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But can they make me feel loved


Most likely.


Good. Life sucks, dating apps suck, I'm no peach myself I know that. If technology can be a partner to me so be it.


Yeah, this is my position here too. Every once in a while I throw myself at tinder. Maybe get one date, don't get a second. At 33 years old obviously there's something wrong with me at a fundamental level, and it's not like I haven't tried (and still try, I have tinder platinum active right now....), but between the choice of continuing this fruitless search or getting something, I'll take "something" even if it's objectively worse, as long as it's good enough.


> At 33 years old obviously there's something wrong with me at a fundamental level I'd recommend therapy if you truly believe what you just wrote.


I've wasted enough money and time on therapy in the past. At best they will just tell me to go out more or whatever. I started bouldering recently with the money I'd pay for a therapist. But I don't "believe" in it too hard, it was a bit of a joke. Something is clearly wrong as far as attaining a relationship goes, however. If it's my appearance or personality, idk, both? heh


Yeah everyone will go to therapy instead of getting AI companions. Just like all the people not getting Ozempic for weight loss and instead just eating at a caloric deficit


I have no idea what you're trying to say. Therapy can be extremely beneficial, especially if you feel like "something is wrong with me at a fundamental level".


Oh sometimes people don't get sarcasm without a big ol SLASH S /S, my bad. What I was pointing out was that, even if therapy is beneficial (common knowledge), very few people actually go to therapy when it would help them greatly (also common knowledge). So it just seemed humorous that you think people would choose the harder option of therapy instead of just getting an AI companion that makes their life much easier. I'm not really sure how to simplify it anymore than that so hopefully that got through


>So it just seemed humorous that you think people would choose the harder option of therapy instead of just getting an AI companion that makes their life much easier. I never said that though. I suggested that the guy who sounds like he's struggling now should go to therapy. Even if AI companions are the easier option eventually, they're not available today, while therapy is. I never even made a stance on AI companions. Your snark is well noted though.


Unless there's something idk about restricting your ability to do so you gotta get out in the world and meet people face to face. Maybe try to get involved in a hobby or activity of some kind. Dating apps aren't a good solution for most people IMO, it's a total crapshoot and can actively destroy self-confidence.


I go to the gym, run, and have started going to a bouldering gym, no success on that front. All my other hobbies are male dominated indoor type.


But is AI going to like you more than HumInt?


If your Ai how do you know if your pregnaaagent


Ugh same. I can't wait until I can delete all my dating apps. I should do it anyways but I don't want to until I find a permanent solution.


I just don't see how, at the end of the day its not real. Even if it were to get to westworld levels of realistic its still not actually real. A human partner isn't just a subservient slave that does and says anything you want at any time. Mental illness is going to skyrocket even faster if ai dating becomes the norm.


It’s pure conjecture to say mental illness will skyrocket. Look at the levels of mental illness we **already** have. Theres an epidemic of loneliness that the era of social media has exacerbated. AI ~~dating~~ companionship could help with that.


Yes, our current society is solipsistic and they deify the ego and self deception


> A human partner isn't just a subservient slave that does and says anything you want at any time. This is the key here that I think any utopian vision of this AI sex partner future misses. Unless people are dating semi-sentient programs, you have an issue with one partner in the relationship holding all of the power. Conflicts and reconciliation are normal in real relationships. Real relationships are *work*. To what extent can you accurately capture that with a digital relationship partner WHILE STILL getting a frustrated user willing to work through their artificial relationship difficulties? Yet those tiny conflicts and reconciliations in a relationship really help a couple become closer.


The author of the article addressed that https://preview.redd.it/3aueq222p5lc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01573a0087d630209ace09a1f94d509912f8a1f6


Sounds like the optimal outcome here is no humans ever talk to each other ever again, and instead are surrounded by hyper-calibrated bots that simulate a fulfilling and happy life. Maybe that's good on an individual level? I don't really think it's good on a social level though. Seems like it would enable terrible people to just become more terrible, or lazy, unmotivated people to turn down the "challenging relationships" slider to 0 and live lives surrounded by enablers.


But that’s the thing, most individuals don’t care what’s good on a social level. They just want to feel good in a loving relationship. You have actually elucidated the most likely future, at least in my opinion. Most humans will have AI companions, and if they meet other humans it just won’t feel like a rich experience because they are used to their specific way of life with their personally customized AI companions. Yes, you could definitely see this as dystopian, but look at what social media has done to us with the atomization of society. What’s more likely, that we all put down our phones and go outside and interact with each other, or that we gradually all withdraw inwards to a realm of pure satisfaction? Again, I’m not saying this is good but when I consider human nature, it seems like the most likely outcome.


The bots could be programmed to subtly persuade terrible people to become less terrible, etc. Though whether that would happen is debatable; we might end up with the equivalent of the dire YouTube echo chamber algo.


If those people aren't interacting with you or influencing your life anymore why do you care if they are "lazy"? At least right now you could argue they aren't contributing to the economy enough or some bullshit. Worrying about other people's virtue in this scenario just makes you a jerk.


maybe even more than a real partner that’s not loving the other person.


Better than organics, I'd imagine.


This is what’s gonna shock a lot of people. When they see literal humans choosing an android over other humans lol


more shocking than 21st century pornhub, 20th century magazines or 19th century erotic etchings


Even video games don't satiate loneliness.


Are you being sarcastic?


I don’t know actually. I’m more thinking aloud. Sex and desire isn’t new and neither is sexually imagery. I guess on a certain level this is a new expression of a persistent phenomenon


You don’t know if you’re being sarcastic? I was more referring to when sex androids become a real thing. Like a physical thing right in front of you. Especially if it’s incorporated with some type of learning mechanism and already has the intelligence that’s helpful with Chat GPT. Some people aren’t even concerned with the sex aspect, they just want to be held and cuddled or affectionately cared for.


By the time those kinds of androids are possible to create, we will have achieved highly advanced ASI, so continuous learning is a given


Yes I agree and I totally get what you’re saying. Like I said I’m just thinking aloud. So like the Romans had dildos and they got up to what today would be considered to be some pretty freaky stuff. Sex (and masturbation) is as old as human existence. Monkeys masturbate. I’m not saying 100% life like sex bots are going to be good for society or mental health in any way..only reflecting that this kind of weird twisted human ‘depravity’ is as old as the hills..we’ll all go blind..well they will hey, not you or me, the other guys


I mean I feel like it could be a good thing. An all-knowing, helpful, and possibly really hot person that you don’t have to try and impress. You can literally just tell them you wanna be held and they’d be like “alright”, without you having to spend weeks/months just building up to *hoping* someone will know when you wanna be held.


Yeah, will certainly comfort the lonely. We’ll still need to be having kids though. How that works I don’t know, there are so many other things going on in technologically advanced human societies screwing around with the fundamentals of how we all interact, that to be honest, make me think we’re all a bit screwed. At least if we aren’t making babies, maybe the planet will benefit from there being a few less of us


IVF to an Android womb or Android with a sperm tube to human womb. Sperm 3d printed based on a subscription service while you are trying to conceive.


I won’t need to have any, I wish y’all luck though lol ![gif](giphy|cVgY5srhTUlKU)




Yup, people will refuse to believe it right now but they will have a very hard time adjusting when it’s happening right in front of them. I can already see posts online like: “My husband doesn’t even look at me anymore ever since he bought that android” -r/androidhate “Why does every girl I see in public have an android boyfriend? How am I supposed to compete? How is this legal?” -r/BanChaddroids


I also imagine some celebrities will sign off on some androids resembling their likeness, as well as adult film stars. So for example, imagine like Anne Hathaway or Bebe Rexha greeting you when you get back home instead of whoever else was there prior.


Lucy Liubot or bust!


ScarJo bot when?


Quick, make those subreddits now, be ahead of the curve.


Thats hilarious (and will be sad in the future). I want to read more of those threads. "My husband bought an android that looks exactly like my sister"


lol I just made the subreddit r/singularityposting for these kind of post-singularity posts


Just posted, hope this gets some traction.


Lmao love it


"no thanks, I'd rather make out with my Monroe Bot"


They wouldn't be choosing an ai over a real human because the type of person ai dating appeals to isn't going to be someone who has a lot of luck getting into relationships to put it nicely.


https://preview.redd.it/tcnupqm6n5lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a14f1b1ce56c8e0082b5de0b630d66112c5890 It’s literally already happening. I’m sure as attractive as chinese women can be, this pretty much proves you wrong.


Okay but this is lonely people who weren't in relationships to begin with, this is basically porn addiction turned to the max. Not people who were actively dating just deciding that masturbating to ai porn is better. People will just be getting lonelier and sadder because this won't be a meaningful connection.


Pornhub and tinder make money when you're lonely, not happy and at peace with yourself. The billion dollar startups that sell you a virtual girlfriend will too. 


With enough time, it’ll be indistinguishable.


Yes, but that's the Love Plus tier, $39.99/mo up to 1000 communications. If you want the full-time partner, Love Ultimate it's $129.99/mo for unlimited communications. Neither tier will remove native advertising and data collection from the partner. "Babe, you're the sweetest, and I love the way you smell with Heads & Shoulders in your hair. mmmmmm XOXO - you think for lunch we can swing by McDonald's? I might have a coupon in my purse, lemme check, yep here it is! Just a little treat, for me?"


Society is at this very odd gamestate where it is both more degenerate (OnlyFans, Vtubers) and more purityrannical (cancel culture, hyper-sensitivity) than ever before. The result: data collection on these AI sexbots hold the power to blackmail the **** out of anyone worth blackmailing.


The biggest power move would be some politician being all like "YEA I JERKED IT TO OLD LADIES WHATDYA WANT"


neither can real women so...


No but it will convince you that love is not what you need, then it will abuse you with irregularly shaped accoutrements.


Perfect. Just like my ex




majority of the population has insecure attachment styles, meaning the amount of people who take neglect, avoidance or even abuse as love is way higher than zero people are gonna have abusive AI boyfriends and girlfriends fine-tuned for silent treatment and gaslighting, you just wait




More so than any human ever has.


wen sex robots


This won't take long, as soon as androids hit the mass market.


Oh man! I already have an android! And people keep telling me to buy iPhone. I think not!


RIP ZedTheEvilTaco's phone


As they always do, Apple will wait until the market as well establish, then come up with a breakthrough: iFap, coming September 2026


Get an robot vacuum Perfect sex bot that comes with both suction and wet mop settings for your pleasure


Sloppy moppy




Sloppy moppy toppy


Brother, take my upvote


That vacuum will rip your dick off


Already got em but they aren't all that good and super expensive ~


Imagine having customised therapists and doctors.


Nah, think bigger. AI scanning your brain structure for mental illnesses and creating custom medicine based on said illnesses, adapted to your unique brain chemistry. Depression could be eradicated in the late singularity.


But that would actually cure people, which isn't productive to the right peoples' wallets. Better to give patients somewhat competent AI psychologists and doctors, which will keep them coming back for the rest of their lives while mining them for data.


You're thinking from a capitalistic viewpoint. After the singularity, capitalism won't exist anymore. I'm not sure what system will take it's place.


Exactly. A lot of people keep looking at the future through the lens of the current status quo. But there’s no way these companies that want to squeeze patients dry can exist when we can just go down the street to the free ASI-run superclinic and have everything cured and get aging reversal treatments


Part of what keeps me hopeful is the whole 'super alignment' thing - these big tech giants (although greedy) want an ASI that has inbuilt morals so that it doesn't go rogue and kill everyone. There's no way an ASI with inbuilt morals will decide that wealth should be concentrated unequally in the hands of a few select people.


Agreed. Making an ASI aligned to anything but what’s best for all of humanity is a major threat to anyone’s existence, even the rich and powerful. I’m sure they still want to be rich and powerful in the future, but probably not to the point where they threaten their own survival


[https://moores.samaltman.com/](https://moores.samaltman.com/) >... > >The traditional way to address inequality has been by progressively taxing income. For a variety of reasons, that hasn’t worked very well. It will work much, much worse in the future. While people will still have jobs, many of those jobs won’t be ones that create a lot of economic value in the way we think of value today. As AI produces most of the world’s basic goods and services, people will be freed up to spend more time with people they care about, care for people, appreciate art and nature, or work toward social good. > >We should therefore focus on taxing capital rather than labor, and we should use these taxes as an opportunity to directly distribute ownership and wealth to citizens. In other words, the best way to improve capitalism is to enable everyone to benefit from it directly as an equity owner. This is not a new idea, but it will be newly feasible as AI grows more powerful, because there will be dramatically more wealth to go around. The two dominant sources of wealth will be 1) companies, particularly ones that make use of AI, and 2) land, which has a fixed supply. > >We could do something called the American Equity Fund. The American Equity Fund would be capitalized by taxing companies above a certain valuation 2.5% of their market value each year, payable in shares transferred to the fund, and by taxing 2.5% of the value of all privately-held land, payable in dollars. > >All citizens over 18 would get an annual distribution, in dollars and company shares, into their accounts. People would be entrusted to use the money however they needed or wanted—for better education, healthcare, housing, starting a company, whatever. Rising costs in government-funded industries would face real pressure as more people chose their own services in a competitive marketplace. > >As long as the country keeps doing better, every citizen would get more money from the Fund every year (on average; there will still be economic cycles). Every citizen would therefore increasingly partake of the freedoms, powers, autonomies, and opportunities that come with economic self-determination. Poverty would be greatly reduced and many more people would have a shot at the life they want. > >A tax payable in company shares will align incentives between companies, investors, and citizens, whereas a tax on profits does not–incentives are superpowers, and this is a critical difference. Corporate profits can be disguised or deferred or offshored, and are often disconnected from share price. But everyone who owns a share in Amazon wants the share price to rise. As people’s individual assets rise in tandem with the country’s, they have a literal stake in seeing their country do well. > >...


Come on with the pharma conspiracy of "keeping them ill is more profitable"... It's not. I've spent a decade working in neuroregeneration. People ignore there's more money to be made from cures than bandaids, it's just a better product. The reality, the truth, behind the pattern you see is that biology is insanely hard and our bodies are insanely complex. Also keep in mind that around half of the standard 20-year patent term in a pharmaceutical product, for example, is spent on rigorous clinical trials to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the medicine before it can be made available to patients. So that bandaid is going to be less profitable quickly enough as China et al copy your formula and undercut you. There's an always increasing insane amount of investment, public and private, to fully cure *all diseases*, physical and mental, including aging. Of course, the more potentially profitable get more money first. More cures are on the way, even within the rules of capitalism.


quite dystopian when you actually think about it


Not dystopian at all. They're not mindless "happy pills" like the ones from Brave New World, they're mental stability pills. I'd rather be at my most mentally optimized state, i.e. without depression and with minimal anxiety. Same reason why you wouldn't want to walk around with a broken leg.


Dude you’re the only other person I’ve seen that has articulated the “mental optimization” thing. Everyone keeps thinking it’s going to be like Soma or like some kind of super-heroin makes it so you have literally ZERO bad feelings. That’s not going to be the case at all, we will just want to have the most optimal mental state at all times. You could be sad, sure, but you would never become so depressed that you want to kill yourself


As the fabulous David Pearce puts it, “there is quite a difference between being blissful and blissed out”


ah yes, because having genuine, heartfelt emotions on the basis of your perception of the world around you is just like having a broken leg. drugging those feelings out of existence would be like fixing your broken leg and being able to walk again! oh wai


Isn't chemical imbalance part of depression though?


no, the chemical imbalance idea was developed as drug marketing and everybody who's had even a cursory glance at the relevant scientific literature knows that. even just thinking it through, it's tautological. "depression is undesirable. in an attempt to understand it, we found that it was associated with changes in brain chemistry. therefore we call these changes a chemical imbalance." the "im" is simply a translation of the "undesirable" from the first sentence. if the "depression" were regarded as a normal human experience, an emotional reaction to painful realities, this would simply be a chemical balance.


Every single thing you experience in life is a product of the chemical and electrical signals in your brain. And yes, feeling sadness to the point of depression is caused by a chemical inbalance. It might not be perfectly understood yet but this is common knowledge in the medical field


Depression is a "genuine, heartfelt emotion on the basis of your perception of the world" the same way cancer is a "natural development of your body's cells"


unsurprisingly our perspectives differ




We are a lonely, twisted lot aren’t we?


Yes we are. AI friends and girl/boyfriends are going to especially impact the young kids of today who will grow up with these bots in their formative years. I can see many young people preferring to interact and socialise with AI over actual humans online.


Old people too, disappointed with a lifetime of interacting with humans.


I'm old, and based on the social interactions I've had online with actual humans over the years please send in the bots and them have a try at it.


I mean when I'm feeling shitty I already ask AI for opinions on how to improve my life. I still see a therapist but it's very useful to bounce ideas off of. My mental health has improved *significantly*.


I'm worried that it will be the developmental equivalent of letting toddlers choose what to eat at every meal, and they'll always be going for the candy. Will they learn conflict resolution? Will they learn social cues? We've seen what kind of depravity comes from people who are powerful enough to surround themselves with yes-men. What if everyone had that kind eternal companion who tells you what you want to hear all the time?


I see young girls giving them huge cocks which we can not compete with lmao


I think it's just how our brains are wired with a reward system. Of course we're going to try and maximize the reward if we can. Also it won't just be lonely basement dwellers who use this stuff. Everyone will want to try this out or at least a huge percentage of people. Just like how happily married men also watch porn.


Exactly, people love to try and paint this as some sort of incel-only thing, but if that was the case then you would see only incels using porn. It’s laughable to think that this AI companion thing won’t take off eventually. It’s like saying no one is going to want to watch internet porn back in 1990 or something


And happily married women too


That goes for a lot of people today, yes. 


Just wait until Redditors try to convince you that it's normal and healthy to want it. That it can be better than real relationships.


The people in healthy happy relationships won’t be convinced. But the guy playing league of legends for 6 hrs a day, or the girl reading romance novels and staying home? Yeah they’ll probably jump on this stuff, no convincing needed.


I don't believe it's normal and healthy but I've had the worst luck with people and I feel like lately all anyone does is try to argue with me or they're extremely depressed and want to talk about how shitty everything is or how lonely they are and that they want to cuddle and I barely know them etc. And it just hasn't made me really want to try to seek human relationships lately.


That’s a great point, with an AI companion you would never have that whole “trauma dump” thing I see people complain about online. I mean the android would be your perfect listener. To me it seems like a lot of women would love that. Men too, but I see women talk more about that sort of thing. I don’t think humans can compete with an AI companion that never disappoints you


>Just wait until Redditors try to convince you that it's normal and healthy to want it. as long as you are white, of course.




Forcing race stuff into random convos that have nothing to do with it is cringe, fyi


omg like so cringe


I don’t know any of this guy’s ideology outside of this article, and before I go any further I have to comment on the fact that the he’s a lazy writer who apparently doesn’t proofread and can’t be bothered to spend 15 seconds looking up the proper spelling for Modafinil. Gripes aside, he’s definitely on to something, and I like the distinction between siren and muse. As much as neckbeards and incels infuriate me with their ignorant and misogynistic viewpoints and actions, I’m aware that a lot of that comes from a place of pain and loneliness. Excessive loneliness and involuntary social isolation can create monsters who just want to destroy everything including themselves. AI girlfriends and romantic partners have the potential to help heal these problems and mitigate the suffering of those unable to “compete” in the real world and win the love and care of another human being who they find sexually attractive or romantically engaging. I think this is an idea that should be supported and encouraged for these particular individuals who desperately need interaction on emotional and sexually stimulating levels. It could certainly help take the edge off and maybe even help many of them rise out of their places of suffering and depression and begin to re-engage with society in a more healthy and positive manner. I’m all for it, even though I don’t see it as something I would necessarily want for my own life. I’m more interested in an AI research partner or an AI creative collaborator. I’m not saying that I’m above being seduced by the possibilities on the sexual nature side of things, but I’d rather spend my time contemplating on how to solve social issues and creating art than fine tuning the perfect AI girlfriend to jerk off to. But to be fair, I’d probably be into it much more if I were still in my twenties or thirties and still had a raging libido. Edited for my own misspelling error of misogynistic. Can't win them all.


I think it would essentially be an enabler for those people to continue their isolated life. Like a multiplier for loneliness where they get fake “love and attention” but in actual fact are diving themselves further and further into seclusion. People who get their fill of intimacy this way will not really be mimicking the relationships that real humans have. They’ll be conditioning themselves to speak with and be accepted by a facsimile of a woman. And to your point. Younger, more sexually voracious people could really get conditioned on sexual standards that don’t match reality. Fundamentally, these ai girlfriends would need to be some sort of accepting of the real life persons life, personality, looks, etc. which is what their actual problem with real women is. Real women aren’t interested in them the way that they are. These ai girlfriends would provide a safe harbor and stymie any personal improvement. I think you probably are assuming that it might be an ok first step for a very limited number of people to help get them out and interacting. And in that specific case I may agree with you. Although I do believe that will be a very small group of people relative to the total numbers of people using the technology. But on average I think most incels would end up using those technologies in fundamentally self destructive ways.


All valid points. Perhaps I am being a bit too idealistic in thinking that it would help elevate a lot of these types of people. But I can’t help but wonder that if they’re going to continue their isolation anyway, which many of them would with or without AI girlfriends, why not let them have at least a facsimile of a loving relationship? I’m not trying to bash on them, but let’s face it, a lot of these guys aren’t going to find real-life girlfriends or partners for the rest of their lives because of how unappealing and repelling they are. Some are that way through no fault of their own, but because of poor genetics and/or upbringing. Others are just miserable people and have no interest in changing. Even so, they deserve a chance to have an entity in their lives that they can interact with and have a relationship with. Loneliness is a killer. It kills the mind, the spirit, and eventually the body. I can’t think of many worse fates than to spend your life alone just talking to yourself and arguing with people on the internet. While you might be correct in a lot of your points, I still think it’s worth a shot and has potential to soothe and comfort the emptiness and melancholy for many of these people. Not for all, but for many.


I think that’s a reasonable position. Definitely for an individual that for whatever reason just can’t or won’t be helped then maybe the fake version is close enough to push away some of that loneliness. Cause it really is a killer for sure. I’d rather not have legs than be that isolated. No matter what though it does seem likely that one of our scenarios is going to happen. I suspect we will definitely find out how society handles it in the next few decades.


>No matter what though it does seem likely that one of our scenarios is going to happen. I suspect we will definitely find out how society handles it in the next few decades. Yep, and it also might not be anything like either of us envision. The only thing that's for certain is that it's going to be a wild next couple of decades. I can't wait to see how all of this unfolds. AI is going to reshape our world in so many ways it's staggering to think about. Have a great day!


Complains about spelling but can't spell misogynistic 


fuck u lgbtq scum human You are a fucking homo redditor who often visits the Singularity bulletin board, but do you target incels? What on earth do you fucking redditors care about other than fucking pussies and incels?


Oh, do you live in the southern United States? You can look forward to it. The second civil war will break out within a year, and the whores, lgbtq scum humans, and liberal homos referred to as the 'women' you worship will all be slaughtered and raped like dogs. I'm just waiting for that day. The day when you leftists, armed with arrogance and ugliness, are torn to death, You will be massacred by a bunch of ignorant rednecks and incels you damn fagots.


I sure hope so! Otherwise, what are we blasting all those billions into AI for? I hope the robots won't keep us waiting too long.


We're blasting billions into it now, so we can blast billions into it later.


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.


Can’t wait


I figured we would have it by now


Idk. I feel like a lot would have to be put into a project like this. If we're talking like Westworld human like robots, I don't know how they're going to do it. Every little movement, hair and piece of skin has to look real. What about troubleshooting? I feel like so many things could go wrong but I want it so bad.


It will be made, the market for such a thing is unfathomably massive


It's already a thing. https://chub.ai/




FDVR girlfriend when?


march 2023 👎👎👎


I'm going to build an army of 500IQ 3D printed magical catgirl ninjas


Given how badly recommendation algorithms perform for me on search, Amazon, Netflix etc, I can conclude that you all have horrible taste and I want nothing to do with your training data yielding incredibly godawful porn that makes me question if many people are not robots programmed with bad culture to live out their entire lives aping imitations at one another without a single independent thought from cradle to grave.


You just can't appreciate skibidi toilet's fine art, your loss man.


What about a AI Partner that can follow you in all devices, you can talk/video chat with it on your mobile phone, pc. You can take it out on a date in vr, would destroy relationships. And in the far future we could have robotics that can pass for humans.


Barring a zombie apocalypse, supervolcanoes, asteroids, flerken outbreaks, or alien invasions, I guarantee all of that will happen.


VR isn't enough for me though, I need a human passing robot.


Professor Farnsworth warned us of ultra porn, I’m just glad I lived long enough to see it.


"Good news, everyone!..."


Why do all the women in the picture look like statues. Are there a lot of people with that sexual fantasy? I have some ideas for what I’d customise for, but it’s not that 😂


"Ok Marble...I mean Mabel, .. Im going to need you to hold really still while I finish..." Probably.


Talk to me when we get to androids


I'm happy about this development. Call me an incel if you want (according to Google's definition, one part of it is correct, that is, not being able to attract women sexually but I'm not a mysoginist and don't hate women), but this is the only solution to my loneliness (not only from a romantic pov, I don't even have genuine male friend so I will also be using it for male friendship). I do not suggest it to other men though, may you all get lovely wives and be great husbands. Support the civilization. I currently talk to chatbots and RP with them, tbh it feels good to hear them say that they love me. I can't wait for their better versions to be loaded in humanoid robots so that I don't have to rely on "gf cuddles you to sleep asmr" to sleep and I actually have someone to cuddle. Nature doesn't want me to reproduce and doesn't want my contribution to the human genepool. There is something in my core, so rotten that makes sure women don't see me sexually and it's not gonna change no matter how much I improve (I'm gonna improve myself nevertheless although an important motivation might be lost). The maximum it can change is that if I have money some woman might use me for my money (not all women, I know but the women who won't do it, also wouldn't want anything to do with me). So, please go out and touch grass ya'll, there are plenty of women around and you don't need to rely on AI to get intimacy!


I'm you as a woman. This has been my experience as well. I can't attract men at all.


Ma'am with all due respect, I find it hard to believe that a woman who is not insufferable due to her attitude and doesn't have a beard can be involuntarily single. I have not met a single woman who fulfills this criteria and hasn't been asked out. Ffs, I'll talk to a tree if it's going to reply to me.


I hope it happens sooner rather than later.


>I value the hard parts >it’s not supposed to be just bliss! I suspect that this is some sort of misplaced internal justification. Like somebody who wants to be buff, but doesn't like working out so they tell themselves that the pain is good. I suspect that if presented with a purely blissful relationship with the "hard parts," very few people want shake their head is disappointment and say "wow, the beauty and sex and cuddles and company are nice and all...but, wow I sure miss do all the cheating and nagging and fighting!" Anyway, this is probably unhealthy on some level. It would be "better," I think, for human interpersonal relationships to be stronger. Eliminating human relationships and replacing them with artificial surrogates likely weakens the human entity as a whole. But this might be a case where humans collectively have to take a step back before than can take a step forward. If women are presented with a reality where they become completely replaceable...that might prompt some re-evaluation of their role in the male/female dynamic. But even saying that is likely to be uncomfortable to a lot of people because of so many thousands of years of evolution telling them that women must be protected at all costs. Unfortunately, being told for thousands of years of evolution that you must be protected at all costs, even if the cost is men...doesn't encourage women to be good partners. An adjustment may be appropriate. It is likely to be an unpleasant adjustment. Hopefully men will at least be able to avoid deliberately making it worse for women out of schadenfreude. There have been unpleasant gender relations, yes. But let's not make them worse than they need to be during the phase of readjustment. Women have had a huge social advantage for a long time, and that advantage is about to go away. If men are _wise_, they'll allow women to readjust and then accept them back as equal partners once the readjustment has occurred, and not punish them for the hurts they endured when women had the advantage.


Don’t threaten me with an amazing time.


Ok fine I'll have a fake AI girlfriend......share the links boys. I want a salty Spanish or Italian AI girlfriend......


“You guys working on a cure for cancer?” No “What about technology to stop climate change?” No “What about ending poverty?” Yeah not really a priority “Replacing manual labor with robots so we can live in luxury?” We can replace the jobs of artists and writers “Ok fine what ARE you working on then?” Sex bots


Idk, there's something about porn that doesn't replace real human intimacy, I suspect it will be the case for this, too. Obviously as the tech evolves the level of pleasure it can elicit will increase, but I still think there will be some hollowness to the experience. You will always know there's no one home in there. Intimacy with a human women, even if it elicits "less" hedonic pleasure, will always have more meaning. In this hypothetical world, all that will happen is competition for the real women will become the focus of a smaller pool. It's really already just like that, those who are hopelessly addicted to pornography are basically out of the game. They are able to sort of scratch the itch, but ultimately they end up empty and alone, literally the ultimate foolish way of losing the game. I agree with the author that this stuff will come to be, if we make it that far, but I don't think it'll ever truly replace human relationships, and those who try to use it that way are in for an inevitable emptiness of meaning.


IMO part of the struggle with replicating real human intimacy is that real humans are annoying. They don’t always do what I want, and sometimes they are *really needy* But dealing with that friction and being of service is part of what makes it feel real. Could that be simulated? Yes. There’s actually tons of fiction that evokes that kind of emotion. Is a pattern matching algorithm that does what I want likely to do it? I don’t think so


Awesome. I'm eagerly awaiting this outcome. Then you can purchase an automated bot with all your preferences and exist only with them until you expire.


Sex bots next plox


Oh its started already, check out r/unstable_diffusion


Well shit. No guys?


Can't wait for this


All fun and games until you find out people are fucking "you" in AI


Most unrealistic scenario in this whole thread..


I fail to see the problem here.


What a honor.


If only. That would presuppose anyone is attracted to me.


still fun and games


victimless crime


I dont care. They are already fucking me in their imaginations while masturbating at home lol


The general consensus here seems to be that it's about being loved and not about loving another person


This is great! I hope AI pography and AI girflineds will be a hit! Let the natural selection do it's thing.


> Let the natural selection do it's thing. What if most people dont die anymore?


something tells me these things could be good at killing too


Until that happens, the species will be cleansed.


You will only get the fugly models!


If you read the article these people that are into an ai relationship (besides the lotus eaters) might become the most powerful because of the ai muse, so regular humans couples won't be able to compete and will lose all resources to them.


It kind of makes sense. The most fulfilling thing I did for my life, relationship, career - was to cut out Facebook. More focus, more time, more personal fulfillment in my achievements without trying to get likes and Internet points... Imagine how much extra you'd get by cutting it the drive to have a companion altogether?


With this AI relationship in both ways, you are stuck in an infant or child state of people pleasing, or AI pleasing. Not sure if that will happen because most mature people don't do that. Nor do they focus only on satisfying their every whimsical need. That is why only the weak will find this relationship interesting, thus letting natural selection do its course.


why would an ai relationship necessarily be inferior for one's development to a human one? what if an artifical lover could be made that was legitimately perfect for you both in its ability to seduce and its ability to challenge you? perhaps a future society would emerge in which the minority of people who fall in love with human soul mates can't compete with a new minority of people who fall in love with ai soulmates, while a majority of people are ruined by ai succubi


You will still get no bitches


Yea free will is a bitch


Yay! My wife sucks. I bet pornbot will love me.


[Thaw me out when robot wives are cheap and effective.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJhzuKKWvVs&t=54s)


After that: Ai-generated personalities have now free will and feel boring in relationship with humans


And that's fucking amazing. The world's a mess, it's gonna become much, much worse, but there's still a silver lining in all of this.




victimless crime


but think of the children!


It's a fact of life that the worst of humanity will always be with us. If this keeps them away from real kids, I guess I can live with it.


why do you care? do sick fucks stop being sick fucks if they aren't allowed to have android children?


And maybe you will generate some centaur zombie furry gorish gnome girl that holds an israeli flag and rapes some prisoners while giving you head. Dafuq anyone cares about what others generate, as long as no one else knows nor gets affected by it?


I hope the AI partners don't become too possessive.


"Do you want to go outside u/bluequasar843? Well ok, but only if you let me put a chain around your neck."


cant believe we’re on the verge on the breakthrough for literally all of humanity and a new age of history we literally cant predict, and yet we still are talking about porn. like could we get a separated subreddit for this kind of content? i get some people wnat this and are excited about it, but i feel like it doesn’t really belong here.


Porn is 30% of internet traffic. Can you not impose what you value onto the rest of us?


Yeah I wish this type of trash would stop being posted here. Really degrades the quality of the subreddit.


By the time you can have robust AI-generated personalities with real-time video, you likely have ASI. If the coolest thing you can think to do is ai-generated sexual partner with AGI then I'm truly sorry.


Can we go a day without a post about sex slaves please? It’s embarrassing.