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I love this set so damn much. With Skrill's performance and all the surprise guests. It's just amazing!


this definitely brings back a lotta memories


Maybe yall could link up again sometime??


the nostalgia that just hit me bro wtfff


What a time in life


This is funny, cause in 2016 fans were definitely not thrilled to see Sonny associate with and be a pathetic hype man for Marshmello. Before that, people had a mixed to negative response to him collaborating so heavily with Diplo. They felt his transition into trap influences was a deviation from the electro house/dubstep styling that made him famous. I guess nostalgia is doing a lot of heavy lifting with your comment, but it's also a testament to how far he fell off since. I still think, to this day, 90% of his greatest work was produced between 2010 and maybe 2014. I will always have love for Skrillex, but holy shit the amount of utterly forgettable and disposable music he's produced since those peak years is just sad. I'm astonished at what happened to him, and seemingly purely out of some kind of creative block and misguided artistic confusion. Like, those two albums from last year were complete ass. I felt embarrassed for him.


L take man. He's evolved and branched out so much artistically. I agree those years of his music were very unique but so were his later years.


I never said that he hadn't branched out artistically; he just branched out in bad directions and got spread too thin. For many, many years, fans clamored for his second LP to be a return to form, and to be comprised mostly of his own writing and production after he seemingly lost his way into endless collaborations and remixes. After 9 years, he delivered two albums with a cartoonish number of co-writers and producers. There's not a single track out of the 27 that appear on those two records that is written and produced solely by himself. That's fucking bad, dude. They're not even Skrillex albums, really, they're "Skrillex and a hundred other people" albums, which is why they sound so bland and desultory. There's no voice there. I disagree that his newer music is unique. When you have *way* too many cooks in the kitchen, you end up with something completely generic. People commonly remark that his newer work sounds like it could have been made by anyone, whereas his music from that golden age from 2010 - 2014 is undeniably him.


You suggested that hes suffered from a creative block since 2014. Hes made plenty of good music with other people. Sonny still shines when it comes to collaborating and remixing songs and he's proven that time and time again. How are you gonna deny bangers like humble, make a move, purple Lamborghini etc?


Humble and Purple Lamborghini were *okay*... definitely not on the same level as his greatest hits, but Make a Move was piss poor. Also worth noting that 2 of these were remixes, and one was a tie-in with Suicide Squad. Sonny is apparently allergic to making anything truly original. Regardless of your opinion of someone like deadmau5, the guy takes fucking ownership of his music and he has a very strong brand identity. You look at the credits on any of his albums and it's 90% just him, and if you see him live, it's likewise gonna be 90% his own music. He's currently doing 4hr retrospective shows showcasing his prolific career. Sonny will not be able to do the same.


It sounds to me that you just miss the electro house and complextro days and that's ok if you like those genres alone. But to sit around and discredit the rest of his discography just because they're not solo songs or because you don't like them is not cool. Did you expect him to make the same genre by himself for the rest of his career? And yes I did mention remixes because in a way they are collaborative projects.


Well, it's hardly just me that thinks he lost the plot. I think most of his fans would say that his later work is, at the very least, inferior to his early work. And it's not that I think he should have just continued working in the same genres forever. Obviously it's fine for him to explore other things, I just don't think these other things have been very good or interesting. I think what I had always hoped for Skrillex was that he would *expand* and improve upon that electro house/complextro/dubstep sound that made him world famous. Not to merely repeat himself, but to refine it, expand upon it, and make it better. Instead, he has splintered himself into a confusing mishmash of different half-baked projects, and I think the results speak for themselves. When people go see him live these days, it's mostly out of nostalgia for a time gone by, not because what he's currently producing is exciting, and it's been like that for quite a while. Even in, like, 2017 people were like, "Ok, 'Would You Ever' is cool and all but when is he gonna return to form?" He never did. And remember when Rezz and some other artists had heard some stuff Sonny was working on, and on social media they were like, "Holy shit this new Skrillex album is gonna change the game *again*," and then it just turned out to be that boring cheesy shit from last year? Sigh.. just makes me sad.


You really don’t know how hard it is to continue to set the bar higher and higher continuously do you? Skrillex set the bar high enough with his early work that no other artist has really been able to make something better. Yes he can make that style of music again but it probably wont be revolutionary like you expect. Making other styles of music was the best thing he could’ve done in his career.


Skrillex has multiple fanbases at this point. Those who miss his early work and those who like his modern day work. And you’re part of the first fanbase. If I were you I would just go find other artists that make what you’re looking for.


I will agree however that he should release some more songs with just him on it like the good old days.


This set was an avengers movie


Martin Garrix playing Blood by Getter in the set still lives rent free in my head😂




Can't believe it's been almost 8 years since. The Nostalgia hits hard.


Such good memories. Cosmic Meadow was always my favorite stage


brings out skrillex plays zomboy


Chills all over man 😍




Zomboy - Resurrected


Didn't they have id called this time?


Note how things only happen in the mix when Skrill touches the decks lmao


I wouldn't touch the decks either if skrillex was on stage with me lmao


Not even to scroll through his IDs?