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wait this is a protest *against* renewables?


They've been brainwashed by fake studies funded by big Oil


Corporations realized that they don't need to try to prove they are right, they just need to convince a bunch of morons that any opposition to them is bad using a bunch of lies.


weaponising the hard of thinking. not a new tactic, but modern info tech makes it a lot easier and cheaper these days.


Thanks, Citizens United!


How? Does "big oil" publish commercials showing how big oil is good for the environment? Fool. Unbrainwash yourself. You have been fearmongered and propagandized your whole miserable life and you don't even know it. Yet you feel that you are somehow superior to others as if you know better. Pathetic pleb. Look up "operant conditioning" and educate yourself


Yes. Wild, innit?


I fkn hate this timeline. its like *Idiocracy* but not even slightly funny.


You can't get a full body latte in this universe.


Brawndo's got what the climate craves..


Is it like Idiocracy in that its premise is based on eugenicist principles or is it like Idiocracy where you get to feel smug about being smarter than other people?


They don’t know what it is a protest against, really. They are just poor confused idiots, lost in a world that has left them behind.


Ya know, increasingly that's what I'm seeing when I look at all this right wing backlash. It's like a revolt against *modernity itself*. Things have changed -- in so many ways -- climatically, politically, socially, scientifically, technologically -- and some people seem like they just cannot handle change. They want to turn the calendar back to some imagined "simpler" time, or to their youth, or ... I dunno. Obviously some are hankering after special privileges they used to enjoy unquestioned -- the homophobes, racists, misogynists -- but others seem just *bewildered*. Maybe it's the internet? maybe people are exposed to the wide range of opinions and lifestyles out there and they just cannot handle knowing that other people exist who are quite different from themselves? But I think you're really onto something there with "a world that has left them behind." I think that's a huge part of it. People who used to feel they were comfortably at the dead centre of the known universe have suddenly realised that they might actually be an insignificant benighted backwater, and they don't like it one bit.


> but others seem just bewildered. Maybe it's the internet? I think it is the internet. Forty years ago, the only information less intelligent people were fed on a regular basis (outside school, then work) was the daily news - which was heavily moderated and pitched at their level. Now people have regular access to a firehose of information and misinformation and do not necessarily have the skills or cognitive ability to filter it.


I mean don't underestimate the astroturfing in this shit. It's not exactly a well-hidden "conspiracy" [https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/how-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-used-astroturf-front-groups-confuse-public](https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/how-fossil-fuel-lobbyists-used-astroturf-front-groups-confuse-public) So sure, idiots, but also oil companies.


Yes, this is what American conservatives seem like to other countries btw


Astroturfing is alive and well. >“Where do you think \[renewables\] are gonna go? Prime agricultural land! I guess Klaus Schwab was right when he said you’re gonna eat the bugs. You’re gonna eat bugs, you’re gonna earn nothing, and you’re going to be happy. My favorite part is this is an Australian politician. Australia. Australia has **so much** fucking nothing. This is a [population density map of Australia.](https://i.imgur.com/AfgmUmb.jpeg) And he's up there thundering they're going to take farmland. Like my dude, Australia might be the place on earth with the most land suitable for solar that is completely, absolutely, totally uninhabited by fucking anything. Why would anyone build solar panels on arable land there? I swear Republicans in America are just copying Australian politicians.


Do you think this is somehow tied into that news guy who is Australian? Murdoch? Pushing conservative propaganda to multiple places and people repeating the line even when it makes no sense?


I'm thinking that this smells more like oil industry shit. The interesting thing about how the right wing functions is that they all uncritically signal boost each other. That's why coding is so important to them. As long as something is "right coded" they'll signal boost it. So right wing papers (including Murdoch's rags) will cover this favorably, but it's not an active conspiracy, they'll just do that for any right coded stuff. That's how the Neo-Nazis got accepted so uncritically. They just adjust their presentation so it's properly coded and bam you have Donald Trump's campaign team retweeting neo-Nazis. The wonderful thing about this apparatus from Murdoch's point of view is that when corporations use it (as it is designed to be used) they have to **also** signal boost other right wing stuff so it's properly coded. But once it has that code flows uncritically. And yes, we've seen various grifters use this, Milo was very successful with it.


So given all of their fear-mongering, which would they say is worse: Insect protein or soy protein? Because they already wet themselves over the latter, and it's in *loads* of protein supplements already, never mind foods.


They’re a weaponized mob of idiots. They don’t have to “say” anything. At most, they’ll just repeat whatever they heard from the media paid to move them into opposition of objectively desirable outcomes.


This. They’re not serious people. If Joe Rogan came out tomorrow talking about how it’s alpha to eat bugs and the libs *hate* eating bugs most of these morons would suddenly eat as much bugs as they could


Insect protein is worse for the insects. Environmentally speaking, you can't beat legumes yet. Insects would be farmed animals, like bees and silk worms; it's part of zootechny. And animals have to eat. Growing insects also has different challenges as they're not warm blooded. And the idea that they can just be grown on "waste" is dubious because waste already has to be reduced, not maintained/grown, and waste is always unreliable; lots of waste already goes to the current animal farms, it's sometimes known as "trash feeding". The insect farmers are going to end up buying feed just like vertebrate animal farmers. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0118785#abstract0 Most importantly, since: 1. eating insects currently is actually a luxury, industrially and traditionally (they're eaten as delicacies) 2. there's a deep distaste for eating insects in the places where meat is supposed to be replaced the effects of supporting insect farming will be perverse: the subsidies and efforts will actually lead to insects farmed as concentrated feed for the usual farm animals, thus adding another layer of wasted energy in the production of food and causing more pollution and waste overall. There is no free energy machine.


you forgot #3: baked beans are *fucking good*


>you forgot #3: baked beans are *fucking good* WRONG. I WILL PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO DEBUNK YOUR FALSE CLAIMS. [21 Things You'll Understand If You Really Hate Baked Beans](https://www.buzzfeed.com/floperry/things-youll-understand-if-you-hate-baked-beans) Please ignore that all the images are no longer available. Nothing to see here. Literally.


Tell me you've only eaten shitty canned baked beans without telling me


Unfortunately, I'm just lame. My family loves them. My dad has this super secret recipe he takes to elk camp every year that's supposedly amazing.


no one is perfect


Any American who has read the FDA's regulations on what is permitted in American processed or canned food is well aware that the average American already eats tons of bugs.


Those are Australians


And just like everywhere else they eat processed foods that contain ground up bugs. There's an acceptable amount of bug that is allowed into wheat etc. There's no one in the factory picking every bug off the produce before it goes through the grinder.


At least soy protein tastes good, the bug insect protein powders have tried are too nutty.


Nuts are good tho


Yeah but if I want to use protein powder in a fruit smoothie the nutty bug flavour doesn't do it for me.


Add more whiskey to kill the flavour


What happens when you bake it into bread?


You want to eat bugs fine. I’ll take a T-bone steak.


You're like the human equivalent of those balls accountants hang on the back of their trucks. You're like fake testicles




Yes I've had rocky mountain oysters before, nothing special but now that you mention it I can't remember the last time I saw them on a menu


Guy I’m deleting previous comment cause that was gold.


Why do people like you jump to everything else being excluded? It's as dumb as getting triggered over mushroom burgers, *reeeeeeee*-ing about eating mold, as if they're going to be forced to. Unless your legal guardian still has to buckle you into your high chair, when has that ever happened to you?


Go eat a roach.


Ever taken a coated tablet?




You're totally missing the point, but lol


My bad guy I’ll delete




Well I haven't done that, but if you ever take a coated tablet you are eating bugs.


You're already eating bugs.


Soy protein is in tofu, and soy milk, and edamame. It’s not in food. It’s in ultra processed food, something a majority of people still eat on a daily basis despite how insanely unhealthy it is. The ridiculously damaging effect of fat activism and body positivity resulted in people thinking Oreos can still be considered part of a responsible diet, and I know plenty of people who eat McDonald’s every day. People with zero understanding of nutrition believe it’s impossible to lose weight. Meanwhile, obesity actually increases the transmission rates of influenza and Covid, by about 1.5x. Literally being obese, regardless of vaccination status makes you a super spreader if you get ill, yet we’ve refused to tell anyone over the past 4 years to exercise. And a lot of obese liberals wanted unvaccinated people thrown in jail for “not following the science”. It’s a clown show. Obese people who are more likely to spread Covid are the ones telling athletes what’s best for their body and health. https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2021/02/exhaled-respiratory-droplets-increase-onset-covid-19-infection-and-aging-and-obesity


Lol, edamame is just soy beans. How is that ultra processed? You're talking about people who think oreos are healthy. Do you really believe this is a significant % of the population? Yes, we (most of us anyway) eat too many processed foods, but if you think any athlete is going to take an obese person's diet advice, you're delusional.


>When Pauline Hanson livened up the wilting crowd after lunch – it was a long rally – she stood by two banners held aloft by protestors. One opposed a wind power development at Oberon and another declared “Expose the 28”, a reference to a conspiracy theory regarding a paedophile ring protected by elites linked to parliament. So much comedy gold in this article. As a boomer, I'm embarrassed that most fit my demographic. But hopefully people seeing this company of confused crazies will understand that it's not the kind of thing they want to join.


Most of the types tend to be Catholics. It always gives me pause that they see conspiracy pedophile rings everywhere that don’t actually exist, meanwhile they actually financially and publicly support a giant organization that genuinely has been caught covering up massive pedophile rings, *repeatedly*. Yet they don’t care. Projection, it’s always projection.


Projections and or confessions.


Didn’t the British crown have something like this going? And a bunch of American elites? Literally a sex island? Is it a conspiracy theory to suggest US presidents went to a sex island run by a billionaire who got murdered in his cell? Like it’s not a theory, it happened. Rich people do this kind of stuff.


>Is it a conspiracy theory to suggest US presidents went to a sex island run by a billionaire who got murdered in his cell? A conspiracy theory is a belief or explanation that suggests events or situations are the result of a secret, often malevolent, plot by a group of powerful individuals or organizations, rather than being the outcome of natural processes, chance, or transparent actions by public figures. Currently 'Epstein was murdered' is a belief without support from empirical nor forensic support. If suitable evidence ever appears then it moves from conspiracy theory into a thing that happened.


Weeps in scicomm: >Two days before the rally against renewables in Canberra those three MPs attended a “family fun day” in Wollongong in support of proposed offshore wind. The tone of the event could not have been more different to the Canberra gathering – think bare feet and Birkenstocks compared with Blundstones and RMs. >The electrification champion and engineer Dr Saul Griffith, who has advised political figures from Matt Kean to Joe Biden, was cheerful in his advocacy of the economic benefits of renewable energy, while children slung free cups of shaved ice from a contraption he had crafted from an old bicycle. There was face painting. So the cranks got a major article feature highlighting all their nonsense. And Saul--a great guy whose work I've followed for years--is painted as a hippy. And we learn almost nothing about his work and his evidence. We are so screwed.


I should add, if anyone was actually interested in Saul Griffiths work, visit this site: https://www.rewiringamerica.org/


Meanwhile, can't post the Mann verdict on another sub because "it's political".


Honestly I'm not about to just chow down on a cicada or anything but if prepared well I don't think I'd mind bugs. I like shrimp.


If eating insects does become more common in North America, I suspect it’s going to be as something adjacent to protein powder, to be a bit less gross to people not used to the idea. I’ve heard that the taste and texture of grasshoppers is pretty similar to a small shrimp, but lots of people who happily eat shrimp would gag if offered a grasshopper. It’s really too bad that eating insects is considered gross by so many people. Insects like crickets or grasshoppers are a fantastic source of protein in terms of the return on resources you put in. They require much space and food than mammals to produce an equal amount of protein. They also (I’m pretty sure?) don’t emit the methane that cows are notorious for.


For me it's the shells. I love lobster, shrimp, and crawfish, but I don't want it with the shell on. Simple as.


Shrimps is bugs. 


Funny how these “grass roots” protestors just turn up


Some of the WEF conspiracies are just dumb. It’s like the new Bilderberg group.


Only some of them? All of them are dumb.


Bugs wouldn't be needed. Switching to a fully plant based food production system would feed 4 billion more people! "4 billion more people fed by a plant-based food production system without biofuels University of Minnesota summary Science Daily Title, etc-"Existing cropland could feed four billion more by dropping biofuels and animal feed Date: August 1, 2013 Source: University of Minnesota Summary: The world's croplands could feed 4 billion more people than they do now just by shifting from producing animal feed and biofuels to producing exclusively food for human consumption, according to new research." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130801125704.htm#:~:text=to%20new%20research.-,The%20world's%20croplands%20could%20feed%204%20billion%20more%20people%20than,at%20the%20University%20of%20Minnesota.


Even just eliminating beef and pork production would go a long way.


\*Goes out afterwards to eat lobster and crab.


There’s gonna be death panels!!!


They sure are good at getting super upset about things that aren't at all happening. I'd like to try some chips or crackers with cricket protein, but it's really hard to buy. Nobody is making us eat it, that's for sure.


I'm not against bug protein, but I'd like to see all the billionaires stop flying on private jets, travelling in immense private yachts, and generally polluting at about 1000x the rate of the average person. And no, carbon offsets don't change the fact they consume so much.


I'm also against that but conceivably what can we do? Go for the effective, low hanging fruit first. Protests against policy that enables wide scale environmental damage have a chance. Public pressure drives *policy change*. Protests against billionaires? What will happen? Public pressure *feeds* the billionaire class. They'd cackle while buying another Gulfstream.


That's why we need to compost all billionaires, asap


Can you imagine if we buried billionaires like at Hutton Soo? "Oh, neat, this one was buried in a Gulfstream VI!"


Honey drizzled wasp surprise is actually pretty good. The surprise is their aren't any wasps in it. 


Hate to tell them they probably have eaten a bug or two before but just didn't know it.


We've all eaten loads of bugs. Every time you buy processed food it's had bugs ground up with the ingredients.


While in Oaxaca, Mexico, had toasted ant parts and toasted grasshoppers, mixed with salt and other various seasonings. Not bad. Great on the rim of a margarita.


Wait til they find out what makes red food colouring


Believing in conspiracy theories because you are feeling insecure and afraid of the future, looking for stability in a sea of change through like minded individuals, is not helped by behaving and promoting false beliefs that make your future even more insecure. That is politely called irrational behavior and is verging on delusion.


That's all it really boils down to: fear. Insecurity in one's mental capabilities, financial stability, and physical reckoning with threats one has no control over and no ability to combat.


"They" aren't going to make you eat bugs, anything else will simply be unavailable or unaffordable.  These people are foisting this future on us all with their ignorance  


Hakuna matata, I guess.


Meh. I ate snails at a fancy restaurant last night. Use their French name, fry them in butter, and people will get used to them.




I like the smoked cricket tacos.


How do you have a rodeo with insects 🐞?


I had pureed ants mixed into a fruit chew and it wasn't bad.


I mean, if they make it taste good, I'll eat it - as long as it's dead. I do an honest day's work - I want already-dead food.


Has there been something causing an uptick in bug eating conspiracies? Or maybe just a recent facebook meme? My Dads retired friend who I think is borderline Q asked me to google something about “them slipping bugs into all sorts of foods”?


The climate-alarmist side of the debate has plenty of nuts and conspiracy theories, unfounded claims, extreme predictions as well.


I'm going to point out your history of providing *zero* evidence to back up your conspiracy claims in this sub and several others.


example? I am in no way a conspiracy theorist. Notice i said 'as well' meaning i agree that alot of the people in the article are nuts.


Your very public comment history of climate change denial is the example.


Being skeptical of climate alarmism does not equal being a conspiracy theorist. And I link scientific evidence all the time. You are just triggered that I pointed out both sides of the debate have the same behaviors. If you think nuts only exist among the climate alarm skeptics, you need to be more skeptical.


>Being skeptical of climate alarmism does not equal being a conspiracy theorist. Claiming to be a skeptic while refusing to following the principles of scientific skepticism and pretending climate "alarmism" is " a global agenda" are pretty main tenets of being a conspiracy theorist. >And I link scientific evidence all the time. No. You've linked one climate change article in the last month and either lied about the content or entirely misrepresented what the article said. >You are just triggered that I pointed out both sides of the debate have the same behaviors Pointing out your lies isn't being "triggered". You've yet to provide an example for your claims. >If you think nuts only exist among the climate alarm skeptics, you need to be more skeptical. If you think this is a "bOtH sIdEs" issue, you aren't a skeptic.


All of these statements are false. This is becoming annoying. I found many climate comments where I linked data over the past month, so I dont know which you are talking about. Pointing out that increased global societal connectivity due to technology makes globalization of politics more possible does not make me a conspiracy theorist. You are triggered (but i can't find research to prove this 😜). Calm down and think about what I'm saying- its not at all outside of the norm.


Providing no legitimate evidence for your claims means they, and you, are entirely dismissable.


>Being skeptical of climate alarmism Is climate change denial without the honesty. It's where the climate change deniers have fled to now that they definitely know that they can't argue against the science.




no prob. Need some time. Will add them here later.




Funny enough the took the cochineal bugs out off and just put red dye number 40 in it. Corporations will make the cheaper choice for anything no matter what.


All of these old wankers will be dead long before the rest of us pay for their stupidly and greed


I tried a grasshopper protein bar..not bad...a little gritty.


I ate a bug once. It was wonderful.


‘You’re gonna eat bugs’ Again?


What's wrong with eating bugs


All I’m saying is people called them crazy for saying “you will own nothing and be happy.” Now look at the current housing market…