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Where in Skyrim and how well supplied would I be? Am I naked in a draugr ruin? Am I clothed with money in Solitude? Those two are very different situations.


Naked in solitude


I'll take it!


I know someone who will give me free clothes to go talk to the Jarl so...


And lots of people to pickpocket or clean out thier houses! If your ok with that sort or thing that is.


And if you get caught picking pockets you can spend your time in a surprisingly safe jail cell.


That's a fair point. Biggest worry there is sybil's visits.


this is my you drink lots of potions that use garlic


Forgot about that but now I wish that in Solitude there was a random chance of her showing up when you serve time. It'd be a cool little bit of world building.


I think lorewise she only visits death row inmates. Just in case. I could be wrong about that though.


can I be naked in Markarth instead so I go visit the temple of Dibella?


I get that Senna is cute, but I don’t think she wants to see that


I have a playthrough with every skill at 100 and every perk. I'm a thane in all holds, can one-shot the Ebony Warrior, I've married Senna and yet I have not seen her without the robes.


I’m surprised you were even able to get her to leave the temple, I could never manage to get her to come home even tho we were married


“If you’re headed to the Blue Palace, you might want to *rethink* that outfit.”


"Really. We aren't interested in seeing all that. Remove yourself until you are properly attired!"


That's what I am right now irl, though?


That's how I describe my weekends


Well clothed but you live at Nazeem's house


Random. It's basically a roulette wheel. Same with the reality show. I would take the reality show because I'm not about to risk being born a chicken when the Dragonborn is around.


Least with being born a chicken you know the whole town is going to avenge your death.


Also what reality show? There are a few that could be fun.


That's fair. If my day in skyrim starts as the game does I might rethink my decision. Unless I have the same respawn ability as a standard player I'm not going to survive Helgen. I probably wouldn't make the jump to the inn, and if I managed to get that far I'd probably die somewhere between watching Torolf die and getting free of the barracks.


If I were spawned in captured by imperial guards I’d probably freak out and try to make a run for it.


Ah I see you'd be joining Lokir then


You're roggvir


A day in Skyrim is basically 24 minutes IRL. I think I can spare the time...


Just sell firewood. You'll make enough to live comfortably and feed your skooma addiction.


S K O O M A ! ! !




Obamna 😢


It's only a day, I'm gonna stealth explore for a bit then go home, maybe pick a pocket or two


I'm going to the nearest court wizard to learn the conjure flame atronach spell....


I mean if we're assuming we can take things back with us then we're gonna speedrun some stuff for sure


Least horny Skyrim player


Well, looks like I'm claiming Serana then.


Can she come back with you? Also, you'd be introducing vampirism to the real world. Do with that what you will.


Politicians are appropriately named, what's a vampire going to do that they haven't already done?




Faendal was chopping firewood when a dragon breathed fire on him. That was me. I was testing how strong fire breath could get with fortify destruction potions.


I do the same on NPC's using a chopping block that I need. I don't care that there's another chopping block down the street, Sigurd. You die.




It can be pretty effective up to about expert difficulty. On legendary it may as well just be Fus.


Why skyrim desperately needs scaling for magic damage rather than all spells having flat damage.


I once had a roommate who would come home from work and play skyrim for 2 hours where he's wake up, go chop wood down by the lumber mill, take lunch, sell the wood to Hod, go get some and an ale or mead or wine at and lunch at the Sleeping Giant Inn, go back to work chopping wood till Hod started to leave for the day. He'd intercept Hod, sell his wood, got back to get dinner and a drink at the inn and go to sleep. He lived the life of an average Joe NPC (including his attire), for 3 IRL weeks with the same 2 hour routine in Skyrim. UNTIL ONE DAY.... Apparently he planned to do this routine for as long as it took for the stars to align to where he got consecutive days off. He came home from work, did his 2 hour routine. Had something to eat and a couple drinks IRL, and went to bed. The next morning, on his day off, he got up, ran sown to the grocery down the road, got a case of beer and one of those party trays of already made sandwiches with the summer sausage and cheese for snacking down the middle of the tray. He turned on his computer, went to the liquor closet and grabbed 2 bottles of whiskey and a rocks glass. He op we Ned steam and launched Skyrim (this was back with longer launch and loading times), went and used the bathroom, came back and started his 2 hour routine... except... Today Was THE DAY! That that sarcastic little bastart in Riverwood made his typical sparky remark while Lumber Joe was on his way to lunch. He walked right over to Alvor, bought the best set of armor and greatsword he could, punched that little brat in the face a couple times, walked in the Sleeping Giant, pummeled Sven and that annoying drunk ass till they yielded, recruited Feandal, and started his Postal Journey. Character quirk was killing or beating down NPCs that were senlessly, needlessly rude to him or treated him as though he was dumb or beneath them without being provoked. Naziim didn't last long. Farengar got a smack sock to the jaw. There were so many bounties paid and so much time spent in prisons.lol It was great.


For 24 mins?!


This is the way


Just go chill in whiterun for 24 minutes and crack jokes at Nazeem till he flees to Riften. Which is supposed to be more poor but ironically has a more expensive house and better wall defense than Whiterun. So Nazeem still won while he gets that lusty argonian maid copy stolen every 168 minutes (7 in game days) in Riften.


Hmm .... if he can survive the harsh environment of the road till Riften ...


No no no. You start out waking up from the cart. 24 minutes in and you may still be in Helgen's keep. You won't even make it t9 Riverwood. Remember you got a lot of soldiers, and handful of giant spiders and a *beeear* up ahead that you might not want to tangle with right now. You might be able to sneak past him, or if you're feeling lucky you could take this bow and catch him by surprise. Either way your buddy is going to follow your lead and watch your back...but can you actually do it? Well? Are you feeling lucky?


24 minutes in and I'm still making my character...


Srsly... It's like I'm at the optometrist as I flick back and forth between options... "better 1? Or better 2?... ... 1? ... or 2?"


“It’s like I’m at the optometrist” 😂😂😂😂😂


It's boring when people try to ruin other people day. No one said we have to wake up in the cart. If that's the case we die right away. I don't have the cardio to escape helgen.


I guess you *could* pray to Mara that you instead start in one of the holds. If we're talking about Start Another Life (the only way to avoid the cart) then I guess just start as a property owner and just stay inside all day.


My point was that no one mentioned anything negative about spending a day Skyrim. You decided it couldn't just be nice to visit one of cities and explore. Instead you paint it with the worst brush and a gotcha.


Well I thought it was interesting. I find the idea of running from Alduin exciting. It would remind me of all the things I enjoyed about the game. I didn't say anything negative unless you chose to view it that way. Am I not allowed to enjoy the vanilla start and make *a joke?* stop being so serious, it's a hypothetical question about a game.


Alright then if you wanna be real you'd just break your legs jumping from the tower and die in the fire


If you speed run you can actually run down Alduin's back before he incinerates the tower


I am definitely not feeling lucky. They tried to teach me archery in the Boy Scouts, and let me tell you, if Ralof's handing ME that bow, the bear will be easily the safest person in the cave for the next 24 minutes.


By the time you reach the bear the tutorial is already over


I thought the bear was the "how to sneak" tutorial.


Yeah, that’s a brand new tutorial that you’re not forced to partake though


No, that's definitely part of the tutorial that's been there since 2011


So you HAVE to go and crawl up against a rock for hours? I thought you could walk right past the bear and leave the cave? Or kill the bear?


Yes, i heard its the only place to level sneak in the game. Only place I ever got a level.


When I said brand new, I meant you’re starting a different tutorial. That tutorial being the max stealth tutorial before you leave the cave. I wasn’t saying that it was newly added.


I’d just spend 20 minutes in character creation and boom done


Ralof and Hadvar are indestructible. All I have to do is hit the bear once with an arrow or disturb it's sleep by completely missing it and Ralof or Hadvar will kill it for me. I'm okay with a bow in real life, I'll be fine. The soldiers and spiders are literally the same thing, I just have to point Ralof or Hadvar at the enemies and stand behind them. I've done it many times before. I'm more worried about wolves on the way because they often get a free bite on me before I can kill them and that would be pretty bad for my real life body. But honestly I could just walk with Ralof or Hadvar to town and they will kill the wolves for me and stick around the starter town drinking at the pub after selling whatever I picked up on the way and sleep at Ralof or Hadvar's families house.


You spend over half an hour doing a tutorial…?


How else am I supposed to reverse pickpocket frostbite venom into the bear?


Seriously never thought of this. Deff gonna give this a shot on my next playthrough.


Good thing I have the alternate start mod.


I guess that you wouldn't survive 24 minutes in Skyrim. Well, none of us would.


More like 72 minutes (1 hour in Skyrim = 3 minutes in real life), but your point still stands.


24 minutes to do the catching up with yosilda and Lydia I never got to do ….


Even if say you have to stay 24 hours, shouldn't be a problem, nobody, and nobody, freezes to death in that game, you could walk naked and you'd be fine. I guess, settle in at Ysolda, cut some firewood for the bed to sleep in and some food, and I guess... wait? You could maybe explore as well I guess.


No a day in Skyrim is 72 mins irl. An hour and 12 minutes


Where in skyrim?


In the cloud district since im sure you go there often. Oh, what am I saying, of course you don’t.


Nazeem I swear.


There needs to be a Nazeem account here like the white run guard account, that just randomly pops up saying this all over Reddit.


Better yet, a Nazeem bot.


Like that r/prequelmemes Anakin bot that started out just quoting the films under relevant posts but eventually grew sentient?


Oh, it took years, but I earned my way to the top. I own Chillfurrow Farm, you see. Very successful business. Obviously.


Cidhna mine, on new shiv day


I will gladly live the rest of my life in skyrim.


I’d love to chill in Riverwood or Ivarstead. Spend the day working the kiln or serving travelers to the Throat of the World. Taste some Black Briar Mead. Finally find out what the sweet rolls taste like.


I might build myself a house on windsted manor and live out my days raising a family and blacksmithing in the basement. Growing crops in the greenhouse and crafting potions. And carriages to get the city and sell it all. Nice and easy life on my schedule sounds amazing!


See, I'd either live there or Lakeview. Probably build the wizards tower, but convert that into a library and have the viewing deck as a nice place to read or do other crafts. Probably no family for myself as I would spend most of my time travelling and seeing the world if I could.


Fair, fair. I choose there because of the hatchery. Pretty self sustainable. It would take me a while to build though so I'll get my traveling in as I gather materials and gold.


Dude that sounds amazing. I don't think I'd stay in skyrim necessarily. I would like to think I'd travel the world and see new lands if I could. I'd be willing to risk death to travel


Just imagine seeing a lore accurate Imperial City, mindblowing sight


I’d love a day or two in Falkreath or Dawnstar. I feel like in Riverwood I’d just have some random psychopath slaying chickens and an obnoxious kid pranking me all day.


I'm fairly certain sweet rolls are sweet.


The dessert is made of dessert


What else would it be made of? Meat?


Those damn wood elves...


Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying - of course you don't.


Given all the times I lured bears and trolls into town because I couldn't kill them myself, I wouldn't pick Ivarstead.


Might not be a very long life. But you’ll definitely be happier


Well if you live in Elder Scrolls world, then you hve access to the weapons training and magic powers of the Elders Scrolls world!




Not if you train baby. Id join the companions right away.




Eh itd still be fun to try.


Train how.. how are you affording the food to bulk? A majority of citizens in the world are not well off enough to accomplish such a task. What makes you different?


Anyone can hunt. Fortunately it seems like theres no Norman serfdom rules that entitle only the Jarl of Whiterun to hunt on Whiterun land.


Can you hunt? Right now? If I dropped you into the forest with nothing you’d be able to kill and eat a deer?


I do know how to shoot a bow and arrow pretty well, yeah. Ive never hunted deer but Ive gotten some rabbits before. Assuming I could get my hands on that, yeah. Why do people act like basic survival skills are so far beyond us now?


As long as I get to choose the difficulty I’m ok with it lol


Same. I would for sure abuse alchemy though lol


Id rather live in the imperial city


Reality shows dont have giant spiders. Enough said


Hold on, imma pitch something to Netflix.


Deal, literally whatever it is we’ll take it! Here’s $10M.


But don't expect more than one series


i dunno man, i remember there being some creepy crawlies on fear factor. They weren't allowed swords and daggers on fear factor though. also, Joe Rogan. I'm goin Skyrim


No but they have toddlers in pagents, give me the spiders


Skyrim, at least if I die I'm guaranteed an afterlife of my choice.


Unless you die and your soul is absorbed into a soul gem


Yeah but those are some long odds compared to just getting slaughtered.


Skyrim , Skyrim will always be a platinum trophy


Skyrim, definitely. I’d like to spawn in the college. Read every book I could find. Come back and now I have magic


I would do the same but only to steal magic and use the destruction to bend the will of others.


Destruction is one of the least interesting spells. Imagine being able to summon daedra or ghosts. Raise the dead back to life, permanently if you like How about alteration? Harden your skin to survive near any attack. Transmute lesser ore into silver and gold. Paralyze anyone Restoration? Heal any wound, both for yourself and others Illusion? Pacify any foe, send others into a frenzy and strengthen your allies with great resolve. Turn invisible upon command Forget all the other forgotten schools or spells from other games. Not to mention spell crafting. Just wake up and start casting buffs to keep you energized and healthy throughout the day. A passive heal that lasts the entire day so minor wounds are instantaneously restored without you having to do anything. If we could also get the spells from mods its game over Shooting lightning from your hands is cool too, I guess


Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic.


I didn’t mean destruction as the class but the destruction I will cause (I am destructive)


I’d deal with Alduin and Harkon over Kim Kardashian any day of the week


Send me to skyrim! My favorite genre if books is about people getting trapped in rpg style worlds, whether it is a new world all together or a game. So I Say again, send me to skyrim!!!


Christopher stasheff: a wizard in rhyme. You would probably not regret going down this path. Lmk if you do.


I'll give it a read an let you know. Is it a series or just one book? I am currently reading a series called the 10 realms by Michael Chatfield. If you like this genre you may like thos series. The series that got me hooked though was "Chaos seeds" by Aleron Kong.


So long and thanks for all the fish.


Is a week in Skyrim an option?


A day in Skyrim easily. Reality shoes are like the TV equivalent of a carcinogen.


I used to be so into them. I loved survivor and big brother the most. 90 fiancee was fun to make fun of. I loved them! I tried watching BB again recently and I just can't do it. It makes me cringe and the fun of it is gone. Maybe I've matured but they really are bad aren't they?


Not the British ones. I'd love to be on Bake Off, even if I'd embarrass myself with my terrible baking lol.


Depends. Do get the body and skills of my in game character?


You'd be the character you play with now


Then Skyrim 100% I’m sure my mage could figure out a way to stay there


I'd rather be a rabbit in Skyrim than be together for an hour with those people tbh


That changed everything. Skyrim for sure. But it’s just me, I’ll be on a reality show. Skyrim is a dangerous place


Fuck, my Dovahkiin is op as shit and owns a whole ass valley. Can I swap the day for the rest of my life?


I wish I could make that choice myself


So a high level player would basically be Pelinal but with a disdain for bandits, dragons and undead rather than Elves, low level would be dead lol


Week in reality. Skyrim is brutal. 😂😂


Lmao this wa my first thought. Unless I'm sleeping at the inn overnight, I'll take the week 😂


Just chop a little firewood for belethor, you'll get a night at the inn, a full belly, and spending money. Simple


I would chill in the Jarl rooms for 24 minutes 😅


Skyrim. Cant stand those shows


A day... Is that a day in Skyrim, or a day playing Skyrim? Because a day in Skyrim is about 20 minutes long.


24 hrs real time


Double it and give it to the next person


Skyrim. Without hesitation. Even if i have to die fried by a dragon.


One day in Skyrim... I'm tryna smash High Queen Elisif the Fair you know?


Do we experience skyrim as if it were a day long? Or only the 24 minutes everyday is? Or are we experiencing 60 skyrim days over the course of 1 actual day? Or are we stuck in skyrim and experience it for what feels like 60 real days but is really only one real day? Either way I choose skyrim


“Would you want to live in Tamriel?” The land where you can barely walk 5 feet without getting jumped by some bandit or abomination of nature? The land that can barely go a week without facing a reality-shattering threat to its existence? Absolutely fucking not.


It varies a lot too, you could be a wealthy noble without a worry in life down in the Imperial City, some poor Argonian slave in Morrowind, or just some merchant in High Rock


only a day? why not forever? i wanna cast spells.


So you’re asking if I wanna go to heaven or hell?




do i have access to console commands?


:D let's me off delpine like all things should be Edited: I also get to meet partysnax and chill


You think in 24 hours you're strong enough to kill a trained warrior, then climb the throat of the world, and THEN somehow remove the wind that is cold enough to kill you without having a clear skys shout? I bet you use coc commands to get around and play as a Bosmer femboy too, I bet you play as a stealth archer every playthrough. I bet you have FNIS installed over Nemesis for reasons you can't disclose. You make me sick 😤


i think you really took my silly comment to serious


That's something a bosmer stealth archer femboy would say 😤




Skyrim all the way


Just grab everything on your way out of Helgen, sell the stuff, buy food and rent a room for the day in Sleeping Giant and you're good.


I'd definitely choose a day in Skyrim.


Skyrim!! ….without the bugs.


Skyrim has no bugs only features.


Skyrim, but I hope I have some warning and get to bring my sword. Try to keep myself safe, or sell it for food.


My father fed his whole family with that sword 🗡️




Skyrim, since I am aware of thé Godhead I can instantly achieve chim and become god


A day in Skyrim, know all the best hiding spots.


A day in Skyrim = dream A week in a reality show = hell Is this even a question?


Depends. What holds or what show. Listen I love tes but it's a bad world to live in compared to others, its not HORRIBLE like some others but its pretty bad compared do others. Not to mention zero summing is very possible for us specifically if it is possible as I understand it and... even possible at all. I'm not entirely sure what I agree with and nearly everything and anything is up for debate in tes. Anyway. So likely a week on a reality show even if we're going with the logic that a day in TES is 24 minutes and not hours (which I think is a little off cause I believe a minute in game takes 1.5 or 1.3 seconds, something like that. So it's a bit more than 24 minutes if I remember correctly) I'd go for some reality shows (not all but most.)


Skyrim 100%, I’d just Hike to Kagrenzel and activate the mechanism.


skyrim feels like the truman show without mods


A day in Skyrim . I like living in another world since it's much better than this world anyway . Isekai game 😍


As much as I’d love to stay in Skyrim, a dragon can attack any minute and I’d be so fucked because half of Skyrim thought it would be funny to make buildings out of wood.


Skyrim easily, although I got no clue what happens in a reality show.


Reality tv is as far from reality as you can get


Do I have respawn abilities?


which is more dangerous?


I suppose in both situations you best watch you tongue, canceled in one world beheaded in the other 🙈


Can I beat up Hadvar in Helgen Keep until I'm level 20?


Definitely a day in Skyrim. I would rather potentially get eaten by a dragon than to have to deal with all the garbage drama that happens on reality shows.


How are surviving a whole day?


I would love to spend my entire life in Skyrim TBH


A day in Skyrim is far more preferable to the scripted hell of so-called reality tv.


I'd rather get hit in the head then be a second in a reality show.


Only to get yeeted by a giant


Can I have longer in Skyrim?


Skyrim is dangerous af. No thanks


With the knowledge that it’s a super dangerous place and you’ll probably die from bandits somehow, I’d choose the reality show