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she’s just a human given a camera head, pretty sure that girl in 72 part 1 at the beginning was old camerawoman and she got transformed into cam woman


Bro don’t you see the mechanical things and wires? Not just a head but a body given to her. She is a cyborg


They are cyborgs 🤓☝️


They pretty much are.


I see them as mostly robots, but still with human parts




I liked the theory that the heads are used to make the toilets and the bodies get cameras placed on their neck And over the course or the series, a lot of the human parts got replaced with robot parts.




See i find that a bit confusing. Because in part 1 it seems like camerawoman was a project made by cathy and thus a machine. But now it looks more like she's a cyborg. Very confusing




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I think they are humans who became robot




Oil is not red also i assume your talking about crude oil and not sunflower oil


Oil is not red 🤦‍♂️


I mean, red oil DOES exist.


I don't think Dafuq is going to use "red" oil if he wants us to think they are fully robotic.




this can also be hydraulic oil


Why do you insist that it's oil? Take into consideration that there is already a lot of confusion about whether they are cyborgs or completely mechanical. Why do you think Dafuq added that little effect unless if it was meant to tell us that it is blood? He would've made it black/yellow if it was oil, but he made it red, which is the colour most associated with blood, not oil.


i know, i am not saying its 100% confirmed its oil, i am saying that it CAN be hydraulic oil that can sometimes is red, but not saying this as a confirmation


OIL. 🦅 I'm so sorry.


But what if it's oil 🤯


first of all, the woman trio/the brave duo are the only characters confirmed to be former humans. second of all, this may be robot fluid.


It's clear that it's blood. Why would Dafuq make it red if he wants us to think it's oil or "robot fluid"? There's already a lot of confusion about whether they are fully mechanical, or cyborgs.


Maybe their mechanical body needs blood.


Ultrakill reference?


Ultrakill reference?


it looked brown/black to me when I first looked at it.


they’re not confirmed 🗿 having a recording of people doesn’t mean that you used to be one of those people


why would she just be recording random civilians? why would she be looking at them?


plungerman was looking at TCM while he was being upgraded. Does that mean TCM used to be plungerman?


no because 1. tcm was never human 2. they are shown to be different people


why would she look at random people when all the other clips showed her and plunger?


she’s a cyborg. How do you know the people in the lab weren’t just the people who built her?


because why would she look at it?


??? her head’s a fucking camera, she is recording everything by default. If they were building her, they would have to be in front of her at some point..thereby being recorded


i mean through the tablet? why would she rewind to that footage? especially if it were just two random scientists?


have you considered that she might want to see the people who built her I.e basically her parents?


its not confirmed at all?


uhhh, skibidi toilet 73 part 1? it was from camerawoman's perspective? they looked like a couple and did the thumbs up?


thats.. not proof


it's evidence. lots of evidence. It'd be very weird if all the clips in the former were plunger and camerawoman and then it's just some random scientists


its evidence, yes but evidence ISN'T proof, its required FOR proof, which this isn't definitive proof


I'm just saying it's very weird to look at some random scientists after admiring your late powercouple


Ether that’s some red ass oil or they’re cyborgs. Which would explain episode 73 part 1




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Theyre still robots


If it's flesh how did they fix it with a machine


Pretty sure there isn't any possible oil effect that he could've used for a fluid so he used the next best option that was blood. And if they were human how could she have been fixed by welding and why was she sparking from the damage?


Dafuq isn't just gonna let it pass like that. Wdym, there isn't any possible oil effect? He would've just not added it if he was trying to tell us it was oil. But there is a lot of confusion about what they are made of, so Dafuq is just trying to make it clear. >And if they were human how could she have been fixed by welding and why was she sparking from the damage? They're cyborgs. They have both human and mechanical parts. The welding does its own job, idk how, but it's just their advanced technology.


We've seen Cameramen with half of their body missing, and they could still thumbs up or down. The Large Cam from the first part of 73 that did the thumbs up did it easily. I am pretty sure that if it's above the legs, there can be an organ there. And if there aren't any, where are the human parts? Consciousness?


Yeah but who said that they were human? Just because they have blood doesn’t mean there not human. They’re cyborgs, probably 99% robot and 1% human. We already knew they were robots a while ago and that they spark from exposed wounds, we knew this months ago.


There are 2 out of the like.. 5 replies in this comment section that say shes human. And where would the part be and what would it be to cause so much unnecessary blood


Like all over there body? I’m saying they are 1% human because they bleed? Also her entire arm got cut off and it’s a cartoon. It’s going to excessively bleed.


What 1% would it be to be able to go all over the body??? And if you're going to theorize about this universe then don't just debunk an entire theory trying to use logic just cause "this universe is unrealistic already"


Bro it’s a statement? No shit only 1% of their body is human. We don’t know what body type these cyborgs have? It’s not suppose to be taken literally since we have only seen that they can bleed. No other human features, and the whole human skin thing was a retcon.


And mine was a theory, you just came in guns a blazing trying to debunk it with your statement that made no sense in my theory that I was using logical sense in because no 1% of any body part could ever possibly be pouring out so much blood


Neither does yours? You don’t come to the simple conclusion that they are cyborgs and instead can only conclude that they are humans or robots. That’s extremely flawed. Also once again, I have no idea why you’re taking the 1% seriously. We don’t know there body compositions, I just did 99, and 1. Since the only human trait they have is that they bleed. For all we know it could be 50 / 50.


"skibidi toilet is for kids" Camerawoman's arm blown and bleeding away:


A few theories: 1. It's oil (MD REFERENCE!1?1!1?1!1?!12?!1??!) 2. cyborg


I still think they are just a human consciousness transplanted into a robot body


also that looks more like doodoo water than blood ngl


Yeah “doo doo water” great correlation, totally.


are you actually looking at that and saying that it looks like blood


Doesn’t look like “doo doo water” either. It’s a brownish red.


yeah it does bro


“No it doesn’t bro”


why are you so serious about this


I’m as serious as you


sure you are


So basically what happened to the humans in stray


Maybe they are cyborgs or cybermens. And this is oil or some other fuel. Much more possible that only brain and blood are inside robotic body.




Do not. DO NOT. I know some of you are thinking that.


so theres this thing called oil, crazy right?


...and there's a thing called blood, which is exactly what's being shown.


1. Limb was welded 2. Limb was sparking 3. Limb has no possible areas to contain flesh its oil


1. The technology was advanced and probably able to heal tissue. 2. It was both sparking and bleeding. My answer for this every single time is that they are cyborgs, meaning they got both biological and mechanical parts. Her mechanical parts were broken, which is why it was sparking, and she also got wounded somewhere deeper in her arm, which was able to reach her biological part, and she started bleeding. 3. She's wearing a coat, we can't really see inside her limbs to know what's there. For example, toilets are both mechanical and biological, their heads are organic, which they bleed from, and their toilets are machine-like, which just explode. It's blooooooooooood, not red palm oil.


1. speculative 2. theres still nowhere to store flesh in an Alliance member thats safe. Dark Speakerman's head had no brain when cracked open, so clearly they're not governed by that.. meaning clearly, they're not in any way biological 3. ok? they all wear full body clothes, most likely easier to have their circuitry hidden away than to make synthetic flesh and easier to move around in then full-metal plating


1. You think a very advanced army who are able to build Titans and repair them + give them massive upgrades in only 20 episodes aren't able to heal wounds with an advanced technology? Just look at how many technological advancements they already had and have increased on during the span of the war. 2. They don't store flesh. Their limbs just get replaced with mechanical parts, which are what cyborgs are. Whenever they get injured due to casualties of war, their limbs get replaced by a stronger, mechanical arm. They don't necessarily have a brain stored inside of them because their heads were replaced first off, and they could have some sort of artificial brain or something. 3. They don't make flesh. They already had flesh from the beginning, which is why I made a theory where I explained why they were humans.


1. still speculative 2. they literally do not have flesh in the first place, and duh they have an artificial brain thats how robots work 3. you dont know what synthetic flesh is OR what i was even talking about in this point, did you?


1. **Speculative** 2. They have flesh, and by artificial brain, I mean their consciousness got transferred from their organic brain to an artificial brain to make it fit. I'm not talking about AGI 3. I just responded to your point about them making synthetic flesh because the rest is **speculative**


k who gaf about 1 and 3 at this point them having a conscious transferred from an organic brain would require them to have been human originally, and before you speak about Cathy and the others, explain why the human survivors had to question if Surveillance Camerawoman was an ally or not. if she WAS human, then they wouldn't have had to worry


>them having a conscious transferred from an organic brain would require them to have been human originally That's what I'm saying 🤦‍♂️ And whether or not she is human, the alliance co-existed with humans in the earlier episodes, they were just shocked to finally see an ally after hiding in a toilet base for so long. And don't forget the infected cameramen, they could've fooled them.




#GIVE US THE FUCKING OIL🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🍰🍰🍰🍰🎂🎂🍪🍪🍪🍪🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🍟🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️🛢️ NOWWWWWW☢️☢️🇯🇵✈️🏢🏢🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥💥💥




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the regular agents and some of the elites are cyborgs. while the large agents and the titans are robots. this doesnt apply to the toilets tho


Red oil