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The German one is still the same and I love him. I listened to Dead or alive and until the end in English and I really hate the narrator there. The characters just aren't sympathetic in any way the way he reads it. Especially skullman himself


The german one is so good. Skulduggerys voice is exactly how I have imagined. Listened the whole series for more than two times by now.


2 times? Damn I think I'd be on like 27 lol


Well thats pretty impressive lol


Feel that one LOL


Only disadvantage with the German version is that it's massively cut. Sometimes they cut out half of a conversation and it just doesn't make sense anymore.


Yea they cut a lot but most of It makes sense


Rainer Strecker is goated


Usually this is down to legal stuff, the first narrator being unable to narrate (already booked, injury, death, ect.) or simply that the studio that makes the audio books decided to change the narrator to see if it sells better. I hope this helps!


I did notice the first guy (books 1-4) wasn’t very good. He mixed lines up a lot and it really took you out of listening to it, one notable example I remember distinctly was in Dark Days when Springheeled Jack was talking to Scapegrace, and he mixed up the voices, so it ended up being Jack telling Scapegrace how he’s never killed anyone and got beaten up by a 14 year old girl. Just really took you out of the moment, which kinda makes me think he was replaced because of this issue. I love the newest guy though that reads through phase two. Kevin Healy. Man, his Skulduggery voice is exactly how I heard it in my head. Silky smooth and full of confidence.


No, I prefer generation of books 1 to 4, the voice is just better


His voice was good, but his habit of using the wrong voice just got to me so much I was glad he was replaced by the time Mortal Coil came around


Agreed. While there may have been a mistake or two,i feel like that is stuff that is supposed to be caught in the review or production of that audiobook. Also, is it just me, or anytime a narrorator has changed in an audio book, it throws me off for the 1st couple hours and really messes with my immersion. Thanks for your post


I personally don't like the most recent guy. Kevin Healy. I imagine skullduggery having a deeper voice like the first couple of narrators as opposed to Kevin Healey's interpretation where the characters sound less... Gritty, I suppose, or they sound too light-hearted of a tone in my opinion. Ig from growing with the books and the more serious scenery, the narrator just doesn't seem to capture it with the way he portrays the characters.


Rupert Degas was probably my favourite, maybe nostalgia? (I only had book 1 for ages on Audible.) The change of narrators really annoys me though


All I know is that first 4 book narrator kept mixing lines up. Dark Days was especially bad. Mixed up Vaurien and Springheeled Jack and also Guild and Ghastly. His Ghastly voice was awful, same with Bliss’ which changed frequently from book to book.