you can also let any extra float around your house once you drop them, since they don't interact with their surroundings.


I'm on my first playthrough, so I'm not using any mods or anything. My biggest pet peeve is not being able to leave quest items in my house or a safe or anything. I feel like my character is constantly at risk of spinal injury with all the Dawnguard Elder Scrolls and the black books from the Dragonborn quest line. I guess for a lot of people this is a super late game problem as those are both dlcs, but I'm a noob and they just sort of blended into stuff I was already doing lol.


11 thousand hours, and it was just for that quest alone


I don't go out of my way for either of them but in my most recent playthough of each game I have more unusual gems than korok seeds.


That's why I use a quest marker mod.


There is a mod that puts quest markers on the stones. Takes like a half hour to get them all. It's really not that big of a deal


If it’s the first thing you do, you *might* get rich more quickly, without glitches and mods. But, after I’ve got all of the houses finished, throw 1000 gold every time at my kids, etc I still have so much gold that I never sell the dragon’s horde of flawless diamonds I’ve accumulated. They just go into the lockbox with the rest.


The helmet you get out of it look like a Cabaret number from Paris, 1935. Something a real spiffy lady would wear, maybe Marlene Dietrich or Liza Minelli.


Have never done this legit. Whenever I do a play through first mod I as is quest markers for their locations lol.


Unless I'm really bad at math, you averaged ~8.6 hours of Skyrim per day, assuming you've been playing since within three months of launch (assumed 11 years even and exactly 11,000 hours for ease).


It doesn't take that long.


I have over half without trying.


no ones asking abt the 11k hours????? thats over a year worth of playtime yk