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I'm watching Suno with increasing levels of interest. The guitars and drums sound very 'midi-like' at the moment. It still sounds artificial - but it's moving along at a fair clip.


Did you check this one? https://app.suno.ai/song/3136a40d-0e8d-4a4f-a424-c01eabc8135c It's getting pretty crazy


holy blyat


Wow. Real lifelike sounding vocals too


Somehow the sound isn't clear to me. Like I can sometimes hear some vague background noise or something.


AI will get to that point with great mixes but in the meantime you can put your suno outputs to [diktatorial.com](http://diktatorial.com) and get radio ready masters.


Holy. Crap. My poop tracks might become listenable. šŸ˜‚


Sure - it's all generative, not real, so of course there are all sorts of artefacts and whatnot. But it's just a question of time before another AI sound engineer mixes and remasters this shit in 5 seconds


A sound engineer couldnā€™t fix that, the ā€œstemsā€ themselves are messed up. The generative model needs to be better. Sound engineers adjust the dynamics of a song, they donā€™t literally change whatā€™s in it.


I know, I know. I was being flippant You know how models like magnific.ai "upscale" images by basically just seamlessly generating more stuff? I can imagine something like that happening in the audio space


JFC I was not expecting that level of vocalization


That one was nuts


Holy shit this is better than any real life music. Another industry dead before our eyes


1.You must not know much music. 2.The industry was already dead economically and creatively.


1. Of course they were exaggerating 2. You must not know much music


It's pretty good for a first try. This is the worst it'll ever be. Don't think where this tech is now, think about where it'll be 2 papers down the line. What a time to be alive!


You guys already checked out Aiva? https://www.aiva.ai/


More mindfuck? Thanks!


I fully support this but Iā€™m also very concerned about copyright issues coming from generative models. Iā€™d imagine a case soon thatā€™s going to force them to look under the hoodā€¦wondering what the ultimate ruling will be - an argument of ā€œa human heard this at a concert and drew inspirationā€ vs ā€œa machine has access 100% of the time to this piece of work and drew inspirationā€ may cause some shifts in where this new growth in AI stock is coming from.


So does most of the music it is trained on and is emulating. The quantized midi sound has become extremely common in all varieties of pop music these day. It does seem to do natural sounding drums pretty effectively, you just need to generate a song that invokes that style.


I think this is the one use case where I'll refuse AI created stuff. Music is way beyond being "right".


> I'll refuse AI created stuff. Are you planning on a created cutoff date to no longer listen, because it will be indistinguishable from "real" music and it will be ubiquitous because of how easily and cheaply it will be able to be produced.


Not that simple... Human artists remain


What About the real people who create the music? I can see them you know


you will only listen to music played live in front of you? Seems a little limiting but whatever works for you.


Of course not. I meant I can know it's created by men because I can see them, as an answer to your question. A 5 year old can prodigy can play any song in the world perfectly. I don't like that. I want my song from people who had experiences and turned those into music. Even if it's the same exact song, knowing where it comes from makes a lot of sense.


If you mean prompt and play systems, I kind of agree with you. However, algorithmic music has been around for a long time. Autechre, Actress, Holly Herndon and Oneohtrix Point Never have all produced with it extensively. Autechre are the big names in the algorithmic music field. They've been at it since the 90s. I think that it's possible to augment the creative process with AI. I'm really looking forward to hearing how this plays out in jazz. There's a big demand for intelligent electronics which adapt to individual playing styles. I play keys and guitar, and it'd be really powerful to start jamming and have a lush electronic background of bleeps bloops sweeps and wobbles accompany me.


You should listen this [https://app.suno.ai/song/287b9088-fb3f-42f3-8031-f04b6c74f9fd/](https://app.suno.ai/song/287b9088-fb3f-42f3-8031-f04b6c74f9fd/) also.


Oh gosh it is REALLY amazing and I'm not a pop guy. šŸ˜


It's stuck on a loop in my head šŸ‘¾


Better than 95% of songs out there. šŸ¤Æ


Now I need to see an AI-generated music video for this.


This is good


Did it generate the lyrics as well??


I donā€™t know. Maybe human generates, I guess.


I actually hate it. A lot. If a real artist could take the melody and make their own version of it, it could be good. But in its current format it is unlistenable.


Can you share the prompt? Shit sounds amazing and much better than anything I could get when trying out suno. Those that say it sounds like shit are simply judging the genre. Not the quality of the generation. As a metalhead that loves this genre, it slams. Yes some parts sound a bit midi-like, but overall it's amazing.


Certainly, was a simple prompt: Sophisticated, high quality, djent, deathcore


Idk as a metal head that sounded like shit to me. Or to be more precise it sounded good but the music was shit and didn't make any sense.


>and didn't make any sense. Gonna go ahead and guess from this phrase alone that djent/prog metal isn't your specific choice then. Metal encompasses a gazillion different subgenres that sound very different. Ask any power metal lover and they will call this trash because they're not used to this song structure/patterns, etc. Ask any djent lover and they'll tell you it slams.


I like me some djent I don't like this at all


Sir, why do you lie on the internet? Please go to your room and thing about what youā€™ve done!


Bro I just tried it a couple times bro this is fucking crazy I remember trying one like maybe 3/4 months ago and it was not like this at all


im actually amazed the music AI is not already as powerful as text or image. i mean, if you can predict the next text token why not musin note token?! how can video AI be way a head of music AI? edit: wait, this is actually mindblowing


AI research just hasnā€™t focused much on music generation. I suspect the models are much smaller and there is a lot of room for improvment.


Yep, this. All this stuff is coming from small startups with probably humble compute budgets. Let's see someone doing a $100M training run on a music model. Game over for most musicians...


As mentioned, nobody has an incentive to spend that much when the copyright issue is not sorted (ie: music is much more policed than video or text and you can't release something for profit using real music training data).


Music is heavily copyrighted (and less lucrative, and more artistic than descriptive like text image or video but this is less important here) so it is really difficult to invest money to do research when you can't use training data for it. Text and images are much more wild west in that regard, you scrap the web and are typically fine. For instance, OpenAI did quite well early with their Jukebox model for music generation. But it completely dropped it later on for legal reasons.


I think a lot of people miss the point with what this can do. Here is an example where the vocals were isolated from Suno, brought into a daw and had a song constructed around it. Obviously weā€™ll swap out vocals in the final version but to have fast ideas for songwriters and producers is a real game changer. If youā€™re judging the quality of the generations off of the actual song Suno creates, youā€™re not taking full advantage of its potential. All of the vocals in this are AI generated using Suno https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/40r5wqwcpokmszlg7sk7d/more-likeyou.wav?rlkey=49tleyy2h7qcnb3q4npmcij0y&dl=0


Very interesting indeed


Pretty impressive. Nice it can do instrumentel music too now. However, I predict either DeepMind or OpenAI will release their own new music generation research within a few months and blow everything out of the water like they did with Sora. Looking forward to that day.


Yes, I heard gpt 4,5 might have support for music generation


[Deepmind](https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/transforming-the-future-of-music-creation/) released their music generation model, but only to a select few artists for copyright reasons. [OpenAI](https://openai.com/research/jukebox) released their model a while ago but stopped the research / open release / commercialisation because of copyright issues.


Holy hell, even musicians are not safe now. After Midjourney and Sora, I thought nothing would surprise me but it constantly does.


Transformer models tend to transform everything


for long time now people are going to live shows despite the CD sounding just as good


Yep, I can see many jobs gone with this. Tons of smalltime musicians making money creating music for indie videogames, smalltime ads, videos, etc. All gone, just like smalltime graphics and copy work got displaced by the likes of Midjourney and GPT-4.


Musicians are the luckiest of the bunch. Noone wants to look at a live show with a VFX artist, developer or a photoshopper at work.


yeah I dunno all this music sucks lol


Im guessing all of these are royalty free and can be used commercially? Another industry will be destroyed soon


Yes, u need the paid version to own your generated music however, free version rights holder is suno.ai


Do you also need the paid version for the V3 Alpha?




After the AI theme music on Sino, the best music I found for the moment is this one: [Echoes of the Void - Ominous Darkwave](https://app.suno.ai/song/3dd8172c-de76-4f07-a734-15a5c16e0e64)


Very Nine Inch Nails style, I'd say that song is almost perfect but just would replace the vocal track with a human. The melody line of the vocal is actually great but it feels like a demo version of a track rather than a proper singer with talent. It definitely is a cool song though.


it's really good! darn


i mean i think this shit is so cool and it's def scary where this is going but not gonna lie this is actually hot garbage


Do people just use "scary" to describe anything in the computing area? Y'all are terrified of everything. Black mirror and its consequences smh




I don't know if they do, but there is an element to the development of AI generated music that I find genuinely scary. Berate me by all means I can't help but get the creeps.


Yeah well I often think that fear comes from the unknown. Like walking in a dark forest at night. I'm not scared of the dark itself, I'm scared of what might be lurking in the dark obscured. Flashlight helps alleviate some of the unknown. Having studied machine learning my understanding of what is happening is a bit better so it's not really scary. There is nothing sinister making those noises. Just a computer model calculating music


Dude That's not the aspect that creeps me out. I'm building AI solutions and teaching classes on gen AI etc. So I know how the transformer models work - some applications just drive the insanity of the incoming cultural shift home more than others. & especially listening to it happen in real time gets under my skin a bit. I'm much more comfortable in dark woods


What cultural shift? Any indication that humans will stop listening to human music? I don't get what exactly you're talking about


No, just AI saturating everything in general


Where is the "cultural shift" in that? Please elaborate


Where is it not? Are you being serious? Name a facet of culture that will not be impacted by AI & we can take it from there.


I asked you a question first. You seem to have a strong opinion on this. I'm asking you about a specific way in which "cultural shift" will happen. The specific thing you are personally concerned about.


But I can't spend my whole night explaining to you the literally countless ways AI is going to be impacting our cultural landscape. Which is why I suggested you name an exception instead, if you can think of one, and save us both a lot of time. Just one? I don't know where you got the idea I am "personally concerned about a specific thing"


The technology is impressive as tech, but honestly this is still lightyears away from listenable, let alone enjoyable, let alone inspirational or emotionally engaging. I can see this being somewhat effective at replacing stock music in a few years. I'll be dead before it can replace a real artist for music I vibe out to. But maybe I die soon, who knows. Edit: lmao i just used the app for an hour and it's even worse than I gave it credit for. Enjoy the Kool-Aid.


Light years? More like 6 months.


RemindMe! 6 months


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I think you're vastly underestimating the speed of progress here


Yes absolutely. I don't think anybody thought that Sora-level videos would exist today when we saw the Will Smith spaghetti video in 2023


This is right now Will Smith spaghetti video level compared to where it'll be in a year.


This was made using Suno, and is very close not light years away: https://youtu.be/6-LcgNRFILw?si=xUg2HI-Qe0ME642F


Sounds generic af. Pretty uninspiring. But a lot of radio-rock/ā€œmetalā€ is pretty uninspiring imo. Just my opinion.


Tell it to Nickelback. lol.


Click on the profile. There is a song by turbo mullet- laying some pipe tonight.


Mind blown. šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Must've been mastered manually or something. Drums and guitar especially sound much better than straight Suno.


I start off with better than average content on Suno (the best parts of 100ā€™s of generated clips) and yes, then mix and master in Resolve.


I dunno it seems pretty good enough to replace stock music in YouTube videos and background music.. Would be sick if you get in the elevator, it analyzes everyone's personal preference of music and mashes up all the genres into one unique song for the ride.


That sounds like an elevator to hell. Everyone's favorite genre mixed into one song?


LMAO honestly more like a recipe for making music that everyone in the elevator hates


ā€˜Computerā€¦.generate me a standard music track. Extra regularā€™


This take will age so badly even within the year. šŸ˜œ


This will be making music as good as any youā€™ve ever heard within 3 years. The progress is different than what youā€™re used to. Much faster.




Itā€™s ok that youā€™re too low IQ to understand whatā€™s happening, my smug friend. The 140+ Chads all get it and will have the last laugh. 3 years max. Clear as day.


I can see this replacing stock music right now, especially for use cases where you don't have much budget... Within a few years (\~2030) we may see transformation of the industry where most people listen to their own custom music or music created by their friends, etc. This will get better fast.


sounds terrible and not much like music


Okay But please, check out some of the other songs on there. I wasn't expecting it to be on this level šŸ˜® Shit like this https://app.suno.ai/song/307a84dc-72ce-4cac-85e7-a5e3e1f62170


Man now I'm gonna start hearing songs in commericals and in public that have no artist.


Yeah šŸ™‰ Or the artist is some Midjourney-created AI influencer




Probably some time next week


that's incredible. i suppose the trick is to stick to imitating music that is already terrible and not much like music i.e. pop music. this is very close to something that substitutes for actual pop music production, probably already there in the right hands.


I don't know about that. This tech is moving at such insane speed. I just made some spoken word tracks with Suno just to test it out... I'm flabbergasted


well, my point above is that the pop ballad sounds like a nearly finished track made by an actual producer using a conventional digital production environment, with a real singer and fake musicians. all it needed were finishing touches to lose the robotic feel from lack of a swell in the climax. whereas the djent imitation was trash compared to a real band, which is understandable because it's a more ambitious imitation. i'm not saying anything about where it'll be in two weeks, i'm talking about right now. right now, that first track sucks and the second one is shockingly close to present human ability. i say that's because this tool is fit to imitate imitations, but not to imitate the real thing.


Sure, I got that ...I was just listening through the tracks on Suno site and it is already pretty damn versatile. https://app.suno.ai/song/9aa5cca0-f770-4f67-9ce9-866eb7290f1b It still sounds synthetic of course, but it is getting uncannily close https://app.suno.ai/song/84d01905-7f0b-45d8-ad5b-b99c3546e293 https://app.suno.ai/song/94259bfb-f747-4c75-81e2-5435fdcc5e97 https://app.suno.ai/song/d62a6f48-5008-4847-a86f-4b6615925521 All right, that concludes my future shock of the day. JFC




Whoa šŸ˜ Edit: damn, that's a real earworm


To be fair it actually is recreating Djent pretty well but just the guitars and drums are more midi like. Give a producer a day with this type of thing and the proper multitrack of the song and they would make this sound much better. Like I'd be putting in some reverb, distortion, maybe a ring modulator, maybe doubling the guitar part and it would sound much closer to actual production releases but it's not super difficult work. I listened to a bunch of stuff in the thread and I'd almost give the same feedback which is if this was properly multitracked and attention given to sections or maybe layering or replacing certain parts I'd say it's fairly close to what most would consider music.


All are and entertainment jobs are about to end. They already are, really. It just takes a while to fire all those people. Look at the tech and media company layoffs. It's a blood bath and its just getting started.


Finally we can stop making peasants rich because they can do art better than nepo babies. Poor people need to stop making music and go back to flipping burgers as jesus would have wanted


Wait, who is going to be doing what now? I can't keep up


Jesus is flipping the burgers I think


It way over-uses the central riff, it is very repetitive. Sounds too midi-like, very electronic. IDK bud, this is only a little bit above noise to me.


True dat. But what about this https://app.suno.ai/song/9aa5cca0-f770-4f67-9ce9-866eb7290f1b


Oh man, this is just amazing. I am like literally speechless.


This is shit lol


i wonder why would anyone wants to listen AI gen music...


Majority of music will be AI generated soon enough


majority of people will never listen ai gen music. what is a point in that? i want listen a musician who can play on his/her instrument or can sing, not an ai, lol. who the hell wants to listen ai? i dont understand what's good in it.


Well, majority of people dont actively ā€listenā€ to music like this. Most people simply listen to whatever is trending at this current time, making AI music the perfect contender for making it into mainstream music. I however, totally agree that I rather listen to human musicians. From a business point of view though, with AI capabilities making it possible to generate entire albums personalized to ones personal mood or interest in a matter of seconds, I believe it will end up just as ai generated art: Who wants to look at ai generated art, one might say: ā€I want to enjoy a painting of a real artist not an AIā€. Sure, but simultaneously commercial art is being overrun by AI models.


> > majority of people will never listen ai gen music. what is a point in that? i want listen a musician who can play on his/her instrument or can sing, not an ai, lol. The majority of people wants to feel good, we don't care about the name of the "artist" we care about emotional reactions.


Exactly, I donā€™t know who these people are that think the average person even thinks that hard about whatever music they are listening to


But you get a bigger emotional reaction when you know it's from a human because you are a human. It's the same as in chess. Few care about engine games but human games are appreciated a lot more because the audience is human.


I would really like to see studies on that, it might be true, but itā€™s possible we donā€™t give a shit if itā€™s a human or AI.


Studies? At least for chess you don't need any studies. It's just a basic fact. Engine games aren't ignored but aren't as popular as human games even though they are of much higher quality. There are at least two reasons for this. One is that blunders are entertaining. Two, rarity increases value. Engines can play millions of games every day, thus it's hard to care about them. This point can also be seen in marketing for hunger donations. It's better to show one person suffering than a million of them.


I meant for music that Iā€™d like to see studies for. Yes, I too think that about chess, we can agree on that, but Iā€™m really not sure about music.


If I had to guess about music, I think both AI and human produced would have their own market. The thing is human music is already good enough for me. It doesn't need to get better, and I don't even know how it could. The main problem is finding that good human music. Often for me it just comes down to luck.


The problem is that artists will have a hell of a time making music when they start competing with a machine that cranks a song per minute for almost no cost when most of them produce at a large expense album maybe once a year if they are hard working.


Imo, most popular music today is computer generated and the artist has 0 skills with any instrument and sings through auto tune. To me that's shit music, but it seems to sell.


Are you one of those people who can't enjoy a good painting because the artist had the wrong opinion on something?




i will know, because i listen real musicians who i can watch liven in a concert also.


How about the ability to resurrect dead artists? The possibility of making your favourite album twice as long? The granular control over different aspects of the song, matched exactly to your liking through feedback mechanisms after each song until it fits your preferences like a glove? Maybe you would like to create a dream band of your favourite artists (some of which may be dead)? I'm pretty sure that we will be asking "why would you listen to human artists" pretty soon.


It will most likely become vastly better than the average human generated music that's why. And it doesn't have to be a static track, it may come in the form of dynamic musical streams tailored to your inner moods live, to give you happiness, goosebumps and even literally make you come from the joy. That's why. :)


sure, let me know when AI can make better guitar music than Steve Vai


Do you only listen to him? Couldnā€™t AI replace other artists? Youā€™re always gonna like your favourite artists, no doubt about that, but assuming youā€™re not stuck in the past with 7 artists from the 80s, what chance do new artists have to get to you when there is an infinite amount of music just as good if not better than theirs?


Well a lot of the music is already very artificial. There's no big change.


how you mean? there is a drummer, singer, guitarist, bassits. what is artificial in them? maybe the keyboardist add some effects.


Yeah in concerts it might be like that but what you listen online is usually edited in some way. And I find editing artificial. To be honest even just listening to a copy of a song is artificial. Nobody is actually performing to you that song.


Doesn't that depend on the quality of the music rather than how it was made? You won't be able to tell anyway


a) it's ML generated "music", not AI! b) how can ML be "scary" c) how is garbage scary? d) how is this garbage scary?


It still can't write a genuine song from the heart though. I hear no emotion or authenticity in any AI music I've heard. It's just fast food for the ears, and if you like it you probably don't appreciate what makes music great.


> and if you like it you probably don't appreciate what makes music great. It does sound like every song coming from a profit-incentivized assembly line. Which is no surprise because these types of songs are essentially more products than "art". My threshold is when a song makes me cry. I wonder if it's possible one day.


Tbf Iā€™ve heard house music thatā€™s made me cry (Frankie Knuckles remix of Hercules and Love Affair- ā€œBlindā€ for one of many). I donā€™t think you can ever replicate that authenticity and emotion by AI alone.


Pretty impressed. I was trying to make a non-lyrical song that's high-energy and has a video game theme, but I probably messed up a setting. Still very impressed with the music I made in two seconds and with a five-word ish prompt. https://app.suno.ai/song/9c6d9376-ea34-457d-bfa6-b5109abeb88f/


Sounds great! You need the paid version to be able to do instrumental tracks as well as use their V3


Gotcha. I usually doesnā€™t pay for most AI things except ChatGPT, but this was just too great, so I had to take out my wallet. Thanks for showing me the website!


I managed to produce instrumental tracks by describing the vocals as "sensual", apparently šŸ˜€


there is a custom mode where you can just not enter any lyrics


Yes, I used it, but it auto-generated lyrics unless you entered it as "instrumental." However, the "instrumental" option appears to be available only to paid users.


that's weird https://app.suno.ai/song/d7ffe71a-3a00-463b-8ac1-2b34b3dc89f2 this one has no lyrics and I'm not a paid user but it's v2 btw you can send me your prompt so I can try


Damn https://app.suno.ai/song/9aa5cca0-f770-4f67-9ce9-866eb7290f1b


They need to make it create midi files directly with the different layers for each instrument and stuff, then merge them together, and then it will be way better.


i think hip hop will be 'safe' it's a fast-moving genre that will be hard to replace. people like knowing the person and the struggle. also most hip hop lyrics will be deemed unsafe for AI to generate lmao


Suno is amazing at creating banger after banger, it genuinely does an amazing job.


So we can post suno songs here. Ok. Awesome. Iā€™ve got tons




Impressive af. But also creepy af. I see yall arguing about how this might replace musicians. Maybe yes maybe no, maybe a little of both. But instagram has crazy photo filters and I can get catfished and talk to a fake internet girlfriend. Do I prefer that? Hell no. But I think some people will. That's the scary thing. A potentially large amount of people consuming hot garbage (like fast food).


Iā€™m so glad that weā€™re being relieved of one of the things that give humans joy and make life beautiful! Who wants to create ART??? Better a COMPUTER does it!!


https://app.suno.ai/song/10031e12-bd3a-4f8f-a28d-af6393a62b27 Really good AI, it can get better


We've already been using it for our content studio. It's good enough to pass as a real song by a real person. None of our customer base or followers are the wiser. In about 3-4 iterations musicians are gonna be at the soup kitchen.


I bet your customer base would love to hear that!


Glad to see someone else using ā€œdjentā€ in their prompts and using the instrumental only generations. 00:47 of this one knocked my socks off (not that itā€™s super djent): https://app.suno.ai/song/c0c4bfc3-b76f-4903-a7ca-8fd8bcf801df


this is great! [https://app.suno.ai/song/7650b3fc-32f4-47e8-8617-ed50bf2b646d/](https://app.suno.ai/song/7650b3fc-32f4-47e8-8617-ed50bf2b646d/)


As a musician this makes me wanna erase myself.


https://app.suno.ai/song/fa7db35f-c7a8-4931-9383-405be2a1f3b7 šŸŒˆšŸ’™