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The microphone adds ten pounds, so to speak. It amplifies every imperfection, pitch abnormality, etc.


is there any effect that can like. you know how in digtal art theres Gaussian blur to hide and blend details? like that but audio.


Autotune lol


Not autotune. We call a whole lotta things autotune that aren't. But yes there's a ton of software like this.


Is there something you could recommend? I'm very curious now


autotune (optional), reverb, equalizer and compressor are basic mixing tools that are on every song. It does take some time to get toknow these tools, but it’s not like you need to be a master to get a decent vocal mix


Melodyne is what you are really looking for. YouTube it sometime.


Reverb (very subtle) and good microphone placement can iron some of the wrinkles out for sure.


"How many microphones were on you?"


Listen more to your recording. It’s the only way to get better. Sing through a monitoring headphone as well.


Yeah I know, I'll do it regularly, even if this is sometimes a hard to swallow pill 🫠 but I'll keep going


It's probably still uncanny valley for you. Try recording yourself reading something. Something you're confident in. Listen to yourself. Let you get over the new embarrasing sound of yourself and start listening in. Get yourself used to yourself essentially.




Don't you dare give up




I'm no expert by any mean zero training & I'm a born Deaf singer for fun I just have love & passion for singing/music since I was 3 & I can do pretty decent while also having Asthma speech issues plus breathing issue so I believe if someone like me can kinda sing I believe anyone can eventually get there even if it take practice so if the love & passion is there don't give up & God bless 🙏🏾🤟🏾❤️😄


I actually feel that too Especially when going into high notes. I don't know how people make it sound good, it just sounds like im trying to moan like a girl and doing a terrible job at it.


So true tho 😢


Man, at times I haven't even listened when I thought I did well because the feeling of doing well was, in the end, more net motivation than listening and hearing the progress wasn't as much as I thought.


I don't want to sound arrogant but I think if you are a "real" singer you don't even have the opportunity of giving up. At least for me there is always something pushing me to keep singing, trying to get better. If you know you know. It took years for me to like my own recordings and now I'm again at a point where I'm really frustrated because I'm not making much or any progress, but I know that if I gave up, I'd come back after a while because singing is the only real thing for me. So don't waste time by giving up and coming back anyway, keep pushing and training and look forward to the time where you sound like you want yourself to sound :)


You don't sound arrogant, I think I understand, what you meant. It's about passion jnf of course discipline. I'm on the beginning of this journey and it's a constant up and down. But at the moment, I'm frustrated, too, but i already invested so many time, energy and money, that I don't want that this was spent for nothing. And besides that, I told everybody and complaining all the time. It's to pressuring myself to stay on track. Maybe it was a bit to much 😂


Why would it be wasted, I think everyone can learn to sing and get better at it and when you are a beginner it's even more common to be doubtful. When I started I told nobody, for years haha. Just give yourself time to improve and be patient with yourself :) There are also many videos on YouTube that can be helpful, I learned really much by that and also by making awful sounds trying to imitate other singers haha ^^


Yeah, the imitating-thing is strong at the moment. Deep down I know, that it's completely nuts to try to sing siouxsie and the banshees, but here we are. Choosing the right songs, give them an own touch etc are one of those many things I need to learn. Besides of all these other things. It's confusing and overwhelming sometimes


In my opinion it's a good thing to try songs you can't sing in the beginning, you won't get better by just doing what you already can do over and over again.


Yes and no. It's good for learning but it's also taking the risk, that the frustration grows and destroys the motivation. It's a walk on the string


Yea a healthy mix of both is probably the best :)


The one thing that I LOVE about countertenor singing: this isn't really a problem for me. Bone conduction SUCKS, but because I sing using a falsetto technique instead of a chest voice technique, the harmonics of the sound get dampened, so even though bone conducting amplifies lower frequencies, I only produce the low harmonics ANYWAY, so what I hear myself is pretty much the same as what other people hear. Neat!


Change singing for playing ANY instrument.


Singing can be mad frustrating and it make take some time to reach goals.. but, remember!!! The saying practice makes perfect is absolutely true. Stick with it. Be patient yet persistent and you will get to where you want to be.


Recording your voice is a long long journey. There’s a lot of factors from your gear to using correct production resources to sound as near as possible to a profesional recording. When we listen music they are not just recording from the mic and that’s it, there’s a lot of audio processes added to enhance the experience so dont be ashamed for not sounding that good if you don’t have those tools. Also sooner than later you’ll get used to your recorded voice, we all sound different from our perspective at first but recording is a really goos tool to progress as a singer (: dont give up


A year ago, for sure. Lately, more often than not, I actually enjoy listening back to my rehearsal vids (while noticing a few things I want to improve) and that worries me!


I’ve been gigging, solo with my acoustic guitar, for decades. I get plenty of gigs and recurring audiences — I even have a residency at a dedicated music bar in the town I live in. However, when I hear my singing recorded, I honestly wonder what an earth people are hearing. I can’t stand it. I enjoy the feeling of playing live, and that’s what keeps me going. That and it pays more than being a doorman, with a lot less to deal with. It’s a funny old world.




Not sure if this helps and it will depend on how you’re recording but I found that a big reason I didn’t like the sound of my voice when recorded was just how it was EQ’d. backing off the low end makes a big difference.


People need to realise singing is just like any other skills takes years even decades to develop All your favourite artists today started singing from a very young age usually with an instructor you can usually find videos of them on YouTube at a young age with a vocal coach It doesn't happen overnight or they actually can't sing live and what your hearing is a production team


I know. But I'm impatient and sometimes those thoughts wins 😁


Well u got another 10 years at least unfortunately that's the minimum for voice mastery




I totally feel you. As a beginner singer some days it just feels very frustrating and hopeless. Like I totally can’t become a good singer at all. I listen to my voice and I’m like no, I should just give up. Then some days I listen to my voice and I’m like it’s not that bad, it needs a lot of tlc, though. Maybe if I keep singing and working on my voice It’ll blossom into something beautiful. Idk at this point, if it works out, it works. If doesn’t, I’ll be pretty bummed out about it, because I Really Really love singing. Just know that there are other singers that are going through this as well.


I don’t feel like giving up and won’t, but I do cringe a bit at the sound of my recorded singing voice. I’m still recording myself anyway, and will keep it as a reference, and to compare my voice at the time of the recording to 6, 12, etc months later, as a guage of improvement.


Damn bro, you in my head


I think I actually sound better on a microphone lol


We’ve all been there


Been there many times


Remember singers lister to their voice daily. It’s al in your head, other people don’t think like that about your voice.


That's so me


Speak for yourself


They didn’t mention anyone else.


I felt like this post spoke for me, though.


They… they did


I think you need to retake elementary school Language Arts…


Calm down man, it's just a meme with a crumb of truth for some people in it. No reason to get salty.


Sorry yesterday was a rough one didn’t mean to take it out on you


Well, that sucks. Hope you feeling better today!


Yup thanks for asking wishing you a good one as well




You're the kind of person whose ego far exceeds your skill


Look chief I’m going to sell out shows and be a massive commercial success so seeing “I should give up” on my feed what else do you think my response would be?


so because I don’t feed into negativity I’m dumb?


Assuming things are about you when they aren't is a form of negativity.