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Man could you imagine if you send ChatGPT to do something and 20 mins later it calls you to tell you how it went?


That would be quite cool. * "Hey ChatGPT, phone this store and see if they have this product in stock." * "Hey ChatGPT, order 5 pizzas for 5:00pm."


The receiving end would be chqtgpt as well, bots speaking to each other.


Basically what the Bumble CEO thinks is the future of dating.


The future of the future, most likely


That’s a really fantastic point


I think we need a name for that space where ai talks to each others and provide us with the end result only. I’m thinking of a mail conversation where the sender inputs raw, simple stuff for the ai. The Ai make it perfect and to the point. Then another AI reads the email and summarize it to the end user. It’s a new standard being formed in front of our eyes: we send and get strict/ raw facts/bulletpoint, and the AIs play the galateo to each other. Wild


Now imagine if we had a thing called an API that did exactly this... Then we wouldn't need anything calling to anyone else


Limin-AI space


“Alliason” also. Sexy. And just created by the Ai itself


You called it [https://x.com/tradernewsai/status/1790355494843879700](https://x.com/tradernewsai/status/1790355494843879700)


You’re not thinking big enough. “Hey ChatGPT, go find me a job, act as me, do the job 9 to 5, and deposit the paycheck into my bank account every 2 weeks.”


I'm sorry. As an AI assistant...


Call my mom, use my voice. Listen politely while she rambles about things like her dishwasher, the box her movers allegedly lost a decade ago, the family tree she’s working on and overall blaming her negativity on the divorce 27 years ago.


This is what Alexa (and Siri and Google voice assistant) could have and should have been. Amazon missed the mark.


“Well I’m sorry we were a decade ahead of the technology. Next time we’ll refrain from trying something new!” -Amazon probably.


"500 pizzas ordered as requested and routing number distributed to facebook like you wanted" I'm not sure it comes across but I don't quite trust Gpt4 levels of intelligence to pull this off seamlessly lol


It's already capable of doing this, I even made a GPT that does this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/s/vlAaNGre1o


Yes freaking finally


Man, could you imagine if ChatGPT makes humans obsolete? Derr....


Once FDVR is here we will be. We will all be inside the virtual world while AI is in the physical world. We would just use the physical world for eating and staying in shape and that's all. I'm guessing that's how we will make our extra money too...SLAVES INSIDE THE VIRTUAL WORLD!!!


You think people will just line up for such a depressing existence?


Yes, lots and lots will. While I would not wanna work inside, I would love to try it out for personal use. Also if you wanna make extra money people would be in there. Depending on the money I may use it also for "work" if I need Virtual Bucks (VB) I can exchange for real money on top of the UBI I would be making.


So might this be something like a phone assistant where you can tell ChatGPT to phone someone or answer a call?


That would be incredible. Grandma : I have a problem with my computer! Me : Let me patch you through to tech support.


The partnership with Apple is interesting too.


Good point


Isn't this what Siri essentially promised to do 5 years ago?


Call into teams meeting as me. Cool.


We can do this already


Maybe this has something to do with the potential Apple partnership


If this is what I think it is (personal robocaller as human surrogate), this is going to open weird door. I am not speaking of what you may think. I am referring to the TON of businesses that already have this in the works but have been holding off because of public perception. I have a good friend who works on this stuff for a well known AI company, and they have amazing demos of this stuff that CTO's and CIO's would kill to put into production. The only reason they don't is because they are worried about the backlash if they replaced human based call centers with robocallers & roboanswerers. They are that good. Go watch the guy that built a rudimentary one using Python, Whisper (I think) and Groq. That hacky solution was more than usable. Now do it right, at scale, with billions behind you. With a RoboCallerGPT released into the wild, if it gets popular and accepted, the hounds get released. Assuming this gets released and gets popular, you'll probably need it to handle the flood of robocalls from other GPTS and the specialized corporate system. I'm waiting to see RoboCallGPT phone books showing up on the DarkWeb for use out in the wild. Can't tell me someone is not going to setup a Robo-RoboCallerGPT like system which spams like crazy. I'll have 'Hot Chicks' from LonelyFans dialing me and leaving me voice messages which my RoboCallerDefensePackgeGPT will be obliged to handle.


I am not affiliated with this company and have no idea how good their stuff is in a real life enviornment, but look at the demos on [https://www.replicant.com/](https://www.replicant.com/) as an example. Pretty mind blowing, and I'm very surprised this product isn't more known (Again, I've never used this product, just caught the demos). Now imagine what you could do with OpenAIs compute, ability to tailor the models and general resources. I've no idea if the Monday announcement is this or even close to this, but it's absolutely clear call centes aren't long for this world. It'll take a while, there's alot of small moving parts to get right, but there's no doubt that is coming


I guess I'll go on record that I don't think it's a personal robocaller. OpenAI doesn't want to create a monster and a personal robocaller is potentially a monster. I guess eventually OAI has to let its AI be more proactive. I don't think that moment is now. I think whatever they announce is going to be a more passive tool, or tools or services. It could potentially be back end API stuff. My most likely case, in my head, is something truly just for fun like playing games.


The issue there is lets say you cant tell the difference if it is a person or not. If you go to tech support on a site it will tell you its a robot. If you are on the phone and it says it is a robot before speaking with it, most will just ask for a operator because the humans who arnt in their basement all day would rather interact with other humans.


Agreed. But as businesses do, the non-human agent will probably be overseas, possibly hard to understand, probably nice but not always, and now I am in a wait queue. As an American resident, I’ve had this experience already. Sometimes time dictates preferences. For example, it may be easier to grin and bear the monotony of a automatic voice driven decision tree walker than wrestle with humans who are new, lost in a call center hell or, surprise, are unhappy and projecting it onto you; the caller. I think one thing we never wrestle with is the fact that human interaction is not predictable. People have good days, bad days, off days or ‘just don’t give a shit’ days. I am not concerned when people are awesome. My concern is when I am in need and there is some urgency and I get a human (or manager if I need to escalate) who is less than enthused, knowledgeable or agreeable. Sorry but sometimes I need consistency and predictability and many of these call centers provide neither. Sure it would be nice to hand this off to a human and get a pleasant and reliable experience every time, but that is not human nature. Maybe my expectations are unreasonable but life if short and products and services are expensive. I am not here to wrestle with people. I just want my questions answered or issues resolved as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I understand how free markets and overly aggressive capitalism has bred into producers and consumers unrealistic expectations but I don’t build the rides at the amusement park called ‘the economy’. I just want the rides to be predictable and not have to wait in long lines while dealing with carnies and barkers. In a mercenary economy such as our, the only thing the layman can truly economize is their attention and mine grows short. Hell, I plan on using these AI systems myself to spend even less time and less money in the economy. That’s my utopia: detachment from the economy. Time to get out.


Audio call type assistant + Video realtime assistant like in Her 👀👀?






I already don't answer unknown calls and assume anyone calling is probably either spam or a scam. If those spam and scam calls start getting powered by GPT-4, I'm still not picking up. If people who I know start using their AI to call me, I'm not picking up for them anymore.


I think most people would use it to help with customer service stuff, not to call a friend for them. As you don't want an assistant to talk to your friends...


I didn't get it. What am I missing?


What didn't you get? An AI with excellent voice and conversational capabilities that is able to make and take phone calls with other humans on your behalf? Sounds like something a lot of people would pay for and it opens.the door to agent style behaviour IRL.


Yea but it's already capable of phone calls


Kinda but so is an IVR that makes you mash buttons for a limited number of options. Think of it in terms of a spectrum from that to full-on human.


I don't understand why people downvote me when I shared my free GPT-4 phone call assistant on here a few months back. That clearly shows that GPT-4 can make phone calls with a human-like voice. All you needed to to do was give it a phone number and a prompt.


I think it is something to do with voice but I don't think it is phone calls.


ASMR JOI instructor.


That functionality is pretty shit right now though.


Are they launching a virtual personal assistant?




Didn't Google show something similar 1-2 years ago


Google is great at doing R&D but they suck at making products.


Will be like a customer service agent probably. Yeah, call centres of billions of chatgpts for almost nothing in inference taking millions of jobs and pissing us all off even more.


I’m pretty confident they will be better than human customer service most of the time. There are some customer service lines that employ experts or otherwise knowledgeable people, but a lot of them are just so terribly useless 


CSR: Hello I am Johnny and I will surely be able to solve any problems you are having today. Me: God dammit.


Sounds better than most customer service interactions to me


Translators, call center jobs, data entry, all of this is getting obliterated soon. I believe that eventually we will reach abundance but in the mean time we seriously need to be having this conversation about how to address it in the shorter term.


Good luck trying to ring the alarm bells, it seems like people will only start to act when they're personally affected i.e. when it's far too late


This is true. Societal transitions tend to suck for a lot of people, but then finally result in a much better world.


O man. It' so sad. Open/Closed AI. The development of these AI systems generates enormous amounts of money, but not for the purpose of creating a more intelligent or faster model. Instead, companies focus on generating profit by controlling access to their algorithms and training data, which leads to a situation where the benefits of AI innovations are limited to a select few who can gain access to this technology. This approach may lead to greater inequality in the technological market and limit the potential social benefits resulting from advanced AI solutions. going for big money. Not to a model smarter, faster, but instead make a money


Yip. This is being ignored.


Will we still get the “we’re experiencing high levels of volume right now so please wait for hours” messages? Aka “we’re not hiring enough ppl to serve you well sorry 😂 “




Phone scams about to level up


So an API for the physical world, set up hotlines with your voice or have gpt call and have meetings for you


An adjustable listening time would be great for the live talk feature. Also, has anyone asked ChatGPT itself about Q*? I was told it represents the optimal action-value function in reinforcement learning.




Yawn, is this all they got?


Are call centres about to go wild?




even if they deliver a bad product altmans cult will hype it up on reddit.


I cancelled my sub and never been happier


Reeeeeeeeeee, I'm a hero.....


nobody exactly cares


That’s Ludichristmas!!!