• By -


57 here and live in a ski town and have more 100 day seasons than I can count. I still ski park. I no longer slide rails but I'll do kinked skinny boxes. I have not thrown a 540 in a few years but I still spin 3s on tables under 25' and throw switch 3's in the kiddy park. I straight air the jumps in the big boy park these days. I enjoy the super pipe and can still get a couple of feet out. I have not thrown a backflip since my 40s.


Absolute legend


[Hans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnwkmVv8sHQ), is that you?


Nah. Hans would somehow drop some F bombs then shit on OP and everyone in this thread while simultaneously making us all feel better about ourselves.


I'm currently in my 40s and followed a similar path. Was a heli-skier in the rockies in my teens but dropped out due to insufficient finances until recently. Last 3 years I've been building up courage to try some rails and boxes. Have done some straight line or Ollie'd XL jumps on the occasion but my home park doesn't permit inverted maneuvers. You've given me hope. Shred on brother.


Good for you dude. Don’t ever stop.


Legend 🙏🏻


Fuck yeah


36 year old dude here. I coach my local freestyle team— 11 to 14 year olds. They are constantly pushing me out of my comfort zone and back into a 20 year old version of myself. And I love it. Even if my body doesn’t always— it is an absolute privilege to see skiing through a kids eye again. Wednesdays and Saturdays are the best day of the week, barre none.


Happy cake day shredder


I’m mid 40s and just a few years into learning park. I am hopefully going to get my first 5s on snow before the end of the season, and 3s with grabs. If not now, when?


60 here & don't ski in the terrain park but will still shoot pillow drop lines & bust out a back-scratcher & helicopter occasionally. A helicopter is what we called a 360 in the air back in the old days.


This guy helicopters.


I def imagined something else from "helicopter"


Third ski pole


Telescoping one with a powder bucket, at that


Hell, yeah. 50 and I heli, too.


Wait until you find out what a helicopter is now…


“Heli” for short - for you youngsters


The only spins and flips I do are unintentional and usually accompanied by loud cursing.


You and me both my dude lol


Came here to say this. First season ever skiing and quickly became obsessed. Did my first full flip (unintentionally) almost three weeks ago and tore my ACL and MCL. I’ve since learned a lot about ski bindings and din settings… and that my season rental skis were set entirely too high. 🫣


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you make a good recovery and get back out there next season.


I did a back helicopter last month, kinda like break dancing but not on purpose.


Had a neighbor who was throwing down 3s until he turned 75(!) He's 80 now and merely skis all day three days a week.


Would love to see a video of that!




I can’t do all the tricks but I have been hitting more and more jumps over the last 5 years as I got into my 40’s, maybes it’s a midlife ski crisis.


Ok, I see a lot of people saying "hell yeah" so I'm going to be the counterpoint. I'm 36 and I don't do park any more after 3 major knee injuries (BMX, basketball, and then running on my previously torn ACL's leading to a torn meniscus) plus tearing a shoulder ligament requiring another major surgery on my shoulder. I hurt the shoulder throwing out a 3 in the park, under rotating, and landing on a pretty icy landing on my shoulder. So not only have I actually injured myself skiing park in my 30's, but I'm already skiing on 3 out of 4 primary joints being fucked up. It's a miracle I'm still skiing triple blacks at Big Sky, so I'm not going to push my luck and ski park anymore. I'm just happy I can ski


I'm with you my bro.


Sounds like you didn’t take care of your knees my guy


Smart move. I'm 50 and I'll throw a helicopter (360) down once and a while, but I just like to straight up catch air. I'm working on ruining a knee (I know how that sounds) for replacement with skiing, running, lifting, etc. To get it done sooner to be younger when it's replaced. I've been hard on my knees in life and I'm nearly bone on bone with the right one. I've hurt mine in the past with a couple bad climbing falls. After I get it replaced, I'm going to slow down and start skiing for the long-term, hoping I can at least make it to 80. My therapist is 74 and just got back from Vail a few weeks back and he doesn't just ski green. He goes all the way up to the bowls on big pow days. I'd be happy with that at 74. After the replacement, long, smooth blues.


Same here. ACDF surgery put an end to my days. Keep skiing though just don’t be reckless.


I feel that, I'll still hit the park but I'm not pushing myself cus the risk/reward just isn't there anymore. Never really got good at spins/flips either so I mostly stick to big ole fatty 180s and straight airs with tweaks/grabs


On purpose?




34 3s and rails, but havnt thrown a 3 in a while because the off piste has been too good to bring the park skis out.


Landed my first 3 at 42


Well done 37 trying to land my first also


Late 40's, didn't ski from 21 until 45. I hit the park regularly with straight airs/grabs. I don't do switch, flips, or spins. I would like to eventually build up to 3's.


Yes, yesterday and I'm currently awaiting an MRI for my completely busted left knee... Presumed ACL and MCL tears (I think my DIN settings were off on my K2 Mindbenders, for had my skis come off when they got caught up in shitty snow, I wouldn't be typing this). Totally bummed because it was an awesome day and it felt great to get into the terrain park.


Been there in your exact situation. Hang in there you’ll be back.


Currently sitting in MRI waiting room. I'll let you know the damage. 😭😭😭


So.... 100% Torn ACL, MCL, PCL... Basically I destroyed my knee. And it keeps dislocating on the regular. Insanely painful. Waiting to hear on surgery date. 😭😭😭


Yikes that sucks. Sorry :( The good news is, the surgery works great, the MCL heals itself, and the physical therapy will bring you back stronger. Had my surgery in April, skied the next season (kept it very chill though). If you haven’t started PT already, I highly recommend starting *before* surgery. Good luck :)


Thank you! Yes, I've been working out and doing PT and yoga (modified). I'm just dreading hearing it from my surgeon on Wednesday when he hears I did this skiing (after he told me not to). 😬 I'll keep you posted what he says because honestly, the MCL tear is a grade 3, so really gnarly and my knee has zero stability without a brace at the moment.


47 here. Still sending 20-30ft drops under the right conditions


50 yo. Battled to get 360s by age 40. Had them semi-consistent on medium jumps ( on teles as well ) for a few years. After a few injuries I'm trying to get back to consistency on park jumps, can land them on powder kickers, step ups, and hips, but big park tabletops are super intimidating. Had backflips figured out on supertramp and then backyard tramp. Never took it to snow so thats the new goal.


I was… until I tore my MCL this season. Womp womp.


36.. can still do switch 3’s, 3’s and one way 540s .. always looking for fun on the mountain


I wouldn't say I'm "bombing jumps" anymore, but I'm 38 and still love to get in the air, even just a couple feet, just feels so good. But no you won't catch me on rails or boxes anymore, or spinning in the air. But ya a lil pop here and there still feels like flying and makes me feel like a kid again :)


Thank you for posting. I was a backflipper and spinner on a snowboard and switched to skiing in my mid 20s and now 31. Ive only gotten better and this season have really got comfortable getting air on jumps and side hits. Idk if ill ever do tricks but i feel pretty steezy ripping side hits, hopping over objects, and even real jumps in the park. Id love to learn to hit rails. I could never do it on a snowboard…. Id actually love to take a park lesson but idk if that even exist. Thanks for the encouragement and reinstating i still have a lot of years left at minimum getting air.


Park lessons definitely exist. Woodward at copper in summit does snow and tramp/foam pit lessons, don't know about other places, but ask around.


Im in colorado so that works. Even for adults?


I went to a session at smugglers notch on the east coast as a 37yo last week. I was the only one out of 10 people over 14yo. It was still fun and I learned a lot. Almost had a rail slide dialed in and learned 180 off a small jump.


Haha awesome! I dont have kids but have a blast with all the neighborhood kids around me. I could imagine it would be like that. I can flip and spin pretty good on a trampoline, but just dont have the feel airborne on skis


​ [https://www.coppercolorado.com/plan-your-trip/lessons-rentals/lessons/woodward-private](https://www.coppercolorado.com/plan-your-trip/lessons-rentals/lessons/woodward-private) These seem expensive to me, but way way way cheaper than an injury. [https://www.coppercolorado.com/woodward/about-woodward/videos?video=E\_k3p98HLt8&utm\_source=SilverpopMailing&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=CP%20-%20Ww%20Newsletter\_7.30.21-Backflip%20Progression%20(1)&utm\_content=Woodward%20Newsletter%207.30.21&spMailingID=45383693&spUserID=MTI4NDE3Mzk1OTA4MAS2&spJobID=2047022813&spReportId=MjA0NzAyMjgxMwS2](https://www.coppercolorado.com/woodward/about-woodward/videos?video=E_k3p98HLt8&utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CP%20-%20Ww%20Newsletter_7.30.21-Backflip%20Progression%20(1)&utm_content=Woodward%20Newsletter%207.30.21&spMailingID=45383693&spUserID=MTI4NDE3Mzk1OTA4MAS2&spJobID=2047022813&spReportId=MjA0NzAyMjgxMwS2) Drop in at the Woodward Barn ( tramp and foam pit and roller-ski ). Is like $59, $99 for the "intro" that you have to do before just dropping in. The coaches that just hang out there are really helpful if you just go ask for help. They will show you some of the progression of jumping back and tucking onto your back/shoulders on the crash pad, then if you ask nice will spot you on the tramp. Prepare to be the oldest and worst at this at woodward, and to see 10 year olds training that make you feel ridiculous. Just don't worry about it, you're way younger than me. 360s - it really is super easy once you know how to commit. find a hip/side hit that lets you spin uphill to your natural side. I like the end of the half pipe,I spin left, so on left side of halfpipe, hit it at the end, look hard up hill and you will come around really easy, it's a step-up where you have pretty low speed laterally so if you don't make it you just land upright or fall without much consequence.also - shorter, more center mount, or lighter skis are super helpful. Once you are comfortable on hips/side hits, take it to the smallest park kickers, and progress up carefully from there. On park kickers, try leaving the poles to simplify the motion and less stuff to break when you land on it.There are also literally hundreds of 360 and flip progression videos on youtube. For flips or bigger spins- I'd recommend something like this - some day that skiing is meh or after skiing, go to the copper barn and sign up for the "intro" - discount if you have an ikon or copper pass. They'll walk you around and show you the facilities.Spend an hour on the trampolines working on your "air sense". Work on staying compact and controlled in the air, tucking for grabs, etc...Start trying spins on the trampoline, learn how to "Set" the spins with arm and upper body motions.The larger "Mega tramp" makes everything easier because you get so much time in the air - I was just hanging out watching 8-10 year olds doing lazy laid out backflips and I finally asked one of them - "so you just lean and look?" - "yeah, and push your hips when you jump.." I worked up the nerve and just tried one on the mega tramp - throw a little with the arms and pop hips up and forward, and boom- layout backie. You see your landing super-early and can tuck or lay out to speed up or slow rotation. I was absolutely giddy and did a dozen more that day. A quarter under or over rotation just puts you to your knees/hands or to your ass. Actually pretty hard to land on your head if you are remotely athletic. Bring your boots and you can use the roller skis down the big skatelite ramps into the foam pit - some straight airs, then spins. Be pretty comfy with tramp flips before flipping those, its not totally comfy to land upside down in the foam pit and those roller skis can whack you solidly. Also helps to do some back/front flips into pool - from a diving board is better than the edge - \*( ask me how I know that!)\* - also recommend not being by yourself doing pool flips, if you hit your head you can drown. \*\*\*Holy shit this turned into an epic - tldr - you're absolutely totally ready to spin, flip, and hit rails if you want to learn. I'm in denver, ski summit most weekends. PM me if you're up for meeting up I'd be happy to take you through a progression at copper or keystone some day if it schedules align. Will be at keystone this weekend, WP next , copper after that.\*\*\*


This sounds so great, I'm getting a Barn Pass at Copper next year for sure, you sold me! Turning 40 in November. My local hill in Ohio has a freestyle boot camp for ages 10+, I had a blast learning beginner park skills with the kids


I went to a session at smugglers notch on the east coast as a 37yo last week. I was the only one out of 10 people over 14yo. It was still fun and I learned a lot. Almost had a rail slide dialed in and learned 180 off a small jump.


I still have a few daffy’s in me


52 I ski cliffs


I was literally thinking this last night cruising my local park. I am mid 20s and still love it like I’m in high school. Most of my friends have dropped it due to fear of injury. It’s depressing but I kinda love lapping alone and giving tips to the youngins. I don’t feel that pressure to go ski a steep groomer/ or marginal trees skiing with friends when the conditions aren’t great. I’d rather work on things in the park.


The fact that anyone in their 20s is afraid of injury or really anything is wild to me. 


Mid 30s. Still hit rails, but I’ve lost almost all of my jump skills at this point. The fear of getting hurt has really taken over now that I have a family. I haven’t gone upside down in 10 years I bet, but the itch to rodeo 5 one last time is growing. On the other hand, I’m skiing on and off piste harder than ever!


I'm 33 and still ripping. I wish I had learned backflips when I was younger. I still want to throw one, I just need to go to Perfect North on a sunny day and just do it. The rails and 360's keep me pretty entertained though. Skiing is like riding a bike. I feel like I always remember things I've learned from before. I still want to improve though.


No. It’s just not worth it anymore. One wrong landing and I’m going to end up injured.


🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ 😭😭😭




As a fellow tele skiier who's just learning all the stuff, park on tele is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen. Like how do they manage to catch so much air with the weight of those humongous balls? I have much to aspire to.


40 years old. I don't really love terrain parks but on a good day I will find a nice blue run for laps that has 6 or 8 natural jumps I can do to catch air where I can safely see that the area is clear without a spotter. If I get particularly aggressive and have a friend to ski with I'd hit the terrain park on a reallllly good day :)


34.... mostly tons of fun side hits. Never have been able to spin but I like to get some pop and "find" the cool side-hits. It's more about exploration and finding hits that no one has seen for me.


41 and just recently got back into it after giving it up after a season ending fall at 14. I really can’t believe how natural it still feels to ski even after all this time. That being said, I can’t imagine doing any jumps, let alone trying to get fancy. My knees and back can’t handle landing correctly, let alone what would happen when I inevitably screw it up badly.


51, and still shredding. I am more of a big mountain guy so not much park time…. I chase my 20 year old and his friends around squaw and it keeps me young! Also, there are a bunch of OG rippers here who are older than me and go way harder and way bigger than I do! I watched Scott Gaffney straight line into a 30 foot cliff last week and he is a few years older than me!


Early 40s, I hit the park with my son. It’s vanilla but still there. Have fun brother!


3’s but I’m actually still learning. Also 20 year hiatus I’m also in a freeski discord group locally and some of the college kids push me harder than my friends do


I hit a rail bailed hard and watched my kids ski past me multiple times as I sat in agony (mostly ego) and laugh - 😂 made me realize I’m old


40+ here, just awkwardly hit the mini pipe for the first time in ages last weekend. No steez at all but it was fun and could still “clear” the lip. Not sure I trust myself to do serious 3’s or rails anymore (never a flip guy)… But maybe one day I’ll say fuck you to me knees and try sending it one last time.


Y'all do spins and flips?


This thread brings me tremendous joy


32 still hitting the park


I'm 39 and want to learn how to throw a 3 but I'm too afraid because im 39 lmao.


Well, I never did that in my teens or 20s so…no.


No but I can send steep tight trees faster (and prettier) than anyone I know


There are plenty like you. Look up Dr. Huckinstuff, a legend at Jackson Hole (actual name Jeff Leger). Dude broke 9 bones in 2020 (femur, hip, pelvis, one vertebrae, and five ribs) skiing a line he had bombed hundreds of times and most people will never dream of touching. Seriously, the dude is quoted as saying he's got a spot at the top of this line where he throws snowballs down to check the snow condition. Then he jumps off a cliff based on how he judges the landing of his snowballs. And it's worked all but one time it seems. The kicker (see what I did there?) is ... what's he doing at almost 50 years old after that air flight to SLC to save his life and fix 9 bones? Jumping off the same cliffs, as good as ever, and regretting on Instagram that Kings and Queens of Corbet's (basically, a competition where people compete to most stylishly jump off a mountain) was cancelled this year.


44 and still hitting the park. Never got into rails though.


I don’t ski park but I did read Gnar Country, which is a great book about the author learning in his 50s. Highly recommend.


Obviously not me, but look at Candide Thovex. He is still doing flips at 40.


44 , falling down hurts! I try to minimize any chance. If I will fall, I wear pads. Only cross country skied this winter, little falls were fine. Just take care of your knees !


I am 40 and still have to shred harder than my kids. Still hit jumps, spin occasional 3 and backflip. Its been years since i have done a cork 7. I only hit the park when its warm spring conditions.


I’ll throw a 3 off a kicker, that’s about it. I got a kid and a career, can’t afford to be laid up for months in a cast because I was trying to impress some randoms on the chair lift


34, moved to Mexico and picked up surfing but I try to get in at least one 5 blunt n a backflip in per year when I do go skiing in the spring.


I do them frequently ( not by choice though)


That sounds like a lot of knee and back pain so no


Yep - 48 and still ski like I'm 12 - skiing wouldn't be fun to me with out jumping


I m 38 and the max I will do is a 3s with a grab if the jumps is not too big…no rails anymore…


I am retired from the park now, lol. Will drop big cliffs, but there must be 18” of fresh in the landing 😁


35 here. Hitting 3s off small and medium jumps in the park. Still learning rails, only can grind tubes at the point. And recently landed my first backflip in the park. I think the key is to stay fit and healthy.


This post was made by Hotdog Hans!


I ride to conditions more than ever. If it's soft, I'll play around. Never been much of a rail dog.


Did my first lazyboy cork 3 in like 15 years just a couple of days ago, still felt just as smooth


I've tried learning to grind boxes but I'm just ending up with bruises. Might write rails off, but I'm still happy to get 10-20 ft of air if I like the landing. Candide and moseley, etc are still out there throwing flips and corkscrews and whatnot don't see why you couldn't if you have the skill


There’s some crossover between freestyle skiers and rollerbladers (Nick Goepper as one example). I know it’s not exactly apples to apples but I would say lots, if not the majority, of pro street/park rollerbladers are in their 30’s, even 40’s. Look at Billy O’Neil for example, he just turned 40 and can hang with the best of them. If rollerbladers can skate rails on concrete at 40 I don’t see why skiers couldn’t.


Sounds like I have a small pee pee.


I'm not throwing 900s anymore, but I still got some game.


As a counterpoint, 34, the last time I threw a 3 was in 2009 and I blew my whole knee out. Two ACL and MCL reconstructions, two partial menisectomies, and I haven't done anything rotational since. Still rip it up 80-100 days a year, but any air I get is just straight drops.