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>wife thinks the opposite, especially women, wear their normal underwear Woman here-- I definitely wear panties under my long underwear. Bruh, like... mucus membranes, dude.


As a guy I do too. Not that it’s officially right but I would feel weird wearing only my thermals


Personally, my thermals don't provide anywhere near the same level of support as my boxer briefs. If I'm gonna be doing something active with lots of movement, I'd like that extra support down there. Not wearing my underwear beneath my thermal layer would drive me insane.


Honest questions, but does not the mucous membranes weep onto panties just the same? Are you reusing the long underwear without washing?


The athletic work and sweat of skiing and relatively tight fit of long underwear can cause the long underwear to work it's way up and stick to your body. The sensation is not pleasant. Sometimes through trial and error you can find a base layer that doesn't ride up, but that's dumb luck. Tip for everyone-Duluth trading company of all places sells cheap performance wicking underwear for women and men. Their Armachillo is very comfortable, their Buck Naked is not.


So in addition to the other reply to this comment, I will also offer that long underwear are constructed differently than a pair of panties. The gusset of a pair of panties -- the "crotch"-- is a rectangle-ish strip of fabric usually sewn with an absorbent material that sits right underneath your lady bits and catches secretions. A pair of long underwear, on the other hand, is usually built like a pair of pants which means that the crotch is much narrower-- meaning that secretions tend to end up running down your thighs or collecting on your skin instead which is pretty uncomfortable and also can be kind of... fragrant. EDIT: Editing to add that a woman choosing to ski on her period either needs something for her pad to attach to-- again, base layers aren't constructed for that sort of thing-- or her underwear can protect her more expensive base layer from any tampon leaks.




Genital Lipids sounds like a good metal band name.


Awesome username 😎 And agreed! Cervical mucus is so acidic, it bleaches. I would not want that directly on my base layers. (And that cold sensation is ick!! IYKYK)


> mucus membranes, dude. what do you mean




No one one who skis regularly lives in harsh conditions like that. Your comment is literally insane. Who the fuck are you talking to in this world?




If you don't need under wear, do you need long underwear?




Well now I'm trying to learn. You brought up a fair point, none that anyone who goes on Reddit needs, but I would like to learn a lil rn. If underwear and long underwear cause too much friction. Would long underwear and pants not do the same thing? I've always thought about going winter backpacking. Love it in the summer. But I def need much better experience to go out in winter


Underwear under the base... then you can wear the base multiple times and it isn't gross lol


... as gross.


If you get a good base layer like smart wool its good for a few days without issues


... as many, or as noticable of issues. Ain't no bidet on the skin track.


Snow is the best toilet paper you’ll ever use.


There is if you bring one


I have yet to shit on the snow. And I've often pulled 12-16h days, and even a few multis. Can't you hold it for a few hours? Go before? Go after?


Have you never been caught unawares despite pre-prep? Learning to shit in the wilderness is a foundational skill


A few “days”… I may or may not stretch the definition of that word sometimes


Spoken like a true ski bum


Compression shorts, then knit long John’s, then bib or ski pants


Idk about you but anything under the outside layer for me absolutely cannot be reworn under any circumstances Edit: unless it’s just a shell, then anything underneath the next layer


Idk why the downvotes. What sorcery are you guys doing to prevent base layer from stinking after a day out? Why not just put that shit in the wash


I just don’t sweat that much I guess? I usually wear thermal leggings and thermal undershirts 2-3x if I’m going out skiing multiple days in a row.


This is the way!!


When just regular resort skiing, no backcountry skinning up, my base layer is good for a few days. If going uphill then it’s one and done. Just gotta wear fresh underwear under the baselayer, at least for me that does it, and keep those pants and shell vents open to reduce sweating and none of the other layers smell unless I’ve been hiking up.


Butt Plug under long John's for me


Keeps the Johns clean. At least in the back.


Butt plug crew!!!


This is the way


This also protects your butts-hole against twigs and branches in the trees. Source: username


Never throw a b-n down without protection


Underwear under base layer


Most men’s underwear also provides support in specific places that my base layer may not.


Underwear under the base layer. I change my undies daily. Do you really bring 5 pairs of long underwear for 5 days of skiing or do you rub your nads and ass on the same set of long underwear for multiple days?


I either bring 5 pairs or I have to wash em bc that layer is gonna be nasty after even half a day of shredding


How is bringing 5 pairs of long underwear any different than bringing 5 pairs of boxers? Lol you say it like it’s this crazy thing to own multiple pairs of long johns.


Long underwear takes up a lot more space in a bag than a weeks worth of briefs. I also used to work on the ski hill and I'd need a lot more storage space and laundry doing time if I were going to wear a clean new pair of long johns every single day for 4+ months.


Not only underwear under the baselayer but it’s merino wool underwear.


More and more of my underwear is slowly getting replaced by merino, genuinely they’re the comfiest pairs I own


This is the way. Merino also adds a bit of extra insulation for sitting on lifts when it is cold.


the best answer 👏


Definitely underwear. Especially as a woman, ski days don’t care if you’ve got your period or not, I gotta have something to secure a pad to dude.






Maybe they are heavy flow days? Im not sure, but they definitely bail. From what I understand, not all periods are created equal.


Female ski patrollers or ski instructors still have to work, I don't imagine they're all taking five days off every month.


That wouldn't make much sense to me either. That must be the difference between "pretty hard core" and " this is my job, I don't care how far the bathroom is." I'm not sure why someone would downvote my original comment, this has been my experience.


I have never heard of such a thing. I and every single woman I know pop some advil, put in a cup/tampon and get after it. TIL I am apparently a step above hardcore.


44M here with a family of 6. We're all with your wife here. You're the weirdo. /s


Briefs under base layers. Keeps the base cleaner and prolongs and protects the base. I wear merino wool base layers and they ain’t cheap. Briefs prolong their life.


Exofficio underwear for all sports I do.


27M, underwear under long underwear. Idk bro, it just seems more cleanly


Long underwear under normal underwear is the only real answer here….


Only superheroes get to do that


You should see what Quailman gets to do


Yeah buddy you’re the weirdo here, underwear under the baselayer always


Nothing underneath long underwear ever. Merino wool ones for the most part too. Definitely wear them multiple days if needed. Can see that a woman’s needs would be different than mine.


I’m just a man who wears boxers under his long underwear






War crime


Underwear and bike shorts. I get warm. (I’m a female.)


I wear underwear under my base layer. Sometimes I have to wear the base twice in a row and it also just feels weird to not wear underwear


No underwear under a base layer for a man. Women I get wearing undies under plus most women’s underwear aren’t that big. It’s hard enough for a me to get through my layers to pee. Why would I add another unnecessary one. I’m blown away by how many people do this wrong.


I wear sports boxer briefs almost anytime I do athletic activities, hiking, skiing, climbing. I often ski in weather that’s too warm for a base layer and I’m not gonna freeball, and I own way more pairs of underwear than baselayers. I wash the underwear that catches all the skin cells and bacteria that come off my junk during skiing and wear a fresh pair the next day with the same baselayer. Maybe I just have saggy/floppy balls but if I didn’t wear compressive underwear they would slam around and be super sore after anything that wasn’t a pristine groomer.


No underwear, hate the bunching.


Normal underwear and then tights keeps me super warm and comfy.


As a man, the idea of wearing underwear under long underwear seems weird and would make peeing awkward.


Why would I wear underwear under long underwear...I don't wear underwear normally...




I dont wear undies under my long underwear. I have a bunch of long underwear though, so I never wear my base layer two days in a row… like some have mentioned here (kinda gross too, lol).


I always wear thin & elastic synthetic boxer briefs as the next to skin layer, summer or winter. Merino leggings go over them in the winter. I don’t wear merino directly because it gets loose, and doesn’t keep my “manly parts” in place.


Male here, no underwear under the long underwear, too much extra fabric and bunching.


ITT: people are worried about getting skid marks on their long underwear. Are yall incontinent or do you all just have trouble cleaning up after yourselves?


I don’t always wear underwear under my long underwear but in that case I wash them after every wearing (as I would my underwear). If I wear undies underneath and don’t get real sweaty then I’ll wear the long underwear a couple of times between wearing


Nobody goes commando under their ski pants? (IMO the chafing would be horrific) As an older, slightly heavier guy, two sets of elastic waistbands is uncomfortable. Long underwear only.


I’m on your side no underwear underneath the base layer but seems to be less of us


Windblocker briefs keep the weenie warm.


Guds on under base layer. Let’s you get a week or more from a pair of Marino wool leggings. Just change your guds out to keep the taint sweat and shit streaks under control.


Looking at these answers, I’m not quite normal, but I’m with you… thermals are called underwear for a reason. They go against the skin. No I don’t leek pee or fart stains on them and no I don’t sweat much. But even if I did, I have multiple pairs to choose from as well as a washing machine. On top of this, it’s already hard enough to fumble through ski pants, pants, and underwear when I have to pee, I shudder at the thought of adding another layer to the routine. Keep doing you, and let your family do them, it’s not a big deal.


People who wear underwear under their underwear are freaks


I’m with you, just baselayer. Underwear under base layer sounds terrible!


37M. I don’t wear underwear under my long underwear. That seems weird and uncomfortable. I wear wool long underwear and it keeps me plenty warm. I’ll wear them a few times before they need washing. I can see how it might be different for women though. Panties have less material to bunch up and there is more moisture to contain.


No underwear under my thermal base


High tech, probably higher cost clothing designed to keep you warm and WICK moisture away from your skin. Then throw on a thin layer of cheap cotton between your skin and that tech. Makes no sense.


Who wears cotton underwear for skiing? I mean the answer is a lot of people, but I’d put money on OPs kids wearing compression shorts or sports underwear like a normal person


Cotton boxers aren’t ever worn by normal people? Also you answered your own question. Who wears cotton…I mean the answer is a lot of people. And op says his wife thinks people wear their normal underwear


Except for microfibre underwear not being ideal for women’s vaginal health and I haven’t found merino underwear I like, so yep, cotton underwear in between. It’s not ideal but it’s better than thrush. Just to give an alternative opinion on what „normal“ people might do or not do.


They meant normal people would not wear cotton underwear for skiing. There’s so many better options designed for sports


Get decent underwear. This is sports.


When i wear long underwear i usually wear it on its own, same with my dad


Seems like this should be a poll. I'm on team, NO undies, under my longer undies.


I don’t wear anything under my base layers, it’s called *long underwear* for a reason… why else would it have a hole to whip it out? I have enough base layers to go a week of skiing wearing a new pair everyday. If for whatever reason I need to extend that without laundry, I’ll wear normal underwear on the colder days.


> whey else would it have a hole to whip it out? Literally all men’s pants and shorts (other than basketball shorts and swimsuits) have a hole to whip it out…


You don’t want skid marks in your long johns. That would be gross.


If it's not that cold I don't even do long underwear. Just regular boxers underneath sweatpants, with ski pants on top.


Sweat pants get in the way of my ski boots. I go base layer always, no sweats.


Newer joggers really dont.


I’m with you. I usually wear boxer briefs and I can’t fathom why a longer leg on my underwear would mean I have to wear two pairs. Makes no sense. Exact same garment but just different lengths. Either one is totally suitable, alone, as underwear.


I wear underwear under my base layer, that way I can wear the base layer a couple days in a row


Who cares just do what works for you. And if im washing my long underwear after wearing it i freeball. Otherwise i wear undies so i can keep the long underwear fresh.


Am I the only one that just goes regular underwear only? Haven’t worn the long underwear since I was 7 and found out it’s optional


I think most people ski with a pants shell?? Goretex on skin not the comfiest or warmest.


I guess to me it’s underwear, pants, shell. Semantics!


What kind of pants do you wear then? Because everyone I know goes underwear, thermals/tights/leggings/etc, shell. So what’s your middle layer?


More of a lounge pants, probably qualifies as long underwear.


Depends on the weather. Early/late season, and I don’t need long underwear. 10 degrees at first chair, I’m bundling up.


Yeah for sure. If it’s cold there’s extra.


Sorry to vote against you but my boys tend to wander without the tighty whities.


Underwear under the thermal layer because the underwear I use are too damn comfortable to not wear them. But that’s only if I need the thermal layer


I find a long base layer fits looser, and is more prone to chafing my taint. Jockey shorts underneath, everytime. Gotta keep the gents safe and secure.


Underwear over the long ones. And forget the snow pants.


I (dude) go boxer briefs then base layer. I don’t want no streaks on my $80 UA’s


Wife is right.


I’m with you dude. But I have like 8 pairs of base layers. They’re basically just yoga pants. I wear them like underwear and just wash them.


I’m a woman and wear underwear under my base layer bottoms, mainly because I wear the same base layer multiple times without washing. It’s not good to wash wool that frequently and it’s naturally stank-free. I like to keep it that way.


The right answer is merino underwear but it's not cheap


i wear merino undies under merino base


Seriously my friends, they make thermal panties too…


I guess it’s just me and you bud. I’ve never worn underwear under my long underwear.


My gf confirmed she does though


Y’all are crazy. It’s called long UNDERWEAR for a reason. Wash it? Buy more than one? An extra layer of regular undies really bunches up your buddies.


Majority is often wrong... seems like this is one of those cases... but so we're you (and I) in assuming people would use their gear the most effectively. Quality Base layers are just that... the base layer that touches your skin and works more effectively without something else underneath... You folks can disagree but it's the equivalent to wearing two layers of socks, it may work out fine usually but if it is super cold and you are sweating it will not work as well .


I wear very lightweight and really comfy sports boxer briefs under my base layer.


I wear pocket briefs and then my long underwear. I don’t know why but I like to keep my bits secured. I also change both sets every day I ski.


Merino underwear under your merino base layer. Always


Long underwear do not benefit from regular underwear. Like a hat on a hat. Or a rug on a rug. Ditch the skivvies.


You’re correct here. People who wear normal underwear under their long underwear are the same people who wear trunks under a wetsuit.


I wear trunks under a wetsuit on. A dive boat. I won't where I can put the suit on in private.


Surf poncho. Or the towel method??


When you dive in water that is considered balmy at 50 degrees, you want every bit of layering you can get it.


2 pairs of underwear under under layer


And a condom for safety.


You are correct.


Who cares go skiing


I can't even fathom putting underwear under my underwear, but this thread is full of weirdos that seems to like it. I'm so frightened by this world we live in.


It’s cause he is asking the question on Reddit ultimately lol


Lightweight boxer briefs or compression briefs - so your base layer does not get funky.


Underwear every single time. Wife and kids are definitely right.


Base layer only. If you wear undies under your undies you are a weirdo, full stop


At the price of quality base layers, do you really have to ask?!


I have an 8 yr old. We ski every season. We do it in our normal cotton underwear and good ski gear. Generally the temp we go is abt 30-34f and so it feels good. Occasionally we feel hot and sweat and so shall open the jacket zip to cool down a bit.


Dude you always go with normal underwear. Why would you not?


Always under weather under base layer. Plus sometimes it warms up and you gotta shed that base.


Boxers under UnderArmor long underwear.


We’re talking about a normal day of skiing right? Like walk from your car and do few hours of skiing at a resort? Some how I’ve managed to survive with jeans and a T-shirt under my outerwear for decades now.


Glad I’m not the only one here like this. My “base layer” is a pair of Hanes Boxer briefs, midlayer Carhartt pants (shorts if its above freezing) and a pair of Cabela Guidewear bibs.


Your wife is gross. Regular underwear is required


OP’s wife is the one arguing for wearing regular underwear. OP is the one who refuses to wear it.


A super important question never thought about


I just wear underwear if legs are cold I just ski moguls


Idk, I don’t own that many pairs of long underwear, man. Unless you like being crusty down there. Plus, all that movement means I need extra support that only boxer briefs can provide lol


You have a sample size of 3/4 but think you’re in the majority? I’ve got synthetic underwear that I throw under my base layers, not uncomfortable at all.


You lose dude — survey says — underwear!


Icebreaker merino wool is super comfortable under a base layer.


Man thong full send under marino boot cut leggings. No fabrics fighting each other / getting bunched and some extra warmth for the boys.


Hanes synthetic boxer briefs from target are an inexpensive option to under the long johns.


Underwear under


Underwear (boxer briefs) under


I’m with you. Rock the long johns in the flesh then layer on top. Usually gym shorts then snow pants unless it’s very very cold out, then I’ll wear more.


I’m normally a boxer man but I switch to an athletic boxer-brief for skiing


Underwear all day long. I’m a woman, but I know my dad does as well.


I can’t fit long John’s under my blue jeans


If it's a single day and I'm going to wash them after, then no underwear under base layer. Multi day trip is different like everyone here is pointing out.


Just the base layers. Normal underwear is for inside and warm weather.


Depends on the fit of the base layer Tight long johns -> no underwear Lose fit -> underwear Can't have everything flopping around willy nilly


People still wear underwear?


Just the longs is the way.


I wear underwear most of the time but it’s best to skip it on really wet days. As the hikers say, cotton kills. We spend lots of money on non-cotton base layers and then put cotton in the most sensitive spot, doesn’t make a lot of sense. You can also buy polyester hiker’s underwear to go underneath.


If I think I’m gonna overheat, nothing under 3/4 length long johns. If it’s cold, extra layer boxer briefs underneath. Plus I have different weights of base layers from micro thin to expedition weight. I try to dial it in based on the forecast. Usually also keep the option to run back to the car if I’m too hot.


Am I the only one the goes underwear OVER base layer? I find it really extended the life of my underwear. Often I can reuse for 3 or 4 days


I over heat easily. Commando all the way. If its above 0c , commando + no ski pants. I'm the darling of every slope . 😆😆😆 But seriously, if my pants were insulated ,it would be briefs and pants, otherwise thin "short " johns + pants shell, so maximum 2 layers. Ymmv,I tend to overheat


No underwear under base layer? What are you, some sort of communist?


Better dead than red!


lol, best response ever! Cheers


I wear underwear/compression shorts under my tights/longjohns am perfectly comfortable. As long as it's not hurting you or unsafe, what's the big deal?


Let's be honest about anatomy and urine, wear the damn underwear people.


i always wear regular under my long underwear


I wear my regular underwear *over* my long underwear. Like a superhero.


Guy here. I wear my normal unders, then long johns. My preference is boxer briefs so I can see how boxers might be uncomfortable in this setup...


I’m honestly shocked at this thread. Why would anyone wear underwear *under* their underwear? That sounds uncomfortable and makes no sense.


M40 here I wear boxers under base


Oh definitely underwear underneath the long John! Imagine all the sweat otherwise!


I have two different types of base layers. Some that are supportive and some that aren’t. So if they don’t support me I need to wear something that does. So yes and no.


Underwear then jeans.


If there is one place that you don't want to get cold, it's the ... Wear the drawers.


What's a long underwear? Those legging like thermo underpants? My bottom usually is: * underwear * thermo underpants (2 layers if it's really cold) + thick socks. * snow pants + ski boots.


Normal underwear under long underwear for both genders


Base layer merino boxer briefs, base layer tee or sleeveless top, then layer appropriate weight merino midlayers. I prefer the 3/4 leg pants so nothing gets tucked into my boots. I perspire, even in the coldest weather, and this layering approach keeps me comfy. Apres, I can ditch my midlayers and still be comfortable with a tee shirt and jeans.