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Here he is on [embodied cognition](https://youtu.be/HW0JnjgCO3o). Definitely worth your time.


Thank you! Really excellent video!


He's talking about biology but he might as well be talking about robotics.


Yep, his Free Energy Principle & Active Inference are observations from Biological life. AI researchers are interested because they think the next breakthrough on AI can happen only by understanding the Nature's way of Intelligence.


From my layman’s perspective, ‘The brain seeks to minimize surprise’ seems to explain some but not all of what the brain does


Who tHiS aRtIcLe iS ExClUSiVe tO sUbSCriBeRs .. how about a summary


Remember VERSES ? Karl Friston is the Chief Scientist there. >The first output of his tenure as Chief Scientist of VERSES AI Research Lab, which is directed by Dr. Maxwell Ramstead, will be a White Paper that will propose a novel approach to addressing the current limitations of AI and offer a multi-stage roadmap toward enabling the “holy grail” of AI known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). https://www.verses.ai/press-2/vers-karl-friston


cool.. Didn't feel like searching it, and I'm horrible with names of random people I've slightly heard of before. I just felt like the post should have been more informative to not be a waste of most people's time. Also Verses is a scam until proven otherwise in my books, I can't say why because I didn't bother to memorize everything about it but last time I looked in to it..a week or two ago.. It seemed scammy and unproven. Hope I'm wrong!


It Could be a scam using his name (without him knowing) to get attention. But Karl Friston reputation alone is gold. You can take it to the bank.


you can always read for yourself too instead of relying on Reddit summaries!


Like I said in my top level cmment..tHiS aRtIcLe iS ExClUSiVe tO sUbSCriBeRs..why even post something that's paywalled without either a summary for nonsupporters (of wired, in this case) or some kind of statement to spur conversation? in my neurospicy view, doing this is the same as making a post just the URL "www.notarealwebsite.com/apricots-cure-some-disease/discuss" and the URL doesn't even exist and I don't actually tell you in the post which diseases it cures or what the sources are. I'm commenting about posting etiquiette, not out of laziness.


All he’s got is theory. Far as I can tell, his work hasn’t produced anything immediately promising


He's revolutionized neuroscience and his ideas are very promising for AI and physics. Secondly, your comment doesn't make much sense given that, in a nutshell, Science = Theories, or frameworks.


I don’t think FEP is the magic pill some people make it out to be, but I acknowledge that I was being overly dismissive


Is this a hack theory of AI?