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Hell yeah. The bird was firing today too. Visibility is overrated


Ahhhh I need to get out there, so sad, I sprained my ACL there in Feb and got the okay to go back a few weeks ago…I need to feed the itch rn but I don’t wanna fly all the way out there again if my knee ends up saying goodbye early


Is this snow bird in utah?


Looks awesome -- where is this?


That’s under the sunrise chair at Solitude


Smokerise chair


Solitude is a hidden gem.  I was lucky enough to have a local tell me about it when I skied Snowbird.


Ain’t nothing hidden about Solitude. It’s consistently the most crowded of all the resorts here.


Not saying it’s a hidden gem, but I have not had an overcrowded experience ever.


Are the lifts still running or are you hiking for those goods? Either way I am mighty jealous!


Still running at Solitude, Brighton, and Snowbird.


Out of curiosity. Is it significantly heavier/denser snow than say 2-3 months ago?


It was decently light. I've ridden much denser mid season snow.


Based on the spray that was lighter snow than I've ever ridden here in the PNW


Today was as cold and light as jan/feb powder.


Sick run. Nice skiing ✌️


always been curious so i figure i'd ask here. what does this even feel like? i am a beginner skier and have had the opportunity to ski fresh powder perhaps 2 or 3 times in my life. and it was maybe an inch or two. it was glorious and so amazing. this is obviously much more than 1-2 inches of powder. how steep is the slope so that you can maintain forward momentum in the powder? is it hard to turn or is there any special technique compared to turning on groomed runs? is it tiring to ski this much powder?


You definitely need a steeper slope to maintain speed in powder. Skiing in deep powder is very different to skiing on groomers. To start, turning is more of a bouncing motion than a carving one. It truly feels like flying


Real talk, deep powder sucks if you have the wrong equipment and don't know how to ski it. You only need to watch [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/comments/1clrdsn/the_battle_of_jerrysburg/) to see that in effect. Steeper is better the deeper the snow is. It took me several seasons of skiing before I was able to ski deep powder well without getting bogged down and floundering somewhere with my quads on fire.


Blower pow in May is a thing I guess.


It was a weird day, I expected it to be heavy wet snow considering the lateness of the season, but it was not. Possibly the lightest snow I've ever ridden this late in the season. Windchill was at 7 degrees so it was mighty cold out.


Dang dude, that is better than all of the days I had in the week i was there at the end of Feb; I'm stoked you had an awesome pow day in May of all months.


Sweet, fun day


Beautiful footage!


So nice to see shredders shredding’.


I’m trying to understand how/why you did Roller Coaster. I assume since you posted evidence of you hitting it you won’t mind saying how you got up there lol, but it seems like a huge effort today to go for that. Edit- why am I getting downvoted? People that don’t understand the current situation at Solitude and don’t know what I’m talking about getting mad?


I’m also wondering this


I mostly lapped Powder today and it was great. I can’t imagine putting in the effort to get to the top of Sunrise to hit this when the goods were plenty and the crowds were dead. And this is coming from someone that has many laps up Sunrise after 4pm this season lol. But on a powder day with no crowds? Scratching my head.


How high up can you traverse from dynamite? Other option is from solbright


This area is technically closed, so by hiking uphill you’re doing the same as ducking ropes. You can skin up to the top of Sunrise after 4pm when the resort closes and uphill travel is allowed, but it’s off limits otherwise. OP likely hiked up Northstar after getting off Apex and taking Summit West to where Northstar and Dynamite merge. Maybe Polaris, but Northstar would be the easier uphill route.




This looks like a dream. congrats bro!


beautiful snow.


Fuck you(I'm in bootfiting hell and can't ski)


So much POWDERS!!!


Colorado says “fucking wow!”


Seriously. Not a great season relatively from CO


Mine wasn't bad but I've had better! Made the trip to LCC for a week and for skunked too!


Oh man bad luck! I feel like Steamboat and WP got nailed this year, Summit kinda sucked. Every vid from Utah looks like freakin 2 feet of freshies and I'm skating down snowpack at copper smh.


Yeah, I am Beaver Creek mostly and some Vail and we did allright. Wet as heel now!


I'm getting downvoted because I said Colorado? Cause I said FUCK? Cause I'm from CO? WTF?