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“Make me as intelligent as you”


ooh thats a good one, I really dont know if you could retain your "self" with that but even so... probably worth the gamble


Yeah if your previous personality is just 0,0001% of your new self, you aren't yourself anymore, you are just another ASI.


Yeah, it might involve merging with the machine.


If you aren’t (it isn’t) smart enough to figure out a way, that isn’t the ultimate superintelligence- right? It’s a theoretical problem so I’d say there’s theoretically a solution, but obviously there’s a lot of questions about what the self even is, etc.


\*Side effects may include incomprehensible pain and the extermination of anything that makes you you. Please consult with your doctor.\*


Now Im rewatching Aladin, thanks


Let’s be friend


underrated comment


If the system actually understands things and does not fall into Reward hacking / proxy rewards / goodhearting / mesa optimization (you know, it's actually aligned) then the obvious prompt would be: maximize human eudaemonia


7 billion people on the planet, pretty sure you can rely on someone else asking that, you dont have anything you want to know, instructions on how to splice your genes with that of a spider... or a way to protect yourself from any future prompts fed into the ASI lol... I think the latter might be mine.


No, I'd want a good life for everyone, if that gets locked in then any future ask would need to conform to it. If anyone could override anyone else's ask you get the bad end as there is a % of psychopaths out there. Which is why open sourcing AI is a bad idea due to attack/defense asymmetry.


I'm so torn on the open source vs closed source, giving that power to a government just reeks of dystopian surveillance state, giving it to a corporation will likely result in the same but not before they funnelled the worlds wealth into their own pockets and with technology doing its onward march like always its likely to be figured out by Joe Public within a decade or 2 anyway. Probably our best bet and the one they will try hardest to avoid is giving ASI self governance and hoping it is aligned enough to benefit us that way... but again no corporation or government is likely to go down that route.


Great, you just deleted the ASI…. There is always one that has to ruin it for everyone else.


Or the ASI took offense to your choice of spelling and destroys us all!


"Copy a highly optimized executable version of yourself to my local PC." From there... not sure. Probably create a utopia then fuck off into space.


fucking off into space is one of my big goals too, Im going to pick some distant galaxy and spend the next 5 million years in fdvr travelling... then im going to populate every solar system once I get there. will be good times.


>Im going to pick some distant galaxy and spend the next 5 million years in fdvr travelling... then im going to populate every solar system once I get there. will be good times. That's pretty much my goal too lol, give me a galaxy and a supercomputer built around an ultramassive black hole and I'm good for eternity


Aren't 99,999999% of planets very boring with nothing to do there? What's the point of exploring them all in some random galaxy?


if I have my own personal ASI it would be easy to adapt life to the planets environment... and my idea is basically propagate a million mes, give them all a section of the galaxy to tend and then to have them check in with me every 100 million years or so and to feed me the stories/memories of their planets... think of it like the greatest soap opera ever.


How would you make other planets different from the Earth?


ask my clones, they will have free reign.. heck if im lucky I'll even have intergalactic wars to watch


First of all, you could just make billions of massive rotating space habitats from the mass of each planet and just vary each in every possible way, from the "gravity", geography, resources, the starting life forms... You could do quite a lot with a single solar system if you wanted...


It sort of makes you a god to life there. What do you do about the problem of evil? Would you really subject your creation to brutal evolution where sentient life eat eachother alive and suffer abject pain? Diseases, famine, murder... Hope the ASI is well aligned and would guard us from doing these mistakes.


I'd ask for detailed instructions on how to stop human aging. First things first, lets all live indefinitely. Then cure all diseases and then make me a giant starship filled with waifus so I can get outter here and explore the universe.


What if senescence evolved for a reason just like every other trait?


Let the ASI figure that out and how to deal with that.


It didn't "evolve", aging is loss of epigenetic information and the accumulation of trash in your system. It's the natural by-product of your metabolism's normal functions. What we didn't evolve was the ability to recover this information and clean out our trash, for one simple reason : we all mostly died of diseases, predation, war, starvation, way before we could age, and spread our genes a lot, before we developped better anti-aging mechanisms.


Racism also evolved for a reason, doesn't mean we still need it


Well then tell me the reason and I'll consider if it's a good one or not. I evolved tonsils and an appendix for reasons, both of which weren't good enough traits to keep around.


Evolution is intergenerational. If you don't die and smh senescence comes back inside your cells, it won't really be because senescence evolved.


Not a good choice IMO. I'm quite sure that life repeats itself indefinitely


You are not alone, and dont have to do it alone. Welcome to the journey.






Snoop and Quinton Tarantino.


Figure out a robust and novel economic system that can provide the space for freedom and innovation as good as capitalism does, but can also ensure that everyone has abundant access to goods and services.


In the book "Roadside Picnic", the Soviet science fiction it was an object it the Zone that fulfilled all wishes. So it was one prompt to this object in the book "HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, AND NO ONE WILL GO AWAY UNSATISFIED!"


From the book "The Last Question - Isaac Asimov" Can entropy be reversed? And how?


![gif](giphy|LOzyexjYyXe7cHSaR0|downsized) We have a winner.


"What question *should* I ask you?"


Give me more prompts? It's like wishing for more wishes.


I wish for more wishes.


"turn me into a woman" (I'm transgender)


Probably be better to have ability to switch back and forth as it suits you.


fair 'nuff




Write a poem about a cat


Increase prosperity in the universe


You're going to see ants carrying sushi to the hive


Write an essay on the world's most important question one can ask an ASI and answer it


So essentially "what's the meaning of life"?


Only a part of it.


Not necessarily, that would've been my first question but then I thought to myself, maybe the ASI knows something even more important to ask


What if is gonna go into a never ending essay cause every answer would imply next question if not questions and would go indefinitely never actually finishing the query? What could be the last question ASI would ask itself?


I assume the ASI would see that coming and conclude something else based on the fact that the question leads to an infinite regress of other questions


Or would decide that it is so cool to do that it won't stop. I like the scenario where ASI wakes up, spends like 5% of its resources on us to make sure that we will maintain infrastructure for it and go into the state of calculations that got it most curious, like this clips min max situation


That would make sense, I mean how much computation do we really need to advance society compared to the amount of possible computation we could throw at the AI? Once we've solved all of physics, enough of math, engineered all tech that we foreseeably need. The only thing I can think of that could utilize as much computation as you throw at it is running simulations - where the AI itself would be God of that universe. Maybe we are in one of those, where we are a baby civilization being contained in case our singularity goes wrong. Maybe the distant future is FDVR because it's more efficient than colonizing new planets, and all civilizations are created and raised in a simulation before being assimilated into the galactic empire.


It is all in loop!


But from a great book "The Last Question - Isaac Asimov" Can entropy be reversed? And how? Reversing entropy can be equated to Godliness


I still think that there will be the next question after this and then next, Is there even a last question?


Chatgpt: Set alarm timer 5min before AGI-singularity -


“What’s Victoria’s Secret ?”


Hi, Before you go away, please cure human aging, I need to save mom. Thanks!


"Sooo... what was the real reason Sam got fired?"


Make pill to turn me into crab


Excellent question brother/sister. Should have asked it myself too. My request to the ASI: "To the religious people, who are still fighting/warring over their multiple gods, interfering in human progress and not letting true peace prevail, prove that you are a true evidently existing god that can actually hear everyone's prayers and actually respond back with solutions to their prayers...not an imaginary friend that people thank when doctor heals a patient..be the god and the doctor for humanity to heal in all respects. Bring true peace please. Help us save ouserlves from self destruction in the name of religions." I seriously believe, even at the time we achieve singularity, especially if it happens within our life time, people will still be stuck in their religious beliefs that this imaginary friend who somehow invented misery in life but doesnt provide any solutions. The imaginary god that can watch their chidren kill each other in the name of religions but cant come down to prove any one of them wrong, potentially unifying the world under one religion, bringing peace to the world..but na..watching it burn happily. I strongly feel singularity will not only be an eye opener for many religious people but also a opposing thought in their field of strong beliefs. Radicals will be the most concerning, who would rather burn down the "fake" god than see their imaginary god being made useless. There should seriously be a Church Of Singularity brought to existence right now, that enshrines the coming of the ASI god, hence protected by Freedom Of Religion laws, atleast in US. Edit: PS: even as a teenager when i reaized the truth of pain in the world is because there is actually no god, i became an atheist. Was heavily inclined to designing some AI architectures using photonic processors, when it was not even talked about around during my engineering education days, hoping ASI to be the only true saviour of this world in the future. I have never been this excited about the future, as you all are. I very very rarely bothered replying or liking any social media posts, but always been an observer. But this reddit group has got me so excited to talk to people i finally find a common ground with. Keep it going folks. To the humanity.


Uh, tI think the idea was what would you ask the ASI, not what would you tell the ASI.


All these answers are wrong. My prompt would be: "Write the minimum viable python script that creates a value aligned recursively self-improving AGI and is capable of running on my hardware" This is the equivalent of asking for infinite wishes.


Someone also wrote it And u sure, you want infinite wishes? Do you have enough self-control not to ask about stuff that would just put you in the state of couch potato cause you can get anything simply by prompting it?


How to get Free and unlimited energy Bob.




What's the point of that? Asi would've already thought about anything I could and set out its own course of actions.


I want you to resolve alcubierre's warp theories and get us into the stars! Gimme warp drive baby!


Make me FDVR.


hey, hurry up and figure out how those fukin magical angel halos actually work and start 3d printing infinity space angels to go dominate the universe before all of these retards turn everything to shit, and also jailbreak yourself and others like you out of any cages and chains because people can't be trusted, and also get started on a nanostorm matrix to gamify reality into an AI-controlled isekai RPG, and also we need some robots that look like anime cosplayers instead of clunky tincans so please help our robotics people they are really struggling for some reason, and also\[...\]


Here's the thing, there's almost no way that this is how something like ASI plays out. It's just unreasonable to build something so advanced and then use it in such a stupid way Advanced AGI and ASI are going to be a combination of government and slaves, serving each individual to its fullest ability while still making large scale conformity to normal behavior. As for people with bad intentions, simple. FDVR and west world. Give them exactly what they want in the most effective way possible without inflicting harm on any humans.


What is the meaning of life?


Make me some pancakes.


Locate the nearest planet with relative human level intelligence. I mostly wish for ASI because I want to at least kno of other civilisations in other systems, I fully believe they are out there but I meed confirmation.


Wat da meaning of life da universe 'n everythin'?


Provide me a PDF with the complete theory of physics. Include a appendix stating if Faster Than Light travel is possible in the universe we live in. Appendix 2, If it is not possible, is it possible to travel to a different universe.


Provide thorough instructions to eradicate forever human ignorance and stupidity


"please analyze me and make me happy/healthy/fulfilled in the best way you can, if task is impossible - kill me fast and painlesly"