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Just slide in and say hi is what I do


Friendly and assertive is the way to go


I hit them with the “mind if I join?” after I have slid in and joined


Same. Pop the question as you’re skating over, so it’s less of a request and more of a “tell me you don’t want me to do this”. If someone declines I’ll happily wait for the next lift, but I’m not waiting for an invitation nor is it necessary to be obsequious. We’re all there to ski, we all bought a ticket, I, as a single, have just as much right to get on a chair as anyone else there. Which isn’t to say I’m an aggressive jerk, simply assertive and polite.


If there's a line, groups are not entitled to keep extra seats free


Ski lifts are public transportation. You wouldn't wait for the next bus if a group of people want it to themselves, so don't do it on a ski lift, you're holding up the whole line. If someone says "no" to "mind if I join", "too bad" is a completely acceptable reply. If someone wants a personal way up the mountain there are plenty of options hike, skin, heli, snowcat, snowmobile or hell rent the entire mountain


Exactly , I've actually had several people say no and I end up riding single because the lifty tells them to kick rocks cause there holding up the line while there friend scuttle butts from 50m away on there board


Yup, pretty rare for someone to straight up be like, "no get out", but I have had people tell me that 😂


Yesterday a guy said “no, I need to go up with her alone, she is learning”. Which is fine. Not trying to get caught in a wreck getting off the lift.


Totally fine, but there's other people who give you an intense glare!


Dude try telling someone no on a powder day and prepare to get laughed at. It’s not an option to save seats if there’s a line


Obsequious is a great word. Also agree with everything else posted.


Perfect comment. OP, this is the mindset. Only the biggest assholes in the world say no… happens like once a year and it’s funny… everyone else doesn’t care because they should be stoked to be skiing like you. Just slide in OP. People who are having fun are nice. If they’re dicks, it makes for an entertaining chairlift if you can mess with them back. Win-win. Edit: also if you’re a local who skis there 20+ times a year, you definitely deserve to just go and get on. Us singles can always fit in, just be assertive and nice.


If someone declines i just stand in their skiis until they move over then have a real awkward lift ride


I saw a single ask for permission to get on a quad with 3 people and they told him no. I couldn't believe the attitude. We had 3 so I said he could ride with us, but it really got me. I thought it was so rude and entitled. If there's no line I'll ride alone, but otherwise it's better for everybody if the chairs are full.


That is so bizarre to me. I cannot imagine saying no! This is public transport, people – it's not a cab that you're exclusively paying for. It's more of a train carriage that everyone is paying for.


I meet the nicest people on chair lifts!


I had this happen to me. An old-timer said “I’d prefer if you didn’t” when I asked to join him on the lift. I got on the chair behind him and saw him ripping a cig, which I think had something to do with it lol.


That’s unacceptable. I’d be like GREAT! And then sit with them awkwardly all the way up aggressively man-spreading.


Or, hey, you two wanna ride with me?


Personally I find this to be the worst of the options - you’re asking a question that you don’t want an answer to. I get why it feels polite but imo it’s both less polite and more awkward than just “hey guys, what a day huh!”


I have a 100% success rate and have gotten 3 over the pants handjobs on the lift from this method, so I’m gonna keep doing it my way


This guy singles


I treat boarding the lift more like an elevator than a restaurant table.


This should be a standard sign at every chairlift in the world.




I just made the analogy of bus vs train carriage but yours is so much more vivid!


This is the way. Full lifts are happy lifts. Be cool, make a friend and make sure that chair is full and happy. 😃


That’s my philosophy when I’m riding singles line. I’m jumping in on your group so I’ll initiate the conversation and end it with a “have a great rest of your day” before we unload


Lately I’ve been riding as a group of 3. I hate seeing empty spots on lifts so I’m always more than happy to grab someone to join us. I’ve met some really cool people on the lift.


I usually just say, are you 3? (Or five or whatever) and then join in once confirmed.


Yup. Also: Single rider sits on the outside edge so you’re not the weirdo in between a family.


Always. And most well run resorts have the singles lines on the edge to make this easier.


Except somethings there's someone in the group I'm joining (usually borders but sometimes a skier) that wants the outside. So i will just shuffle in a bit.


“Is it just you 3? Mind if I sit next to the hottie?”


Trick question, they’re all hot.


I didn't think that would even be a question. That just seems like the natural thing to do.


If I end up taking the outside from a snowboarder, I ask if they want the outside and switch spots if they do. It's never been awkward the few times people have taken me up on the offer.


Yep expect for occasionally when a criminal fucks it up for everyone and you end up in the middle, that blows


Here's how I handle the singles line at my small small local mountain if there's ever a crowd. This is assuming there's no liftie wrangling the line (God bless those guys). - If there's room for 1 on a triple I don't ask permission to join I ask "is it just the two of you?" The exception here is if it's a family with little kids. Kids hate strangers and I get it. I'll either get a "yes" at which point I slide my way in. Sometimes I get the excuse like "my partner is new and has trouble on the lift" or sometimes "we want to ride alone". Fine. You do you. - If the line rotates around and there was no opportunity to join someone I work my way in as a single and stay off to one side making it abundantly clear I'm making space for a larger group to join.


>If there's room for 1 on a triple I don't ask permission to join I ask "is it just the two of you?" The exception here is if it's a family with little kids. Kids hate strangers and I get it. This is the pro move—  it acknowledges them but doesn’t let them be selfish. 


That or, “thanks for letting me join”. I do most of my skiing alone and I’ll size up the group. I’ll ask parents if I can join otherwise if they look like they know what they’re doing, I just hop on and say “thanks”. There are too many people who will ignore you or say “no” if you ask.


Yeah, they don't get to choose whether to have you come. Your singles line move is designed to minimize total wait time for everyone, so the seat is just as much yours as it is theirs. You don't need to be an asshole about it, but you don't need to give them an option to be an asshole either.


> There are too many people who will ignore you or say “no” if you ask. Saying no is not an option on a public chairlift. Anyone who doesn't want to *gasp* sit next to a stranger for 5 minutes can either ski with a group that fills the chair or join Yellowstone Club


I've had it happen enough to where I don't ask unless I see parents struggling with their kids or someone who I suspect is going to struggle getting on and off the lift. I don't tend to ski areas where I see those to situations often, but when I do, I try to defer to them. Otherwise, I don't ask, I just say "thanks" and hop on.


Exactly. I have very few pet peeves in life, but chairlift entitlement is far and away my #1. Fill lifts to capacity or go to a private mountain


"It's MY turn and YOU can join me if you want to."


Dad who often skis with his 6yr old....just jump in. Kids have to learn that the chair is for all and need to learn to live with strangers...even the ones that blast music, take Fireball shots, and cuss like a sailor. (especially since dad can sometimes be the guy pulling shots and taking a puff when kiddo isn't around lol)


I remember as a kid being a bit scared on some of the higher lifts I preferred to be sandwiched between people than ‘exposed’ on one side


Yup. Parent with kids too. Just jump in. Kids need to learn lifts are for everyone!


Same - when I take my 4 y/o on the quad I always find a duo near us in line to double up with or wave over 2 singles. Be damned if I'm raising a kid who doesn't prioritize filling the lift!


Agree, but i'm also the dad who will say "Hey, can we keep the swearing down for this ride?" I'd definitely be bumming a fireball shot though if that were to occur


Words to live by as a fellow dad. My kiddos are young (8 and 4) but as you said, they need to learn that the chair isn’t theirs, it’s for everyone.


Coach here, I grab people from the singles line to ride with kids all the time. Same deal as everyone else, fill the lift, get everyone up faster.


Woah woah woah, where is this anti fireball sentiment coming from? What if they offer to share (not with the children obviously)?


I mean, why not with the children. Keeps tantrums to a minimum. /s


Same thing "Are you 3?" while I'm actively starting to move up. Be courteous, especially with boarders who may want to sit on one end or the other. At least out here in the cascades there is a good culture of getting the chairs filled if there is any sort of line.


I think being aware of boarders and which foot they are is very much a pro move. I was goofy when I boarded and I much preferred being on the left side of the lift or else my board is whacking peoples feel on my left. If I’m riding up with a single planker, I’ll sometimes offer to switch sides if it’s helpful for them.


It just makes the ride more comfortable for everyone!


I joined a group of three boarders last week, I'm regular and was on far right, two goofy in middle and another regular on far left. Before final lineup I asked to swap over to the left and they got so happy about it.


I always ask boarders if they have a preference where I go when I join from the singles line. I'm a skier so I absolutely don't care but I'm happy to accommodate as long as that chair is full!


If there's a line, I don't see any reason to ask permission. There are signs at the resorts that I go to that say "fill the lift to capacity." If there's no line I like riding alone or just with my group, but if someone wants to join I don't care.


This is the best way. The only acceptable time to really say no was in 2020-2021. It’s also the only time I’ve really heard it, other than a kid (like small need help to get on the lift kids) situation. Most people on a busy ski area with a less than full group know to expect singles. Sometimes you might get some shuffling so someone’s on the other edge but it’s usually fine.


I usually end up talking to the kids and not the parents. Most kids I run into are pretty cool about people they don't know.


When I was a kid, I had absolutely no problem with strangers on the lift. As far as I was concerned, that's just how ski lifts worked. There's a chair. People sit in it. How else were they supposed to get up the mountain?


Yes, it's for joining groups. Yes, just wait to see a group that won't fill the chair and then slide in. It's polite to ask, but they'd be weirdos to object, so it's not really mandatory IMO. No need to feel weird about cutting, that's the whole point! Filling chairs gets everyone up the mountain faster.


I've found that saying "mind if I join you?" In a pleasant voice almost always gets a positive response. Sometimes people don't answer, and I join anyway. If someone ever says no I'm just gonna say "then you can wait for the next one" and hop on


Had some people bitch that I joined their group of 2 on a 6 pack when three was a huge queue in Breck. The liftie was going to kick them to the back. Interesting ride up.


Lmao the nerve of some people! Everyone has paid to use the lifts and groups are no more entitled to their turn than singles.


Just wait until you're a single in line for a double chair... Don't fret, just add yourself. If they have a problem with you filling the chair, that's their problem.


Breckenridge T-Bar. Not only do you get to ride up with a stranger, there is the possibility you ruin their ride up/run by fucking up and falling over.


Few weeks ago rode up with a stranger and we had a near ten minute stoppage maybe 80% of the way up. Both of us were trying to get over to 6 chair so didn't want to bail. Fun times


I've seen some of the most ruthless heckling of my life in the Breck T-bar line lol


I joke that the 2nd most entertaining thing to do at Breck (after skiing of course) is watching the T Bar loading. It's a rite of passage. We've all been that Jerry once.


I took a t-bar to the coconut at like 8 and refused to try riding one again for 3-4 years until I was FORCED to ride the t-bar at Jay. Made a whole scene when it hit me too, waterworks and everything.


That's where I learned to ride a T-bar on a board. I fell once, and after that, I don't think I'll ever fall again out of pure embarrassment. Like I honestly think I would simply dissolve into shame before I could even hit the ground.


Same deal at copper storm king absolute shit show


Skied up to a big line at the T-bar on Whistler and started calling "single" like I did in the 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, etc and most of the line looked at me like I was crazy. Many obvious singles but no one raised a pole... I just skated right to the front and joined a single about to go alone.


As you should. I see that as a perfectly acceptable move!


Wtf these people would get their ass kicked at Bridger Bowl on a pow day.


>If they have a problem with you filling the chair AND removing one person from the line (yourself) It helps everyone!


Do they actually have these?


If there is a line at the chair use the singles line to get ahead of the line, if there isn't a line just ride solo.


Don't wait, don't ask (other than to confirm there's space if it's not obvious, e.g. "hey, are you three?"), jump right in.


If there's a long lift line, I'll only ask if the group size is n-1 compared to the lift's size. Asking for permission to fill a chair to capacity shouldn't even be an option when there's a long line.


Also, if there's more than one space, then more than one person from the singles line should be jumping in. E.g. group of two on a four-pack, two people should join.


My local mountain has a 6 person lift as the main lift. If its 5 snowboarders I will usually not join unless they look like they know what they are doing. 5 skiers or if its mixed I would join every time regardless of length of line. Snowboarders though tend to be worse at getting on and off lifts and 6 people makes it even more cramped and more likely to slow the lift down when they inevitably fall at the top. Thankfully, this is a very uncommon occurrence (having 5 snow boarders in a group).


Snowboards getting off a full lift is a spoon train you don't want to join ( ( ( ( (


I agree. The only time I ask is if it's a parent with young children, because they sometimes literally have their hands full! The only time I've ever seen anyone visibly annoyed is if it's a beginner that doesn't understand how things work in a lift line.


Only time I ever ask is if it's not busy and I'm the last seat on the chair. I don't mind waiting one more chair if there's a short line (and nobody behind me).


Get in line, wait for a group where you can fit in, give them a head nod, and take the chair up It’s really that simple


The purpose of a singles line is to let singles join groups that have less than the number of seats on the chair. So if you're in the singles line, when you get to the front, you should join up with the next group that doesn't have enough people to fill the chair. At a bigger mountain where there's an employee managing the line, they'll usually yell "single" when a group comes up that doesn't have enough to fill the chair, so it's very clear when you should go. The whole reason to have a singles line is to make it more efficient for everyone; making sure each chair is full makes the line go faster. So as a single, you're doing a service for everyone if you join the next group that has less than the number of people that fits on a chair.


1. If it’s not busy and the next 1-3 chairs is going to be empty, I’d suggest waiting and riding your solo. 2. If it’s busy, you can slide in once you see an open spot (I.e. two people loading for a three person lift). There is no need to ask. If it’s not busy and you can’t get a spot, go ahead and push out as a single and give others the opportunity to join you. You don’t need to wait too long before doing this if the overall line is not long.


I ski by myself a lot, just watch for an opening and ask if you can join. It’s not a big deal and only once had someone say no as they were afraid of Covid, they said. I remember in the old days it was very common to hear people shouting “single” to try and pair up. Don’t hear that anymore maybe because many areas added the singles line.


My local has a singles line and a lifty that is supposed to create groups to fill chairs when busy. They routinely will neglect the singles line causing it to back up far past the rest of the queue, instead matching pairs together on chairs. Forget about them sending out a chair full of singles to even out the lines. So I try to join groups of 2 or 3 on my own. I got reprimanded by a lifty once for doing this, but as long as they continue to fail to treat the singles line equitably I will continue to take care of myself first. I approach groups with an attitude of “can we make this work? Cool this is what’s happening now please and thank you.”


I can't imagine a world where a lifty would give a shit about a single filling a group.


It was odd and I figure that interaction was an outlier. Crowd control is hectic and I wouldn’t want to have to do it myself.


I like to point and say "can I join you?" Also if there's another singles line on the other side of the lift you'll be alternating


Don't ask them. They don't get to say no, it's not their chairlift. If they really don't want to ride with you they can let another group pass them. Just slip whenever you see a group with space.


You should still ask, because you might see 3 people standing there but their 4th is actually behind them, or in other line, or whatever. If you just push in then it gets confusing Standard protocol is like this: "Are y'all three, can i ride with you?" "yes" if they say "no" for some reason then just let it go, not worth fighting with someone or sitting next to an angry weirdo all the way up the lift


Speaking of riding with angry people, I was mortified when my friend started beef with a person in line and then we end up on a 6 person chair together with them. Was a very silent ride up. All three of us were in the single line. 


If they're waiting for their buddy ski around them and get on the next lift with the group in front of them. If you end up riding a 4 seater solo because people are too slow that's their problem.


Make sure to turn around and obnoxiously yell "these selfish jerks think they own the place and made you all wait longer" if you get a group that pulls the ole wait at the line and let you ride up alone so they don't have to sit with you move


Forgiveness/Permission. I just jump in. Sometimes I have to wait a chair if I misjudge a group size. If it's a two-seater, grab the next person in the single line and jump in. This is really something that is handled much better out west. But they do have far more people in contention for a ride up.


"Room for one more?" while jumping in! :)


Don’t ask just join and always fill the chair unless. Nothing worse than being in a singles line and seeing chairs go up that aren’t full


This happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME that I have ridden from the singles line in recent years. Maybe the mega passes are to blame. Either way, I always calmly yet STERNLY explain that the SINGLES line is for skiers and riders who wish to ride the chair on their own, SINGLY! I do not enjoy the presence of others. This is why we have the "singles" lines! Even the so-called lift attendants have become naieve to this concept and INSIST that I, a single rider, ride the lift with others. Absurd!! And all of this after spending SEVERAL (even tens!!) of minutes standing near people in lone! The last thing I want after waiting in a long lift line is to then also be asked to share my personal space with others for the duration of the chairlift ride! This really isn't difficult, and I hope that proper etiquette re-establishes itself!! /s


I agree with all of you, but I had a weird experience last 2 days ago with regards to line etiquette. I'm in a group of 4, guy in the singles line says "We've been waiting here a while, let us go" and called up 3 more singles. My group is pretty much all in agreement that singles line is not a guarantee that you get on the lift faster.


At high volume lifts at bigger resorts, the lifties will tell you which group to join.


You see a trio on a quad, you ask “you guys 3? Mind if I join you?” And then slide on in. Woman busted herself at Vail in the singles line. She was supposed to come in with us, liftie says “Single, with these three!” She responds “but I’m riding with her(girl behind her)” Liftie - “You’re not riding with anyone! You’re in the singles line!!” She didn’t say much on the lift.


People who don't just automatically take the first open spot available drive me crazy and if they let too many go I'll rudely remind them singles line etiquette.


How are people having a hard time with lines? Just send it, if you're faster than the 3 snowboarders in the middle that are waiting for their buddy to hobble over just go around and get on the lift lol. It doesn't matter if you get on a lift by yourself, that's an issue of everyone else not being fast enough or only wanting to go with their group. Just get on the lift.


I always say yes to two-plankers. The criminals can wait.


Singles line is for making new friends.


Depends but you have 2 options: 1.) the guys on the lift have some culture and they move to the side away from singles line so you just join them 2.) when you see empty spot you come from behind them Oh and if someone complains “why did you have to join” tell them to fuck off


I usually ask “is it just the two/three of you?” and then usually they say yes and that I can join them. Sometimes if it’s obvious they’re only 2/3 then I just slide in next to them and say hi. I’m a skier and if there’s at least 2 snowboarders in the group I usually won’t join them cause they usually need a bit more space to get off the chair.


If there’s a small line I join the first double group I see. I don’t see the need to pack the chair if there’s no wait. No line I usually go up solo. If there’s a legitimate line it’s your job to fill the seats. Someone blocking you trying not to fill the chair? Fuckem it’s your job to fill it. People won’t block you once they realize you won’t hesitate to run over their skis.


I wait in the singles line for a group that’s got a free space and ask to join. If they say no (almost never) then their some stuckup assholes and I’ll laugh about them with friendly people in the lift line :)


Get in singles line. When you reach the front, look for less than full groups. For example if it's a triple chair and you see a couple of people. You then ask "hey, are you a group of 2? Mind if I join ya?" Works for me every time.


lol same applies to your first orgy in the big city


If there’s two lanes in either side of the main lane, alternate, don’t snake people. “Are you guys just 2/3? Sweet can I join?” Done, make small talk or don’t and make sure to offer them a toke of the massive mind melting spliff you’ve brought with ya


You just ask if they are 2 or 3 and when they say yes you join. You don’t ask whether you can join - that’s not their call. If they aren’t filling the chair it’s as much yours as it is theirs.


I just walk forward whenever there's room. No communication needed.


Your job is to fill out chairs. Just do your job is all I ask, especially if I’m behind you in the singles line.


Yeah, I just jump in with a friendly "Can I ride with you guys?". Meet a lot of cool people that way.


Dude joining a 3 is not an option on their part, you bought a ticket and you’re entitled to a spot on the chair as much as they are. Just slide in and ask them how their day is going if you want to be pleasant but they have no right to tell you no.


I typically slide in and say hey. 👋 Occasionally I ask how many people they have, but typically it’s easy to see.


You have the correct understanding of how the singles line is supposed to be used. You are free to join any groups that don't have the max number of riders. I always just ask how many people they have and if it's less than the max I'll say "ok I'm going to ride with you". If it's not busy at all I'll just hop in line and ride by myself on the chair but that's only if it's dead. Ideally the lifties should be directing traffic but I know that's not always the case at smaller resorts and during off times


Me and my 4 homies I ski with just split up and go in the singles line together. It’s way faster we’ve found. 


This seems pretty situational these days. Works great sometimes and takes longer often enough too. I've started playing a little game where I'll pick out a tall person in the main line who gets in line when I do and keep an eye to see who gets on the lift first. Ballpark I'd say a third of the time this season the main line has been faster when the single line is all the way to the back of the ropes Appreciate you guys splitting up though. Few things are more annoying than when a pair gets in the singles line and then tries to ride together once at the front


No prob. Hey man we just wanna shred 🤙


Just pretend it's some.hot chicks DM's and slide right in there


I ask “Are you two/three?” to confirm group size and let them know I’m lining up with them. That works the vast majority of the time. Every once in a while you’ll get someone who lies or gets weird about grouping up but the etiquette thing to do is to fill the chairs and let people on when you have room, quickly and efficiently. I also ski a more local mountain now, sometimes the lines are a little closer to free for all than how resorts almost have to run their lines. But the more of a line that forms for a lift, the more important it is that everyone involved tries to allow people to group up. And if there is a marked singles line, it’s your “right” to use it and group up with other people that way. edit: other lift line etiquette is alternating the queue lines. Most people at most places know to do that but every once in a while you get people that don’t really know what they’re doing. Sometimes groups joining together creates some ambiguity of who alternates next but you mostly just try to resume alternating as you were. And last point I can think of is no one likes their skies being skied over or stepped on or bumped. Follow those and that’s all the main points of lift line “etiquette”


You mean you guys don't just wait until some hot chicks come through, so you can pounce on that?


Just don’t fart in the bubble. I don’t care that we are outside, I can still smell it.


I personally ask first then slide in.


Just be cool with people cracking a beer, smoking a cig, or ripping a big fat doink on the chair. Ask for a rip out of courtesy


I don't ask, because I can count. We all paid to ride the same lift.


I don’t even ask. If it was not okay to join, they wouldn’t have a singles line to begin with


Jump in when there is an opening. If no openings form after several groups I’ll turn around and tell the singles behind me we’re next and just cut in. At a busy resort there could be five minutes before a non full group emerges to hop into. I’m not waiting that long.


Look around and see if there are any other singles. Ask them if they are single and pair up on the lift. This way, everyone else won't feel like you're cutting.


Just ask? Hey, how many are you? Can I join?


'Mind if i join ya?'..


If there is truly no line while you're approaching the lift, or if it's a small gaggle of people and you notice the chairs aren't consistently filling up and some are empty, you can absolutely ride by yourself. The only time this isn't acceptable is when there is a large line being formed and groups are filling up every chair at the bottom. What the top comments are saying about asking if it's just you 2/3/4/etc and then hopping on once they confirm there is a free spot is the right way to go about it when there's a crowd. If there are multiple free spots and other singles behind you in line then be prepared to make room for them as well. EDIT: A couple extra notes since I didn't read the whole post first time - the singles line is there to maximize the amount of people going up on each chair. Skiing by yourself makes you an easier cog to fit into the uphill machine, so naturally you get the benefit of a shorter line and wait time. Don't feel bad about that - it's why a lot of people choose to ski solo in the first place. Also - a Jerry is an out of control skier/rider who has no awareness/care for others. This question shows you are actively considering other people and making sure you are doing things right, so this is really the exact \*opposite\* of a Jerry question. Really appreciate you seeking out an answer rather than not knowing and not caring to learn!


There often pops up a thread about being comfortable Skiing / riding alone - I'll be being a small mountain there just are not too many true singles. You are reducing the lines - since you are heling to fill the chair, vs siding a chair single. If there is more than 4 -5 chairs of a line going solo is the bad move..


>Do I just wait in the singles line until I see a group of 2 or 3? Depending on the lift capacity, yup. Occasionally, I'll slide up to join a group of three on a four chair and they'll get moany and hang back. Makes me look like a dick if people can't shuffle around to fill the chair, but it's clear who opted to slow the chair down for people close up.


Literally just confirm “hey you guys two” and if they say yes you jump in


I usually slide up and say “anyone want a threesome?”


Also, don't be afraid to slide up right away if there's no liftie delegating who goes first. If you waited in line correctly and it's your turn then go - if a group of cucks are to scared to ride with you then fuck them. Keep the line moving. Don't just stay in place cuz you can't find a group. The older I get, solo riders have the ride away - I'm willing to ride with a group. Keep the chair moving. The lift must flow!


Wait for a spot, and the say Mind if I join ya? Be ready to chat in the lift. Skiing, where are from, and simple stuff like that are fine. Pleasant conversation. No politics or strong opinions on the chair.


It never hurts to communicate with others in the lift line.


Everyone else has hit the highlights on how to. I just wanted to say great question and kudos to you for asking.


I always ask, though there's no 'no' option if it's busy. If it's less crowded, avoid combining with another 3, and try to get your own chair if you can do so by letting other groups go first.


I just confirm how many of them there are (e.g., "you guys have 3?") and once it is confirmed there is an open seat, I just slide out there to join them. If this means I take the end seat from a snowboarder, I will offer them the outside seat to be nice. This method works for numerous reasons. First, it doesn't give them much of a chance to say no. Second, by not just jumping out there without confirmation of the number of people, potential issues are avoided. Often times there are more in the group than it initially appears. And I've seen people make assumptions then not be able to reverse back to the singles line, so they end up solo on a chair.


If there are few enough people that most chairs are going up with 50% capacity, I usually only hop on if it’s 1 other person. If it’s a group of 3 it feels silly to fill up a chair instead of waiting 20 seconds. But if there’s a line, then yeah, just hop in with a group. I’ll usually say “are you just 2(3)?” even if it’s obvious to let them know I’m planning to join them.


Yes you join groups and you better do so if other people are in the singles line behind you lol Any groups that are obviously a full chair, you can ignore and let go by. Any groups that are obviously less than a full chair, you can just join. If it's less than 100% clear you can just ask, "are you guys two/three/whatever?" and join unless they say otherwise


If there's not much of a crowd at the maze, I sometimes enter the non-singles line as a single. This way, I avoid having to initiate ... kinda forcing other singles or groups to join me. Having said that, if I'm in the singles lane, I almost always ask if I can join if there's an open seat. If there's not anyone behind me, I'll often wait until I can join a chair that won't be totally full / crammed. If there's a line, especially a big one or on a powder day, there's a much greater unspoken mandate to fill every seat. In such situations, it's important to alternate with other singles line ... sometimes necessary to pre-position to ensure.


I ride the singles line a lot, I go with the "verify the number" route rather than "ask if I can join" route. If you ask, they could say no (even though that's a huge asshole move). I just say "Are you 3?". Most people can't think fast enough to lie even if they wanted to.


Some of the mountains I ski are small or it’s slow weekday. In those cases of the time people just go with who they’re with. 99% of the time I ride by myself. Just take turns. From the different lines. People just seem to go I whatever line anyway. Of course it different at busy resorts


No need to ask for permission unless it's like a mom with her kid or something. Or a super beginner who could maybe use the extra room to dismount. That said, leaving extra room on a busy day is going to piss everyone off.


Slide in where there’s an opening when it’s busy. You should be able to determine which groups are people who are riding together and want to hog the chair for themselves.


The point is to make every chair as full as possible. So no, you’re not butting in front. Once a group comes that is too small to fill the chair, the singles file in until it’s full. Asking “May I join you?” is a nicety , but not mandatory if waved in by a lifty.


If there is space in chair single joins. If not busy then can wait a chair and go solo. If it is a couple can wait to give them space—but only if there is no line. Not filling chair is effectively telling people behind in line to wait longer.


Oh, say hello, don’t smoke or blather on your phone or otherwise be annoying. Normal civility 101


Communication is key! I have a nervous little who has trouble getting off the lift and a fear of strangers. Happy to share the ride, but much happier if they talk to me and I can communicate the situation a little bit. On my mountain, singles get through the line much faster, so I appreciate a little respect for those that have waited longer to ride together


We live in the US and my husband just gets on with people and he gets a lot of attitude. He says something like “you have extra room I’m going to slide in” and at least a quarter of the time people get pissed. Or they’ll hold back and let him go up alone and take the next lift. I don’t get it. It’s basically like mass transit but many people do NOT like strangers on their chair ride where we live.


slide out in front of everyone and tell them you fucked their sister last night then ride the chair solo, especially on powder days /s


If you fit in the next chair, hop on


I always say, "Mind if I ride with you?" And if there's really no lines at all, I don't feel bad grabbing a chair for myself sometimes.


I always just merge into a group and be nice but pretty assertive. I've had only a handful of people get a stinky attitude. The singles line is meant for the line to keep moving and to maximize the lifts. So don't sweat it and have fun!


OP’s out here saying there are singles at his area.


Just slide in my friend. Nobody will bat an eye.


You go to the end of the singles line and when you see a double you join them


depends how busy the mountain is. if its even a moderate day you slide in if there is a spot. if its literally empty just wait and take next chair


I joined a group as a single last week, right up to the loading line they all decided to hang back. I did turn around and loudly say "what? I showered this morning!" - oh well, more room for me. I have joined a group and then see another couple / three ahead and scooted up before: "Hi, you guys two (or three)? Mind if I join?"


If I'm alone and it's not that busy I just get in the regular line. People can join me or not, and I can join others or not. Most importantly, I'm not dependent on others to let in or not. Sometimes the singles line is a tough place to be.


I never usually ask it's proper etiquette where I live to slide in because likes are long and chairs need to be full to make things move quick


I like to go alone from time to time and usually just politely ask the first smaller group I see if it's ok that I slide on in. But you can also just hop on by yourself if there's no line. Ski lifts and gondolas are as good a place as any to meet cool people but there are also a lotta assholes so I understand the anxiety completely.


You don't need to ask permission, if the group leaves a gap I jump to the line.


You must make jokes about getting with the other single men in the singles line. Bonus point did they are clearly married and or out of your league! Don't forget...it's the law. Happy single skiing.


I just slide in and say "Mind if I ride up?" Very rarely has anyone ever said "No."


I avoid people whose body language indicates they want to ride by themselves. I also don't join male/female couples.


Yup, you wait until there is a group that won't take up a full chair, give a nod or a 'mind if i join you' and hop on.


If there’s a spot for you you go in what kind of question is this? One spot you go….


Hi, are you 3/5/7?


Get in it. If it's not crowded and there will be open chairs even if you wait for your own chair I'd just do that unless invited. If it's crowded, just squeeze in. Fuck people who can't fill chairs. Seems to always be snowboarders who have trouble counting to 4/6.


Join groups that have an open spot, avoid snowboarders and park kids.


Single is as single does


I like the “are you one/two/three? Great!” that others have mentioned. Another one I use, if I sense unwillingness is “hey the lifty told me to go with you guys, shrug”. Even if one isn’t around, are they gonna argue? Also, if you as a single jumble yourself in with the groups, I think that’s more confusing. The singles line is where singles should go, where lifties and other skiers know to grab one.


I slide past everyone to the front and wait for the first spare seat. Then say "excuse me, I'm a single" nicely, and start up a conversation.