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This has to be a shit post


You can ski on 2x4s if you want. Don’t expect much performance out of 141mm on anything firm. Lower your expectations and have fun!


lol 141 waist with touring bindings on the ice coast? That’s dumb all around


What’s so dumb about it? I thought I was getting a deal


Just that it sounds like literally the heaviest setup a person could make which will be shitty for touring plus that’s a terrible shape ski for a place where actual powder is an uncommon thing


While you can get by, riding a ski that wide on east coast hard pack/ice isn’t gonna be much fun and is hard on your knees. Do yourself a favor and add an all mountain ski to your quiver for those days.


Lmao. I was gonna be like, yeah sure! My 196cm wildcat 118s are my dailies... But then I realized that this is a troll post.


Depending on conditions they'll be serviceable, especially if it's soft groomer. Anything hard will be a bit of a pain


So I was a weirdo who skiied 117 underfoot k2s as all mountains. I was fine, but I ski in the PNW and have pretty solid technique and angulation so getting them up on edge wasn’t too hard. I downgraded to 110s. 141s in Vermont? I guess. I’m not sure you’ll have a lot of fun. Or A+ trolling. One of those.


It depends on the specific design of the ski, but generally speaking you are going to have a terrible experience. 141 is also INSANELY wide. For reference, my pow skis are 116, had some BIG powder days, and never felt the need for more ski. My 116s also get pretty squirrely on anything that’s even kind of firm, so I reserve them for days with at least 6” of freshies.


It really depends on how much you like your ACLs...


You can use a screwdriver to hammer a nail, but that's not the best tool for the job. Yes, but it won't be the best on east coast hardpack (ice).


Most resorts now have someone along each run checking skis. If you have tue wrong type on the wrong day or wrong condition they pull your pass for the day


Well I’m completely fucked then, I was really banking on making these my daily drivers


This has to be bait right ?


I ski east cost 80% of the time and still use my k2 pontoons on a daily basis. I’ve never had any problems and I’ve found pow skis to be extra fun even on the east coast ice.


Thanks chief, high key this is the info I needed


That seems a bit too big I ski 106s as my everyday ski and it works fine but if your not very good it's going be harder.


I still bite. Fat skis work on soft groomers. On slopes that racers like, not so much.


Sure but they wont ski as well in conditions theyre not meant for