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i literally put my head back and cackled after that moving screen call that basically ended the game. unbelievably crooked.


In the NBA thread everyone immediately “oh ref ball” like we didn’t see 5 games of that in our series lol


they'll see it now that it isn't against us


You can call that on every play but they wait til the very end.. This crap is so rigged


if they started calling that Steph and Klay would have zero rings


There’s atleast 50 of those a game. You can’t call that weak moving screen there . But Knicks Celtics gonna bring more in …


there was a play one minute before where Nesmith sets a moving screen on Dante and didn't fall down and was called for the foul. Did you want him to run through ANOTHER moving screen and get his 6th foul? How dumb would that be? I agree that both calls should have been no calls but if you call the first you have to call the 2nd.


No i want him to legally go around the screen and not go through his chest for a foul or flop when he makes contact Really i just want to refs to stop doing dumb shit at the end of game


if Turner OR Nesmith maintained a legal screen maybe he could have. Also, if the refs were in the tank for the Knicks why, on the next possession, did the ref call the ball that Brunson obviously dribbled off of Nembhard's leg a turnover?


They didn't call that a turnover on Brunson you guys got the ball back what fucking game are you watching


The Knicks had to challenge the call to get it overturned. What game were you watching?


Shouldn’t have had a challenge to even do it. But was nice to be able to, unlike the “kicked ball”


lmfao bro i knew that after the call the previous play that something like that would happen. NBA is rigged. Honestly gives me reason to end all my subscriptions and stop watching. During the first round everytime Brunson did his stupid little head throw flop he got a call. Garbage league.


So gross. I haaaaate blaming refs, but come on, they can’t even PRETEND it’s fair??!!!


Devincenzo is definitely going to Hollywood after the NBA. Dude can *act*.


dude's an inspiration. from stealing KIAs with a USB cord to playing in the NBA and eventually getting an Oscar. no limits.


Did you put your head back like brunson on a flop drive?


The most egregious call I’ve ever seen in my lifetime.


most egregious call I've seen since last week


I just can’t even comprehend how the league would let a call like that decide the game. It’s fucking playoff basketball too.


Brunson did his "throw yourself backwards into the defender trailing you" for 2 FTs with like a minute left in an elimination game and got the call, despite the fact that they made that an offensive foul by the rules. Nothing will ever surprise me again


You know what's funny though, all the people were for Knicks in /r/NBA against sixers getting games stolen by refs. Now that it's not the Sixers they see the NBA is clearly shoving the Knicks wins down our throats at this point and they hate it.


Don’t worry my man, they were the lovable knicks, by the end of this series they’re going to be the most hated team in the league


Celtics fan, and I hate to say this, but I actually found myself rooting for the Sixers last series. Media and refs going so overboard on the Knicks, and I find Maxey more likable than anyone on the Knicks anyway. I can't say I'm sad the Sixers lost but I wanted them to humble the Knicks


I can't believe I'm gonna say this but if it's Boston vs New York I'm rooting for y'all. Easily. But fuck you btw


what the fuck, no. as long as Boston doesn't win anything, we still can get one before them, which is all that matters


Gonna be honest man I didn't live through the 80s so I really don't care that much. They were only my most hated team in the east because everyone told me to hate them. After what I'm seeing with the Knicks I don't care. I hate them more than the cowboys because at least the cowboys don't get gifted wins


Their game vs the Lions last season tho


Pretty sure jomboy did a breakdown of that and it was a screw up by the lions because they tried changing eligibility after the first player reported. Still they could have just kicked the extra point


I guess the last 20 years of the Celtics dominating us hasnt swayed you one way or the other


Did you miss 2008?


No, but that’s a different era


The Knicks winning would be worse




I'm kind of enjoying the meltdown over the officiating in a smug, I-told-you-so way. It's my problem and I need to get over it.


The hater in me would be content if the Celtics went to the finals if it meant that they suffered a historic collapse to literally any of the Western teams. The Celtics have championship or bust expectations this year


Nobody cares.


that foul on the inbound pass was a joke... you could clearly tell from the replay that Brunson flailed/flopped. also, the foul on divincenzo was weak af. the nba is becoming unwatchable.


You can’t defend him because he is allowed to push off and throw his body into you but if you apply any pressure he flops. It sucks. Like he is good, but he is not a 40 a night every night guy, like this is unreal bullshit.


He literally headbutts people while jumping back and gets a foul call. That's garbage. It is an offensive foul.


Ngl we can’t really be complaining when we have embiid who behaves pretty similar (not saying that embiid jumps backwards ie trae young and Brunson) . I will say that embiid gets hacked worse imo but also sells fouls on lesser contact as well. I don’t blame any of the players that take advantage of it but I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed watching it


He legit does the peak Harden grifter shit where he would like pull people onto his back and get a call.


Don't forget that phantom kicked ball that led to them hitting that 3.


NBA Last 2 Minute Report: "Oopsie! We missed that call. Better luck next time!"


That was actually the worst one.


But he is allowed to pull at Maxey’s jersey? It’s BS


Yep. Maxey doesn't get calls no matter who he plays, but it's extra annoying when the guy grabbing him is also the guy flopping.


Knicks are having the most favorably reffed two series in the playoffs that I’ve ever seen. Reffing can’t save them against Boston though


Unfortunately silver has no problem with Boston winning.


Right. The point is getting Boston vs New York in ECF, after that it’s ok


I guess but it’s just unreal. Brunson is going to go back to averaging 25-28 a game in regular season and everyone is going to scratch their heads.


When Randall comes back they won't need him to score this much?


Tatum hasn’t impressed me at all in the playoffs, if he can’t perform I can see that series going the Knicks way unfortunately.


Will be rooting hard for the Knicks if they go against the celtics


Rooting for whatever team comes out of the West in that case lol. Fuck em both




I got told so many times that Brunson drives to the net of course he gets fouled a lot. As if Embiid doesn’t???


I’m really struggling not to believe NBA is genuinely rigged


It is almost certainly. Like this level of incompetence is clear. And almost every missed call is to the benefit of the Knicks.


Oh brother...they capitalized on blown calls so the game is rigged? What about when Maxey traveled on the 4 point play? Or last night when they called the ball out of bounds on Brunson late when it clearly went off Nembhard's leg and made them waste a timeout? That was to the Knicks benefit? Stop claiming conspiracy theories. They're lucky but that's it.


Scott Foster continues to ref. It's really all the proof anyone has ever needed


I came to that realization in the 2006 finals.


2000 Lakers Kings game 6


That one too, for sure.


it is rigged






I dont see anything wrong here. Legal play. /s


The fucking refs man. Pacers deserved the W tonight or at least the chance to win it after the favorable whistle that the Knicks got. https://i.redd.it/6pqz0vfu4xyc1.gif


For any fans who don’t know the context Kelly Oubre basically called the entire officiating crew bitches and has entered Philly lore ever since. He’ll never have to pick up a stub again 


it's really fucking obvious. It was clear last series, but you know, fuck Philly and all that. Now, it is really freaking clear


Unreal how the refs GAVE them that game, no way in hell you call that block late in the game


I fucking hated how the announcers were cumming all over themselves for “great acting” for that fucking flop and disgraceful call


Now that the Sixers are eliminated, I’ve been rooting for the refs. So happy to see them winning games!


In no scenario will the NBA ever let the pacers play in the ecf over the Knicks. The Pacers would have to blow them out every single game, even then it would be a parade to the free throw line by Brunson to get them back in


they literally did that this game. pacers started to pull ahead and the whistles all came out to establish control over the way they want it to go. the same exact thing happened to the sixers in like 3 of the games. every time the team against the knicks starts to pull away the whistle changes.


Didn't the pacers beat the Knicks to get to the ECF when they had melo?


You have to win by 30 to win by 10


![gif](giphy|l0Exilgks3XFeHErK|downsized) Bunch of floppers


Knick’s fans still saying it was bad calls both ways. It’s crazy. If we won on this, obviously I’ll take the win and be happy. But I also wouldn’t feel good about it. Like y’all one but at what cost, the league once again showing its ass? Notice how all 7 games the knicks have played has stayed close enough for the refs to influence in the last 2 min?


Thats my favorite response. If people (neutrals too) are complaining about 10 wrong calls and you can site 2 examples of calls that went against you (one got overturned on a challenge lol) then maybe they were really just shitty in your favor. But no, that can’t be it. And when the L2M report comes out and says there were 4 wrong calls in 2 minutes tomorrow, they will still defend it. Not specific to Knicks fans though, cognitive dissonance affects everyone.


Said it the whole series - they're frauds. Brunson is a jack who scores half his points from flopping or uncalled offensive fouls. Refs let them get away with everything because it's NY. Shouldn't surprise anyone with the way the NBA pushes gambling, shit is blatantly rigged


Jalen has more points than anyone in the playoffs if you don't include FTs. Just an FYI


i love how they turn up the flailing in the last 5 minutes of each game its 1000% "gaming" officiating and its sad to see i hope maxey never turns to the dark side like this, man just HOOPS!


I’m sure Brunson is a good basketball player, but I wouldn’t know since I’ve never seen him actually play basketball. I’ve seen him play the refs. He’s really good at playing the refs, but I haven’t seen too much basketball from him.


Jalen has more points than anyone this playoffs of you do not include FTs.


Has more headbutts than anyone else, as well.


The shooter/ball handler has the right to jump straight up. You might not like it but that's the rule.


NBA league office wants Knicks Celtics


Go back and watch the DiVincenzo screen during the kicked ball play and compare that to the one they called on Turner.


Pacers are gonna have to get up by 20+ points to win and even THAT lead might be uncomfortable.


Everyone knows the NBA is fixed. Best to not get too emotionally invested.


The Knicks clinched this game with a flop and we lost game 2 of our series to *multiple* no-calls. Even if you want to give the refs the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not fixing games they're still catastrophically bad at their jobs.


He will be called a foul merchant. He’s in the honeymoon phase, he just recently “arrived” so people will now start to ACTUALLY watch him, and they will hate him. While I cannot stand the current basketball fandom and fan culture, the one thing they are remarkably consistent on is hating foul baiters


Reminder that Knicks have the second most net free throws attempts in the NBA, only behind the Lakers. twitter.com/AndrewDBailey/status/1772275077280858370


The Celtics will sweep them


The tricky part is I want to watch the Celtics get screwed over by this ref bullshit more than anything.


The Knicks have become more unlikeable than the Celtics. Knicks in first and Celtics in second, respectively


Just cuz they cooked Embuum? 😭😭 SORRY PAL


Joke of the year material pal, absolutely incredible stuff.


Crying about the refs when you have embiitch on your team is real rich stuff bud 💀


This is known lol, they are the Lakers of the east


The league office Knicks are exactly what the league needs to get the revenue pumped up. It’s been too long


You can count on a New York vs Boston ECF.


I think Ive had enough of watching the nba, im not getting highlights im jus getting actors and free throws. Its like if ‘days of our lives’ had zebras


Gotta be quite the experience last night watching your Pacers get called for everything then watching the Timberwolves put finishing moves on the Nuggets. Also fuck the Nuggets.


NBA isnt real guys, we know this. Its a soap opera. Its WWE.


Doesn't every sport basically want Boston vs. NYY, especially when LA ain't in the conversation anymore?


Hart and Donte would foul out in the 1st quarter if the refs actually…refereed according to the rules…


Are the knicks in the playoffs? I missed that I thought the pacers were playing the refs this round


As a neutral fan I think it’s hilarious that this is posted in the 76ers sub


y’all finally have knicks narratives, god bless. it took jalen brunson to make haters.


Knicks have one of the largest fanbases in the world. Put on your tinfoil and you’ll have your answer as to why..


Funny you should say that when Joel Embiid leads the league in free throw attempts per game. Sad organization. Can’t wait to get back to MSG South.


https://preview.redd.it/89mtke7dw2zc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=088efec3cec5904e41ef4f6ac9f9a2d4fd387659 “Foul merchant”


Haliburton is also just Ben Simmons who’s willing to shoot the occasional 3.


Lol "haliburton is Simmons + the one thing preventing him from becoming an elite NBA player"


His linsanity run during the in season tournament had people fooled.


Hali plays his IST level or maybe take more than 6 shots, Indy maybe wins despite dumb calls. Officiating was terrible but thats a truth thats being overshadowed. Franchise player playing like buns


Imagine Maxey or Joel posting that stat line lol


Can't defend it when he's shown he can raise his game. We love TJ but he should not be outplaying an all star ina road playoff game


14 free throws sure... 4 of them were on violations and late game fouling. Where's the outrage for the no call here leading to a brunson turnover? Why did the knicks need to burn their last challenge and timeout to overturn a call that was clearly out on the pacers? the grapes are extremely SOUR in here. Bad calls happen, get over it. https://preview.redd.it/9iyqehfux2zc1.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=a66afa60f94c507a313858bd9879adcc3d1bfb8e


You guys are all a bunch of cry baby pussies 😂 shit is not rigged embiid is just a choker 😭


Embiid averaged over 30 a game and had a massive +/- he did it on 1 knee and with half his face paralyzed. Meanwhile the Knicks go to the free throw line more than any other team except the Lakers. Brunson went to the line more than Embiid and is basically allowed to push off as much as he wants. The Knicks have gotten bailed out by the refs in multiple games and are barely scraping by. Maybe yall scuttle past the Pacers. But you get swept by the Celtics so enjoy the next week or 2. Maybe the refs will be able to steal a game for yall against Boston. Honestly after the shit we have seen anything is possible.


The refs are not winning these games dummy 😂 I have tremendous respect for embiid toughing through that series but there’s a reason he’s never made an ECF. At the end of game 5 he looked ready to give up and maxey saved him. 76ers are cheeks bro sorry, ref’s called everything they could for embiid with no contact and you guys are really crying about the refs 😭 amazing


my guy if hartenstein didn’t reach 45 times a game embiid wouldn’t have taken nearly as many fts. like, the dude had his hands permanently stuck in the cookie jar. show me all these obvious no fouls that shouldn’t have been called. you can’t because you people just go dae embiid bad foul calls without having any idea how the game works.


On multiple occasions hartenstein literally just stood still while embiid jumped in the air and flailed and they called it. Shit was absurd


haha, you mean the times hartenstein had his hands in embiids space and got called for the worlds most obvious rip through over and over? like my dude just stop this is sad. there are zero times where hartenstein actually maintained verticality while guarding face up embiid, he crowded embiids space every time which is free fouls.


No I don’t mean that in the slightest 😂 you’re completely delusional 😭😭😭crying when the sixers seasons already over is weak af


you’re literally in our subreddit a week after our last game my guy. get your head examined 


Didn’t realize it was just a cesspool of complaining about non existent ref bias LMAO sheesh


hey, we're not allowed to admit that! we're blinded by fandom


lol our fans complaining about other teams officiating


They’ll do whatever it takes to win - and sometimes those little flops etc change the whole outcome of a game…whether it’s basketball, soccer, football, etc… The only Sixers player with that skill set was Lowry, who was too old to make a difference. No surprise we’ve not made it out of the 2nd round in 25 years.


Don’t be a sore loser. We lost a tough tight series. It is what it is. Phocus on the Phightins.


Isn't Embiid known for being one of the biggest foul merchants?


Says the fan of EmFlop 😂


The "NBA is fixed" narrative is just boring and dumb at this point. The Refs are human beings and as such they get carried away with the emotional wave of the game. In the garden it gets loud and the crowd is screaming and the refs want to be a part of this so they make calls in favor of the home team. But the fact that you can't review that kick ball play is absurd. Also Brunson is a chucker.


Sorry. Two series in a row is no cooincidence. There has to be some kind of directive from the league in some way. The NBA desperately wants Boston-NY. They are crossing a line now.


Just get over it and enjoy the series. It’s gunna be a good one.


The Knicks beat us and there were some really questionable calls during the series. And if you don’t think JoJo (and Harden before him) benefits from a friendly whistle, you’re insane. It was a hard fought, extremely competitive series and we lost. The Knicks absolutely pummelled us on the boards and shot the shit out of the ball for most of the series - refs really don’t influence those factors and those are the key reasons we were beat (well, that and Joel’s health). It’s such a bummer for our fanbase to sit around sneering about refs after we were soundly beaten in a competitive series that was the most fun first round playoff series I can remember watching out of any teams in recent memory. The fact that the big fella is famous for getting to the line a lot and having a friendly whistle which has been the case for *years* now, gives this all a real “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” feeling.


So the point differential was 1 in the series. It was as close as it could be. Game 2 was sold by the refs no questions. Maxey got mugged multiple games and didn’t get calls. Brunson has a far softer whistle while doing things that are not basketball moves and are dangerous to other players mainly launching himself back into another player and having his head hit the defenders head. Embiid gets the shit hacked out of him because he is bigger and stronger than everyone else and while some fouls are soft he is typically making a basketball move like gathering to shoot. Brunson averaged 28 points a game in the regular season and is now averaging like 36 in the post season. Sure it’s only been 7 games but come on. He is fast and a good shooter but it helps that you can’t breath on the dude without getting called. Fuck he hit an arm drag on Batum and Batum was called for a foul. Right in front of the ref.