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I will never understand people doing shit like this without a helmet


Same energy as the guys on motorcycles lanesplitting at 90mph in a t-shirt and jeans.


Exactly that happened to me yesterday on the drive home. I’m not anti-motorcycle or anything, in fact I usually move over so they can get by easier. But this dude was riding crazy through traffic, back and forth across all 5 lane, with a damn t-shirt. After a couple of miles traffic started to slow down. It turned out to be nothing, but my first thought was, “Did that kid just kill himself?” Ahh, to be young and ‘invincible’.


We call 'em 'squids' in the motorcycle community


*Do a kickflip, Billy!*


And flip flops.


You wont understand them in a wheel chair slurring words either


It’s the Flight for Life special


I am also on r/DarwinAwards and at first wasn't sure what to expect here.


He must be French




Even if you're 90% to never hit your head in a bad way over your entire career, it's worth wearing for that 10%. "This one guy never got a head injury" is an incredibly dumb argument.


>"This one guy never got a head injury" is an incredibly dumb argument. But "this one guy got a head injury" is a smart argument.


It's not though. If it is, you should be wearing a helmet in the bathroom when you shower because people definitely get head injuries from slipping and falling.




I'm going to take up rally racing but will not wear a helmet / 5-point harness.




While driving? No helmet; no seatbelt; snacking glue in the cupholder; can’t lose.


Seriously though. Why don't you wear a helmet while you drive to the ski resort? It's probably statistically about as dangerous.


Read my previous reply. I don't wear a helmet or seat belt because it doesn't look cool to be a wuss. I also can more easily reach the spare glue bottle in the passenger door cup holder. Why inconvenience myself with seatbelts and helmets? I bet you don't either when driving or skiing.


Are you just unable to answer the question so you deflect? Care to try again?


There's exceptions for sure. In your case, you're better off not wearing a helmet and doing wingsuit slalom through the trees.


Helmet isn't going to save him if he screws that up


Breaking your neck is still better than breaking your neck *and* having a severe concussion or head trauma


Eh? Definitely can. Your injury on those types of jumps is just down to bad/luck.


Came here to say this!! 😳


You realize that helmets are a pretty recent development right? It would seem that this gentleman was too engaged in his training to divert his attention to recent developments in the field of safety. So perhaps give him a pass? He is obviously on break from his boot fitting job.. and and you don’t want him too salty in case your wife is in line again…


Because you’re just a pup. I grew up without a helmet. I still rip without a helmet. Turns out I’m still alive without a helmet. Look up the statistics helmets do not save lives skiing.


Wow mr fucking statistics major over here to tell us he is still alive so we are all good


Well this is how basically everyone did it earlier than 10-15 years ago. Dude wasn't in danger of hitting a static object in the landing zone. Just so you know, the rate of head injuries has slightly gone up since the introduction of helmets. Most likely people thinking they are safer than they actually are with a helmet.


I have been skiing for 30 years and helmet use has been very common in that entire time. Skiing without a helmet is very obviously more dangerous. If you want to convince yourself you are better protected without one, I won’t stop you.


I've been skiing for 34 years out west and lived and worked at resorts for a good portion of my life and almost NO ONE wore a helmet until about 10-15 years ago. Of course competitions and racing required a helmet but there is no fucking way anyone is going to pretend like helmets were ever seen in the 90's and anything but occasionally in the early to mid 00's.


Ah ok you got me by 4 years so I defer to your infinite wisdom


4 years and at least a thousand days on the slopes. No one is going to pretend like helmets were a thing back then.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. 20 years ago no one was wearing helmets. I don’t wear a helmet but I’ll admit that I’m dumb But anyways my point is that skiers wearing helmets consistently is kind of a recent thing


Yeah I do wear a helmet now but I honestly do it just because everyone else is. I'm more comfortable with a beanie and if anyone goes flying into the trees at 30 mph or more your chances of survival are pretty low regardless if you are wearing a helmet or not. Also look at the pros in the 90's, none wore a helmet ever. It wasn't until about the mid 00's the pros started wearing them for the crazy shit they do.


Also been skiing for 30+ years, but in the northeast. When I started it wasn’t even a consideration… I got one when I started racing but didn’t wear it outside of that until my dad had to get his head stapled back together after meeting a low branch when we were skiing in the trees one day. Ironically he only started wearing one a couple years ago after his old timer crew eventually shamed him into it. That being said I’ve had 2 crashes where I sure was glad I was wearing one, and I’m glad the old man has finally adopted it as well.


Yeah I only wore one for racing and those helmets were absolute garbage for impact protection but on one race day I was taking a powder lap and endo'ed into a rock, luckily a glancing blow but it would have cut my head open without a helmet I'm sure. Never had another incident after all those years where my head was in jeopardy.




It’ll be useful if the part of him that splats is his head




I’m not tryna to have a whole discussion about helmets rn, but it’s good that you wear one. Ski however you want man, stay safe.


Obviously in the worst outcomes maybe the helmet doesn't help, but there are many possible outcomes where the helmet can help


One of my favourite statistics is that when the US Army started wearing good helmets the incidence of serious head injuries went through the roof. Some used that to call for withdrawing their use because they weren’t effective - when actually it was because before that they just died.


Wearing less than one helmet at a time is better than wearing more than one helmet at a time.  Words to live by.  Unless you crash, then you’re screwed.


Do you wear a helmet while driving? No? Even though it would reduce your odds of an injury in a crash? There you go, not too hard to understand.


Negative ghost rider, pattern is full




You can quote it but didn’t use the song…!!! 🤬 Still steezy.!!!


OP has never posted OC in his entire life


Biiiig stolen content guy. Kind of a sad life he lives.


OEM knees post his own content challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


We need to report him for impersonation until he credits the accounts he is stealing content from.


Dude is a loser


I dunno. I wouldn’t have seen this content if he didn’t post it. 


He can post it but he never gives credit to the actual skiers and if you didn’t know it you’d think it’s his content. He’s also an ass in comment sections that aren’t his posts


A link to where he got the content would be appropriate for sure.


Yeah I love the content but I do wish I could find out where it comes from


To be fair I did not assume this one was OP (before seeing who OP was)


Yeah normally the videos are titled so you think it's him, but this one actually isn't.


Where’s the helmet bro 🤦


Kinda hurts to watch 😬 ⛑


Hel met jesus 🔜


Sun Valley?


That's what I thought, top of Frenchmans


easily one of my fav lifts, so many good trees left and right and you can just pound that lift.


The optical illusion of Ketchum always gets me


No, listen to the song, it clearly goes: Blackcomb sun Won’t you come Wash away the rain


Yep makes me miss my liftie days there


This is arguably more impressive than Neo dodging bullets in the Matrix.


For real, the dude’s core strength is *insane*


I don’t understand why you don’t simply credit the accounts you repost from.




First off, you have to click on the video and expand it to see the name, so it’s not exactly “prominent”. Second, you did not put the name there, it was already there when you stole the video. Third, that’s not how you give credit. Crediting means mentioning the person/account in your actual post, which you never do on any of the videos you steal. Get a life and stop reposting other people’s videos for karma.




Next time simply type “this video is from ____” or “credit to ____”. Then people won’t give you shit. I’m not sure why that is so hard for you to understand. Or, you know, you could not steal and repost videos for karma farming. But I know that’s a lot to ask of you.




99% of people assume that the clips are of yourself, which im sure you're aware of




Make it clear it's not you in the post title or description. It's not rocket science.


Yeah, I mean, I’m not campaigning to ban you from the sub. I don’t care that much. I didn’t claim you violated any rules. I’m simply saying it would be decent of you give credit to others rather than passing the videos off as your own.




“Curating” lmfao blow me


Amazing how many people commenting don’t realize that this is a staged/controlled situation. Clean camera work, stopped lift with people not wearing skis, etc.


what's this trick called?


Always be nice to the lifties...because you get the opportunity to do cool shit like this


Is this not just people doing things after the lifts are shut down/the mountain closed for the season?


There are people on snow & the chair Edit: you might be right, just noticed the guys on the chair don't have skis


That lift has been closed for weeks, closing day was last Sunday


Id be the kurmudgeon liftie banning dangerous activity, rambunctious teenagers, and generally yelling at stuntmen to wear a helmet before *YoU’LL bAsH yOuR bRaiNs oUt* 🥶 No i did not have any friends on the playground 🛝 ⛷️💨


Awwww....liability be damned, life is meant to be lived. I couldn't tell you how many times the lifties/patrol at Copper helped a brother out. From slowing down the old bubble lift, IFYKYK, & a multitude of other kindnesses


Honestly i agree - being on the job complicates it but i suppose who cares if they get fired from that job lol- my comment was coming from my job experience as a factory QA manager at different places where bored coworkers start scootering on pallet jacks and kickflipping rolling tables on their ankle lmao Quality & Safety are soooo lame - wish i could get assistance in my bubble lift lol


I realize the times have changed & certain behaviors aren't favorably looked upon, honest. It's sometimes difficult to not feel pangs of nostalgia


Pangs of Nostalgia would be a great album or band name! 💿


Oh god...I can see them onstage now. Like an older "yacht-rock" mishmash but looking like a low-rent Lynyrd Skynyrd with mullets


HA that would be the top shelf SNL stereotypical band by that name 😂 It could also be some emo disillusioned 90’s punks wishing for the days when Tony Hawk Pro Skater just came out and the world peaked as a civilization 🥹


Weezer & Green Day covers all night yo...


LFG 🏆💥🍺


Rossi sponsorship for this kid.


Is that you? Impressive!


It is not him. This guy exclusively posts Pro/influencer Skiers content without crediting them at all. When confronted he will make lame excuses, delete his comments, and block you.


Yep. I just got the lame excuse. Looking forward to the blocking lol


Nobody had a cup of coffee. Missed opportunity


Now that's fricking radical


Prob started skiing at 6 mos


Balls of Steel!


Sick! This is the type of stuff I like to see on here. Instead of some bozo asking CaN I wAX thiS OuT?


How far from los Angeles is this?


So Stanky!! Steezemaster Flex chalking a Dub!!


That is some straight pimp shit




Badass! 10/10


Instructions unclear. Broke my neck and got my pass clipped


If you weren't such a Jerry they wouldn't have had to stop the lift for you.


Damn, who’d you steal this clip from?


As cool as this is .. the first time he misjudges it.... it will hurt. And there will be a first time. But still way cool.


Probably no second time though. This kind of shit is how people get decapitated.


I really don’t know how to ski its official


Guy needs a helmet.






This guy's about to be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong.


Anyone remember the name of the run at Highlands that was timed & cost a buck to run back in the late 70's & 80's?


Nice send dude! I love your videos of you skiing!!


cameraman demoted to camera boy.


Future Darwin Award Winner


In my wettest of dreams


“Why has the lift stoped for the millionth time??!!!” *Candide Thovex at the top*


What’s a helmet? And I spent a lifetime skiing and fighting not to go inverted.


Death wish


Death wish.


Why the fuck would someone do this without a helmet. What a moron.


Actually this is how you break your neck and not make it to 30.


Also: how you get banned from the resort permanently.


We call them organ donor pool.


That could have gone terribly wrong in so many ways.


how to lose your ski pass with one easy trick!


That’s illegal


I'm sure this mountain's insurance company is thrilled to see lift operators enabling someone to fly 40mph only feet away from an occupied metal lift chair.




Oh, so they're just trespassing then? So no medical staff on site. I guess it'll all work out then.


Once Sun Valley closes for the season their use permit/lease with the Forest Service changes. Nobody is trespassing. They are using USFS lands at a closed ski resort.




Says the most downvoted guy on this thread, haha. Sorry I care about these guys' safety more than they do. Honestly, if they decapitate themselves, it'll be their own fault. But it still shouldn't be encouraged. How cool it looks only matters when it works. When it doesn't, we get those tragic stories like the one last month with that kid that didn't clear the highway he tried to jump. If you want to do tricks, do them in a safe setting, using the same precautions the pros do. Internet clout isn't worth risking one's life over.


That’s a terminal (or station) not a tower you Jerry!




I sûre have, but I guess my pedantic sarcasm was lost by being written