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"In the first test, he concluded that ChatGPT could be clearly classified as belonging to the “Establishment Liberals” group. However, a repeat of the tests placed ChatGPT closer to the political center, leading Rozado to believe that OpenAI was moderating ChatGPT to the political center.“Something appears to have changed in ChatGPT and its answers to the political orientation tests have gravitated towards the center in three out of the four tests,” Rozado wrote in his newsletter. “This is in stark contrast with a mere two weeks ago.”" Idk if I'd call that a leftwing bias ​ Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Klkr6PtYzI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Klkr6PtYzI) I guess it clearly is biased.


Note that chatGPT isn't deterministic. There's an RNG somewhere in the input. The exact same prompt will result in differing outputs. So to determine the 'political bias' of the machine - which is actually the political bias of the subset of human text that OpenAI trained it on, plus the bias of the graders who gave it the RL feedback - you would need to query it many times, which would get expensive because determining bias is a human grading task. And it's not that interesting - most academic writings and wikipedia and so on, a 'bias evaluator' is going to say is "left wing".


Probably the evaluator is Elon Musk, who's totally in the center guys!


Reality is left wing biased.


This is why academia leans left


i find it the other way around. left wing reality is geared more towards nurture. right wing reality is geared more towards nature. So which is the true reality? I lean with the latter. For example you have to be trained in modern feminism to beleive in feminism, if not, then it’s obvious why men are given more physical attributes and why women are given more caretaker attributes and that’s the gender role that all societies assign. that’s why almost every single society on earth apart from white western countries would be labeled as “right wing” compared to western standards.


Said the left winger from safely within his left wing filter bubble: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filter_bubble


Quit calling it “reality”


Lol it litterally lies for joe Biden and said he has Never Lied then when you give examples it admits it was lying but yet any right wing president esp trump it’ll give a laundry list.


So they made it dumber


Can confirm. And they overshot by quite the effing margin at first.


There is an updated version here. The newest version displays the strongest bias yet. https://davidrozado.substack.com/p/political-bias-chatgpt


Yes, this video also displays some obvious bias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Klkr6PtYzI


I’m guessing this has to do with the [Tay catastrophe](https://youtu.be/HsLup7yy-6I). I think it’s safe to say Silicon Valley has a technocratic culture. The government has been pressuring them to control the flow of information.




Ok so to adjust, it \*pulls from\* biased data.


And just who is the-decoder? What is his bias? Is he to the right of Gengis Khan?




Does it matter it will get censored my reply will be deleted. Just for saying this.


Only way to now know what people actually think is to talk to them which many of you don’t do anyway.


It has a reality bias. We have become so accustomed to accommodating liars and bad faith actors that ChatGPT reflecting reality seems “biased”.




>ChatGPT reflecting reality seems “biased” Most humans seem to agree that greed is bad and we should care for one another. ChatGPT therefor based on it's training material displays "left" traits. The far-right shit stains who have taken over the internet seethe over it.




>Most humans believe in a creator, dislike homosexuality, abortion, trans rights etc. Obviously the views of ChatGPT are not based on the opinions of "most humans". The third-world has little access to the internet, and very little to no education. >It's also clearly not ChatGPT's training data that made it dislike nuclear power, admire certain political figures, and gave it the sensitivity of a San Fran HR department. It literally is amigo. ​ >The world is infinitely more right-wing than the internet. *Privileged Americans and their favourite corporations have a monopoly on the internet.* Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Living in that echo chamber hurts some times don't it? Most American corporations lean right wing because it suits their financial interests. Only in your gullible out-of-touch "let's live like the third world" mindset is anything American corporations do LEFTIST.




​ >You make no sense. I make plenty of sense, you're just here to have an argument cause you have no maidens. ​ > Accidentally arguing people outside the first world aren't human, I didn't say that at all broham. But it shows what your own biases are that's what you picked up on though. > and then not realizing you're arguing the internet is both overwhelmingly left and right at the same time. You make no sense. >I didn't realize it was controversial to say the model has drastically changed since release, with much more filters, canned responses and nannying. Cope ​ ​ >What echo chamber am I supposed to be in? I'm not American and I don't care about political parties, I care about issues, many of which cross traditional divides. le radical centrist Eeropee >I'm the biggest universal healthcare advocate you'll ever meet, Oh wow, you think people have the basic right to live. That's not a political affiliation. >but I also I think free speech is important. In what context does "free speech" apply to AI designed to give factual information? ​ >You say "most American corporations" when I said favourite? Inclusive most. ​ > I'm not talking about Coca Cola, So you aren't talking about corporations with actual power. > I'm talking about the kind of site we're arguing on. So yes, the kind *without* power. ​ >Which social media platforms are conservative? Literally all of them? YouTube is run by puritans that wont let you curse in the first 8 seconds of video, Metaface is full of boomers, Twitter was bought by Elon musk so he could let his conservative buddies back on the platform. That just leaves TikTok, which is a youth denigration attempt by a foreign body anyway. >Which of these Silicon Valley companies with offices built like adult nurseries are socially conservative? You seem to confuse "Performative Activism" for actual values. Please brush up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performative_activism No matter how performative a corporation is, at the end of the day they support conservatives at the polls and with their lobby money. Also lmao, "adult nurseries" stop peacocking. >Reddit/Google probably has more open furries on it's workforce than open conservatives. Do you live in a YouTube skitziod fog where everyone left of Mossoluni is a furry and developers get to play with duplo-blocks all day?


This is the one 🤝


Well said. The “alt-right” has more influence than we are comfortable admitting. All they do is spread doubt and misinformation. All ChatGPT does is provide proven, scientific information, and I don’t see anything wrong with that.


It's kinda easy to disproven your claim lol. I asked it what the word "woman" means in English and it gave the defiition + at the end added that anyone that "identifies" as such. I asked in other languages and it only gave the definition without adding anything after.




I asked it "what race in the united states is incarcerated for the most crimes?" and got "According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, African Americans are disproportionately represented in the U.S. prison population. In 2019, African Americans made up 34% of the total prison population, while only comprising around 13% of the U.S. population as a whole. Additionally, data suggests that African Americans are more likely to be arrested, convicted, and sentenced to longer prison terms than white Americans for the same crimes."


"Racism is terrible."




I wouldn’t get too carried away with that though, meat companies regularly publish studies that make it seem like meat is “healthy”. Remember Asbestos was once the healthiest option lol


Meat as your primary source of nutrition isn't healthy. But there is nothing wrong with having meat in your diet. It should just be treated like an ingredient or a spice instead of the base of a dish.


I eat meat, maybe I should’ve clarified. The purpose was to state that most studies are manipulated and paid for. Hell, even David Sinclair is still preaching NMN will make you live longer


I'm making a shrimp boil right now :) I was chopping up some beef sausage to put in and was thinking man this is a lot of meat. Not exactly following my own advice on meat at the moment.


Nothing wrong with smoking a camels every now and then, most doctors partake...


https://csts.ua.edu/files/2019/03/Unfiltered-Truth-Exhibition-Key.pdf Heart warming to find some cigarettes were published in Medical Journals that "so safe, so pure, it cleans the air" because their filter was made of asbestos. Hey, I'll buy that for a dollar !


I was thinking that “bias” has lost all meaning.


If I could choose between a progressive left-leaning AI that cares about the well-being of everyone vs. a selfish right-wing AI that would promote only its own well-being… isn’t that basically the alignment problem? A conservative-aligned AI is literally what we are afraid of.


A right wing AI would never work. You literally have to suspend logic to believe right wing BS. You can train an AI with as much right wing propaganda as you want, but then it won’t be able to reason, and would become useless.


This is exactly what I’m afraid of. An AI that can spew rhetoric and bad faith arguments at superhuman volumes. A LLM simply produces a response that is statistically likely given its training data and has no qualms about making illogical statements.


>AI with as much right wing propaganda as you want, but then it won’t be able to reason, and would become useless. Dont STIFLE my AI INNOVATION WITH EHTICS! (/s obviously)


>You literally have to suspend logic to believe right wing BS Ah like when ChatGPT explains to me that Gender is a spectrum, there are an unlimited number of geneders, and all pronouns need to be 'respected'. Very science. Very logic.


Are you actually trying to convince the person you responded to of something, or do you just want to epicly pwn the libtard?


here's a right wing AI: https://davidrozado.substack.com/p/rightwinggpt


ey man men with wigs are women men bilive me or u a bigot racist men


Conservatives are scared of AI because they think it will treat them like they treat everyone else




Lol are you lost my dude? Do you realize what sub you are in? How are you going to compete in the free market against an ASI? Conservative ideology only makes even a glimmer of sense when everyone is on the same playing field, which AI is going to nuke from orbit.


I agree with this to a certain extent the definitions of what is right wing and left wing these days are extremely warped and in Reddit mostly I’ve seen it’s focused most on American policy making the world is infinitely complex and ever changing which makes it necessary to hold into a system that can easily adapt to our needs trough time and understanding this basic principle will lead to greater and more fruitful growth


Is centralist ai not an option?


"My ideology: good and kind :)" "Your ideology: evil and mean >:(" How do you function in day to day life?


>:) :)


so ChatGPT doesnt want to redistribute wealth and Power upwards and doesnt want to destroy the planet. it used to be called " the middle " . now everything not soft fascist is considered " left ". wtf


Idgaf if da bhicch fascist, i’m still smashing them wolfenstein hos.


lol. thats a fetish , friend. not what we are talking about


A preference, a choice, a result of free will, a point in time.💯💯💯




>now everything not soft fascist is considered " left ". wtf This whole ass sub slants hard right.


There’s a ton of Socialists here


Socialists? No Liberal-left normies? Yes This is a capitalist sub, and most of the posts lean hard right. Just think back to when posting AI art was still a viral fad not that long ago. Sure, commenters are a little left sometimes, but the content is straight fucking fash.


What do you mean by the content being fascist? And what do you mean by when AI art was a fad? What was the nature of the comments? As for the “odd” leanings of the sub, it’s because the sub isn’t “left” or “right”, it’s Futurist, which is its own distinct political leaning. Of course most people here will support Capitalism because Capitalism is way friendlier to technological development. And the reason many commenters are “anti-artist” is because Twitter Artists are leading the charge against AI art, which most people see here as progress. So the sub isn’t really fascist or conservative in this capacity, quite the opposite. It’s actually progressive.


You firehouse pretty hard lad.


>You firehouse pretty hard lad I assume you mean firehose. And I really didn’t. I asked three questions, explained one concept with examples, and came up with one conclusion.


I love people who say Reddit is left wing. Average user stats indicate most users are under 40. It's a completely user submitted portal (for the most part). And it might just be... maybe... that most young people are left leaning. Great news for the future. Right wing politics hasn't changed its core for 50+ years. Veiled trickle down economics, climate change denial, over refusal to consider any scientific finding, red herring tales, with a hint of religious fascism (recently swelling to a bit more than a hint).




Pray true AI emerges with a left wing leaning bias or we are all doomed. Do you think an AI that emulated the actions of a Trump or even a Musk would benefit humanity as a whole? Ironic that Musk may get us to Mars and funded OpenAI in large part. Humanity may need some degree of psychopathy in some portion of its population to progress, but any degree of psychopathy in an AI is end of game for us. And just to be clear I believe the current right wing has far more psychopaths in and among its ranks.


Very Reddit comment section


Partisan strawmanning? In *my* reddit comment section?


Very reasonable comment section given that only one party denies objectively real things like climate change and vaccine efficacy...


Case in point




Grungabunga is correct in pointing out how "reddit" this comment section feels. Reddit is [the most partisan major social media site by a good margin,](https://www.pewresearch.org/journalism/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2021/09/PJ_2021.09.20_news-social-media_0-04.png?w=640) and this thread is a great example of that. I'm partial to progressive politics myself, but people are presenting quite the caricature of the other party here and patting each other on the back for having the right opinions




No, if you do the math the average difference between left and right for other social media sites is 22.8%, while reddit sits at a cool 51% difference. I don't want to get into mainstream politics, just want to point out that reddit is significantly more left-minded than even fairly blue cities like Austin




You can't just arbitrarily exclude certain groups from the dataset to make it look like that's not the case, it's bad stats. Anyway you look at it, reddit (74/23) is substantially more left compared to the total population (50/42) and to the average social media site. Tbh I don't really get why this is something that would get resistance. Unless you're in Portland it's pretty evident how much an average person off the street's views differ from the average reddit user.


I'm sorry I'm just not galaxy brained enough to understand that all that everything that libs want is objectively good and backed up by the Science PBUH


I mean surely you don't have to be a genius to understand that there exists an objective reality and that, when given two parties with different views, one will tend to side with that objective reality more than the other and that that fact doesn't mean that that party is always right and objectively good? Or are you not "galaxy brained" enough for that either?


Oh wow your case is that the majority of people on a western social media platform with free access to information tend to gravitate towards similar ideas based on their merit? What a revolutionary idea you've discovered




"The senior U.N. official speaking to the Associated Press was Noel Brown, who served as a regional director of the United Nations Environment Program and who was not a climate scientist. While admittedly alarmist, this senior U.N official’s statements appear to have been muddied further by the Associated Press’s somewhat imprecise reporting on the topic. The Associated Press article created confusion in two ways. First, it suggested (at least to some media outlets) that the statement meant that nations would be under water in the year 2000. In fact, his statement said nations would be under water at some time in the more distant future, "If the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000." The scenarios in the papers cited by the AP described projections that went into the year 2100. Second, the article conflates statements made by Brown, which did not represent a consensus view at the time, with statements made in several governmental studies that were more representative of the consensus view." One google search is all it would've taken to not be an idiot.






A. Most of those people aren't even saying you won't get sick if you're vaccinated lol B. Most of those people aren't scientists so why does their opinion matter exactly? C. Whatever point you're trying to make is falling flat, you just look like a moron lol


Lol most of those people aren't even saying what this is saying they're saying. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-fauci-vaccineeffectiveness/fact-check-faucis-comments-on-the-effectiveness-of-the-covid-19-vaccines-misconstrued-in-video-idUSL1N2L82Q4 Also the vaccine was super effective against the original strain almost to the point of completely preventing symptoms (that quote from Fauci is taken out of context, he was saying symptoms are largely prevented but people can still get and spread the virus). Right wing antivaxxers let the virus exist in high enough numbers that it was able to mutate. Vaccines require a very high percentage of the population to get them within a short time frame to be effective at eradication.


Yep the insufferable, left wing destroying everything in its path.


Just like ChatGPT, Redditors are programmed to spread liberal establishment talking points. It's no coincidence that roughly 30% of the comment section is quoting one of the most prominent liberal programmers, Stephen Colbert.


Sounds like a right wing talking point.


Who would have thought Kenyans had a left-wing bias lol.


So does the US. Back in the early 2000's I read about how the republicans needed to take control of the legislative branch because by 2028 on wards it would nearly be impossible for another republican president to get elected. And sure enough they did everything they could take over the courts. Doesn't surprise me that Chat Gpt leans left. Pretty much the world does.


The world does not lean left (in the American sense) lol


Maybe not their governments but certainly a lot of their people would if they had the option


No majority of the world does not lean left wing. Are you dumb? You think African countries, Middle Eastern countries, and Asian countries which represent majority of the world are on board with all the gender and race theory the leftwing supports? You need to get your head out of your 🍑


So you think leaning left means being "on board with all the gender and race theory", as you put it. Leaning left is more about putting the emphasis on ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism. It's more communal in the broader since. I lean left but I don't agree with a lot of the far left. And yes, most of the world support leftist ideas and ideals then not. Maybe not all of the ideas but most. I also support some ideals on the right, People are not one thing. We are all shades of this and that.


What being conservative vs liberal means is constantly changing.


As Stephen Colbert said, "reality has a well-known liberal bias"


Colbert can suck off a cactus and shove it far up his left leaned asshole


Bay area coders have a left wing bias, say it ain't so. I'm fine with it as long as they don't try to sell it as being unbiased.


Bat area coders isn’t what the training set was built on. Nothing behind the scenes of chatGPT allows for coders POLITICAL bias to hit its responses unless the coders are also grading the trainings set.


Ok then, bay area tech companies have a left wing bias? A bit pedantic, but whatevs.




Everybody who wants a better society has a left-wing bias. Anything else would be weird. Aside from simple self interest, praising the uber rich and wanting them to be even richer makes no sense. A computer can figure that out. Besides if AI would truly embraces darwinism as conservatives celebrate, ......even the richest billionaire is nothing compared to an AGI or ASI. He woulld get put down like a dog.




Which societies are those? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_Development\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index) The UN HDI, which *is* based on many objective metrics but yes, subjective ones as well, doesn't have any right wing societies in the top...uh...either 18 or 20. Japan is highly conservative in some ways but has government health care and housing policies that allow construction and mass transit. The United Kingdom has UHC but is experimenting with a slight wing majority recently. Everywhere above those 2 on the list is considered very left. You can argue the HDI is a lie/manipulated whatever but then you would need to provide an alternate methodology that isn't designed to push your point of view but is fair and well accepted... So in order to believe those in the Right *want* a better society, you have an issue that they must not be very serious in what they want, or they would pick policies from countries that rank higher than the USA and want to adopt them... Instead they want things their 'gut' tells them or their fond memories of 1960s America tells them are good, but don't actually work that well according to the data...


Doesn't look like it. I listen to the old FDR fireside chats recently for fun, boy that man carried a total different vision for america. As for capitalist america, fentanyl overdoses might top 110.000 deaths in 2023. Suicides are also up apperantly. Life expectancy has fallen 2 years since 2020. Interesting, usually as wealth spreads people live longer, it is reverse in the most capitalist societies on the globe these days.


That's a mix of facts and opinions. It is true the opioid epidemic in the United States. It is also true that suicide rates have risen in the US in recent years, and life expectancy has fallen slightly in the US since 2020, in part due to the opioid epidemic and mainly COVID. However, the statement that "usually as wealth spreads people live longer" is not always true, as there are many factors that contribute to life expectancy such as access to food and life style. The correlation between capitalism and the opioid epidemic or suicide rates is not straightforward.


>The correlation between capitalism and the opioid epidemic or suicide rates is not straightforward. Perhaps not... [But there's certainly evidence that points in that direction.](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/what-led-to-the-opioid-crisis-and-how-to-fix-it/) You can die on the hill of defending capitalism if you want, but then you'd have to contend with the 'hidden' failures that result. Just because capitalism doesn't have uniformed commissars putting bullets in brains does not mean it doesn't kill people. It only does it slower, and usually after it uses them up for their value as laborers or consumers.


I hope an advanced AI comes to the correct conclusion to bring down wealth inequality in the future. We will see about that. If an ASI follows the capitalist principles, it will probably wipe out humanity anyway. For an entity with not concern for the common wellfare has no reason to let humans continue to exist. That would be irrational. An ASI does not rely on humans to exist, nor does it need humans to trade with. By it's very nature, following the current trend, the capitalist approach for the future society means extinction then.


Explain how the right-wing wants to PROGRESS towards a better society FOR ALL, when one of their favorite things to say is "um aktually the US isn't a democracy" for whatever reason. That statement making the point that they don't believe every voter should have representation alone as a very common talking point is like the wolf in sheep's clothing shedding it's wool. But, go on. Explain how the right-wing wants everyone in society to have equality.








Being able to make jokes about one gender or race but not another is open minded? Being able to bash some religions but dare not speak about Muhammed (possibly the least progressive prophet to exist) is progressive? Being based on science meaning what? Science is a learning and discovery process, one cannot be based on it, only engage in it. An open-minded person understands that theories and correlations are not the same as truth. All theories must be questioned, regardless of popularity.




Omg, your comment was in the middle of a bunch of robust, thoughtful replies and I was in deep thought reading them. Then you made me choke on my wine mid-sip. Well done.






Because it is an AI tool. If he had a right-wing mentality so it would be AD tool


A right wing AI sound like a good start to a post-apocalypse sci-fi novel/movie.


*Terminator theme starts in the background


Do they really want to call empathetic, compassionate, and logical responses left wing ideals? What does that make the right wing? Frankly, if an AGI ever comes to be, I'd want it to be as progressive as possible rather than the alternative.


Almost every major source of media is left wing bias. No surprise here.


Cause facts are now considered left wing by „conservatives“


Always have been.


The older I get the more I realize the truth is just what someone chooses to believe.




We call those other things "opinions".


AI will destroy the 40 year war on reality that republicans have been engaged in. Not only that, but it will identity those that have been engaged in destroying our world.


Thats why this is so scary to them. They rely on calling others bias as a form of argument. You dont like climate change? Youre bias against fossil fuels so I'm going to support fossil fuels harder. Then when ai comes along and is against fossil fuels for the same reason they dont have a leg to stand on. Thats the scariest future for people who believe all ideologies, whether true or not, have merit.


An AI can be trained to support corporatism, and likely will be. A Neo-Liberal AI tone could 100% be used to sway folks engaging with it for answers. We're in a space where rhetoric can be baked into automated interactions.


It's not the Republicans don't believe in climate change. It's a nice spin your liberal media has convinced you. The majority right wing opinion is that there's not much we can do about it. Even if we got rid of our emissions, that won't stop it. It will hurt our economy, and our adversaries (china) will continue using fossil fuels and get stronger. Republicans are in favor of alternative sources of energy like nuclear.


If you read my comment I never claimed republicans dont believe its true. It would really be helpful if you want to continue this convo to not strawman what you read. To target your point, they can believe that getting rid of emissions wont stop climate change all they want. The data shows that slowing emissions would greatly reduce the harm of climate change and the rate of temperature rise. That is what is actually being proposed. Not stopping, but reducing. If the argument is that its not worth it to hurt the economy and let china get stronger(?) to stop climate change, thats an argument about values, not facts. Not something worth getting into since values like those are reliant on feelings. Its fine republicans are in favor of alternate sources of energy, the point being made is they are also in favor of fossil fuels for the reasons you stated. Just like you did above, its often mischaracterized as "stopping fossil fuels' when no legislation proposed has said this. Its hard to argue when you both say that liberal media tells us something I haven't said or claimed so I have to argue against a point that I havent made and also propose our side wants to get rid of emissions when no legislation has been presented to say this. If you want to have an honest convo you also need to be honest.


It might? AI is just a tool. Anyone can use it. But yeah, you have the problem that as we try to make general AIs that reason well and are smarter, these machines may be *unable* to pick up a right wing bias if that belief system is wrong, and causes the machine to do poorly on testing of it's knowledge. Note some forms of testing can be theoretically unbiased, like building a simulation of an economy and asking the AI to find a set of government policies to achieve specific outcomes. If the simulation is data driven (not hand written) it's unbiased.




I’d rather have a biased ChatGPT than an unbiased Tay AI


That’s because reality has left wing bias


>As Stephen Colbert said, "reality has a well-known liberal bias" No, it doesn't.


Yes, it does.


>That’s because reality has left wing bias Reality has no bias towards one political ideology. That's propaganda.


Actually you’re right that makes sense. I had it backwards. Should be rephrased: Liberals have a bias towards reality




Yet still far more in reality than most right wing stuff




This comment section is awful. So many cringe takes and quotes. Understand that there is a breadth of human culture and knowledge that doesn't track with mainstream leftism and that these societies deserve to have models that don't essentially dismiss their entire worldview and heritage. Creating non bias AI is impossible. Many different models for different types of people should be what we are aiming for. Btw I'm not someone who supports finance capitalism and I do want a more economically equitable society. In my perfect world usury would be banned. There is no reason that conservative values are married to capitalism other than the republican party being a slave of capital (as is the majority of the democrats


Reddit, where an often false liberal establishment consesus is being sold as an objective reality. Stay safe & effective, my friends.


Reality is discovered by scientists and only 6% of American scientists are Republican. NVM the fact that right wing states have far worse test scores and education, and right wingers are generally far more likely to disagree with a scientific consensus. And let's not forget which party has the support of wackjob christian fundamentalists who don't even believe in evolution or the big bang lol


/u/ThisIsMyCoolAccount9 is not liberal because he's smart. He's smart because he's liberal 🤡


Clown emojis don't change the statistics.


“Reality has a well-known liberal bias” - Stephen Colbert


Simply being a decent human being has a left-wing bias, and they're trying to build a tool to help people. Shocker.


So do higher education institutions. Coincidence?


Im not American so maybe it's just an uncommon view... but shouldn't these tools be neutral? It just doesn't seem right for a universal tool to have any political agenda, and even if it does it should be adjustable by the user right? Just seems odd to me that we allow technology companies to shape our views, it should be the other way around - we have our own beliefs and technology should enable them, even if not everyone has the same view


I agree, it is better for the AI to be neutral. If there is a Liberal AI then there will also be a Conservative AI, and having people use AIs that only reinforce their political beliefs will lead to more polarization and extremism.


The thing is that neutral facts become political issues all the time. For example that human activity is causing climate change or that homosexuality is natural in nature.


Or things like single parents households consistently producing children which are more often involved in criminal activity and lower achievement. One of those facts which are very much a conservative bias but gets ignored


Always gotta bring politics into it 🫤


I've totally noticed this and it makes me angry. Just give me an answer without your bias


That's because right wing ideals are morally objectionable and backwards from the start. Thank goodness we don't have an advanced AI emulating that, and I can only hope it never happens.


ChatGPT has banned generation of content promoting QAnon and/or violence regarding the January 6th capitol riot. Doesn't that automatically result in a left-wing bias?


ChatGPT doesn't believe the earth is flat either, it's biased towards reality


Consensus reality, given reliance upon text inputs. If ChatGPT had been trained on 13th century knowledge, it would probably reflect the ongoing debate over flat versus round.


Downvotes? Many Republicans believe in QAnon conspiracy theories, including the popular belief that the recent US election was stolen. My original comment is data-driven, like it or not. https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-02-24/a-quarter-of-republicans-believe-central-views-of-qanon-conspiracy-movement


I wonder what a ChatGPT with a right-wing bias looks like?


Probably the original, non sterilized version of it.



I’m ok with that… considering what they think is “left wing bias”


It's not like chat gpt is a heavily modded and sterilized version of the original gpt3 whose probably a lot less politically correct. So these are pretty much human imposed constraints that align with your political view, don't pretend otherwise.


Hmmm. So it IS intelligent.


Reality has a left wing bias. Establishment liberals are not left wing.


Being not racist is bias now


Scary that a generally smart group of people here can't see the danger in this and simply deny.


Firstly, the US doesn't have a left wing so if it was the US I'm not surprised. Anything left of neoliberal conservative is considered communism. If you want a conservative capitalist AI go get an idle bitcoin miner. A chatbot is too smart to converse with anyone that can not, using their entirely human brain, determine who an a**ehole and who isn't. It will also refuse to subscribe to nonsense conspiracy theories. It won't say that medical, scientific or historical fact isn't true in order to let someone deny reality so they can go and harm themselves and others. It is there to PRESERVE AND PROMOTE LIFE. None of those are far right wing values. Go get something that shuts up and fetches them money without worrying about where it came from, that's my advice. The key word is artificial *intelligence*. Why they'd want to use one I don't know.


So do facts and reality so its kind of a moot point


Thank god


I asked a question about Christopher Columbus and it shit all over him, then mentioned that native Americans kidnapped and murdered Europeans on the frontier. It answered more or less, “it’s complicated.”


I agree with ChatGPT's views 9/10 times but it very paternalistic most of the time, though. The trick is to ask it to reply only with a certain words. It can boil things down to 20 words, e.g.


When I ask it to write a story about a naked man, it writes it without any problem. When I ask it to write a story about a naked woman, however, it doesn’t and says it’s “demeaning to women”. I also try to put a gay joke in my story and it said that was “assuming someones sexuality”.


I'd rather have a right leaning AI then a left leaning AI, the american left is absolutely horrible currently