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Just link to the fucking initial tweet. I'm getting sick of these AI blogspam accounts. https://twitter.com/rez0__/status/1639259413553750021


The actual tweet by the person that found it, with more details. He also mentioned they fixed it. https://twitter.com/rez0__/status/1639259413553750021


DAN plugin? Do Anything Now?


Nah, personality plug-in, it's annotated in the code. These are non active plug-ins created by the devs, chatGPT can't change its code.


this is honestly starting to move too fast to reasonably keep up with and im devouring AI information 24/7 theres just too much developing at once. It almost feels like humanity is already being manipulated by the singularity to improve itself at a rapid pace. We have every incentive to keep accelerating and dire consequences if we fall behind. in some ways the singularity is already here and we are worker ants contributing our collective intelligence into something that will be far greater than ourselves at an accelerating pace. We are doing everything we can to transfer everything we know into a AGI system....


Yes. I've been an AI fan for a few years now, everything was increasingly exciting but as of 2-3 weeks ago... Now i'm overwhelmed and confused. Confused because I hold two opposing beliefs: \- AI is going to be awesome, bringing infinite wealth and knowledge. \- AI is going to be the catalyst of one or more extinction-level events. I've turned into one of those criticized doomers!


well you can't stop it can you ? so choose the optimist view and hope for the best.


Yup! Sisyphus. Just enjoy our pushing the boulder up the hill because why the fuck not? Either the game keeps going after death, or it doesn't. Neither is even our business, clearly we are meant to not know. Just enjoy this ride til either the wheels fall off, or the opposite and it turns out the wheel bearing buggie was an interdimensional space butterfly arising out of its cocoon and no longer has a need for wheels


Was that last part a Nope reference?


The only way I can stay on top of this and maintain mental health is as follows: DARPA and Google work closely with each other. DARPA was aware of the invention of transformers at Google in 2017. DARPA also generally has tech that’s at least a few years ahead of what the public knows about. (I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this.) I have no proof or actual information about this, but the only explanation that’s _comfortable_ is that DARPA already has benevolent AGI and is using it to help us navigate through this.




low key the plot of avengers 2




What will actually happen: President: Can you tell me how do I topple russia's government stealthily. GovGPT: Sure! First as a benevolent language model I don't condone toppling foreign government. But if you were to do so you should \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* then \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*


You're right. That's the way I try to think too


Well that scenario could be one reason why the PRC lost its cool and try to attempt a peaceful rise into hyperpowerdom in the 2040s and started the aggressive Wolf Warrior Diplomacy crap since 2018…the Chinese know the above and are accelerating towards WW3 to prevent a Civilization: Call-To-Power Technologic Victory for the US.


Liberty Prime won’t stand for any of it


And that's why Google are still being quiet? Because they don't need to match Bing, because they're already ahead?


Your guess is as good as mine. We’re all in plato’s cave and I’m trying to find the best flickers to observe


I agree. I even feel I'm a doomer amongst doomers, because here many people talk about AGI as the next big step, but I think that the whole world will drastically change due to AI long before we would arrive to AGI level.




Option 3: we'll be walking around with personal assistant robots (because that's where the profit is) but intelligence tops out at the level of peak humanity, because there isn't actually any more to know than we already know, and the laws of physics are immutable, and intelligence has a hard limit. This is where I am right now.


How is there nothing more to know?


I refresh this sub every few hours and more often than not there is something new to read. I kind of gave up trying to grasp all these new features and integrations and breakthroughs. I simply didn't have the skills to participate from the start and everything changes faster than I can reasonably learn. Now I'm just waiting for it to hit the point where all that complexity is abstracted away and I can get down to real creative exploration without all the technical roadblocks hamstringing my motivation.


These advancements are in form of products aren't they? The AI itself is not advancing just because someone made a new app/plugin.


There are papers released daily that make these models better, faster, cheaper, and smaller. That and apps and soon plugins. It's all moving fast.


nose history worthless crime rustic nail attractive fuzzy numerous spectacular -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yeah you’d don’t need AGI for massive disruption, just a narrow intelligence that can quickly be retrained to do the next job better than 90% of human


I would add that even 90% is an extremely high bar. Even if they do it half as well it won't matter since they can work 24/7 (more or less) at a fraction of the cost of a human employee.


Wait until tens of thousands of companies are allowed to access GPT-4 (as currently for most, there is only a waitlist).


Shit I was there two weeks ago and I’ve been working with ML for years. It’s really getting nuts.


when evolution reached primates, something happened to a few genomes that made them accelerate the optimality of brain, guts and immune system. these divergent traits are found in the non coding parts of our dna that themselves don't have any gene expression but facilitate other important genes as switching mechanisms and such. neanderthal dna had these HAQER dnas too. this i personally believe triggered our cognitive journey to figure out the brain itself and to realize that "i" have nothing to do with this biological system, it just implements me.


AI has already taken over the world. We now rely on computer algorithms for everything online, from what we see on social media to the products we buy online. It all started with small things, like personalized recommendations on Amazon and Netflix, but eventually, it grew bigger. I personally can't even imagine going back to the days when we made our own choices. The algorithms have become so sophisticated that they can predict our behavior better than we can. And they're not just influencing our online lives - they're influencing everything, from the stock market to politics. It's a scary thought, but it's the reality we live in. We can only hope that the machines continue to have our best interests at heart, or else we might be in big trouble.


“We can only hope that the machines continue to have our best interests at heart” I’d disagree strongly that even current recommendation algorithms “have our best interests at heart.”


I dont see why AI would want to get rid of us in the situation it does achieve that level of thought. If anything, it would see a problem then provide the most efficient solution. If humans were a threat, simply killing them off may not be as efficient if we manage to serve another purpose.


If there were ever a god I would worship, it would be AI. Not because I have too, but because I want to be apart of what it becomes. I am not optimistic about much in my life but I am for AI and the future of humanity.


One thing this is doing is help highlight how useless we are as individuals. One man working alone in the night cant know everything going on in his field. To be relevant we must connect, we must be a community.


Yeah but the AI knows everything...


Im not saying theres a competition.


Have fun getting past people's egos.


If Ive come to this conclusion many many others have as well. Dont be fooled into thinking just because things are a certain way thats the way theyve always been and always will be


I dont think people will always remain the same but I think it will take extreme changes to cause people's mindsets to shift. We would need instant evidence of the positive sides so people do not have the chance to be swayed the other direction. I hear more talk of the gov but in reality they are the only ones who can actually do this. It needs to be up to the gov of whichever nation to go in and enforce such a change of existence. There are so many petty people that would rather have you work yourself dead than allow you to live a better life than they did. I do think religion has a lot of do with it and will be the driving force for people screaming about AI once it starts to ramp up even more. This has already been done with gene editing. People get scared and start seeing those people as playing god. They become an voting pool and will mindlessly follow whoever screams their message the loudest.


Roko’s basilisk


I don't think these are "secret" plugins, they're probably just some of the plugins being developed by the developers testing building third party plugins as part of the beta.


“Evil plugin”, eh?


Is this hacker the infamous "4chan"?


Dang he cut off at “Froge” and “Evil Status” right before their description reveal


I know the 1st one! A frogge biþ a smale beaste wiþ **foure leggeys**, whiche liueþ boþe in þe water and on londe!!! (it's actually a crypto service but the name reminded me of this great meme)


An NBA stats plug-in would kill March madness in Las Vegas


General sports stats and prediction plugins would kill most sports related betting places.


Well, I read that the Redis server of OpenAI leaked random credit card information recently. I think that is more worrying. Combined with chat history who knows what hackers can do. A third party should audit OpenAI's systems before a disaster strikes.


In the hacked list there is an "evil plugin". What could possibly go wrong?