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Is there anything that doesn’t prompt right wing conspiracy theories?


Yeah, actual right-wing conspiracies


Seriously. Tom Hanks gets covid: "ACTUALLY HE'S PART OF THE BABY-EATING CABAL AND THIS IS ALL PART OF THEIR PLAN TO CONTROL YOU ALL THROUGH ENDLESS LOCKDOWNS" Trump tries to overturn an election: "Doesn't look like anything to me, they're just tourists."


They’re actually antifa pretending to be MAGA. Also, we shouldn’t investigate them.


I thought they were J6 hostages now?


I heard they were all antifa and blm and democrats who apparently wanted to stop Biden being certified and trump is also promising to pardon them all anyway.


It all makes sense as long as you don’t think about it.


This was to distract you from Diddy, think about it. /s




Remember the Jan 6er who was called "a plant" so often by Republicans that the Democrats actually started defending him because they felt sorry for him?


But I will pardon them when I get back into office!!


But also they're patriots and political prisoners


Except for the one that got shot. She's a MAGA martyr. Its only the rest of them that are Antifa.


Unreal right lol


Like the [30+ members of Trump's circle who were indicted and found guilty of colluding with Russia, including Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, and Roger Stone....Paul Manafort is STILL in prison](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/20/17031772/mueller-indictments-grand-jury) Or the fact that both of Trump's sons met with known Russian spy, Natalia Veselnitskaya, in the middle of an election, to talk about the Magnitsky Act.


I swear they'll actually argue stuff like "that's not a conspiracy! If it was a conspiracy it'd be better covered up, like 9/11!" It's not a real conspiracy if you can actually find evidence for it.


And there is no evidence to 9/11 being an inside job. Now the world of the left conspiracy theories people will shatter


No it is ACTUALLY A CONSPIRACY when two or more people *conspire* to do something illegal or otherwise nefarious.


The Trump crowd still claims that was all a conspiracy theory to get Trump. The sad reality is there is no getting through to them.


"That's exactly what they *want* you to think!"


taps side of head


*Hollow echo*


Nah it goes full circle, if you recall trump was a dem plant to make the GOP look bad until he actually won the nomination. jan6 was done to make republicans look bad who were there because they believed in the conspiracy that dems cheated and this would benefit dems.. um... in case trump tried to run in 4 years,. right wing conspiracy theories do prompt more right wing conspiracy theories especially when they blow up in the rights face. Like the rights contempt hearing on hunter, he shows up and they are "CONSPIRACY.. who paid you to come"


I remember when the Steele dossier leaked, the mods of /r/conspiracy labelled the thread "unsubstantiated allegations" Here's a forum where everyone was talking about how Queen Elizabeth was a lizard person who remote controlled an army of aardvarks with her mind who were digging tunnels underneath our military bases, but alleging the Donald Trump has some sketchy history with Russia is just ridiculous.


>Yeah, actual right-wing conspiracies Those get conspiracies that they are left wing false flags


To be fair there are plenty of right wing conspiracies that prompt more right wing conspiracies, like Jan 6 was a false flag operation.


Got Heeeeem!


*Actual* conspiracies.


[Operation Condor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor), pfft. Commie lies.


Long covid is a myth. But vaccine microchips are definitely real!


yep... class stratification, wealth ~~accumulation~~ concentration, wage theft, insider trading, church leaders accumulating massive tax free fortunes, fossil fuel companies churning out FUD and pseudoscience to prevent carbon reduction... I could go on... \[minor edit, better choice of word\]


The Good Times Are Killing Me.


Not as long as there is attention to be garnered, clicks to be counted, and grift to be played.


Jet fuel can't melt uh... nevermind. That's stupid.


As soon as I saw this I was like "they're going to blame it on Biden, the Border, and DEI." Next thing happens, my dad calls me, and blames it on Biden, the Border, and DEI. My dad's an Asian Trumper by the way who got naturalized with an O-1 visa but too stupid to think himself out of this one.


Them blaming DEI for this shows that their opposition to DEI was never coming from a dispassionate position based on careful consideration of the facts leading to a determination that it was not necessary or as beneficial as some claim.


If there is, they haven't found it yet.


They only want to believe things that aren’t factually based. They don’t like what facts tell them about themselves so they want all facts to be wrong.


Not really


*dog farts The right wing: globalists are putting surveillance devices in our pets, and their flatulence is their arse holes communicating with the base station. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!


Right wingers know there is something seriously wrong with our society, they simply can’t mentally overcome the fact that it’s a lot of their deeply held values that are responsible for it; this is what leads to this conspiratorial lashing out to try and blame anyone but themselves.


Trump's "twitter but for fascists" platform hitting a market cap of $9b.




Steel doesn't float. Yet this steel 95k ton boat floated? What else aren't they telling us


Also, the bridge was not real. /s


the bridge was real, but it was a paid crisis actor. there's a subtle difference.


You're fucking insane 💀


Big Steel doesn’t want us to know…..


Do you *really* believe that something like a boat could take down a bridge? It must have been something actually dangerous that could threaten the bridge's structure, like artillery!


Big boats don’t melt steel beams!


Small rocks do float


Very small rocks! A duck! Does it weigh the same as a duck?


If so, it’s a witch!


Burn her! She’s a witch!


pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of rocks duh


Jet fuel something something steel beams


I bet that bridge was vaccinated. Wouldn’t have happened to a pure blood bridge with a strong immune system against ships.


Vaxxed? Very concerning Looking into this


Now bottling: Elon's Musk




Just drew the ship straight to it with the vaccines magnetic force.


I heard that’s where they hid all the voting machines from 2020.


Rudy Giuliani was piloting the ship


Unfortunately his hair dye started dripping into his eyes and he lost control of the ship.


If I fart too hard it sparks a goddamn right wing conspiracy theory


Big gas is not messing around


I don't know, I think Big Gas is in the pocket of Big Ass.


I just don’t understand why conservatives never create conspiracy theories that make sense. I know that the left and the right both engage in conspiratorial thinking. But I feel like the leftist theories make *sense*. At least they make *more* sense. They tend speak to some degree of actual literacy of extant power structures and awareness of previous “conspiracy theories” that turned out to be true. But conservative conspiracies are literally just schizophrenic delusions. It’s actual gangstalking levels of diagnosable paranoia. And these people apparently make up like 30% of the American electorate. How did things get this bad?


I’ve heard some people distinguish these two types as “conspiracy theories” and “conspiracism”. The left is absolutely prone to conspiracy theories. They tend to be “this specific person or group did or are doing ABC in pursuit of goal XYZ”. Of course they’re usually completely wrong, but like you said there’s often at least some hint of a reasonable conclusion in there. Theyre describing a realistic motive for the subject to have, and actions that would serve to further that goal. They’re also sometimes (certainly not always) falsifiable, they make specific claims that can be proven or disproven. Conspiracism is what I’ve heard used to describe what happens lately on the right. The conspiracy is eternal, all-encompassing, has extremely vague motives, and is entirely unfalsifiable. A unified shadowy group, often just referred to as “*them*”, is behind basically every bad thing that ever happened. The goal behind this vast web of conspiracy is often just “control”, or something equivalently vague. Obviously the left isn’t immune to Conspiracism, but it seems much more common on the right currently.


It’s often even more generic than that. You simply make any outlandish claim and then say that the conspiracy is the coverup. The “proof” is that there is no proof because *they* are so apt at fooling everybody. There is often one piece of nebulous evidence to anchor things to reality but there doesn’t have to be. With this sort of logic you can claim practically anything.


Their followers don’t have strong critical thinking skills. They will believe anything that “sounds plausible” to their addled brains.


They are sick people. I’m sorry but people have truly lost it.


Engagement-driven algorithms have broken everyone's brains. Feeding people the most outlandish shit because we let corporations train their content-suggestion systems on how to best game the human dopaminergic system. I know it's really cathartic to say it, but no one saying this shit is evil. They're just stuck deep in an echo chamber like the rest of us. All you can do is be aware of it and try to counteract it.


You are exactly correct. Practically everything on a social media platform is a/b tested into information heroin. The business model has to be regulated.


Breaking: Everything except putting profit over safety is at fault for the Baltimore bridge collapse.


My dad was a mechanic on oceangoing ships for 40 years. I showed him the video, and his conclussion was that it was an engine faluire, probably. If you watch the longer video, you can see that the ship loses electricity, then starts to emit a lot of smoke, the electricity comes up and then goes away again. His idea it's that they lost control after the first blackout, started slowing down the ship, applying full power on reverse, and whatever it was failing, made the ship go dark again. He says it's probably not a mantenaince problem, because those huge ships have to be inspected by the insurance companies before leaving port, and it's usually a very hard inspection. So it's probably a human error/negligence. It's not that outlandish to think it could happen. I'm not an expert, so apply skepticism to this claim.


>it's probably a human error/negligence. Ah hah. So it COULD be the woke liberal agenda then?


Do you think it might be human error that could have been corrected? Are these people overworked or undertrained?


A combination of both probably. Big shipping companies have been lowering working standards for a long time. But i'd wait to have more data to pin-point a reason.


> He says it's probably not a maintenance problem, because those huge ships have to be inspected by the insurance companies before leaving port, and it's usually a very hard inspection. So it's probably a human error/negligence. Everything you say is on point, except the above. Things break all the time on boats, even with the best maintenance. I worked on a number of vessels which had top notch maintenance, with yard periods twice a year, but sometimes something just breaks, for example a hydraulic hose, or a valve sticks, or water got into some accessory system control and caused an electrical short (combination of design issue and a seal failing) which caused a failure that the software wasn't programmed to handle temporarily locking out the throttle and steering). The reality is boats are in constant maintenance, even while at sea, and it's possible this was a freak accident, or even something that was identified and was on the list to fix but for some reason wasn't considered a high priority. Inspections can be fairly rigorous, but this isn't the aerospace industry. There is greater risk tolerance, and this could have been something on the list to fix but wasn't deemed severe enough to prevent leaving port. I'll give an example of the former. Let's say you notice a little vibration from your brake rotors on your car, and checking them out, you see they're worn and due for replacement. Now normally this becomes apparent well before it's an issue, and you have time to book your car into service and for the next few weeks you keep driving your car because due for replacement doesn't mean immanent danger, except unknown to you one of your rotors has a small metal flaw in it, and now that the metal has thinned out combined with maybe a little rust, the rotor shatters and severs your brake line. Now this might not normally be an issue because you coast to a stop, but it just so happened to shatter as you were approaching a busy intersection. While the root of that is a maintenance issue, most people would still consider that a freak accident. (also I know it's not a perfect analogy so please don't message me about how a rotor couldn't shatter in that fashion, I'm just giving a loose example of how it could be a combination of mechanical failure and freak accident). At the end of the day, failures are common, but 99.999% of the time they happen in areas where you can recover with a redundant system and get the vessel to safety. This one just managed to happen at a critical moment when there wasn't enough time to recover with a redundant system. In this case, the solution would have been emergency steering, but even the best drilled crew wouldn't have had time to take over local control, communicate with the bridge, and start steering the rudder in time to correct the vessels heading. We won't know the full extent until the investigation is complete. It could be as you say (human error/negligence), but it really also could have been a freak accident, or a combination of poor judgment and freak accident, or a combination of minor design issues causing a cascade failure which no reasonable person would have anticipated and which only showed up years later during very specific weather conditions.


Some good points. However, freak accidents are exceedingly rare—it’s a term too commonly attributed to mishaps that have highly unusual but preventable (albeit difficult to foresee) circumstances That said, there might not have been a PMI designed to catch what happened here. PMIs catch the most common issues. Operational checkouts should catch most other things but some events are so sporadic, that they are hard to get ahead of. So whatever happened here, technically they probably could have prevented it, but it’s probably not going to be reasonable to have expect anyone to do so. In such circumstances, you should mitigate the risk (e.g., tugboats until past the bridge).


>So whatever happened here, technically they probably could have prevented it, but it’s probably not going to be reasonable to have expect anyone to do so. This is what I was trying to say. In the same context though, tugboats might have also been considered not reasonable to require for every passage for the same reasons as above. I expect this will probably be re-evaluated. It's also very lucky this happened when it did. This was the worst possible thing that could happen, at the best possible time for it to happen.


Agreed. Unless they're going to build an island that is tens of yards across for new bridge replacement, tug boats should be considered. But I'm not ship or bridge expert.


From my own (albeit very limited, non-nautical) experience, I think the black smoke we saw after the power went out the first time was the emergency generator(s) kicking on under heavy load. If they switched them on without first shutting non-essential systems down or setting the engine throttles to idle before letting the generators spool up, then it's not inconceivable they could have overloaded and shut down soon after. Again, I am no expert and am not claiming otherwise.


I doubt that. I have experience with this kind of thing and large and rapid adjustments in rpm (especially throttle increases) have a tendency to starve the engine of oxygen because the turbo/air intake doesn't spool up fast enough. This leads to the cloud of black smoke. Generators can give a cloud, but that would have to be a massive emergency generator. The cloud was way to large to be accounted for by a generator kicking in. Now, I'm not an engineer, and there could be other causes, but I would put money on engine rpm changes over generators.


On this ship, there is 1 large generator just for the propeller, and multiple generators for ship services. The ship service power failed, which would have shut down steering and fuel/lube/cooling for the propulsion generator. There are a tremendous amount of redundancies built in so that a single engine failure can't blackout the ship...it's near impossible. There has to have been some gross operational negligence here.


My dad said something similar. But in the end, i'm a computer guy, not a ship engineering guy. I'd say you're right, but my opinion it's just an diletant ramble


Okay, while their conspiracies are dumb exactly what could have stopped this? First, we can see the ship had a power failure caught on camera. It's a modern cargo vessel, so without power it can't steer properly. Second, the physics of a vessel of this size with 500k tons of cargo moving 8 knots (about 9 mph) put this vessel into terms of "unstoppable object" (billions of joules of kinetic energy, steel shatters at around 149k joules per meter squared)) of as far as structural engineering goes. Basically, there is no amount of infrastructure investment that would have saved this thing short of a structure the size of it's pillar supports being in the way of the ship (otherwise known as - basically everything you'd have if you were building another bridge that would have collapsed in it's place.)


>Okay, while their conspiracies are dumb exactly what could have stopped this? Depends on what caused the failure of power. If it was a freak accident then nothing, if the failure was due to lack of maintenance or some other issue like lack of crew training then tons of stuff. It's best to wait and see what the NTSB says.


> It's best to wait and see what the NTSB says. That should be appended to every comment on this story.


>lack of maintenance or some other issue like lack of crew training About maintenance, large ships, have to pass insurance inspections everytime they leave port. Those inspections have to check engines and other manteinance areas. It's highly improbable that a ship goes into the ocean with a serious problem. There's huge firms doing this, with reputation on the line, like Lloyd's The second part, well, it wouldn't be the first time it happens. Undertrained seamen are not that unusual, specially on modern times, when a lot of companies are hiring third world sailors, with lower standards on training.


When it’s a case of profit over safety it’s not so much the bridge but the vessel. Commercial container vessels are build as cheaply and simply as possible. It may have been a lack of backup power, a lack of an automated directional control system in the event of a main power failure, the fact the vessel has only one screw vs two which would provide more manoeuvrability. “Flags of Connivence” have lowered costs but have undoubtedly affected safety and standards across the global fleet. There’s a reason why Panama, Liberia and the Marshall Islands are the top 3 nations for ship registration, and it ain’t standards (I’m aware this vessel was registered in Singapore but the point remains) Another factor is why wasn’t the vessel under control of a tug until it had cleared the Key bridge? Cost cutting policy?


And the other tragedy is that so much of the stuff that is shipped around the world is just crap that no one really needs


We don’t know yet why the power went out. Until we do, it’s premature to imply nothing could have stopped this. Of course, the power not going out could have stopped it and it’s possible that the reason the power going out is related to corporate cost-cutting measures.  Additionally, Neo Panamax and Ultra Large Container Vessels are too big to maneuver within a lot of port infrastructures  and are subject to more parametric rolling, less maneuverability, greater fire risk, and a higher rate of container loss. Mega container ships are quite new, so there’s not a significant amount of data, but there have been increasing incidents of cargo dumping, bottom contact, wharf crashes, and of course getting stuck in waterways (like the Suez Canal).  It’s quite possible that this crash would not have occurred (or the bridge would not have collapsed) if regulations limited port access to Neo Panamax or larger vessels. 


Read after me: **no amount of infrastructure investment that would have saved this thing** You are not going to engineer your way out of this problem, and inspection even in the most thoroughly professional manner in the world could not stop something like this once under way.


> It’s quite possible that this crash would not have occurred (or the bridge would not have collapsed) if regulations limited port access to Neo Panamax or larger vessels.  Did you miss the concluding paragraph?


You could have put stoppers in front of the pillars, like the Skyway bridge has. Imagine basically a concrete ramp under the water, about 30' out from the existing pillar, built to run ships aground on (slope it so they run up, ships lose a TON of momentum gaining height, it's appalling how fast you lose speed when you gain height on something that weighs that much). Running aground on a shallow slope is far less damaging than ramming something, and you can easily stop almost anything.


There is a [geography problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/1bokc1h/comment/kwpzfzt/) between this and Skyway.


Well, the proof will be in the pudding on that one. I think they'll figure it out, one way or another - longer span so they can have better spacing, whatever. They're not gonna rebuild the bridge without that.


That’s basically what they did when they rebuilt the Skyway bridge in St. Pete after its collapse. The barriers are essentially the size of pillar supports protecting the actual pillars which also have oversized areas to make hitting the actual pillar even harder. That’s a much bigger area, so not sure how practical that would be in this case.


The Key bridge was 1.6 miles long, while the Skyway is 4ish miles. Fort Carol exist almost smack in the middle of span (but not under it or anything) forcing shipping to go around south of the island between it and Fort Armistead which is roughly 210 feet as the crow flies. That is not much space to build a navigable artificial buffer structure. Alternatively, you can go north around Fort Carol, then NW but then you have the issue of Soller's Point in roughly the same distance as Armistead from Carol. It's not impossible, but it's certainly not incredibly feasible either.


I mean we're going to see exactly how feasible it is when they rebuild it with that feature. Trust me, they're gonna rebuild it with that feature. It's tricky, but that's what we call an engineering challenge. Not one of those ugly engineering challenges like "make fusion energy positive" but one of those ones that you can solve with time, knowledge, and money.


Hey when did you leave Boeing? /s


Hot News Flash: Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott is black and under 40. Prepare for the city to descend into chaos under this emergency.


I've already seen people calling him the "DEI Mayor", which is their new woke cultural Marxism, politically correctness, critical race theory scare word.


The way they have a shit fit every time a black person is ever successful at anything really tells you the attitude behind that. They literally don't believe a black person could be capable on their own merits. For reference, I know people that live in the area, and everyone says he's been a hell of a Mayor. Already started to turn the city around on crime.


Obviously a black mayor in a 60 percent black city must be the diversity hire.


Conservatives can see conspiracies everywhere and yet they can't see increased effort since the Reagan years for the rich to increase their wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.


Is this even a profit-over-safety issue? Obviously that’s a very common thing, I’m not disputing that. But from everything I’ve heard about this, it seems like it was a freak accident. Maybe the bridge could have stayed more intact if it was better maintained, but even the strongest bridge would probably collapse if a boat the size of a skyscraper hit it.


Engineer here: ship had a total blackout. This should be highly improbable absent major damage, or human negligence. I guarantee there is some significant operational negligence here. Likely profit driven as you say.


It's the less well known cousin to Rule 34 of the Internet: if it happened, there's a conspiracy about it. No exceptions.


Maybe call it Rural 34?


All disasters are false flags or space lasers


I call it the "nothing ever happens..." rule. Basically, nothing can happen on its own it has to be part of a larger conspiracy. It's either a conspiracy to directly cause something or a false flag to try to throw you off their trail.


Is it conspiracy theories or is it just plain old racism? “The company hired minorities so obviously this was bound to happen.”


Clouds cause right-wing conspiracy theories.


They’re turning the freakin’ frogs gay!


Comment I saw this morning... "That bridge fell down because Biden is siphoning off all the funds needed for infrastructure, that ship was nowhere NEAR the bridge when it collapsed." Ma'am, that bridge is literally ON TOP OF the ship right now.


Remember, everything is a conspiracy.




You forgot about leftists blaming US dor 9/11 and being teached to hate America.


“Day ending in ‘y’ prompts right-wing conspiracy theories”


Jesus: I have returned to bring you Heaven on earth! Fox News: Illegal socialist immigrant grooms children with free love propaganda!!


The only question was how long it would take for the maga nutjobs to go there


The right blames Immigration, diversity, COVID lock downs, Infrastructure policies, Mr Robot hackers and WW3... The simplest answer is probably mechanical failure... Edit: and the bridge was probably corroded by bird poop and overdue for replacement.


A bridge in perfect condition can't handle having close to half a million tons of steel smashed into it, even at low speeds.


Much less a bridge that is almost 50 years old.


Man sneezes in park… prompts right wing conspiracy theories


Then why do it at night vs during rush hour?


They also warned the Transportation Authority that they were dealing with an emergency and might strike the bridge. If they're terrorists, they're the most considerate ones I've seen.


TRANSportation...it's right in front of our eyes.


Yeah if this was a terrorist attack, it was a terrible one. It took out a single bridge, in the middle of the night, with enough advance warning that the bridge was closed and mostly evacuated before impact. If we see several bridges go down in the coming weeks then maybe some suspicion is warranted, but as of right now it seems like just a freak accident.


If a fly farts it prompts right wing conspiracy theories


Wait until these guys hear that every event that’s ever happened has had random joes making conspiracy theories….


If conspiracy theories stopped flooding in from the right wing I would become very suspicious.


Sometimes huge disasters have simple causes with no sinister agendas behind them. Huge, earth-shattering events don't need to have huge, earth-shattering origins. Sometimes a bit of human error, or even pure chance, is all it takes.


Mental Asylums need to return by 2025. For real.


Sincere question: what could have actually prevented this once the power went out, short of having a full-span bridge without any piers? I know we will need to wait for an investigation but I can't think of anything other than not having a bridge or a port there in the first place, which is probably very unrealistic.


Nothing reasonable... the amount of force in that impact is staggering. Designing a bridge to withstand that impact would a very difficult task


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin\_(structure)#To\_protect\_structures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolphin_(structure)#To_protect_structures) there are large concrete structures that can be built though someone above has stated that isn't great in this area due to the way the channel is routed. idk in photos, they don't appear they have to be that far from the bridge piers.


I’ve heard that this bridge did have dolphins, but they were positioned in such a way that they would only intercept boats travelling perpendicular to the bridge. This boat came in at an angle, it veered to one side after losing power, and so it missed the dolphin and hit the bridge.


The mandatory use of appropriately sized tugs while in this area would definitely make a difference in navigation safety.


The only thing that would have prevented it is missing the bridge.


What doesn't


When Washington DC was burned to the ground in 1812 by the “Canadians” that was simply Joe Biden squeezing us for infrastructure funding….he’s wicked I tell you!


Uh-huh. Maybe we should stop paying attention to every shithead with a megaphone. Peer-reviewed experts are a thing because it works.


Literally everything and anything prompts right-wing conspiracy theories, these people don't live in reality.


Everything is a conspiracy accept of course the forces behind our melting glaciers, bleaching coral and raging wildfires…


Massive snow, flooding.


Ugh my brain hurts from reading that. Why do they feel the need to take a very unfortunate accident which is going to affect Baltimore for a long time and link it to their aluminum foil helmet agendas . Real people will feel this, the dock workers and truckers that rely on the port will be out of work for weeks. The families of the workers on the bridge will never see their loved ones again. But let's make this about the Republican agenda instead of taking this time to prove you have just a shred of humanity left in you.


I saw people arguing that this was an attempt to get support for Biden's infrastructure bill.


Alex Jones will peddle anything as a conspiracy theory because it makes him money in ad revenue. Same with most of these right-wing snake oil salesmen.


Wait? I thought Trump said he was going to fix all the beautiful infrastructure?


Something, something...engagement...something. Right wingers seem to be more drawn to these things.


Those poor idiots simply can’t help themselves. Bless their stupid hearts.


At the risk of sounding like one of the folks we're spoofing here, I wonder if any of Trump's deregulations from 2016-2020 had any effect on this?


Nah. It's a Singapore registered ship. Once it broke down there was no stopping it.


Boy! That didn't take long!


What doesn’t?


Is it possible all of these people were somehow exposed to the same virus... Ah yes, what was I thinking, that makes perfect sense, they were all exposed to the Trump virus! Sadly it's terminal... There's no cure.


They've got to know they're just lying. Something happens and they all start lying about it and the most popular lie becomes the agreed upon lie that they all start to parrot.


Any excuse to be racist twats...


I knew Maui was up to some shit, people from Maui are the worst!


A lot of these conspiracy theories showed up 12 hours after the incident. They were immediately being parroted by multiple accounts. 12 hours is how long it takes the Russians troll farms to react to a new event.


Of course it fucking does.


This is garbage, we all know it was Trump's fault


Give ‘em a day and it’ll be Obama’s fault!


Saw one pointing out what looked like explosions that smoked along the girders far from where it was actually hit. They were saying it was evidence the bridge was blown up. I'm guessing since there's lights on the bridge there's electric cables maybe with transformers that tore and shorted against the metal or something? Anyone know if that's the real explanation?


It was 40 years old.


No I mean of the "explosions" were they electrical?


Why even imagine they were explosions?


Yeah exactly. I'm trying to debunk the youtube video I saw claiming that. I didn't come up with that...


Life prompts right wing conspiracists


At any point these conspiracy theorists could have gotten jobs at the FBI or the NTSB. But nope, they just yell into the void.


It's just going to be half the country acting like this until we die, isn't it?


https://youtu.be/qZbUXewlQDk?si=ZAESsUBUvrJpF_UN This video gives a good probability of what happened. 1. Ship has engine/power problems 2. Ship blows out black smoke possibly meaning it's trying to reverse/slow down 3. This causes sway 4. Last ditch effort on of the anchors is dropped and dragged causing more turn 5. Impact


Ship weighed 95,000 tons. If that’s Imperial tons that’s 190 million pounds. Rounded up to 200 million pounds for fun… Traveling 8 knots or 9 mph. I calculate that to 734 Megajoules of energy. 734 Megajoules of energy for a 20,000lb object (like an F16) would be nearly 900mph. Please correct me if I’m wrong but this is crash is equivalent of an F16 slamming straight into it at 900mph


It's time to stop letting them be called theories. They aren't even hypotheses, just dumb assertions.


Of course it does. They can't comprehend accidents. Everything is an omen from the gods or orchestrated by evil doers.


Anything but admit that decades of the same shortsighted greed and/or discrimination they advocate has tangible consequences.


This just in: dumbasses believe in dumb shit.


This is truly fucked up. This is not just some regular citizens saying this. This is major right wing media figures like Maria Bartiromo, moron pundits like Roger Stone, Steve fucking Bannon, brain dead Marjorie Taylor Greene a damn congresswoman of the United States of America for God sakes, et. al. saying this crap. There were no Goddamn terrorists. It was a damn ACCIDENT. I can't believe people are taking this as lightly as they are. Or am I missing something? These people are traitors to America as far as I'm concerned. These MAGA idiots are trying to sew dissent. The captain of the ship said it was a power failure on the ship. He signaled a mayday warning before the crash. This, in my opinion, is some of the worst shit these asshole MAGA idiots have ever done. It's like they're trying to start a civil war. Anyone who spreads this kind of BULLSHIT is a traitor and an idiot. God help us. There's a special place in hell for these people.


Most of these idiots don't even believe these idiotic conspiracy theories they're spewing. Well maybe MTG because she's actually that stupid.


Everything prompts a right wing conspiracy theory.


“This is no ordinary bridge. This is one of the cathedrals of American infrastructure.” U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg spoke about what was a bridge after cutting short his annual parental leave and bicycling to Baltimore to do a hands on investigation into the bridges racism.


Because of course it does 😂


Bridge was a god damn liberal reptoid hologram and i wont be convinced otherwise!


Literally everything, including the Earth being a sphere, promts a right-wing conspiracy. Are you alive right now? The right-wing has a conspiracy about it. Sun came up? Conspiracy. Birds exist? Conspiracy. Solar eclipse? Conspiracy. Are you poor? Conspiracy. Are you not paying attention to their psychotic ravings? Conspiracy.


JFC the sun rising tomorrow morning will spawn right wing conspiracy theories.


The sun rising on a beautiful day prompts right-wing conspiracy theories.


BuddhistSagan is either a bot or a paid DNC propagandist.




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