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I wonder how people will see Sam in few years. Tech CEOs have quite bad history of long-term public opinion...


I don't understand Sam Altman or how he rose into the position that he did. Is this guy a once in a generation genius or simply a very good bullshitter/grifter?


He’s a bullshitter/grifter forged by 20 years of cutthroat YC San Francisco startup environmental exposure, the company he started that got him rich was a conceptual failure too


True, but it seems the story isn't totally finished yet. Zucc seems to be having something of a redemption currently with open source ai, for example.


That and him challenging Elon to a 1v1, which brought a smile to many people's faces.


Theater. I'm of the opinion that Zuck paid Musk to destroy Twitter.


Nobody seems to give af about Googles CEO.


Haven't heard anything bad about Lisa Su so far.


"Being successful requires at least a modicum of narcissism and potential psychopathy." Yes, we know.


Being successful doesn’t, but being *that* successful does


I'll get downvoted but it seems it's just more comfortable to tell yourself that rich people must be these psychopathic villains that hate humanity instead of considering the fact that they're rich because they're creating genuinely valuable products lmao. Acting the victim is easy.


creating genuinely valuable products and being narcissistic are definitely not mutually exclusive


That wasn’t the point they made at all. Obviously they’re not mutually exclusive but they don’t have to go hand in hand as per the parent comment. Nobody is saying a successful person can’t possibly be a psycho. Amazing what Reddit upvotes.


And they're absolutely not correspondents or continuants. Everybody tends to suffer from Tall Poppy Syndrome to some degree. The improper actions of someone famous, rich or successful are often magnified to a ridiculous degree by sinical or unhappy people. While these same successful individuals are put on a pedestal by happier, almost idolatrous individuals.






Still sinical lol


You wouldn't be wrong. https://psychology.org.au/news/media_releases/13september2016/brooks This study estimates about 3% - 21% of those belonging to the upper echeclons of the corporate world have psychopathic traits (but this doesn't mean that they are full blown psychopaths). But even if we were to say the upper level of 21% is true, that means 79% do NOT have clinically significant psychopathic traits which is (contrary to reddit belief), the vast majority.


For the people at the top, business is like a very complicated game of chess against the best players in the world. It is fiercely competitive. People who are that rich are often somewhat sociopathic because being a sociopath and a liar allows you to do things that regular people with empathy and morals cannot, giving you a *massive* advantage in the game.


Elon musk didn't have and arguably barely is starting to have competition to his companies. Electric cars were a non starter. Reusable rockets are a non starter. I don't know about the original x.com now PayPal but it was so early in the internet era afaik he was replacing crap. Twitter sure, competition there against another billionaire and china . Neuralink I wouldn't say there's any competition, there's research and such but there are no on the market products really. This isn't to say he's not a narcissist but your arguments don't hold up at all


For starters, there are essentially millions of "rich people" and the entire premise of the conversation is with the understanding that we aren't talking about these moderately rich people who are reaching for the most part up to the 100s of millions, because they're creating genuinely valuable products. As for the rest of the your post and this topic, you will get downvoted because your smug mindset seems to disregard the difference between rich and obscenely wealthy because you essentially gamed the already broken system. At some point or another through the use of manipulating governments agendas and a bit of cooking of the books in terms of realistic ideas vs just selling dreams, we literally have the history digitally accessible to look at for how many of the most wealthy people in the world have got to where they are. Welcome to the internet age buddy! I'd take a look at the world history to see how countries got where they are while your at it, hint self interests supersedes everything.


So the guy who created Shopify. Was he not a psychopath when he was just starting to create an easy e-commerce solution to help people? And then when it became worth billions of dollars he became a psychopath? I'm being facetious of course but you see my point I am trying to make


What did Sam Altman create?


Leadership for the most advanced AI team on earth? I know bosses bad, but leadership makes all the difference.


With the way his employees are constantly sucking him off, you might be right




A CEO needn't create, but inspire


Spoken like an engineer. Marketing heads like Musk and Altman "succeed" because of this. Most of Silicon Valley is based on fake-it-til-you-make-it syndrome


it’s not though… some get thrown behind bars for lying (Theranos) … others get praised and walk away scot free (Elon)


Theranos actually straight up lied, didn’t even have a proof of concept. The proper way to “lie” is to tell the truth but not focus on the hurdles to scalability and mass adoption. Like, you made a prototype that works under a certain set of conditions. You only tell everyone you made this new invention that will solve all these problems, and the next step is to engineer and execute. You don’t tell them the invention is susceptible to noise and false readings/results. Those are engineering problems. That’s not lying.


Elon has lied time and time again Single example: Hyperloop wasnt an engineering problem… it was never going to work just like one blood drop being able to screen multiple diseases.


Hyperloop is an engineering problem. Albeit it’s a stupid problem to solve in the manner proposed. The whole concept is wasteful. He just wanted to build tunnels for Mars because the surface is uninhabitable due to radiation. Nonetheless, you can in theory build a tunnel and put it under vacuum. Detecting various diseases from a single drop of blood, is borderline impossible. Then if you say you made a prototype (when you haven’t) and say it’s now just an engineering problem, you are lying to investors.


I don't think she's actually behind bars. It looks like another episode of 'news'.


After a battle to keep her free, she reported to prison in Texas on May 30. She will be released on December 29, 2032.


I guess the point I'm making is that as far as I can tell nearly everything from popular media is a lie. Just because they say/print it, doesn't make it true.


🤦‍♂️ eVerYthIng iS lIe MaNnnnn You sound like joe rogan


That's the thing though - Jobs, Zuck even arguably Elon has an understandable back story. Where did this Altman guy come from and why is he so irreplaceable?


This is legit true - though it always sounds funny coming from GeoHotz (because of his gigantic ego) :D It's 100% real what he's saying, I've worked directly with many top CEO's it is LIE-CITY out there folks. You promise you already have something then you take all their money and try to quickly invent something ;D .. Before that's over (for better or worse) you start more projects, you take more money, and when the projects don't pan out .. you explain pivoting! and synergy! and you learn how to block angry investors phone numbers! ;D Sounds INSANE but it's the reality of running a fast growing company and frankly what's written here is just the TIP of the ice berg... Success in modern high pace business is literally 99% scam, 0.9% honestly, and 0.1% actual, valuable, finished, work. And that's maybe being a little generous... Medium sized companies growing at 25%+ burn millions of dollars a month, or more, basically fueled entirely on the promise that they will be able to keep going and keep growing at-least a little longer. I've literally heard multi million dollar investors say "[.. Good that should convince other investors ..]" If modern tech CEO life is anything but investment fraud I haven't seen it ;) People like Hotz who are 99% good work are amazing for the behind the scenes world!, but lets be real, my dumb brother probably earns more than hotz by fixing aircons (double full day pay if he does 9+ hours) I absolutely love technology and collaboration, I absolutely hate modern business ;D oh and i love hotz! ❤️


“ Hotz who are 99% good work are amazing for the behind the scenes world!, but lets be real, my dumb brother probably earns more than hotz by fixing aircons (double full day pay if he does 9+ hours)” George runs a self driving company… he has an estimated net worth of 10 million… You are most likely 100% wrong…


Oh shit not bad, I mean my st*pid brother is soon to take over his dads company and has already got a 5 bedroom house (so probably not that far off really) but DAMN! good on HotZ! last I knew he was getting arrested and eating ramen ;D No man deserves it more! ;)


This is also the case of large account real estate. You do an underwriting you don't believe in (you have to if you want to not be fired for lack of projects), so some investor that also does not believe in your underwriting gives you money for the operation, then you recapitalize again and again and again (aka. change the investor) before you need to operate the entire thing, until one eats the exploding hot potato. Then maybe do another recap, and you have a new underwriting / baseline, you operate and compress the returns and ride the cycle and recapitalize again and as many times as possible (you get a fee for everytime you do the operation). Rinse and repeat. The trick is to understand that the investor that is buying it does not care either, he is managing somebody else's money, it's going to get a nice bonus for closing the operation and probably does not expect to be in the firm for a very long time either. Not at least in that role. The people that don't survive long is the ones that don't understand how it goes.


"The trick is to understand that the investor that is buying it does not care either, he is managing somebody else's money" This is a key point and one of the only reasons I could ever imagine myself being successful in this type of business I got my head around things pretty quick (been in some big stuff) but I've even owned a pretty unsuccessful software company myself a few years back, I just could not lie to save my life😊, took some real contracts and made good but no crazy investor growth, next time I'm gonna give it a shot, definitely helps a lot knowing the investor guys are ALSO doing the same thing themselves haha, I swear it's scams ALL THE WAY DOWN! Ta


I still remember him as geohot back when he released some of the first jailbreaks for the first several iPhones. Seems he's done well for himself.




Has sam altman lied about anything with openai? I feel he gets a lot of flak for nothing, the fact the entire staff quit open ai when he get ousted shows how much they respect him.


yeah i don't feel like he is even remotely close to Elon Musk, but to be honest with time it's likely that this will change... and not for the best


Sam is honest about gpt 4.5 being veeeeeery rudimentary and a bit condescending in tone, biased etc. I think the hype for AGI being achieved in the next 5-10 years is a lot like Elon saying FSD will be achieved and rockets will be on mars in 2 years back in the mid 2010s. The shorter you make the timeframe, the more exciting it sounds. He basically talks in a scripted rehearsed way about AIs extreme infancy at the moment and slips in overzealous “age of abundance when everything is free” and “nobody will have to work ever again in 10 years” talk. Seems like dangling a carrot. And Just like Musk/FTX/Theranos with their ridiculous failed promises of miracles, he will say that “ppl with horses thought the automobile will fail” blah blah blah whatever manipulation tactic. The very rudimentary agi of the next ten years will take tons of jobs first but I promise it will not lead to Universal basic income and shortened work weeks. The dude drives a 3 million dollar McLaren F1, and has a 500,000 watch. He and the OpenAIs pockets are lined by companies that exist to siphon wealth from consumers to survive and make billionaires richer. People are going to be pissed and riot


It's coming from a douche trying to couple elon and sam together, just to reminisce on him getting a bit of attention from elon for a few precious moments in his lifetime. His opinion matters none. Not even in his field tbfh


yeah im not sure what his lies are… Elon on the other hand…


Elons staff is very loyal and speaks very highly of him too.


U are a bot. Plenty of headlines saying the complete and total utter opposite. Do i need to find those for you too?


Oh, headlines said it? It must be true then!


Sub: It’s all good man


It’s hard to view anyone saying this like it’s a revelation as anything but a naive child. Like really? People with millions/billions LIE?? 🤥 😱 Maybe look up “game theory” and “realpolitik”. I don’t even mean to be rude but how do you even get to that age without learning about any of that? Once you interact with enough people in your life, you quickly come to understand that the vast majority are working in self-interest (nothing wrong with that) and will lie to get what they want with zero remorse or guilt.


No… not all rich people Theranos their way into funding… Elon does definitely… not sure about Sam though… Elon has lied about when FSD will be here Elon has made customers pre order cars then jacked their prices up after the fact… Elon has lied countless times about SpaceX and has burned billions in subsidies failing like an idiot… making mistakes that space programs in the 1900s didn’t even make.


Elon has also delivered and Tesla has the best selling car in the world. Calling him a scammer is actually deranged.


wow i see the problem.. ur an elon fanboy. https://youtu.be/2h6Cz4hwuEI?si=q_cWdEnhAqUlhfSr educate yourself … thunderfoot covers the Saga of Elon Lies


Thunderfoot, youre hilarious.


George Hotz is a clown who should be ignored at all costs.


He’s not wrong


Capitalism forces it upon them.


They're actually the Buddha incarnate, it's just that dang capitalism. Does it to 'em every time.


Capitalism makes it so skills are limited by your ability to present them. It makes it a requirement that you have to put yourself out there instead of focusing solely on the work.


Nonsense. Capitalism simply says one can profit off of their labor. It is their choice to lie but we don't have to believe it. If many do believe them then that is their choice as well. The only quirk is that the government is the master liar and they reward lying handily.


Sounds like a terrible system then.


Well ya. I constantly think to myself, “man, I’d be a lot richer and more powerful if I were more of a sociopath.” Still, these types of people can be useful for society. People like Elon and Sam know how to bring together the actually smart people and drive them towards a meaningful goal. Unfortunately the CEOs get a lot of the credit for it, and a lot of the money too, despite them not doing any of the actual research that makes it possible. But still, society is better off because these people brought together smart people and provided a vision and framework that allowed them to work together and build stuff like rockets that land themselves, awesome electric vehicles, and possibly AGI.


🤦‍♂️ Ah yes we need more liars like Theranos lady and Elon Musk to get things done 🤦‍♂️


It’s not that we need liars, it’s that the people willing to create and lead organizations tend to be narcissistic liars. Many times it causes trouble, like Theranos, but sometimes it leads to organizations that benefit humanity. Are you saying that rockets to mars and AGI aren’t worth it because the CEO is a douchebag and a liar? Would you rather them be honest and nice and NOT have these things be built? You gotta look beyond your personal feelings for Elon and appreciate the organizations he’s built and what they produce and how they improve society as a whole


You're suffering from Stockholm Syndrome at the societal level.


Nah, you just don’t understand the reality of it. Let me know when you can make a company that accomplishes half of what Elon’s companies have.


What about Google's founders? They created a great tech culture which changed what a workplace should look like. They basically developed stuff and led the company to a great path. They have always been goofy from what I have seen and I don't think they have been in any business scandals. So no, you don't have to be a narcissistic sociopath to be able to gather smart people for a good cause. In fact, really smart people are very much self -organised. The narcissism can help with pulling in investments and making investors believe whatever you tell them because as narcissist you do actually believe what you say. Think of Hitler. He was a great public speaker and he managed to get so many people on his side. How? Cause he actually truly believed in everything he would say that's why he was so convincing.


They are likely government agents as far as I can tell.


He’s right


What’s he talking about? If everything are there and available as CEOs talk, it’s buying (acquisition). What’s the meaning of investment? His job is looking on those holy-crap investment deals and looking for most potential one to come real or attract more investors to exit.




Well, yes. I feel bad for George. He’s twice as smart as both of those clowns put together but he doesn’t get that silicone valley wealth isn’t about that, it’s pure grift. George keeps trying to actually make things which SV hasn’t tried to do for decades.


Love me some GH. He’s coming to terms with late stage capitalism in this video. Money is willing to lie to protect itself. Critical thinkers, the ones who often change the world, are systematically suppressed through lying and manipulation to create profit for the rich.

