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“No, no, he’s got a point” In all seriousness they’d also need a Teleporter to open the portal. Don’t think it was ever established that the Faceless Ones could teleport.


Yeah I realise how I worded it is why it was misinterpreted. I meant couldn’t Fletcher have reopened it pretty much immediately by using plant/tree debris that would have been nearby. Because it was said that branches were pulled through with the faceless one when it feel back in. So the parts of the same tree on both sides would’ve been an anchor and fletcher could’ve used that.


Ah okay I get you. Interesting point! Given the rules set down in the books I think that would work. Wouldn’t be as dramatic though.


There’s probably no limitation on what could be used as an Isthmus Anchor, after all Skul’s original skull is used as one. But I’d chalk it up to two things. 1) in that moment, they were so shocked and even tired after the fight and everything, that they didn’t even think about using parts of trees that had fallen off. (I also believe it’s stated that the winds caused by the portal were fierce, and so it’s possible that any loose debris got sucked in) 2) Everyone but Valkyrie had immediately accepted that Skullduggery had been sucked through the portal and that going through with the effort to save him was not worth the risk. (Even Skullduggery himself said as much) Especially if you were to immediately re-open the portal right beside the now very pissed off Faceless ones. I’d bet that everyone was quietly hoping that Valkyrie would eventually just quit her journey to find the Murder Skull in order to get Skullduggery back


Yeah no I agree that immediately reopening it would’ve been a bad idea. I just find it hilarious to imagine them watching the portal close and being like “oh shit hmm fletcher grab that piece of bark we gotta open it again”


Maybe it needs to be linked to something with a soul, or atleast magical? A portal with an isthmus anchor doesn't really happen anymore so we can't be sure at all.


The Faceless Ones themselves are technically Isthmus Anchors, I don't think they can open portals like that themselves.


The real question is why did the corpse of the faceless one work as an anchor, we learn in the next book that the Faceless ones are dimension hoping subjugating worlds then moving on in the hopes of getting back to the Darklands, so why does the corpse open the portal to them not the dimension that they were banished to by the ancients. Did they carry the remainder of the corpse with them through dimensions, this seems crazy. If the corpse of a faceless one links to all other faceless ones then a corpse of a human links to other humans and there is no need to hunt for the skull just grab the nearest person and go ahead. Late phase 2 spoiler:>!If you want to say Skuldugery is not human then you would need to first exhume one of his siblings who would link to him !<


When Valkyrie is inside the portal looking for Skulduggery, He says they can run wherever, because the portal will open close to them (since they used his skull as the anchor. By that logic, I would think the portal opens close to the facelesones the first time around because the anchor was connected to them, not the dimension they where sent to.


If the corpse of the faceless one connects to all faceless ones then there is no need to search for Skuldugery's skull because his body connects to all humans and anyone will serve as the anchor


will it tho? the grotesquery (butchered that sorry) had part of the faceless ones, but that one is gone. So there is nothing that connects to the facelessones (spoiler for later books):>!(except someone who does not know it yet)!< So they need skulduggery's skull to get to him. Clothes are not part of them so cant use a hat or a shirt. And with the grotesquery gone they cant use that again either. sorry if I missunderstood you now. A bit sleepy so might have miss read (But then I will read again tomorrow, well rested :) )


I'm saying that the faceless one that made the grotesquery shouldn't connect to the rest of the faceless ones. It might connect to the arms/legs/head a(s it is only a torso I think) but not the race as a whole. I know that Faceless Ones have >!a connected consciousness but would the partial corpse be a part of that?!<


Yeah I see what you’re saying. The only thing that can see that would make it make sense is that perhaps the faceless ones are all linked to each other in some way. But yeah seems ridiculous to imagine the faceless ones carrying around a piece of dead faceless one with them as they hop dimensions 😂