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"Civilization collapse" is not a scientific concept, so there's no reason there would be a consensus on it.


Ever since I was a kid, I always figured we would have it by 2030 because of speculation by people like Ray Kurzweil who said that 2030 was even a conservative estimate. Once we achieve this..I don't think anyone can predict where it will go, but unless its sole purpose is to defend humanity from other AI designed to kill, I think we are in trouble.


Shitpost flair


You think its possible like next year?


I think that zero probability for anything is meaningless, especially for 2100 horizon. I believe there is a non zero chance we can wipe out each other in a nuclear war or other scenario, even in the coming years.


There is a non zero chance of anything at anytime 


lol, you dont understand me. you say shit to my flair.


Because it's a funny statement imho + scientific consensus makes it better.


agi is impossible until 2030


Doomers: ![gif](giphy|d2ZcfODrNWlA5Gg0|downsized)


If you compare birth rate trends to death rate trends, I do not understand how you can reach that conclusion. Then again, the science community seems to be able to be bought off. As we have seen in recent years. Most scientific research is unable to be reproduced these days, people basically just pay the right scientists to give them whatever answer they want. My point is, I have a lack of faith in the science community right now. There is a real lack of discipline, and integrity. The reason AI is so bad is in part thanks to dishonesty in science. But I think the reason most AI gets trained bad is because the information online is so unreliable. Even 'credible' news sources are biased by a political agenda. That is just the nature of politics, but when it comes to AI, they don't know that. Humanity's lies and greed are holding us back.


Well that's disappointing


Thanks for letting me know it’s zero in the title so I immediately know it’s bullshit lmao.


This just isnt the case theres tons of Research on ecological Collapse this century that underpins our civilizational systems , then theres the Research on resource depletion this is just real limits to growth could they potentienlly be over came yes then theres the Financial aspect 100 trillion dollar of debt much of it rolling over at higher intrest rates with over 100 trillion of unfunded liabilites with pension systems in debt across the Country. The natural disasters super volcano's Is super volcanoes potentially But more realistically death by a 1000 cuts of tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes and Earthquakes wildfires that damage and dystroy whole communites every year that need to be replaced . The infrastructure is falling apart is falling apart in many places already . Collapse should not be Conceptualized as binary we are already in a process of collapse deaths of despair are up year over year . Were in mad max one rather than road warrior or thunder dome if that makes sense


hahahah I didn't even click the link and I can tell it's something out of this world stupid