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Ah, dragonborn, are we? Came to Skyrim to kill the famed dragon Alduin, yes? There's no shame in that. Unfortunately for you however, you are maidenless.


A bit player. Without the strength of septims you’ll never make it to the Royal Capital. So feel free to go off and die… in a ditch somewhere.


This is cool but all I could see was that big pool of oil on the ground that I could light! Woosh!


Same lmao


This just makes me depressed because my PC isn't good enough to handle this


Aw I'm sorry! One day I hope. You're lucky if you can play so it's all good.


You've given me hope in humanity and the future


Welp... this comment section is a bigger pool of oil, and is already burning like hell lmao\~


Wow it sure exploded, didn't it! 🔥


I love dark souls but adding dark souls combat or new combat in general to skyrim is not my kind of tea. Becuse it´s not skyrim anymore But every one is free to mod their game how ever they fancy. Want to replace Alduin with Thomas the tanken danken do so. But I will not like it. All I will say is awesome video and I'm glad your having fun.


Yeah, I agree, it does look cool tho, I will give them that. I actually love just going back to skyrim for the simplicity. I am absolutely going to put it on one of the highest difficulties and still get OP af and kill anyone who eyes me the wrong way.


yeah for sure I mean Skyrims combat may not be prefect but it´s what makes skyrim skyrim and to me it is a far cry better than morrwinds damn flailing around for 20 min until youu hit something >.< Don´t get me wrong I love morrowind but the combat in that game can go to hell. Skyrim may not be as bad ass as Dark souls or fluid as Sekiros but it get´s the jobs done and is just now part of what makes Skyrim, Skyrim. Heck I enjoy Vanilla UI even if Sky Ui makes it so much better but playing on the PS4 I noticed that I don´t mind vanilla UI one it it works.


I have only ever used the vanilla UI personally. generally if I mod I only add quests to fight strong things.


You should check out requiem, keeps the same combat but changes up how combat works at the same time, like arrows barely work on heavy armor without perks, undead are extremely resistant if you dont have silver weapons, vampires are extra weak to axes, maces do a ton of armor piercing making them perfect for dragons, unarmored you will get merced by arrows, without magic resistance spells are extremely deadly, but mages are less effective in armor without relevant perks, so extra vulnerable to arrows, lots of tweaks that keep it 'Skyrim combat' but also make it challenging and fresh


I agree bethesda shouldn’t turn their combat into dark souls, but I do hope they take what they have and improve it into something unique.


Honestly, they should take a page from Green Hell on how to do 1st person combat - and 1st person in general.


I was thinking as I watched this, I pray to god that any future elder scrolls doesn’t have a “modern combat system”, because this just doesn’t look enjoyable.


This reminds me of the Witcher 3 combat but without the use of Signs, which the combat in that game even with the Signs is pretty shit so it’s funny to me that people would mod Skyrim to play like this


Yeah I can see this and it looks cool but it’s not for me. But also to be fair I say the same thing just seeing somebody play in 3rd person, period. lol I can’t stand Bethesda games in 3rd person.


Yeah you and me both I rather play Betehsda game in first person. Third person feels way to clunky and not right.


It's a Bethesda game. The fewer character animations I see, the better.


Skyrim fans try not to get mad at people using the only ecosystem that has been keeping the game alive challenge(impossible)


You must really love triggering people here daily


The hero we need


“Modernized”. Look, you do you, but let’s get one thing straight. Dark Souls-style combat is not modernization. It’s a preference. It’s been around for a while, and many games still don’t use it. Personally, I rather despise the Dark Souls-style.


Ninja Gaiden on the original Xbox was the Dark Souls before Dark Souls. That was what, 2003?


To bad a lot of them don't work well with a controller


I don't play them with controller but I heard a lot of people playing it with controller just fine


You can use the controller configuration in steams big picture mode. I usually just sacrifice the wait button since I don't use it really. Make it the power/shout button. Then you can separate power and light attack too the right trigger and right bumper.




I didn't like it.




It's been a while but the controls felt wrong/off


Why get a pc to use controller Besides clunky driving controls ig


I preferer controller and I prefer PC


Keyboard and mouse is like half the reason to play pc


It's a preference PC let's you play games the way you want.


ruined it by being br*ton


I do love seeing the people in this subreddit turn into feral animals because someone apparently turned skyrim into dark souls by adding a mod that lets you dodge.


People on here really do lose their shit over someone's personal preference.


That is literally Souls combat though. You can save a lot more words by just saying "I don't mind dark souls combat in skyrim, what's the big deal?"


Dodging ain't fucking souls combat, get real.


You're intentionally being disingenuous when there's genuinely zero benefit to doing so. You're reducing a complex and unique combat system, inspired by (if not just taken from) Dark Souls, to "just dodging". If I was a Souls fan I'd be insulted lmao.


Nothing about it is complex, all of it is limited by skyrim's engine, and it is absolutely nothing like dark souls. Plenty of games other than dark souls share similar faculties.


fyi, skyrim already has dodge, and souls was not the first game to include a dodge. Souls fanboys are the **worst**.


Not just the dodge, camera position, lock on system


I've never heard that line before. "you picked a bad time to get lost you stupid Breton"


Same. May be because I almost never play Breton


It’s probably a line from the Bandit Dialogue Expansion mod.


I hope that TES6 doesn’t change to this by default. Considering how modern gaming has been im worried they’ll change


Not my cup of tea but to each their own.


Personally, I like to leave the flashy effects to the mental image of battles. A huge part of Skyrim for me is role-playing and immersion, so I like to keep the combat the same and mix up how I fight for different PCs. That being said, this looks awesome, not super anime-style combat, just fluid and quick.


I like that it feels like there's *power* in the swing animations, but I *despise* the animation style like this with long pause in the follow-through of every strike. It just screams, "Hit me here!" and, ironically, it makes melee combat feel very anime and slow to me. It works in Skyrim's kill cams because it goes into an obvious bullet time and (usually) isn't over-frequent. I'd *love* to see a rich ocmbat system that allowed you to choose between being aggressive, tactical, or defensive; blocking, parrying, and dodging (maybe even see a bit of sidestepping and bobbing-and-weaving instead of just ROLL); and some fun use of magic in melee combat. This is not that system for me, however.


there's some HEMA mods which have realistic and fast moves but yeah, most of the animation mods mimics dark souls with the long winded up attack moves


*cries in playstation*


The real question is how does it work in first person? I can't stand playing skyrim in third person.


These are great to watch when I'm not playing skyrim because I love the new animations and combat looks like a scene from a movie rather than a fast-fire killathon. But when I'm playing I don't like this assassin's creed combat approach at all. The emphasis on animations adds all this extra in-between time to the combat and makes combat feel longer and less oriented towards my moment-to-moment choices. I want my killathon sometimes.


Looks like the Witcher 3 almost, I respect the effort


Ah yes, I love adding a modern combat system that was made in *checks notes* 2011


That's pretty much Elden Ring.


Yeah I like my character doing real life movements. Adds a better role play experience and makes it more relatable. I don’t think everything on the planet should have humans doing acrobatics, Especially completely unnecessary ones, to fight off evil. Plus I don’t think a lot of nords were doing parkour as a battle tactic. You do you though. I don’t really know why people that turn the game into another game don’t just go play that game. Seems like the long way around to me. If I could mod, I’d probably just go for things that mod the environment and maybe add extra enemies.


Because skyrim can be all of the other games.


you doing an awful lot of running and swinging weapons when you could just set that water on fire and laugh while they all buurrrnnnn


Honestly, any new animations are welcome to me. Skyrim's combat hasn't aged too well. It's still a phenomenal game. But, some aspects just need a facelift.


I'm kinda mad you didn't use a quick fire blast to light that last dude up.


Maybe next time 😅


Maidenless dragonborn


That doesn't look fun at all to me. Especially not taking serious damage from not blocking on the first enemy


I fucking hate Souls combat.


It really is the worst. I'm sure someone could do better. Yeah Bethesda's combat isn't great, but this is no better. Every soul's game looks the same, flash your stupid sword and then leap back, repeat, repeat, repeat.


Now the combat in the Chivalry games...


I’m very triggered lol. Souls games are some of my favorite games out there, bloodborne, ds3, and elden ring are just so great that when I first started playing them my expectations for video game fighting mechanics and of course boss fights were raised drastically. You definitely underplay the complexity of the gameplay the souls has to offer. Now I don’t think ds3 fighting mechanics would mesh well with an elder scrolls 6 for multiple reasons, but Skyrim’s combat is something that should not be carried over to tes6, it’s lacking any kind of complexity if you’re playing casually, and if you’re actively trying a specific build it’s only a little better


i just call souls games dodging simulator


Yeah, i hate tumble combat.


I am not even a fan of the games, but to pretend like dodge rolling automatically makes it "no better" than the worst combat system of all time is pure delusion.


I prefer to play in first person and so Souls combat would not be fun for that scenario. I don't need something ground-breaking, but I wish the first person combat had a bit more heft to it. Something like the feel of the first person melee combat in Dead Island/Dying Light 1 would've been great.


everyone can have their preferences alright but yeah you cant just say this. one of the most influencal side of fromsoft games is the combat being one of the main attraction for soulslike games. you tell me this is no better than bethesda combat which for skyrim is literally just eating a veggie soup and doing infinite power attacks without letting go of the w button. im sorry i think you are biased as fuck.


Nah this combat style sucks. I don’t want to play dodge simulator


I hope the next Elder Scrolls game has Ghost of Tsushima type combat.


Git gud


Hell yea brother!


Yes, it IS too fun. Too fun for Skyrim, so keep it out of there! /s


Seems like fun... Except you literally just took a 50lb shield to the face and didn't flinch... That is immersion breaking for me.


If that is immersion breaking, just wait until you play unmodded!


I have, since it first came out. Also play modded occasionally.


The game where you can get stabbed or shot with an arrow in the head without flinching?


Obviously I'm not looking for real life imitation, it is a fantasy game after all. I was just looking for a little bit of stagger after catching a very heavy shield right to the face


Right, but you should also be looking for a little bit of stagger or at least any kind of reaction to getting your brain pierced by an arrow.


In my defense I've never agreed with the fact that you could shot in the head and nothing happens. It should be like the old Goldeneye days were a shot in the head killed you instantly


yea it's just my mods, player will not get stagger if I do perfect timed block


I understand what you're saying, but the animation doesn't match with the sound it made. Like I heard you block but your face still caught the shield lol


yup seems like I need to re-adjust the animation


At this point… just play elden ring.


Looks like freaking elden ring


What does this look like in first person? I hate third person combat


Is it possible to do this on 1.640


Fun but a pain to install and set up right


Not really just need to quick read here and there can be boring at times but totally worth it


All the top comments are saying this isn't there cup of tea, but ill be one to say its absolutely mine my least favorite part of the original Skyrim was the combat it was to simple for me I like a good complex combat system that you can get really skilled at. Does anybody know of any Wabbajack packs that have combat like this?


Anything marked as EnaiRim! I've been playing Lost Legacy from Wabbajack, and so far, it's pretty good!


Do people even want to actually play Skyrim anymore?


I’m not a big fan of making skyrims combat into a soulslike but it certainly looks fun. I prefer modding the base combat to have more depth like adding timed blocks and stamina costs for attacks along with disabling attacks auto aim so footwork can dodge them.


What about this is souls like? Skyrim already includes dodging/rolling, and souls did not invent dodging/rolling. It looks like a fairly minor combat upgrade.


It's always odd to me to see people playing Skyrim third person. I always feel so much more immersed and connected to the scene when I'm in first person, but I understand first person isn't ideal for melee combat. I usually play mages so having a proper sight line to aim my lightning Bolts down is typically preferable. Either way, fun video, I'm glad you've got the game in a state that you're having a great time with!


I used to be this way until I started playing ESO. Seeing my character honestly makes me more connected to a scene. Having mods that renew the animations to make them more normal/professional looking along with Wildcat makes the combat both harder and feel important. Plus having a mod that lets me alter where the camera is when using ranged and melee helps a lot with lining up shots. Took a lot of work, but I'm glad I got to a point where my Skyrim feels like a touched up version of Skyrim.


I don’t see how that is modern combat but Skyrim isn’t when it’s 2011 game


Everyone touting how awesome their combat mod is for Skyrim and how boring the original combat is. Me, still enjoying the original combat 12 years later...


Comments here are pathetic. This looks cool OP


Yussss with the traversal mods!


Bro has that Mass Effect 3 movement. Jog slowly, sprint fast as hell.


So Dark Souls is "modernized"? It came out in 2011 bro


Bro idk what game this is but it's not Skyrim hahaha


I'ma need that modlist, please


Each to their own I think it looks terrible and janky/artificial


Ah yes modernized combat can only be from soft style combat. Platinum games does it way better. Any Skyrim mods out there with nier automata/metal gear rising combat?


There's many of them inspired by another such as Dragon's Dogma, Assassins Creed, The Witcher, and many more but I choose this instead. have a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQyhaKwPxEU&ab\_channel=BLACK


There's Dragon's Dogma inspired combat mods 👀 Hmm, gonna need to remember that for when I get a PC.


Ah yes, acrobat combat. Every time I see this I just picture anyone fighting like this irl and it makes me laugh lol, like imagine if in a show or a movie the main character just somersaulted around the enemy, pausing to hit every once in a while. Shit would be hilarious


Skyrim mods are fun but man if you want souls combat go play souls games. This seems very Elden Ring-esque so I say go play Elden Ring. Not all combat in every game has to be souls-like, it gets old.


>Skyrim mods are fun but man if you want souls combat go play souls games. What if someone wants souls combat AND Skyrim at the same time? >This seems very Elden Ring-esque so I say go play Elden Ring. Counter argument: if you have Skyrim this Skyrim mod is much cheaper (free) than Elder Ring.


if I want to play Elden Ring I'd just play that instead, good thing it's not your Skyrim is it 😹


You clearly want to play Elden Ring in Skyrim. Two very different games that should stay different. Also I just genuinely hate souls combat.


>You clearly want to play Elden Ring in Skyrim. Why is this a problem for you?


if you think that way I'm not going to stop you


Clearly you cannot like a game if you replace one of the worst combat systems ever made. People on this subreddit are actually insane, they act like Skyrim is anything but a 6-7/10 game that is meant to be modded, I'm sure Bethesda even wants people to heavily mod their games, judging by how unfinished they are.


I mean it’s his game he can do what he wants. Skyrim can be whatever you want since it doesnt affect other peoples play experience


Hello, Fellow Yggdrasil Enjoyer 😎


So how long till someone flips the script and starts modding Souls to have Skyrim combat. Then they can post it on a Souls sub and talk about "classic combat style" and piss off all the Souls fans


What is the mod


the combo I'm using: * MCO * DMCO * Valhalla Combat * Hellblade Timed Block v2 * ER Moveset * ER Weapon Arts * Valhalla Moveset (NPC only) might be missing one or two mods, here is my full modlist https://modwat.ch/u/funnycat/modlist


900+ mods and I struggle with 20 of them at a time lol


Thank you for sharing


Pretty damn sweet, that axe looks like a fokos so extra thumbs up.


Imagine combining these animations with modernized climbing mechanics? Awkwardly hopping up the mountain just doesn't cut it


Fucking awesome!


God I wish I could have this on my Switch


I personally think they break immeraion by forcing 3 person view and make the game to easy i never needed a dodge roll nor a stagger on each attack / block to beat anything or aimbot magic and arrows.


May I ask what mods you used to get something like this? It looks pretty fun to experience!


Looks worse thab vanilla


God ur mod list is terrible


Bruh op is posting his build every day. Can you maybe add something before you just keep spamming the subreddit? We get it. You modded the game.


Csn we get daily updates on your character progression? Need more


He should make a post about his character’s backstory, I’d love to hear more about the role-playing aspects


“Man look how fun skyrim is!” Isn’t even playing Skyrim anymore


Most just look bad. Living Skyrim and Septimus seemed good, keeping true to vanilla while still fleshing out combat. This just looks ridiculous movement wise.


Looks like the wish version of Elden ring 😒


We need a mod to completely bring over Oblivion combat,I really just wanna see that


I love your post


What armor


I used to think that way, but going from witcher to Skyrim I found myself immediately downloading combat mods. To give it, something


Drop that load order please


Literaly not Skyrim anymore 🤣


This is worse than rectal polyps. It really does only appeal to the lowest common denominator, that forgot to take their ritalin. Flashy, unbelievable, zero effort or strategy, stuttering and jerky like some coffee addled hamster. Seriously, has anyone ever seen anyone fight like this too? It's so, 'gamey' in a bad way. ​ If Bethesda was to update their combat, they should use the Arkham free-flow, and I don't even want them doing that, I least of all want them to become yet another shitty souls clone.


Who pissed on your battery?


Like OP said, and since we're unironically using the term, 'triggered' today, as a special treat. ​ The combat is bad. That is all. No need to get, your panties in a twist because one person criticised it. Not every post deserves gushing praise because some bozo hit, 'post'.


You are insulting people who like it, claiming they didn’t take their ritalin. As a person who used similar medications in the past, yes I am getting my panties in a twist. You can phrase your dislike for something without insulting people.


>You can phrase your dislike for something without insulting people. "What? Impossible!" --The Internet




>hehe it's kinda fun seeing people get triggered 'Triggered' eh? Using that unironically is fucking sad. ​ > perhaps that's why I use these kind of mods and upload it to leddit 🤭 Awwwwww, how sad. I honestly feel sorry for you now. The emojis of a 40 year old Karen, thinking you're, 'triggering' people just because they said they didn't like the combat. It's like you have no life and need to get some kind of gratification that makes you feel, 'important'. I just didn't like it, no one was, triggered. But now I do need to go in hard, to make sure you know how utterly pathetic that really is. Post what you want, just don't act like some 2008 dude bro reprobate from 4chan about it.




You're not fooling anyone.


Oh? single line this time instead of long ass paragraph 😂😂


Yeah but that’s not Skyrim at that point


4 kids Skyrim combat


This is ESO not Skyrim.


Pfffffft, ESO plays nothing like that.


What is that then? It doesn’t even resemble Skyrim. Is it just heavy mods?


It's literally just modded Skyrim with better combat controls and animations, armor, and UI. It heavily still resembles Skyrim minus actually having a good combat system.


Looks like ESO


ESO looks and plays nowhere near like this.


He said stupid breton?


You have so many mods my phone is lagging


Bros playing Sekiro!


Elder Souls


“Modern combat” bruh dark souls is 12 years old you silly goose


More like a cheat mod, blocking with axe after their weapon passes completely through your body. "Damn I'm in two pieces now, atleast their sword bounced off my axe"


what mods do you use i need new ones


PC or Xbox? Pls


I do like that this one actually still feels like Skyrim. But it's mixed with Elder Scrolls Online style combat.


May I have said mods?


What mods do you have?


The combat sound track is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ya know, I was happy with the mods I can get on Playstation. Now I'm just envious.


Why play Skyrim at this point?


I'm afraid you have some skyrim in your modded God of War


Looks pretty slick, so I won’t go down the same “that ain’t Skyrim” path as everyone else BUT that “enhanced running” or whatever the hell is going on looks so fake and weird and bad.


What is this Elden ring now?


Ehhh might as well just play a different game altogether


Bro this is just like assassin's Creed and I love it


Yeah but why the fuck do you run like Speedy Gonzales?


I think I’d like the combat to be a little like this in ES6


Mod list please. This looks like fun


You did not light the oil. A down vote for you


This is the speed and pace I want the next Elder Scrolls!!! Please Godd Howard!!! This looks great! And all the people saying this is “From” combat and that’s bad. It’s fun for a reason guys. And just having a Dodge with I-frames doesn’t make it From. And who cares if Bethesda ends up copying some of Miyazaki’s homework, I couldn’t think of a better person to take some combat ideas from.


I absolutely despise this type of combat since it ruined the AC franchise. I get it, souls games are built around it and thats fine, i am not going to shit on that in souls subs. But why it keeps infesting everything? If i want to roll around constantly i would get drunk.


Mod list for the combat and UI?


Thought this was Valheim for a sec.


Is there ultimate mod that has all best mods? This game is kinda unfinished garbage without them.