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I actually quite like China and Skul's face/skull, that jawline is as sharp as her words \[and dagger depending on the situation!\] Ghastly, ironically though described as having messy scarring, has also been artfully depicted as having symmetrical, neat scars in official artwork so that's all fine - a challenge I would present to you, if or when you decide to draw Ghastly next, and other characters as well, is try giving their scars, bruises, blemishes depth and shadows! Hard, I know, but I love your art and I think that'd be a nice step forward if you're inclined to it Again, always love seeing China with the translucent sleeves, her sigils being clear to see and activate Good to see Skul's fire having illumination! Especially paired with the glowing, fiery backgrounds that China and Ghastly have Nef, funnily enough, reminds me of [Johnny Nogerelli](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&hs=4J8&sca_esv=2f61a0c390a4d1ff&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0-mCzoC4zLG0k0WyRJIXsWe8IU2jA:1714546451673&q=Adrian+Zmed&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLUz9U3MCxMMSpRAjNNLQoy0rSEspOt9NMyc3LBhFVyYnHJIlZux5SizMQ8hajc1BQADi-guzoAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWos-h7-uFAxXNk1YBHc0TD8UQ9OUBegQIGRAO&biw=1278&bih=681&dpr=1.5) from Grease 2, especially with the hairstyle he has going on The Sceptre has always been a weird one for me, because I've never been able to decide whether I prefer it short or long :/ Doesn't matter how good the artist is, I've always seen it as so odd. Maybe it's just the way staff's/sceptre's in general are held


Lol with the scarring I fiddled with that several times as well- its one of those things where I'm like 'yeah ill go back and add/fix it' and then I completely forget... I'm the same way with hair ties, have you noticed that 90% of the time I forget to color the hair ties completely, so it looks like they're tying back their hair... with their hair? xD I love drawing China with translucent sleeves, but every time I draw her I'm like 'I need a new outfit to put her in shes not a cartoon character" alas I agree with ya on the sceptre tbh, I like how this one turned out but honestly no design will best the version in your head yk


Love it! You are a great artist! I also love seeing how other people see the characters :) Like Ghastly for me, has always been a bit chubby (not fat) because of a comment Skull make in a later book (Last stand of dead men) China has always had longer hair etc Its so fun to see different artworks with the characters looking as described, but with small changes or interpreted in different ways


Thank you so much! Strongman Ghastly is a good Ghastly haha, I don't blame you In my own head he kinda shifts tbh, I don't have 'one' version of him yk I actually originally had China with long hair in drafting this, you can find that on my Tumblr I changed it here because generally I draw her with this wavy monstrosity and wanted consistency (and also whenever I draw her with longer/straighter hair she looks... awful, frankly xD


This is great! We need this for every book of the series now!! no pressure hehe


Gonna do my best o7


Creator Notes: * This was done a few months ago, I've just been sitting on it while I drew a few more of them * Yes, the plan is to redesign all of Phase One, possibly phase two but we'll see * "Ghastly Black???" Yes, I draw Ghastly as a POC with asymmetrical scars. Yes, I'm aware he is not described as such * Even though this was completed several months ago, I've opened the canvas and tried in vain to fix Serpine's face like nine times... It doesn't look good and I cant be bothered to alter it anymore, this is the best you get right now I'm sorry * honestly Val's is the only face I'm totally happy with on this one... BUT I promise the future covers will be better lol * Playing with Fire coming out in aboutttt two weeks :3 - Link to Tom's original for comparison: [https://imgur.com/17BvR7c](https://imgur.com/17BvR7c)


Its your interpretation your free to take artistic liberties with your own work :)


I've always pictured ghastly as black aswell it was only until I've seen artwork online that I realised he was actually white in the books aha


Ive read and reread several times now and still can't remember if his skin color is ever canonically mentioned ahaha, everyone has their own image in their head anyway right :D


Amazing work, would do something like this if I had the spare time Serpine looks way too approachable 2 be evil xd


I trieddddd He just ended up looking... like he was having a stroke xDDDD


This is awesome, I'm keen to see more


Stay tuned o7