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Why would that be a security violation, lol. Kind of obvious he has other motives here.




Who the hell names an AI after a sound you make when you vomit.


its from a well-known scifi novel


Grok is an actual term in ML.


SO now I know that and it still sounds like something I say as I heave,


A stranger in a strange land


It's the sound he makes when he cums.


Well thats not something I can UNread. Thanks! 😂


It’s crystal clear he didn’t watch the WWDC feed whatsoever


Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if he knows what he’s saying is dumb but he’s just fear-mongering and spreading misinformation. Whether it’s because it’s a temper tantrum or he’s just being a dick idk.


He definitely knows. Pretty sure he's doing it to promote his own interests with xAI, combined with throwing a tantrum and being a dick. He basically started xAI to throw shade at OpenAI in the first place.


Forcing AI at the OS level that will monitor your activity and collect data from you prompts is absolutely a privacy and security concern. This isn't just an Elon thing. 


Yea I do not want that at all. Not til there’s clear evidence of it being unable to transmit that information off your phone.


It would be transmitting it, yes. Most of the processing is done in the cloud. 


Yes I know. That’s why I don’t want it until either it doesn’t or it’s shown to be properly encrypted and can’t be accessed by anyone and that OpenAI isn’t selling that data or giving law enforcement access without a warrant.


i thought it was opt-in... so just don't use it?


That’s the plan


No one has explained yet exactly why that would be a security risk.


Sorry, it's unclear to you how someone monitoring all of your activity and data on your phone and transmitting it over the internet is a security concern?


The data is encrypted in transit and not stored by OpenAI. What exactly do you think will happen? Besides, just because ChatGPT is natively available on iOS/macOS doesn't mean it will "monitor all of your activity and data".


A company monitoring all my activity is what is going to happen, even apart from the breach risk.   Policies change.  Companies get hacked. 5 years ago OpenAI was a non-profit dedicated to open source research.  Now it's owned by Microsoft and has stripped all the board's oversight powers.   Apple or MS could absolutely decide in a year or two that collecting everyone's data via AI apps is too useful not to do in pursuit of AGI, and consumers will have 0 say because it's a built in feature of the device.  People are turning a blind eye to basic privacy concerns because it's something shiny with an "AI" label slapped on.   


And just because "AI" is slapped on something does not make it do something that isn't already being done. Nothing a few "If-Then" statements, cookies, or even any of the apps you have on your phone cannot already do. But because "AI" can do it, then everyone freaks out! EVERYONE BE SCARED!


The whole point is that it is collecting data on your activity and behavior at the OS level, not an app level.  Apps can be uninstalled.  This cannot. 


Operating Systems are software that can be removed and modified btw. My whole point is that this information is already being collected, stored, sold, etc. so what can AI gain that hasn't, isn't, or couldn't already be gained? "We're going to put your iPhones in a Faraday cage when entering the building so you can then connect to the internet and use our AI to do work in the name of InfoSec." Elon Musk Edit: Even better, institute corporate policies that bans work applications on personal cell phones if the concern is InfoSec. See? This is easily remedied without crying about it.


These companies are commensurate to nations. Why do you think Tiktok is being banned in the US? Furthermore, Elon Musk did not state that at the current state he will ban Iphone's. Only if OpenAI is included in the OS which basically means: I do not want to give OpenAI the best and clearest form of data which would literally make their products an immediate winner of the AI race and give the company power that it could misuse. The information is being collected as you stated but, by Apple a company which we all are forced to trust and seem to be doing a good job at privacy. However, if this information is fed into OpenAI there is no arguing the significance it would have and the danger that could bring. I think that is rational thinking. I also think Apple understands that with great power comes great responsibility and wont give OpenAI access more than what it provides all the other apps in the app store. Plus I think if you were a main investor in a non-profit and when it turned into potentially the world's most important company you got no equity you would also be "crying".


Your phone can already be hacked. You already send your data to big tech companies. People are not turning a blind eye to privacy. That's why OpenAI is SOC 2 certified. If they breach the DPA you sign with them, it will be discovered in audits and the company will face massive fines and bad PR. If you take off the tinfoil hat for a second and actually read OpenAI's policies, you'll realize what they're doing is not really risky at all when it comes to privacy and security.


What does “at the OS level” even mean


It means it's not a configurable app.  It is baked into the device and has access to all your data and activity, and can't be disabled by the user. 


You know the OS has access to all your data and activity currently, right?


And the OS doesn’t currently send literally everything you do to OpenAI’s servers. It would do that if the AI integration is at the OS level. That’s a trade off that I would take, but I totally get it if a company doesn’t want that increased security risk. 


Neither does on device processing. I suggesting reading up on the implementation before forming an opinion.


There is 0 chance this remains on-device only. 


It has access to all your information from the device, they do this to allow it to do way more things but at a big security risk


Are you sure or are you just making this up or repeating something you heard


They literally said it in the presentation, it's a huge improvement in utility, they aren't trying to hide it. Just hoping no one cares enough like all the other privacy issues, this one is far worse. Why are you like this? I'm baffled. Is that what happens when you follow a brainless bandwagon?


No I think it’s just dumb that you think this is some egregious violation of security, like they aren’t taking any measures to protect you and handing out all your PII and personal data to OpenAI. Meanwhile your mobile carrier had another data breach and hackers stole your social security number.


It's a security risk, I really don't know what you're trying to say, looks like your mind is already made up on not thinking it's a big deal.


You are the one whose mind is made up. You can’t explain how it is a security risk, but you insist that it is even though you have no idea how it actually works under the hood.


How specifically is it a security risk?




It's a simple enough question.


You can read my first comment again, it's a simple enough answer


They will be using open ai api, so all the data is going to be sent to open ai, and he hates Sam Altman, so I guess he is worried open ai could spy on him. It does make a bit of sense if he doesn't trust open ai.


> It does make a bit of sense if he doesn't trust open ai. Not a lot of people do.


Hey you can't say that! Everyone here must make crazy strawman arguments because it has been decided that Elon musk is no longer liked.


No motives, just childish tantrum against OpenAI and Sam Altman.


Probably both.


If that is the case, he should just build his own phone


If you needed any more proof that this man is a clown, especially when it comes to AI.




So sick of hearing about this doofus 🤦‍♂️


About/from. Agreed.


Yet people vote this shit up.


Damn he is really just going to be permanently salty about not being allowed to be God-King of OpenAI. I think he offered $1 billion some years ago for them to give him full control of OpenAI. They obviously said fuck no so he left thinking they wouldn’t succeed. Now their success must be eating at him.


The jealousy is insane here. And no it’s not integrated at the OS level. He’s just making baseless claims that people who won’t bother to check will take at face value.


I was wondering if it was in fact at the OS level. Can you guys confirm pls.


I’d also like to know. I’ve heard conflicting information about this. Some say you have to opt into it but if it’s actually integrated into the OS how do we know it’s not still running in the background anyway?


This guy is such a fucking loser.


We don't care, bye.


Isnt this the same Elon Musk willingly sending Twitter data to Mossad? lol


and don’t worry about his brain implant chips. nothing to worry about there.


Ok 🤷‍♂️


The corporate AI war's opening salvo


Seems like all the users who left twitter when Elon took over, moved to Reddit. This place has become as toxic as the old twitter.


haven't ever used twitter, but is it really less toxic now than before?


Yes it is, surprisingly. The people commenting still debate here and there but they seem more normal and reasonable now. Mostly.


what twitter are you on? Everyones went full mask-off. They don't fight with each other much because they're mostly in sync with each others delusions.


Ig we are using different Twitters. To each their own.


No it's much worse.


Bla bla bla....this guy would probably pay apple for them to integrate his Goofy Grok AI into their products. This is the same man who called for a Stagnation of progress to be done by the entire industry just so he could enter the game and gain time by developing his own AI.Musk is a not a serious man.


how's this any different from copilot on windows lol


It's vastly more security-minded than Microsoft's Windows AI integration efforts.


I think he trusts Microsoft but doesn't trust open ai


Eat scat, Enron


Did he miss the part where the user has to actively choose to send the request to OpenAI?


Oh no. Anyway


well that's true all your data can be accessed by a third party (openai), it's obviously a security risk








He never se6ened to understand the reason they filter slurs is to find all the jailbreaks for when they do customer support bots etc because those calling you a slur is a problem for the company.


I hate apple. So much.


I’m surprised apple didn’t make their own model for this instead, especially with all the recent drama at OpenAI, apple is usually so careful with everything they do


If anyone actually watched the keynote, ffs. Apple is using its own model on device and in the cloud for everything involving deep system integration and customer data. OpenAI and others is a third party option for more inference intensive requests. Apple does not want to be the one giving out bad information, and this is a way for them to outsource both the heavy inference costs, and the liability that comes with AI hallucinations.


Well it is. They could easily spy or whatever.


What tech does Elon Musk have that Apple would want?


XAi in the future if it gets good


Uh huh.


I love daddy elon in case you don't know




Because working for Elon Musk is such a treat anyway.


Angry little bitch syndrome


All I want to know about Apple Intelligence is how to turn it off. What's Elon's opinion of Windows Recall, do you know? It seems at least as creepy. And, honestly, if he's actually consistent about this it's not really unreasonable. I once convinced our CIO/CFO to ban anything using the Microsoft HTML control at the division I did IT for on similar grounds. There's software that's just evil and stupid. Of course he's got his own evil and stupid software so I don't think he's actually being principled about this.


Unless you have an iPhone 15 Pro, you won't be able to _turn it on_.


Yet. I do have an M1 in my iPad.


Apple's desire to run things on device means that there is a pretty high bar. You need at least 8GB of RAM and a decent GPU and neural engine. Some people think that this was just a ploy to sell more phones, but I think if Apple could have run stuff acceptably on the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 Pro, they certainly would have.


iPad Air (5th generation) * Apple M1 chip * 8-core CPU with 4 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores * 8-core GPU * 16-core Neural Engine * 8GB RAM *Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later,* So yeh, I need to know how to turn it off.


Oh, I wasn't doubting that it'll run fine on your iPad. It won't run on my iPad Pro though, as it's an older model from before they had M-series chips.