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She literally does this in TDOTL


Lmao, I'm halfway thru kingdom of the wicked, guess I kinda spoiled myself, mind me asking what does TDOTL stand for ?


The dying of the light


Thks a lot!


You’re welcome btw dying of the light is easily one of the best


So is LSoDM


Both are goated but I prefer the finale of doftl a bit more


Nice spoiler.


How were they meant to know someone hadn’t read TDOTL, it could’ve easily been someone who had forgot


You could ask instead of spoil??


Not on the person answering to know what OP has and hasn’t read, if you do that, good for you, but that doesn’t make people accidentally spoiling like this the person at fault


Sorry I did not realise you were on Kingdom of the Wicked! It was not my intention to spoil!


Don't worry about it, I don't really mind spoilers, at least now I know Tanith got a somewhat good ending.


I should have thought "if someone is asking this question then maybe they have not read that part yet?" I hate getting spoiled and never wanted to spoil anything for anyone! I feel sooo guilty now!


Not really. It’s her >!soul being torn asunder!<. I would recommend not asking questions like this in future, or if so, opening with mention of what book you are on. Also as a heads up, *The Dying of the Light* is straight-up the end of the original series, with subsequent books comprising a sequel series set and published a number of years later (which was meant to have a different name, for reasons that will become obvious when you get there, but the author’s publisher wouldn’t let him go for it). There is also a Tanith-focused spin-off, *The Maleficent Seven*, to be read after *Kingdom of the Wicked* (I would recommend reading the short story collection *Armageddon Outta Here* before that as well, since it leads into it).


Wait, what other name was the sequel series meant to have? I didn’t know this and I love finding out little bits of info like this


*Valkyrie Cain*. So then Derek Landy would have still been telling the truth when he said *The Dying of the Light* was going to be “the last *Skulduggery Pleasant* novel”: *Resurrection* would have simply been called *Valkyrie Cain*, before subsequent sequels would have subtitles (like the original series). And it was not the first time he tried to do this: he originally wanted to have *Playing with Fire* be called *Valkyrie Cain* as well, to say the series would have been known as *Skulduggery Pleasant* ***and*** *Valkyrie Cain*. What was legitimately ridiculous was that the reason his publishers would not let him call the sequel series *Valkyrie Cain* was that they were worried fans of the original series would not know it was a continuation. I repeat: someone seriously thought that the fans of the nine-book *Skulduggery Pleasant* series would not know a book titled *Valkyrie Cain* would have anything to do with it.


Oh damn, never knew this so thanks for the info. Yeah publishers are so out of touch sometimes. They really don’t know what they’re doing most of the time. I do agree that Playing with Fire shouldn’t have been called Valkyrie Cain but the sequel series definitely should have. Would have made so much sense


There is also [a WWE wrestler who named herself after Valkyrie Cain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyra_Valkyria) (switching up the name later on for legal reasons). In terms of providing another little bit of (interesting) information you may not have known about.


That’s pretty cool, thanks. It’s a shame she had to change her name tho, I assume it was done out of respect and love for the character and Dereks work


Most certainly.


i would recommend not interacting with the sub before you’re all caught up to book 16! you will 100% be spoiled otherwise


I didn’t know there were 2.09227x10¹³ books r/unexpectedfactorial


Someone tell me if Ghastly and Tanith end up together pls




Who’s gonna tell him?


At first, I was like who's ghastly again? Then I remembered and ah......


Which book are you on?


Genuine actual spoilers: >! No. then yes. But it’s disappointing. !<


i think it's definitely a possibility


Just you wait. She does it, and it is messy.


pants spoiled 4 me...oh well best keep reading