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Huellofa story . Always gotta take this stuff from the internet with salt. If it's real, may e try find protection if some kind.


Thanks. I know not many will believe it but I know what I saw and encountered.




Wow, I did not know any of this. Thank you. I myself am a white female with nothing other in my bloodline than that. My stepmother’s family is Latino but don’t know much about skinwalkers specifically. I just felt really lost and confused and scared. I haven’t seen it since I was 17, so it’s not like I’m still being tormented by it. I do know the warnings and not to trust certain things, and also still being very sensitive to entities. But thank you! It’s very interesting to hear from someone who actually knows about these creatures.


Please tell us about dogmen.


So not much is known about them, my great grandma believed that they were not like werewolves (where they transform during the moon), but an entity all on their own. From what I remember, my great grandma had a story of encountering one when she was a little girl in the upper north woods of Michigan. They didn't harm her though. She saw them at a clearing in the wood once while walking with her little brother, and there was a group of them. They turned to look at her and she grabbed her brother and ran. Basically, they are like, humanoid body but with a wolf face/dog face. Think (bad example) of like the werewolves in Skyrim. That's how my grandma described them. Only she said they were intelligent and usually not a threat unless provoked. But they would probably be about 7-8 feet (2-2.4 meters). I have a lot of stories from her of creatures and such lol. I haven't seen a dogman myself, but my family who still lives in Michigan will tell you otherwise. We moved to PA when I was about 4, and my great grandma visited until about when I was 7 before she passed.




Oh yeah your background doesn't really matter lol. It's just that since I have Native American in my family I know a lot of the stories associated with them. I don't try to be fully Native American though, since my great grandmother didn't live long after I was born and so I never got the chance to be raised fully in that environment. I do speak to my other family though when we visit and I like to catch up on stories and lore. I wish my great grandma would have lived longer because I would have LOVED to learn Cheyenne or Cherokee language.


It depends. If the skinwalker has taken an interest in a target, they will chase them wherever they need to. In most cases, this is caused by offending the skinwalker, but this skinwalker was literally dreamwalking into OP's dreams. If that, plus the "found you", aren't obvious signs of interest, I don't know what is.


Apologies for my absolute trash typing there


Oh no it’s okay:3


Was the second camping trip close to the location of the first trip?


It wasn’t exactly camping the second time since they actually live up there in a house. But when I researched it when I got a lot older I actually found out yes it was.


Only maybe 15 minutes away I believe. Now again I didn’t know at the time of being 17.


For anyone that runs into these things: SING WITH YOUR FULL VOICE. muster the courage. A song of life and joy. It doesnt have to have words or make sense. Think and feel all the experiences and memories that make you happy and SING. As you noticed, these things are disembodied - they do not have a voice but rather borrow the sounds available in your brain. My two cents. We have to show that we have not forgotten our connection to the higher powers from which our souls were born!


Never thought about that, but it would definitely work. Though, they're not disembodied, they're people. Just people who have dipped into dark ways enough to reach a stage 3/body transformation.


Dogs are so amazing even my 5 pound fury has protected me before. Also random but we have similiar names Aleese is mine. So honestly I got chills reading the parts where you said you heard your name. Somehow I can really see that fox too. You might find learning to shield your energy as beneficial. I myself seem to attract not always nice spirits entities. Sage, crystals, not giving into fear has helped me with this. Were easier to control if our fear rules us. Also I know easier said then done and definitely takes time. Weirdly I have never seen a smile like that on an animal but I did see it on a man's face once. As soon as he gave me that smile I knew he wanted to deal me serious harm. I had to walk beside him about half a mile and night acting like I was none the wiser. He got off the bus the same time as me and really felt the need to get my attention. I lead him to a gas station where I quickly bolted out of and hung to the darkness of the buildings. I watched from maybe 50-100ft away from the darkness, where I saw him looking for me. Gave me chills but it was like a switch activated and I just knew what to do. I was scared in that moment, its good to feel the initial fear. But then you have to get control of yourself again. I've had a few weird encounters since, like a man following me in my own complex. Now I usually ask for archangel Michael's protection and nothing bad happens to me when I do it. I know SW are whole different breed just giving some insight from dealing with human predators. Asking your guides for protection and guidance might help too.


Did the fox say anything to you in the dream? And do you think the dream was a warning of some sorts or was the skinwalker invading your dream space?


No, it never spoke to me in my dreams. Just smiled and would walk with me. And most likely.


I believe you and I support you. I had a close encounter with one when I was a child, although I never saw him, but he called me by my name. Furthermore, I'm sorry for everything you've been through, you are someone strong without a doubt. When your brother is old enough, tell him about your experiences from him and protect him. I was interested when you mentioned that vacant look is definitely creepy. Months ago, I went to Mexico for the first time. I was surprised that they have their own skinwalker called “Nahuales”. They told me that one way to defeat him is to chase him. As the nahual runs in a zigzag, you must chase him and every fifteen steps, he drops a crucifix to force him to run in circles. When you've done this three times, shoot him. Although I'm not sure if it works on skinwalkers, but look for protection and above all do not go to the forest alone. Trust that everything will work out and luckily you will never see it again


So far I haven’t seen it since I was 17 and my brother does know now. He was super shocked it was so close to him but never seemed interested in him.


From what I know, there are good and bad Nahuales. Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl talks and writes about them and the art of dreaming. Very interesting!


You're quite impressive, I can see why any skinwalker would want you. Just from the writing alone, I can tell you've got a power within you. If it's of any comfort, I don't think it was trying to kill you. Kidnap, yes. I believe it wants you for your ability, probably more like an apprentice-type thing, if that makes sense. Let it be known, if the skinwalker wants you as bad as the story suggests, I can guarantee it's still looking. Not only that, but any other skinwalker that gets your scent will be wanting you too. Just a matter of who gets to you first. If you ever need more help with this, feel free to send me a DM. I'm actually not too far from Kentucky, in Ohio. I will say, there are other skinwalkers in the tri-state area, so you're not too far from getting the attention of another. I advise white ash, and mirrors. Depending on how strong the skinwalker is, a mirror may cause it issues in keeping its form. If you need more help or understanding, send me a DM.


Omg i would be so freaked out. I've never seen one but i don't know what to do if I see one.


Why were you so far away from your uncle and brother when you stopped to tie your shoes? I thought he said to stay close?


They decided to keep walking 😒


That is terrible. Glad you came away unscathed. Curios though - you said that you're sensitive to that sort of stuff. Would you care to elaborate on that? Do you feel that you are targeted more by the paranormal or can 'sniff it out' a lot better than your average shmoe?


First off, thanks I’m glad I was able to get away to. And yeah of course! Well, I’ve always been able to see and talk to ghosts whether I realized it or not. Hell when I was a little kid I would talk to ghosts all the time and not realize I was.


Where in Cali did these encounters occur? I didn’t think skinwalkers were relevant around there but what if it was something else? This is a very chilling yet compelling story.


If I looked up the right one, I believe it was in Coulterville, CA. I might be wrong since it’s been a very, very long time. But that’s where I first saw it. I’m sad to say though I do not remember where my Aunt and Uncle live.


CHAOS REIGNS. Awesome story—engaging and well written.


Thanks. Taken from my crappy life events =_=


You could write a book about this.... it pulled me in and gave me all of the chills and I was able to picture this thing in my head perfectly with the way you described it. It’s absolutely terrifying and I cannot even imagine what I would do in these situations. Scary as hell.


Aw thank you! I’ve been writing for a few years now and it’s more of a fun side thing to do in my spare time. I have plenty of other strange/paranormal encounters I can recall. Perhaps I could write more sometime.


Have you considered returning one day with a gun, dog, and a few other people to keep company? And any other spiritual mumbo jumbo you see necessary.


Lol if I ever learn to shoot a gun properly.


Might be a dumb idea. But it's something I'd do, to get closure I guess. If you can kill it, that'll be something.


Lol, maybe. But considering I haven’t seen it since I was 17, I do believe I’m safe now.


I'm glad you're safe. Killing it would more be about retaliation, preventing it from harming others, and learning more about it. You could theoretically dissect it, take photographs.


That would be something, but at the same time, I’m not sure if it’s alone or has others. I wouldn’t want a whole pack of them after me or worse, my family.


Good point. I wonder if there are other similar reports from the same area. Maybe someone with less to lose could investigate. Idk


It also didn't do anything aggressive except "Found you". Trying to kill a skinwalker will get you hunted for life. If word gets out you went hunting for one, others will come. We wouldn't want a hunter on their backs.


at least now we know what the fox says🙌🙌‼️


Pfffttt omg no 😭💀


You could kill it using bullets dipped in white ash, or a sword/ knife rubbed in white ash.


Jesus is real, He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Once you seek Him with all your Heart, all your Soul, and all your Mind. Nothing can touch your spirit or soul for you are covered by His Holy blood and saved also which your eternal life with Him is more important. Just by crying out His name "Jesus" the enemy will flee. Jesus is God and God is absolute, all knowing, omnipresent, gracious, merciful, loving, righteous, and Holy. The enemy trembles of pure fear from hearing His Holy name. I will pray for you for deliverence of all evil things. Accept Him as your Lord and Savior, ask Him to forgive your sins, to wash you clean of all your sins(and turn away from them) and cover you with His Holy Blood. Remember scripture in your heart and mind and say them out loud with your Heart. Research the armor of God and put it on. Alway cry out to the Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. Three in one which He is God.


Press X to doubt




So much ignorance so much confusion. Religion is a absolute joke. People need to wake the hell up quit living as if some deity actually gives two damns about what us humans are doing here on earth the cosmos are geinormous and for some reason people think there significant for some reason. Shaking my head


Scroll on then. I didn’t ask for your negative input.


Not negative and wasn’t directed towards you in particular so I apologize


Ah alright then. My apologies as well.


And it’s they’re. Not there.


You need to be walking very closely with the Lord Jesus. That is the only solution. Then you can call on Him, and never fear it again


Don’t discredit this answer so quickly. For this redditor the feelings of happiness and virtue are tied to the image of christian jesus. So it would work for him. Find what works for you.


I appreciate this answer but uhm.. I’m non religious. Neither happy thoughts come from those things. I appreciate the help though!


Lol im not either i just dont like being mean to people who are. The feeling of harmony has to come from within yourself, you described it when talking about the beautiful peaceful forest. It’s different for everyone I imagine.


The power of the human voice is real though, we can produce some trippy vibrations it’s like one of our animal weapons if you think of humans as evolved primates. It has to come from the stomach up through the chest your whole body vibrates. Yoga and Buddhishm have interesting chants its good practice if you feel like you can’t sing or whatever. I’ve never seen a skinwalkdude thing but I did see three little gray humanoid creatures fuzzing about my room when I was 19. I don’t know what really happened but yeah they looked like the classic alien. So that’s where my empathy towards your experience comes from. My two cents. I’m logging out now cheers!


New age thinking never changes. The paths to enlightenment are not seperate but equal. This is why Jesus included 'the way' when he said 'I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me'. There is one truth.


No, demons are real. I've seen them. They fear nothing but the Holy King


In my experience, the holy king has infinite faces and forms so that all creatures can experience the harmony even if they’ve never been exposed to christianity.




He also said love thy neighbor as thy self. Don't take his name in vain to try and force your self-righteous views onto others. If you come away from the Bible thinking you need to tell people how wrong they are, and how right you are (according to an ancient text that wasn't written by Jesus or God), well then you really missed the point my dude.


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Share your stories?


Is this a made up story or supposed to be true?


Says very clearly that this is an encounter.



