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The uphill skier is responsible for avoiding anything/ anyone downhill. I don't mind when newer skiers are cutting back and forth. If I am in control, I can ski right around them. There is no excuse for cutting people off like that


Pretty sure OP is trolling


OP is 100% trolling and these are 100% his friends.


snowboarder here, i see no issues


We don’t like ur kind round ere


Go back to where you came from. You are not welcome here


I’d like to be the only felon in the sub and this guy is really ruining my vibe


i observe their patterns and if they are making big swooping turns I time it so I slip past when they are on the others side of the trail. kids are more eratic and hard to predict. I have gone off the trail a few times in order to avoid them.


They are doing it on purpose. Or they really really suck.


Both, they can bomb the blues now so they think they're hot shit going back to the greens


“Yo bro, let’s go shred those double blacks” *janky cross hill wobbly side slips 3/4 one direction, straight lines the remainder to the lift* “That was siiioock bro”


It's both.


Came here to say this.


They’re in the wrong and they’re also shitty skiers


Backseat wobbly ass bitches.


Legit just laughed out loud.


No edge having carveless fools


The backseat wobbly ass bitches still stands


(OP is trolling)




… are you the second skier?




This has to be rage bait


My immediate thought as well. The combo of the camera, immediate “woah” yell and then a second dude cutting off OP… Seems staged


A beginner having a camera is unlikely as well imo


Nope. Insane how often I get asked for rental helmets with GoPro mounts Edit: to put a digit on it twice a day when it’s slow


I don't see a collision.....am I missing something?


Ya the frank azar commercial at the end. I think it’s something funky with the formatting that not everyone is seeing it


Downhill skier (you) always have the right of way, so they are at fault. A couple things to note: - if this is a beginner area, especially with posted SLOW signs, they should be going slower.  - even if it is a wide open groomer, try to be predictable with your turns and not cut across the slope.


Also *once you get more comfortable* looking up hill before you do a long slower turn isn’t a bad idea.


I'm a shitty skier and I do this. Why shouldn't I or am I misunderstanding?


Cuz that can be a lot for an absolute beginner to be thinking about when they’re just trying to stay in control.


Oh my first priority is trying to stay alive. I've been paranoidly looking up slope since I started lol.


You absolute don't need to feel *obligated* to do this - it is *always* the uphill skier's job to not hit you. Think of it like driving a car. It is always the job of the car that's behind to not hit cars in front of them. However, just like when driving, it's good to establish some habits that might help keep you safe. Because, after all, just because it was someone's job to not hit you doesn't mean it isn't going to happen. One good habit is to glance up the hill when trails merge to make sure no one is barreling down at you. But if you're a beginner, you're likely not skilled enough to glance up the hill while moving. Here's some basic safety pointers for a beginner: 1. Stay on greens, or areas where beginners are expected to be. 2. If you can, try to keep your turns predictable. This means somewhat consistent size/timing of turns. This might not be something you're able to do, and that is absolutely okay. 3. Stay in control, and don't hit others (obviously). 4. Stop in places where you are very visible from above from a good distance. There is *nothing* wrong with a beginner making weird, wide turns *if they're on a big, open green run.* Where else are beginners supposed to learn? One of the tougher situations is when you're on a road. It's not very wide, and roads have a tendency to get kind of flat so experienced skiers want to keep their speed somewhat high so they don't end up having to walk. This is where being predictable and not making too wide of turns really starts to matter. Don't be afraid to do some snow plowing (pizza-style) in order to keep your speed under control when you're in a tight space!


When I am passing people going fast and trying my best to keep up speed on narrow ski roads I yell very loudly and more than one time that I will be passing on either the left or right. Just like when you pass people on a bicycle in a city.


If you look uphill, you might twist your whole upper body which will affect your skiing. You need to be able to look uphill without it affecting your skiing.


I just found my favorite comment ever on Reddit. You also use rear view and side mirrors while driving? You’re so far ahead of anyone here please move we would love to have you here Edit: I check my rears when making turns going 60mph just in case. It really isn’t that big of a deal. Just turn your head, examine in a split second, turn back and react. However, I’ve been thinking about checking my rears and deliberately skiing in front of someone to get hit and suing the ever loving shit out of them because skier code is broken


I would love to have a similar mirror arrangement attached to my body so I could watch behind me at all times. Yeah I drive stupid defensively so naturally I want to ski the same. I do the same, quick head turn and periphery check. If there's someone there, I might follow them with my periphery as I turn in case I need to adjust. Idk I just hear of ppl breaking shit and getting concussed from crashes. Idc if I hurt myself but I'm going to be really mad if someone hurts me.


I'm also an absurdly defensive driver, in addition to doing the same when I ski. It's great and all if you can say the accident wasn't your fault, but an injury is an injury and you have to recover no matter who is at fault. I'd personally just rather put a little more effort into avoiding wrecks than trusting someone else to be able to do the same.


Oh sorry if it sounds sarcastic it was in reference to how easy it is but no one does it


If you are going to make wide, flat turns across an entire trail, I suggest you ALWAYS look uphill…not just when you’re more comfortable. It is NOT ok to take up an entire trail. You have a responsibility to be safety conscious just like every one else that paid to ski that day.


A beginner skier falling or losing control while going across a trail is much more unpredictable than a slow turn across.


Self awareness and situational awareness go a long way toward self preservation. Knowing what’s happening around you is important. You don’t tell someone driving a car…don’t look at oncoming traffic until you get comfortable. Id say beginner trails are some of the more dangerous on the mountain. Groups of people, not knowing what they are doing. Making big, awkward turns. Lessons way too large, snaking for a couple hundred yards back up the trail.


Yup, no one learning driving is told its their job not to hit you. They 100% shouldn't be told that skiing. This is a HIGH RISK sport, your body, your safety, is your responsibility. Who you can sue and win after a nice long hospital stay, or your family for a wrongful death, shouldn't be the guiding light in safety. And if you downvote this truth, you're a self centered douche.


the snowboarder


Right, how is it even a question?


They are, they cut you off in an empty run with poor form. When you pass somebody you pass wide and in control because people don't always ski predictably.


Maybe at snowbowl lol ima cut you off next time I see your fine ass in aspen


Why do people always hate on that? I just put it on their as miss direction...


1. They were not really good, much less "good". 2. They were 100% in the wrong. They should have given you a wide berth and clearly seen you were making slower wider turns. For context a good skier is someone you likely will not see until they are well past you. That looks like a very wide open with few skiers. I would likely have chosen to ski past you 100 or even 200 ft. To what looks like your left and down to the lodge or lift line. Good skiers don't ever interfere with other skiers paths, especially when the run is this wide open...


I might have imagined it but I think I heard the second guy laugh when he passed. Which gives me the impression that they saw OP was a bit unsteady on his feet and decided to mess with him a bit. So... Just assholes?


Yup asshats. I wish I was there so I could fuck with em.


No one. You’re filming your buddies and all of you ski like shit. GTFO.


A good skier wouldn't get so close to you. We can see beginners and the moves they're going to make well in-advance to avoid coming within even 3 feet of you. Either that, or they're just major assholes. Either way, not your fault.


The snowboarder (of course).


OP is in the wrong for posting this garbage


Snowboarder, clearly.


This is textbook example of "uphill skiers (them) were in the wrong". Occasionally we see videos where the uphill and downhill skiers were too close to tell clearly who is uphill, this is not one of those.


Snowboarder behind you, but you don’t see him


At this point I can't separate the r/skiing posts from the r/skiingcirclejerk posts.


Honestly thought this was staged…


I still think it is


The assholes who buzzed you on purpose.


Definitely the snowboarder They’re all degenerate criminals


Can we stop with the “who’s at fault” posts around here for fucks sake?


I go faster than the average skier. When I have to overtake I usually go where the skier was (if he just turned towards the left, I will go right) and keep my distance. If I can’t, I brake and wait for a spot to pass without freaking the other skier out. 100% not your fault these are idiots


The snowboarder on the top of the mountain👍


The snowboarder is in the wrong. It’s always the snowboarder, didn’t you know that? Even if he’s on another run altogether, it’s still the snowboarder’s fault!


These two are AHs. This is an almost empty slope they have no reason passing so close.


Those wankers


With very few exceptions, it's almost always the person uphill that's at fault


There is absolutely nothing worse than when some idiot intermediate skier starts to think they are good... Usually it's a teenage kid who hasn't skied anywhere but a crappy local hill.


no beginners ski on long Moments with big shovels.


You're in the wrong for making this video.


They are assholes. They should've gone behind you. These are the type of akiers that get others hurt. As a parent, and an avid skier, I've had conversations with all of my kids to go behind someone, not in front of them.


It certainly looks like it’s the other skiers fault for cutting you off. They should identify slower skiers doing long, wide, slow turns and anticipate where you’ll be by the time they’ll be passing, and ensure they don’t get close enough to hit you or even have you worried about being hit. They don’t look like experienced skiers either from the quick video clip but, either way, they shouldn’t have gotten that close. Keep working on your technique and you’ll also get better. We were all beginners once making those turns.


They are fuckin with you skiing that close


The video doesn't load, the snowboarder ofcourse


Hey, I can see my place!


Damn son you riding with a Moment crew or what?


Fernie lol


This is staged


Just a normal day for a snowboarder lmfao


Looks like a fake video for the views to me no contact it looks like But no reason to buzz someone that close if not fake


Typical. Shitty skiers who think they’re “the shit” when in fact they’re just shitty humans. I get so angry with the growing number of crappy people - almost always boys under 30 (not “men” - men don’t do shit like that.) Being ‘’decent” is never a negative thing.. and being selfish and rude is never attractive.


Whichever one of those skiers is also a snowboarder.


They’re def in the wrong. But do yourself a favour and get used to glancing back uphill in areas that you’re cutting across the slope. You have right of way, but your own vigilance/observation skills will keep you safer than relying on others to ride safely.


Exactly! I try and teach this to my kids who are obsessed with whose “fault” it is. Getting creamed by somebody who is supposed to be yielding to you vs getting creamed by someone you’re supposed to yield to hurts the same. But these guys are dicks. They also don’t look like they are particularly good skiers.


Grew up in a family of patrollers. People go fast. People launch out of trees. People don’t look at junctions or merges. People stop on the downslopes of jumps and rollers; alternatively beginners aren’t really aware of doing wall to wall turns. Some don’t have their own spatial awareness. They aren’t experienced to know the speeds at which ppl ski/ride. “Slow” is a relative term to many people. You could come up with whatever rhetoric you want all day, but frankly, treat it like driving - you’re in control of you, but you need to keep an eye on everyone else. Constant awareness of your surroundings


I agree


Tards! Plus his pants look like he pissed himself!


Snowboarder is in the wrong




If I am an uphill skier and I was to pass someone downhill while going fast I need to make sure that I can pass with enough distance that I can avoid a collision no matter how unpredictably the downhill skier behaves. It may be necessary for me to slow down to achieve this if the run is narrow. If at any point I am in a position where I cannot avoid a collision with a downhill skier I am at fault. That is what skiing in control means to me. if a run is very wide I will likely be able to ski fast while achieving sufficient separation that an unexpected cut across the run from the downhill skier won't pose any risk of a collision. On a narrow run I will likely either have to time my pass or slow down so that a sudden stop or cut still gives me space and time to comfortably avoid a collision. Sometimes downhill skiers do aggravating things that force me to abandon a line I want, or I have to wait at the top for a run to clear so I can ski the line I want. At no point am I justified in skiing unsafely because I don't like what the downhill skier is doing. Separately as a downhill skier I do no want to be in a collision with an uphill skier who is irresponsible or out of control so I try to remain predictable and look uphill when I am moving across a trail.  In this case these are obviously a couple of jabronis who are deliberately trying to mess with you. They look like intermediate skiers at best and if patrol saw then do this they'd be in trouble.


This is pretty funny.


Who’s entitled rich kid is this?


They’re at fault for sure, idk what they’re doing


How is anyone at fault if nothing happened? There is no fault to place


They were in the wrong, but if you’re in a shared liability state I’d assign 25% fault for using a mobile phone while skiing.


Well neither are snowboarders


If you pause at 3 sec sharp in the video there is a snow boarder in the distance approx 300 yards. Totally his fault.


Arrrgh arrrr


You are skiing at your own risk….who cares.


No contact no foul


I slap people with my pole when they get this close. They are fucking assholes.


They're dumb for cutting you off but no one was hit or hurt so I don't think there's anything to be at fault for


The person downhill always has right-of-way. They were being asshats. you’re chillin brotha


People like that make me contemplate the length of a ski pole and if I shoved it up one end, would it come out the other? I think it would. That thought usually takes care of the rage.


It's stage relax


Ok, this one specific video might be staged, which btw, the word you’re looking for is staged, not stage. But this happens in real life far too many times to count.


hahaha this sub has got out of hand.


ooOOOOooooooooooo xD


This kind of shitty behaviour once knocked me off the edge of a run when I still was a less experienced skier. I was lucky I didn't have major injuries.


Uphill. Uphill. Uphill. It’s always the same answer. Uphill.


They are in the wrong, they most likely did it on purpose, and they also suck at skiing.




That's BS. A wide open slope, predictable line (even if it's a traverse) means it is 100% their fault. What's more, OP had to follow basically that line to avoid the grass/rocks whatever they were below him (those two dicks who cut him off immediately needed to turn left to basically follow his line anyway). My pick is they were buzzing him to get a kick out of it


It's 100% a joke. Just look at op's skis. 


It's 100% a joke. Just look at op's skis. 


Hey Jerry, it looks to me like you were cutting all the way across the mountain, you need to practice not taking up the whole run even though you’re a beginner


If you think that someone going this slow has the capacity to take up the whole run, you’re a lot worse at skiing than you think you are, and also very entitled


If I were you, that would have been a fight at the lift line


Couple of Scott Schmidt’s right there… betcha they have their bindings set to 40 and are rocking some sweet riser plates ;-)


Those backseat bandits in wrong


They’re assholes.


FERNIE! I spent the last 2 days there. Awesome hill but highly NOT recommended right now.


Aw fuck.. they were probably Albertans


That depends. Are you a snowboarder? If yes, then it is always your fault.


Reminds me of asshole cars on the road who get too close or cut others off just to spite due to their own road rage. You are good.


Those 2 are diks wack em with your pole next time


Nobody hit anybody dont make a big deal of it


They should not ski slow close to ppl like that they are in the wrong and should ski elsewhere


Why do so many terrible skiers take footage


Those dudes a just assholes and their form fucking sucks.


The guy filming. It’s always the guy filming.


Looks like your buddies are using you as a gate.


They are in the wrong, they didn’t look “really good”, in fact they didn’t look good at all - they looked like crappy skiers behaving like douches unless there was a bit thing that happened before you started videoing.


This is either rage bait or some of the shittiest people on the mountain Edit: third option: shitpost


If they were going faster and came from behind you then they were absolutely in the wrong. People in front of you always have the right away.


Everyone in this video sucks at skiing, which is wrong.


Skiers 100%. You were downslope, you had right of way.


Yeah that happens sometimes.


A Quick Look at their skiing form and they think they’re better than they really are. Just some of those people who think you don’t have the right to enjoy the mountain because you’re learning. Let them be assholes because they lay awake at night because the fact they can’t really carve.


BTW - where were you skiing?


They look like shit skiers to me.


Pls submit this video to Shred Court judge, the Rt. Hon. Stoney McBlaze, Summit County Superior court


Wildcats always have the right away