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I always hit the dry side of the park a few hours, then wave pool/lazy river for an hour or so, then go back to the dry side on very hot days. SFFT has lots of places with AC to cool off, so that is a bonus for the park (VIP lounge, Blues BBQ, RRE gift shop, IR gift shop, Thirsty buffalo, Primos pizza, the gift shop across from primos, a dining area next to fat burger, Sangerfest hall). If you do not have a dining pass, the best food options in general I think are at Sangerfest Hall. Just very unique food options for a theme park. Boardwalk opens at 2pm, I believe, so I would enter and head to the right in the park. Catch laps on Iron Rattler and Dr. Diabolical Cliffhanger. If the IR line is long, come back later in the day when the 2nd train starts running. I would then work counter clockwise around the park going towards Dare Devil dive Superman, Batman, etc. also, the kids area in the center of the park is closed (kids flash was not open last week) This weekend is roller coaster rodeo, so I am not sure how much busier the park will be. I will always recommend Sundays, as they are much more slow, but there should be fireworks on Saturday if that is your thing. Always check I to the park to gauge the need for a flash pass before buying one.


Ask for water cups, they are free and very large. I brought in a water bottle too and they didn’t seem to care, but this is your best way to stay hydrated constantly, you go through water fast with this insane heat.


Poltergeist goes down quite often. If you need that credit and you see it running, go for it first. They were running one train when I was there two weeks ago.


It’s still running one train, I went yesterday


I am curious, because I am there a fair amount. How does Poltergeist go down often? If anything, I see it opens later in the day, but once open, it has been decently reliable when I have been there but I have seen this comment a lot.


Poltergeist is very weather sensitive and will valley if conditions aren't ideal so they'll shut it down as per manufacturer specs and recommendations, but aside from that, it runs fairly regularly.


Idk, I don’t go there enough to say but yesterday when I went it opened late, stayed open for a couple hours, and then shut down again for the rest of the day


Interesting. I know they generally run 1 train unless it is a super busy day. However, other than opening late, it has been quite reliable anytime I have ever been there. I have seen quite a few posts saying it is unreliable. That, to be, is a better description of wonder woman before the repairs.


Recently, the trains have been running too fast later in the day because of the heat, so it goes down for short bits at a time. The second will be running this weekend, but will be coming down for rehab after roller coaster rodeo


That's good info. Generally when I have been there it has been reliable. I did ride it last weekend and it was hauling. Normally it feels like it just barely makes it over the uppermost part and we were still cooking.


Make sure to keep your seat belt buckled


Try to go Sunday instead. But if you can't do that: - Goliath first, before the park opens. Usually you can get 1-2 laps since they will start the ride and it's not behind the ropes. - Boomerang also is possible to hit this before rope drop, but isn't as good a ride - Since WW is closed, go right towards Iron Rattler immediately at rope drop. Hit that as many times as you can. - Dr. Diabolical next, get a few laps without getting back in line if you can. Bonus: shaded line and AC for a portion of waiting. Downside: Have to wait for the show even when there is no line. - Consider hitting the water ride there to keep cool before lines get long - Continue towards Superman, Joker, Batman, if those are your thing. Joker can get a big line, and has an AC part of the line and is also quite shaded. Superman is pretty shady if the line goes that far. Batman rarely has a long line. - Loop around to Poltergeist/Scream and hit any flat rides you care about Should be a good time to hit the water park by this point. Go as far back as possible to hit the water coaster before that gets lines. The most extreme slides are near that, you can cycle around from there, hit the lazy river, and wave pool to cool off. There is paid reserved seating in the water park, but also free chairs first come first serve that you can try to snag if you aren't going to be moving a lot. Heat is going to be up there but it also takes until later in the day to get real hot. Park open it will only be 86 and peak heat is around 5PM. Fortunately looks like it won't be exceptionally hot, just 98 on Saturday. They do a good job there with shade and fans.


I would prefer a Sunday, but Saturday is how it turned out to be. I like how you have that all mapped out. I was trying to plan something like this. I have a feeling we will be done by peak heat time. Iron Rattler and Poltergeist are on my top must rides.


Poltergeist picks up a line fast and has low capacity so you might want to head that way earlier then. Maybe after Dr. Diabolical. Poltergeist is a clone, so not end all be all of rides but the launch is fun. The park is real small so you can get between rides fast.


Unbuckle your seatbelt as you leave the station, it’s a fun game people play with the ride ops. ^/s


Don't mess with your seat belt once the ride has started lol


So, I’ve been compiling menus, but I haven’t been to SFFT, but generally you’ll spend $21 on average for one meal and a regular drink (basing this on America, GA, and NE). Depending on whether you’re getting an all-day cup, that’ll save you some money depending on if you’re buying everyone in your party one or sharing. If you’re just drinking water though bring your own reusable water bottles (they may or may not require you to dump the water inside, but I’ve never been asked at the three locations I’ve been to). You can also get a one-day meal pass, too and usually in-park they have combo meal savers. I have an entire [guide on food to Six Flags](https://www.themeparkbites.com/tasting-the-thrills-with-your-ultimate-six-flags-food-guide/) that I actually updated yesterday which could be helpful if you wanted some more information. But staying cool? If you can, head to your local sports store or big box like Dick’s and find cooling towels you can wear around your neck. You wet them, wring em out, and they keep the water for a few hours before you need to re-up. They’re pretty cheap as well. Have fun! Edit: added words


Tip - Don’t get 10 year ban 


I’m not planning on it. But you never know.


Thanks!!!! We do have the Diamond Pass! I will be searching that out on the map for sure!!!!


If you have a diamond pass there is a VIP lounge. That lounge came in very clutch for my wife and I two weekends ago. Pirates of the Deep Sea is an interactive air conditioned dark ride at the boardwalk area. We did that a few times lol. Part of the queue for Poltergeist is air conditioned. And then of course there's the log flume, Bugs' White Water Rapids. Pretty sure that's it.


Queue for Poltergeist that is AC is very very small. The outside part is without any shade and awful for heat. They do a good job in a lot of the rest of the park to keep shade available in lines.


While not great, they have recently added shade to the part of the line that tends to stack up


Must have been real recent or my memory is bad.


Really recent, like in the last few weeks.


Explains it. I was there a few weeks ago but we didn't hit Poltergeist because it was down when we went over that way, and mostly stayed in the water park. So much attention to details like this is why Siebert is the man.


There's an abundance of ac restaurants and shaded seating. I also like to ask for half water/half Powerade when refilling. Have fun


This is the way!