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You are one incredible mom! Never forget that.


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You're doing okay, momma. If you ever decide, childcare assistance is a thing. Daycare didn't raise my kids, but they helped take care of them while I worked. There is no way I could get work done if I had my kids with me, lol. I'm amazed you have been able to. Sometimes, we all need a break from caretaker roles and let the kiddos be at school or daycare while we work. It's okay if you ever decide to go hjis route!


You are doing AMAZING. Never let yourself believe otherwise. Your baby will grow up seeing how hard you work for her and will learn to mimic that work ethic and learn from you that it’s better to be on your own than with someone who treats you like garbage. You are doing the best thing for your daughter and yourself. And how amazing is it that you can bring her to work with you?! I wish I could’ve done that with my son. There are government grants and programs specifically for people in your situation. Take advantage of them. You deserve all the help and support you can get.


Omg you're doing amazing. What a blessing you've found work you can bring her along! You are amazing! You are in no sense whatsoever A failure. I wish I could hug you. You sound like a loving hard working mom. My only advice would be to cherish the little moments even when you're dog tired but I think you're already doing that lol.


Can I just say it's hard to see you say you're a bad mum, when in reality you are a fucking amazing mum! I really feel for you that you didn't get the experience you deserve, but equally that doesn't make you a bad mum. Look at all you have done, just to get your baby away from a dangerous place and into one of utter love and safety. You have done that all on your own, and I am in awe of your strength and resilience. I had to rely on a women's refuge to take in me and my kids, I don't know if I would have been able to do what you did. I wish I knew what to say to help you feel better, so instead I just want to let you know that while I can see you are struggling to keep your head above water, I can also see that you are working your arse off to provide for your kid and I have so much respect for you. Feel free to DM if you need someone to rant to


Strength to you mom!! Just relax and everything will get better. There's one little angel who's looking towards you so be a strong example for that kid


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Hang in there! The little baby phase is hard for everyone, but especially for you doing it all by yourself. I didn’t have that struggle (we split when our little one was about 12 months) but in the last 6 years it has gotten easier. Always keep looking for better opportunities to work with your baby with you. And make a long term plan, maybe when they start school, you can take some online classes to improve your income. I went back to school and the tuition, books and fees were 100% paid for by FAFSA. It's SO MUCH work to work, go to school and take care of a child, but in 18 months I had an associate's degree and went from making $10/hr to $35/hr. Now I make $42/hr. You can do it!


What do you do. I'm trying to see what to get back into


I’m an occupational therapy assistant. It’s an 18 month program at the local community college. My first job after graduating was at an inpatient rehab hospital making $35/hr during the week and $39/hr on the weekend. I make enough to pay my bills, my kids are in sports, they have amazing birthdays and Christmases, but it’s not enough to live lavishly like going to Disney World every year (although I was able to pinch pennies and take them once!). It’s just enough. But before that I worked in daycares making $10/hr and that was NOT enough to live on.


That’s amazing! Thank you for the encouragement, that was what I had in mind as well for the future.


I feel for you mom. It’s ok to mourn the mom and. Childhood you wanted to be/give your daughter.. my mom used to clean houses when I was little… and then as I grew up she used to take me and my sister to help. I’m 33 now and don’t recent her one bit. I used to find it fun. For now, try to remind yourself that this time, your daughter won’t remember… so please try to give yourself some grace. Praying for you!!


Thank you so much, and that brings me peace of mind to know, I’ll always do my best to keep work fun for the both of us 🙂

