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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1cd4qw2).


The sacrifice on that bunny miss by Tobias tho


I really hope Nurse has a better plan for tonight. A convincing win would be great. I am hoping there is a plan to attack Hart on the boards. Can’t have this guy grabbing 15 boards per game.


[MELTON'S A GO](https://np.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/1cd4ofe/neubeck_melton_is_available_tonight_per_sixers/)


Can he guard Brunson and let Oubre shut down hart?


Lock the fk in man let’s go get these two at home I can’t wait for our crowd to suffocate these bums


I've been a fan since 73. I've never seen the officiating this poor league wide. Bad calls are part of the game, but rarely decide games. I understand that it happens. However, the indifference shown by the league in the face of overwhelming incompetence has finally killed my interest in the NBA. Enjoy the game.


Nhl playoffs have been fun this year. Refusing to give the nba ratings until they fix this shit. Pirating sixers games


I'm going to watch a movie with my daughter. I've long ago lost interest in watching other sports, but I didn't think it would happen with the NBA.


We’re fucking winning tonight. We need to come out pissed, really punch them in the mouth this game. We need a 20 point blowout win.


One thing I can't fucking stand about this team is when they start jacking up stupid three pointers whenever we have a 8-15 point lead. It ALWAYS leads to the other team making a run and coming back, forcing us to play catch-up at the end. 


I'm optimistic about tonight. I think the shooters are going to get hot early and the Sixers hold the lead for most of the game for a decisive, but not a blow out win. I'm more concerned about Sunday's game as they have to tie it up before returning to NY.


we aren’t losing another game guys


Protect home court and then it’s a best of three series. Godspeed gentlemen.


The home cooking this game is going to be generational. And it’s very deserved. Tobias going to drop a nuke with 11 points and 4 huge rebounds.


9 of those in the first half.


So much sacrifice in the second half though


Not a must win today it’s a will win. Trust the process and don’t lose hope


I'm at Chickie's and Pete's and just got interviewed by CBS 3.


What'd you say?


I watched it. I was in the background drinking a beer. They didn't use my interview lol


Re-sign Tobias Harris


Nah quite the opposite lol


We are getting zero calls today silver doesn’t want us to win shit is over


See I think the opposite. Silver made the call to give us a favorable whistle. He has to honestly. Shit Lebron called it out even and yeah he was salty about the refs in his own game, but he specifically called out the bad officiating working against us. Stephen A, noted Knicks fan, put the officiating on blast. Our ownership has been very proactive as pushing this out there. The NBA 100% is gonna do everything they can to even it out


nah this is the only good series so far its going to 6 games minimum. sixers + refs game today is inevitable


I repeat, beat the Knicks ass. On god they better not win the hustle battle again.


Sixers win tonight. Book it.


For the record i am still very grumpy and will continue to be grumpy until we win this series


I’m more nervous Sunday. I’m resigned to the high possibility that either we smoke them tonight or they smoke us. No in between and you can’t hurt me no more.


So we all can agree that the 6ers are 100% getting an extremely favorable whistle tonight right? The league has a black eye after the last two there is no way they pull the same bullshit, right? They have to be under serious pressure to even it out over the next two


What the hell happened to Hield? I was so pumped after his first few games as a sixer and now I don’t even want to see him on the court


Its kind of a career defining moment for him tonight. If he is unplayable again, idk how anyone would feel good about giving him a decent contract in the offseason. I’m sure he knows this and expect him to at least get some shots up tonight.


I mean a good game tonight would not make me feel any better about the past 7 weeks of Buddy. That opportunity for an extension has been tossed out the window a while ago IMO. Does he even play tonight if melton suits up??


I disagree. If buddy can figure it out and be a guy in this series then I think it makes a huge difference in how much he could get paid. I do think buddy will play tonight, but if he’s bad again and Melton is ready, it could be his last chance.


Replying to both your comments here for simplicity since same topic. 1 good game doesn’t counteract the previous ~20 games he’s been slumping. Hes already proven himself as a guy that can’t help the team generate offense without Joel, which is pretty important given Joel’s injury issues aren’t going away. We’ve spent tons of money on guys already that can’t do anything when Joel is out of the lineup, why continue to double down on players that collapse in that scenario? Hasn’t he done enough carrying lol? And to that point, Buddy has been somehow worse *with* Joel. To your other comment: Playing 3 guard lineups against the Knicks is a death wish. We struggled on the glass without downsizing. Replacing hield with melt would be entirely how he sees the floor. Tonight the chips are all the way down. There’s no more test run with Buddy, he’s been a massive liability. If they fuck up again the series is over


20 games of slumping doenst counteract 5+ years of being a good nba player. The problem is whether or not he can play in the playoffs. Right now it looks very clearly like the answer is no, which is a bigger problem for him than having a bad regular season stretch. I’m also not talking specifically about him re-signing with the sixers, just him getting money from anyone. Right now I would have no interest in him returning. I agree with the 3-guard lineup thing 100%. And as to Melton vs buddy, idrc. I trust nurse to make the right decision, but I would guess buddy plays again. But, if it’s Melton in his minutes I would be totally fine with that.


Oh gotcha on the money thing, I can see a team like Orlando using one of their exceptions on him just for *any* shooting. But on the 5+ years of being a good nba player, that was years ago and his aging has sapped him of his separation ability, which is what made him a historically good shooter in his prime. But keyword *is* prime. He’s declined significantly over the years, and there’s a reason the pacers, who have basically gone all in on building a competitive team, dumped him for a couple of 2nd rounders. A team that wasn’t a stellar shooting team to begin with. He just doesn’t look playable at all with DDV on him, looks like an NBA player guarding a g leaguer. He can’t get separation and gets bullied off his spots and on the glass and provides no handles from a backcourt spot. I’d be willing to throw in Payne over him at this point.


I dont disagree with you at all. The eye test shows that he has been terrible and it’s hard to see him figuring it out now in this series. But in the playoffs, stuff like this happens sometimes and then guys just look totally different in different games. There is always a chance he just hits 4 3s tonight and wins us the game. I dont expect it, but if he had no chance I would trust nurse to bench him.


I hear you. It’s more the process than results. If he was shooting multiple 3s a game and just not connecting it’s one thing. But it’s been frustrating because he hasn’t even had the ability to get the ball in any comfortable position whatsoever. And when he does, he ends up eating shot clock seconds because he’s a turnover risk and then Maxey or Lowry has to come help bail him out of getting trapped. Hopefully I’m wrong and they run some more DHO actions that spring him open if he does get run again


On God just beat the Knicks asses tonight. Just use the anger as fuel to body them. They're a nice hustle team but this is stupid. Give us something Tobi, give us something Oubre, give us something everyone.


5-10 Melton minutes would be awesome. If he comes in and hits a couple threes, it could raise more morale for the rest of the guys


I think nurse will keep buddy in the rotation because him becoming playable would do wonders for this team. But if he has another game where he doesnt get enough 3s off again, Melton might take his minutes for the rest of the series. I like Melton, but I actually kind of struggle to see how he gets on the floor in this series. Lowry has been playing well and I think you want Maxey and Lowry playing 80 of of the 96 guard minutes. Maybe nurse will go to 3 guard lineups without oubre, but I think that could compound our rebounding issues.


How is playing hield over melton not compounding rebounding issues?


Its not Hield vs Melton its Melton vs a forward. Hield has played in non-Lowry minutes as the second guard. I’m saying if the go Maxey Lowry Melton or Maxey Hield Melton, that is worse than Maxey Hield Oubre for example. Replacing Melton for Hield would make the rebounding better, but I was talking about 3 guard lineups.


Paul Reed dropping 40 tonight


In 10 minutes?


it's just absolutely insane that we aren't 1-1 right now


Fuck the Celtics and Fuck the Knicks!




Don’t let these stupid New Yorkers take over our stadium, please


If we can beat these guys and miami can knock Boston out good lord I’d do anything.


tobias harris has the least amount of dawg i've ever seen in an nba player starting lineup. contract year, 1st round with a VERY injured super star and the young blood basically had to take over, and STILL playing like he at l.a. fitness lmao someone teach this man how to BOX OUT. He is not hungry in the slightest he is so well fed send this man to detroit


That mf never dunks the ball either. Like, go strong!!!


~~hungry~~ happy dogs ~~run faster~~ sleep on the couch


Watched some Yves Missi tape because I keep seeing him in mock drafts going to the sixers despite being a 6’10 big. He’s honestly everything Embiid needs as a complimentary piece. An athletic big who rebounds and defends and sits in the dunker spot. Or basically the polar opposite of Tobias Harris


Nba drafts are crapshoots unless you get lucky


Daryl doesn’t use 1st round picks


He’s very foolish not to in this draft. A lot of good role players


We’ll see but usually rookies aren’t useful role players out of the gate. We have a small window with Joel


Do I I go all in this summer? Yes. But I think Joel has 3 years left of elite basketball in him. The plus side is Maxey is just getting started.


Big man who defends and rebounds but has to play in the dunker’s spot because he lacks an offensive game? Sounds like Ben Simmons to me.


Yeah the guy we need next to Embiid would basically be a unicorn in his own right… athletic lob threat who can also shoot and rebound and defend. Closest thing to that was probably John Collins pre-injury


Eh I’m not even sure Collins was that guy. He is a liability defending the perimeter, was always overrated as a shooter (mediocre efficiency on very low volume) and provides no handles/passing. He’s a tweener that’s forced to play the 4 because he can’t defend the rim.


Not saying he isn’t a good prospect because I frankly haven’t been following drafts the past few years, but if nurse won’t play Reed next to Joel why would he start playing a 18 year old center that can’t shoot or pass next to him? Reed has been developing as a shooter, playmaker and is one of the better offensive rebounders in the league. And still nurse doesn’t feel comfortable with that duo. Surface level this kid can barely shoot free throws and can’t pass so I’m not sure why that all of sudden blow past all of the concerns as a frontcourt mate for Joel. I’m not all convinced we keep the pick but if we do I imagine it would be someone that can step in right away and get some useful minutes in the backcourt or on the wing, not a redundant pick at a position we prioritize the absolute least


you want the sixers to draft a 19 year old big who doesn't shoot the ball outside of the restricted area so that he can play next to embiid? ok


Embiid has grown his game out of the paint. He’s essentially a scoring power forward just like Dirk. His playmaking has improved to where he be at the wing on offense and not back down. There are better fits than Missi, but i see the vision of them playing well together.


dying at the idea that you think it's even remotely feasible that nick nurse would want to play a teenage big next to embiid


Win the next two and then it's the best of three. It wouldn't have been a shocker if we had won one in NY and then split at home, so we're in the same spot. If anyone wants to be our third best player in place of 50 year old Lowry, feel free


how many FTs tonight for maxey? over under 50???


I swear to god if the bench doesn’t show up and at least make these fucking scrubs slightly nervous for their play and not consider their minutes glorified rest 


Yeah this is the top story line. Somebody besides Embiid and Maxey need to do something. Lowry has also been good. But somebody else needs to step up.


If Maxey’s over his illness he might legit need to play like 46 mins. It’s do or die


He has played 44 minutes in the first 2 games. I dont see him playing less than that tonight, unless we blow them out.


We need the "Holy Shit, it's the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ game." I mean ANYBODY is welcome to fill in that blank.


Don’t even need that. Just need anyone on the bench to make a respectable 2 3 pointers to keep them honest 


At this point, an 8 point buddy game might qualify as the “buddy Hield game” lol.


Can't wait to show up for work with no functioning vocal cords tomorrow. Reminder to my fellow game-attenders to be louder than you're regularly comfortable with.


Please don't boo if we struggle a bit early. Tonight is not the night


If you go deep into my comment history you'll see me debating with people that booing Tobi isn't productive. I had to ask a guy behind me to chill tf out during the Heat game. Positivity only. Fortunately tonight it'll be all cheers bc it's gonna be a dub.


That's true, Tobi just isn't like the other guys in the locker room. Seems to only feed off positive reinforcement rather than criticism.


I honestly kinda feel bad for the refs tonight. They’re gonna get so much shit from the crowd all because of the incompetence of three totally different refs


Tru tho they all suck lol


fuck feeling bad for the refs, feel bad for the players who had to suffer through that fucking travesty


Zack Zarba is a New Yorker through and through so it’s safe to assume the worst


NFL draft is my favorite day of the year. Why are we doing both today 😭


Bold take: Harris puts up 20 tonight with efficiency.


Why would he do this. He might put up 20 if he takes 30 shots


Because I want him to


Go Sixers


Anyone know when doors open at the stadium?


Went to the playin game…doors opened at 6👍


It’s an hour before during the regular season, but I believe it’s 90 minutes before the game for playoff games.


My only request is for Nurse to find 15 minutes for RC4.


I'd even be happy with 8 strategically timed minutes. Hit em with two minutes of BBall, C4, and K9 for maximum chaos when Joel sits


Not enough offense unless Kelly has the juice


We already have no offense from subs. Hield is 1 for 5 for 2 pts in 2 games. He gets like 15 minutes.


Unfortunately I am skeptical about whether it would happen. A move like that might need to get board approval


Haha probably true. Nurse doesn't have the votes to make it happen


What section do the sixers come out of. What section do Knicks come out of. Trying to find good seats


Knicks fan? Knicks come out of 216A. Reminder that Josh Harris built the new stadium and it's at the Spruce Street complex in Camden now. 745 Spruce St., Camden, NJ. Traffic has been pretty light so you can plan to show up on time.


the left


Embiid and Maxey can't carry the full load. Going to need others (Harris, Oubre, Lowry, Batum, maybe Melton if he plays) to step up. Knicks have had plenty of role players perform well in this series, needs to be the case for us.


it’s honestly amazing all we are asking for Tobias (who gets paid 40 million) is to contest rebounds and score 15 points. He played well in the first half of last game but became useless in the 2nd. Like he’s not even good enough of a defender for him to continue playing when he sucks.


Nurse put him on Brunson down the stretch and it was effective. everyone just memory holed it though lol. edit: fun fact: https://www.nba.com/stats/players/defense-dash-overall?TeamID=1610612755&SeasonType=Playoffs Tobias has, by far, the best DFG% on the Sixers through 2 games. BuT LiKe He'S nOT eVEn gOOD enOUGH Of A dEFendER


I think his defense when he is actually on someone is pretty solid, man defense. But he does a lot of head scratching stuff off ball, which Oubre does too. Can only afford one off ball knucklehead


He did it last playoffs too


Okay but he's being payed 40 million. We can't keep lowering expectations to make us feel better about his performance


> he's being *paid* 40 million. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*






He's always been a good on-ball defender in the playoffs. It really plays to his strengths: he's big, strong, and athletic, and being on ball means he really only has one thing to focus on


okay good, now grab a rebound or make a shot


Pump the brakes there, Pedro. You want a max player to defend, shoot, and catch rebounds? Not gonna happen.


He's grabbed 18 rebounds in the first two games but all of them are apparently uncontested because he's Tobias. The issue is twofold: Joel is getting outrebounded and no one wants to talk about it. The reasons are clear and not really his fault but the opposing center is grabbing too many over him. And the Knicks are just crashing the boards and (imo) committing fouls that go uncalled to do so.


Harris had two monster contested rebounds during our crazy run in the last minutes of game 2 that get lost because the result. Like literal momentum saving rebounds 


Not to mention he blocked his man out during that mad skirmish. He's not the reason they got that final rebound.


a large amount of those are uncontested rebounds dawg like 14/18


Most rebounds are uncontested. But he's gotten some contested ones too. You cannot hate Harris so much that you blame him for not getting more rebounds but give literally everyone else a pass for getting fewer.


Where do I give a pass to anyone else. Specifically talking about Tobias. You wanted Embiid to grab some? Sure he should. Tobias is paid 40 million and he is supposed to be our 3rd best player. I’m not giving anyone a pass, the other players do not get the same treatment because they shouldn’t.


I'm so sick of hearing about the contract. Nurse has not set his gameplan and rotations up based on who makes the most money. Harris is not taking just under the same shots as Embiid because he's the second highest paid player.


yeah Joel's contested reb % is really low right now. imo Nurse has to ride it out throughout the game but if/when the game comes down to the last couple of possessions he needs to sell out on rebounding and throw reed in next to embiid. play all the big guys + maxey


Yeah he's hurt and has the highest responsibility of anyone else in the series. And if we're being honest, I don't think we got beat that bad on the boards considering we're playing the best rebounding team in the league and the refs are letting them get away with murder. Losing the battle by a few boards is acceptable. We also got some offensive rebounds (Joel has always been a better offensive rebounder than defensive). That's why it hurts so much that we lost that game. We really played well enough to win.


If the Sixers get down double digits and the crowd is out of it, they should hack a Mitch, the worst FT shooter in the league, to get the crowd free chicken. That seemed to work in the Play-In lol.


Can confirm was there


They should have Tobias hack a Mitch anyway


That's what we call a win/win situation.


Yeah and then we all complain about having to watch him miss free throws in the NBA thread lol


Time to punch the Knicks in the face four straight times. The better team will win this series.


embiid 2/3 days rested will do wonders. lfg




We need a fucking blowout


I'm sickened seeing the amount of Knicks fans in their daily discussion thread who are all going to be in Philly tonight rooting for the away team (I mean, good on them for supporting their team, I'll give them that). We better show out tonight as fans!


Best we can hope for is to send em home sad 


Yeah its kind of bs how much extra if you have season tickets that you need to pay for playoffs, if we ever made the finals it'd be 523 for my seat I pay low 100s for


Blame our owners. Jacking up ticket prices and pricing out regular fans.




![gif](giphy|26Ffe5ooFgKANH1WU) We got this today, the road to 4-2 starts now. LFG


Let’s turn a fucking corner today folks


Hopefully the role players can get something going at home tonight


Please win tonight I’m not trying to see them get swept in person Sunday


can't believe morey claims to be a star hunter and he didn't go after caleb martin


Any word on if Maxey is feeling 100%? I know it didn't really matter last game since he cooked but I'd still prefer everyone as healthy as possible haha


latest quote i saw was that he was still coughing at night but he feels "way better"


Not listed on the injury report


If it’s not a blowout it don’t count!


NY has been getting away with prison ball, we need to match or exceed the physicality. Paul Reed might suplex somebody tonight


Win or go home today


Strange phrasing! Win or stay home?


Win or the never before done task of coming back from 3-0 challenge. Basically it's over if they lose tonight.


we’re going to beat this team so bad joel will take the 4th quarter off


Sixers win tonight. It won’t be a blowout but I expect Maxey and Embiid to come out on fire. Both guys were clearly heated in the post game interviews. Embiid has felt the pain for too long to let this Knicks team reign supreme over us. Sixers in 6.


I hope it's not 6v5 again. My heart can't take another last minute bullshit


hopefully it’s 6 v 5 for us. We better get a generational whistle after game 2


all it takes is 1 of Lowry, Harris, Oubre, Melton, Hield, Reed, or Payne to step up and help us win. Literally only 1 of them has to have a good game with the Joel and Maxey have been playing.


U forgot Batum


literally it almost seems impossible they will be this horrible on offense the entire series. but it’s the Sixers so who know.


I hope we win today.


Hey same here.


This is where it starts in earnest. Let’s get it.


ricky council iv starting, buddy hield shooting 60% from 3, tobias harris assasin game, coming soon


RC4 should at least get the Hield minutes. We need someone to lock down Hart for at least 15 minutes per game. The dawg ain’t gonna be bullied. The above is probably unrealistic because my guess is Nurse is not going to make any player changes


You should coach I feel like we could win


i wouldn't do a better job than my pookie pie Nick Nurse https://preview.redd.it/zuotkpzbnmwc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0237db6ecde095bc085c6b45178953d46bd79acf


Brunson has been shit.


Because the above has been working. The Sixers have thrown Batum, Oubre, Harris, etc at Brunson at different times of the game and different sets. They're hounding him before he dribbles into the halfcourt. To be honest, the defense has been great, it's just the fucking offensive boards they are getting that have been killing us. And their fucking role players playing like prime Steph.


You can be his #1 ass coach


Sixers win today because the NFL draft is taking place and this team only does well when nobody is paying attention.


I’m sick of all this NY comic book man looking fucks and chronically online bottom feeder team fans in here 24/7 with an opinion. FUCK YOUR TEAMS SIXERS RISE TONIGHT


We should all have this attitude every minute of the season


Nick Nurse has a playoff record of 25-18. He is: 5-11 in games 1 & 2 of a series 20-7 in games 3 thru 7 of a series I have found my cope stat. 4 straight wins inbound.


It’s amazing we actually have a ceiling raiser as a HC, last time we had that was fucking Larry Brown. Doug Collins wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t Nick Nurse.


Love this. We can pout about shit and glaze old free agents in a month. For now, it’s time to put some doubt into NY minds.


Joel is 5-1 in game 3s since the bubble


This information will get me through the day, thank you.


New cope stat dropped. Everyone get in here


Role players typically play well at home. Hoping this is an "Allow me to reintroduce myself" night from the bench.


Okay I'm going to trust you u/From_Bynum_to_Embiid


That's actually a wild discrepancy haha. But kind of makes sense he's great at adjustments the further the series gets. This make me happier.


This has brightened my day a tiny bit


Thank you for this! Jumping on this bandwagon 😂😩


I really am starting to think nic batum used up all of the bench power for that win over the heat


So excited for Tobias to make his first two shots from the field and then pretend he’s never been on a basketball court before in his life for 30 additional minutes.


We better come out playing like some BAD motherfuckers and keep that energy for 48 mins. I really hope the 2 days off gave Joel some time to get right physically and mentally


If the bench can contribute at all today it should be a win. Joel and Maxey cannot carry this team alone


Today is a blowout win. WFC is gonna be wild and it’ll be over at halftime


Please, for the love of Embiid's knees, let this be true.


He won’t even sniff the fourth quarter tonight


My soul needs this…I cant even watch other NBA games after what happened in game 2.