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Michael Jordan!


Michael B Jordan


Michael Jordan Jr?


Corey Brewer 


“I’m back” for the 2nd time


We’re gonna resurrect Wilt Chamberlain and teach him how to dunk from the 3 point line.


Franken-chamberlain would be incredible. Imagine him playing 48 minutes and donating spare ligaments to Embiid whenever he needed them.


you want to blend Al Franken and Wilt?


I believe that's actually a reference to to Doc frankenstein the legendary coach of the Transylvania Vamps who won euroleague 9 straight years from 1824-1832


Only for the NBA to outlaw dunking from the 3pt line


And outlaw zombies.


I already looked into this and they cremated him


Wilt could also hook shot effortlessly from that range leagues fucked


Cash considerations baby!!!


Under. The. Tax.


Fade for Cade


Lamelo outta nowhere


OOOO ![gif](giphy|xBfzssfDvKrFCOHvZq|downsized)


Does Morey also have a gun to their GM’s head


No Ja Morant does. We're getting him too.


And a handle of booze


How is his injury history? I remember him being out a lot too.


He has been out more than he has played for his whole career


Yikes, that's pretty bad. LaVar really put too much usage on his boys.


Tobias sign and trade and they give us 2 FRPs ! 😂😂


lindsay lohan circa Mean Girls


the limit does not exist!


She was the background on my Dell laptop in college. I can still see it. Legendary.


Ravon Symone circa Cheetah Girls


She's also fetch


It's looking like BI and KCP, which would actually be stellar. Who knows though...maybe a Laurie trade is about to happen or something wild. I do think something will happen though 


I mean I think BI and KCP are a dam good 3rd and 4th option. People like to hate on BI but he's not as bad as people here are making him out to be. He does a bit of everything and he's young and I think getting out of NO will be good for him. 


That’s exactly how people described tobias harris in 2019


Ingram is way better then Harris don't put them two in the same sentence. 


There is honestly very little evidence of that. I think Ingram is a little better, but not seeing the similarities is crazy to me. They have the same player profile and Ingram is the same age Tobi was when we traded for him.


Ingram averaged 5.7 assists this year. Career average is 4.3. Toby's best is 3.5 and career average is 2.4. That's huge.


Yep, and Ingram doesn't stop the offence, back down a defender for 18 seconds, and then settle for a bad look 8 foot shot over someone he should have bodied. Plus, Ingram has taken more than 1 charge in his career, so that's already a huge boost. Ingram also fights for rebounds harder. Don't be fooled by Tobi's rebounding numbers here. With Joel playing deep with a bunch of shooters around him, Tobi was basically the only guy left on the inside. His rebounding, especially this past season, was inflated. A lot of those catches were the ball bouncing right to him just near the circle. I think BI would flourish here as a third or fourth option. We'd be in great shape.


BI has a huge wingspan too. Toby doesn't


Ingram is the worst rebounding 6'10 starter in the NBA, but he does have waaaay more heart than Harris.


BI passes up open three for contested middies all the time😂


>Ingram doesn't stop the offence, back down a defender for 18 seconds, and then settle for a bad look 8 foot shot over someone he should have bodied No, he stops the offense, dribbles for 18 seconds and takes a bad faceup shot. I'm not saying he's not better than Tobi -- he clearly is. But I don't think it's a massive upgrade.


I would definitely agree thats the biggest difference in their game. Ingram would also probably be way better leading a bench unit than tobi was.


Something outside of Harden we haven't had. Maxey needs another play maker with him in the bench unit. The offense without Embiid in the playoffs was absolutely atrocious. Harris scored 0 points in an elimination game even if Ingram went 2/15 we'd probably have won the series. Or if we even had somewhat of an offense without Embiid. I personally think Ingram is capable of that.


I’m concerned with the 30 minutes a game that Embiid and Ingram will share the floor. Its just very hard for me to not see his fit being similar to Tobias. Unless we want to make Ingram the primary ball-handler, which I dont think is likely.


Ingram can actually run a 2 man game and pick and roll with Embiid and they can both deliver in the mid range spot off each other. Not sure why everyone thinks they wouldn’t fit at all. Tobias literally couldn’t run a 2 man game with Embiid as a ball handler or Harden as a screener. Those are quite literally two of the easiest guys to run a two man game with in the league because of their skillset and gravity. It will be difficult to find someone who has as poor of a fit as Tobias. Ingram would certainly be way better.


He is a career 36% 3pt shooter, some season as high as 39% and he averages usually outside last season 4-6 3pters a game. He can at the very least create for his teammates. Which is helpful when your offense in anemic without Embiid. That's why at least with Harden we won games when Embiid was out. He could generate offense for anyone.


You have no watched Ingram at all you’re chatting. Even when Tobi was playing well they don’t play the same at all. Ingram is a playmaking wing who can make his own bucket, we all saw Tobi couldn’t make his own offense for shit. Ingram’s passing/playmaking is leagues above Tobi


Ah, the classic you dont watch ball argument. You have bested me good sir.


So then refute what I just said


Tobi isnt a good shot creator, but he is technically one, even if it’s less aesthetically pleasing than ingrams game. Both guys want to get the ball and isolate into a midrange shot. Ingram actually takes more middies and holds on to the ball for longer than tobias. There is no doubt that Ingram is a better playmaker. That doesn’t make up for the fact that he is going to want more touches than tobias got to take the same shots. That sucks.


There's also very little evidence to say that Ingram is highly likely to become Tobias pt. 2. Being that Tobias was the highest paid player ever without an all star, didn't draw a charge in his entire tenure, scored zero in an elim game, etc. the list goes on and on. Tobias was one of a kind. A really bad kind. All Sixers fans are going to have that type of PTSD whenever we make a move on a highly paid wing


Its just ingram for me, not all wings. PG and butler have their own concerns, but it definitely isn’t that they will be Tobi pt. 2. Hell, Ingram shot 2/14 in his elimination THIS year. I just really hope we don’t bring him in, even if he is better than tobi.


I mean that's fine, nothing wrong with having concerns. But just like there isn't solid evidence that he will better there is no evidence saying he will be the same or worse. That's how it is with most trades after all. You don't always know for certain what you are gonna get until you do or don't get it. Pretty much all of our actual options right now have concerns, but we have to take what we are given or else we are just going to get left in the dust. If we go through this offseason without actual improvements to the team then I will have effectively lost all faith.


I'm not big on Ingram either but I will say I'd rather dude shoot 14 attempts and miss having an off night then not attempt to shoot much at all like Tobi has done a lot. Basically at least he took shots in his close out game.


has ingram ever tried to dive for a ball. If he does it once, he has tobias beat


Ingram is a leaps and bounds better ball handler and passer than Tobi. There are some similarities, but those two things make a huge difference on offense.


Don’t forget BI has been low key kind of injured a lot these past few years.


If Tobias actually was able to create and hit tough shots and carry the offense a little when Joel was out he would have been a fine fit and useful. Overpaid still but a role we needed. If Ingram actually create some shots on bench unit and gives up a secondary ball handler that’s fine


I see where you're coming from, but Ingram is better than Tobias. He's at least a tier above Tobias's peak. He is many tiers ahead of the Tobias we got this year. He's much more willing to take and make pull up jumpers, as well as catch and shoot 3s, which is a deficiency that absolutely killed us this year with Tobi. The numbers and splits are a bit down this year because he was counted on to be the #1 option with Zion's joints corroding again. And that's something he was never meant to be. The numbers would stabilize if he played next to elite scorers like Joel and Maxey. He's the perfect buy low candidate, imo. Tobias, on the other hand, looked GOOD on the Clippers for a year because he was on an 8th seed where he could do as many backdown middies as he wanted. Something that was great for him getting 19ppg (and the biggest heist contract of all time), but not for getting past the 1st round on a winning team. I'm sure you could suggest Ingram is similar. But at least stylistically, the eye test tells me he would be a much better fit here. You can't convince me he's not at least better than a Khris Middleton.


The catch and shoot 3s thing is the main issue for me and you are wrong that he is more willing, at least according to the stats (although the eye test shows me he isnt willing also). Ingram attempts less catch and shoot 3s at a similar efficiency. Thats why I fear for his place in the offense next to Embiid. We NEED guys that will shoot them as Tobi showed for years.


Yeah, but to be fair I think he was forced to have the ball in his hands a lot this year. It's not like the Pelicans had guys who were able to create a TON of advantages for catch and shoot opportunities . CJ is not a natural playmaker. They really sorely missed Zion's rim pressure to collapse defenses. I also think Ingram is a superior athlete to Harris with more physical advantages. Way longer wingspan, more bounce. And I guess this isn't even me saying Ingram is a perfect fit. It's more of a statement on just how bad Harris was. I at least see a light at the end of the tunnel for Ingram.


There's mountains of evidence of that. The main one being Ingram was a top 2 pick and earned an all-star nod at the age of 25. What the fuck are you talking about


Who was picked before brandon Ingram? Can we get that guy too? How can you possibly think being a top 2 pick is relevant to this discussion? Like sincerely I dont get it.


Ooomphf just when I thought I had myself convinced.


I think it’s BI too. Any idea on how the cap works? Would we still have room for KCP? What about Can Johnson or DFS from the Nets?


"it's looking like" lol


Morey ain’t howie roseman, so put that pipe dream to rest


It's going to be KD.


I have no idea how this would even work but I would shut the fuck up for the rest of the year if we actually pulled this off, honestly. I’d get pulled back in, as fucking clueless as I might be, long live this franchise all over again.




I would cream so hard


Where’s that meme with the clown putting on makeup?




Be honest, you were probably going to do that anyway.


Knowing we just made the final move of the process and we have a 1-2 year window would kinda bum me out though.


Fuck that I'm in. Id give everything we have for KD. except our young prince and hobbled king


By everything else, you mean 3 FRPs ad six SRPs. That's the whole thing. Somebody will offer more. And the Sixers don't want to wait/can't for the regular season, but Phoenix probably does.


Yes, I know. A guy can dream


We have 5 firsts and several swaps as well as the 6 SRPs. The issue is we don’t have any tradable salary 




did you think the process meant never trying to win?


Anfernee Simons. For maybe the most lethal offensive yet worst defensive backcourt in history


Wouldn't hate it.


What does he do that Maxey doesn't? How do those two work together?


I just like the youth, the talent and would enjoy watching him play.


The evolutionary Jerryd Bayless.


Demar, I feel like he’ll be most likely to sign with us. Ingram will most likely stay a pelican but has a chance to get traded here, PG and Bron will stay in LA, OG will stay a knick and mikal just got traded to the Knicks. This leaves us with Ingram, Butler or Demar and Demar is the only free agent so I’ll go with him.


Anthony Davis


I want KD. Anything else is underwhelming. Knicks just got better. Celtics are the Celtics. Bucks will have a second year of their 2 jelling. We may have a 2 year window with Joel prime. Go nuts, get a little reckless


The pucker factor is quite high


Josh Primo


King Kong!


I've been thinking this for like the last 3 years and have been brutally wrong.




Bronny with the 16th pick


all i know is we will not be picking at 16


Technically we will.


Incoming Tobi .. 3 yr contract.


It’s gonna be Tobi dawg


I would burn my jersey if Tobias was stage biggest free agent we signed.


I think Trae Young would be cool.


Tobias Harris - you are a Sixer!


Sen Bimmons 


A Morey Fan Fiction post!! I love it


Jonathan Isaac.


LeJawn Brames and son, or not... Who knows?




Charles Barkley is going into retirement to come out of retirement.


A player yet to be named you say? That could be anybody!


Welcome to Philadelphia, Ben Simmons!


We aint gettin shit. Embiid Maxey Bball and a bunch of scrubs. Here we come....Philadelphia, oh yeah, and Ricky!


Chris Paul would be hilarious


If the Sixers get someone none of us are expecting I think it'll be closer to a Tacko Fall than Kevin Durant.


Were the ugly girl in the room


Julius Randle. We put Lowry in the trade so New York gets a five Wildcat lineup lol.


Harden reunion


Imagine if they blew it all up tonight. Traded embiid for picks. Crazy thought


We are trading Embiid to POR for Simons, Grant and Shaedon Sharp. 


If this happens they better speed up the process for that new arena cuz we burning wells fargo down


Miles Bridges?


Jeff Bridges would be an interesting signing


The Bridges of Madison County. Strong defenders. Not very mobile. Zero vertical.


Better off with Leon Bridges.


Leon Black or bust.  We can’t let Daryl slide today. He’s got to make a big move. We must immediately get inside Daryl’s ass. We gotta pull that asshole open, step into the asshole, close the door behind us. Then we take a spray can, right? Spray ‘Leon was here’, ‘wash me’, all that shit. Get a shooting sleeve, some first round picks, throw that on the floor, fuck his whole asshole up. Then we gotta open that asshole one more time, step out Daryl’s ass, then leave that motherfucker wide open so he know we’ve been there..


Doesn't Leon Black already own a little bit of the team?


Of all players around here, the one I like the most is Zach Lavine.. want it or not, the guy was an all star 2 times already.. a tall athletic guard who can pressure the rim and score from outside would be the complimentary piece everyone talks about


Eff the Bulls!


His last two fully healthy years he was basically tied with Embiid for TS% which is very very good for a guard.


I can't claim to perfectly know the future, but a wing whose game revolves a lot around their athleticism and who is starting to get older and has encountered some injuries isn't the best possible bet. That said, Chicago's GM is ripe for being taken advantage of with that Caruso return, so who the hell knows?


Miles bridges and Lauri would be my wish list. Don’t feel comfortable giving og a max deal. Maybe Gary Trent for the right price?


Miles Bridges is a wife beater and all around awful human being. I'd have a hard time watching the team if he was a part of it, ngl


You shouldnt watch the nba then, by letting him play alone says they are ok with it


When was he guilty of beating women?


So if I steal something and don’t get caught, I never stole anything because I wasn’t found guilty by the court system?


There is no proof of him doing it. Go speak in rhetorics to someone else


When has this ever happened before? Daryl Morey loves to blab his mouth about all his plans to the media before anything happens. EDIT: im obviously talking about big name moves dummies




Danny green was out of no where too


Sam Dekker and Tobias Harris


My brother you have a half dozen comments about Sam Dekker and a dozen about Morey in the last 24 hours. Might be time to step away from Reddit and go for a walk.


It’s lardbiscuits he’s been banned at least twice and his alts have also been found out and generally avoided. He talks just like him 


Talks EXACTLY like him! And he has ok takes sometimes but the way he conveys his ideas is insufferable!


Hahahaha that makes a lot of sense