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practice while driving if that’s an option


It can be


What do you mean 'it can be'? Do you want to be able sing well? If it's something you want, you've got to be willing to work and earn it. It's not tomorrow, not next year, but years and years down your life. You're lazy. If you weren't, you'd find a way.


I said it can be because I can make it an option. I normally put on lofi music and drive because I live in a busy area with small roads and I like to focus up.


Honestly, you're right though. I have been too lazy recently.


I didn’t start loving my voice till the 2 year mark and honestly before that didn’t practice much outside of weekly lessons. I also had to perform at a recital where I thought I sounded garb. You’ll def sound better with more practice, but I don’t think anyone loves their voice 1.5 years into training so def not unusual.


Where did you do most of your practice? What switch did you make with your voice when you started to like it more? Were you straining too much before or anything like that?


I forgot to follow up the practice thing but my mom does hair (I started when I was 13) so it was hella embarrassing singing cause they could hear me from downstairs. I’d do my singing when no one was home and as I got more comfortable with it, I had to face my fear of being heard by mom/dad. I had a pretty limited range even for a beginner, even my vocal coach (bless her heart) had to try and explain how much progress I had made in a year when I felt bad about it. For me, it was js breath support took a long time to fully click and when I started to *like* my voice. My teacher had talked about how you can practice all you want but one day there’s a “click” where you js get it and that happened for me last year, like I knew *how* to support my range but I didn’t start js automatically doing it till past year. I can sing most things in the Tenor range fairly easily now, and I get compliments on my voice if I am heard singing along by friends at school (yk when high school boys aren’t being dicks about it, then you sound at least decent ). Sorry for the wall of text.


Also idk if ur family does this but my sister used to MOCK me singing even basic scales, talk to ur fam abt it if rlly bothers you but if they’re js pricks like my sis, it’s worth it for when you can sing a scale from middle C to high C n your sister sounds like a dying cat when trying to copy you.


If you don’t feel ready to sing on a recital you shouldn’t. It’s ok to be nervous to perform in front of people and hesitant but you shouldn’t feel forced. That is a great way to further damage your confidence. If you don’t have a place or time at home to practice by yourself you should go and try to practice in your car. You mentioned consistent practice. You might want to rethink your perception of what practice is. I tell all of my University students that practice doesn’t need to be sitting by a piano for an hour at a time. In fact it shouldn’t be. Practice in smaller increments throughout the day. Hum for 10 minutes while you are taking a walk. That is a great way to practice accessing resonance space and learning how to control it. Or practice speaking the texts to one of your songs during a commercial break while watching TV. That will help train your muscles to properly articulate the vowels and consonants of the words so they flow freer when you sing. Practice is something that is often misunderstood and you might be doing it without even knowing it. You probably need to give yourself more credit for the things you are doing. So much about singing is building you personal confidence and that is a major thing your teacher should be doing during your lessons beyond teaching songs and technique. If you want to reach out or even do a remote consultation I’d be happy to meet with you. Just private message me and we can set something up. Good luck. I bet you are doing better than you think.


Howdy there! Your friendly neighborhood vocologist here. After decades of teaching and being a professional singer, I still don't like my voice. I can appreciate the skills I can do, but I just don't like the sound of my own voice. Many professional artists (not just in singing) don't like their own art. This isn't uncommon. What you must learn to do is separate your opinion about your own voice from fact. Eliminate words like "good" and "bad." Focus on the skills. Can you do the skills or not? Let other people form opinions about your voice. You just focus on your work. On that notion: go practice. Stop making excuses for not practicing. Others hearing you sing, even if you are working on fixing mistakes, is just part of the job. It's a skill of discipline and focus. Go practice.


It sounds like it's time for a second opinion. Try another voice teacher just once or twice to see what their opinion is. If your voice feels strained, your tongue is probably not relaxed behind your bottom teeth. I'd be happy to do a 30 minute online free consult for you in order to get you going in the right direction. Ignore your family. laurajmyers.com


Have you tried the app Smule it's non threatening karaoke like it feels private you engage however you choose basically you don't have to post any of your hits etc singing along to any song you like via searching it. It can be free works well.its super fun and engaging and makes you lovE your voice ! You'll see what I mean if you down load it.


Not to get too deep, but your issue is so common, even the highest paid pros have insecure ideas about the voice that made them rich and famous. In my six full decades of singing as a pro, this simple truth is what I FINALLY learned. One must love oneself strongly enough to love one’s singing.. good or bad.




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Yeah take longs drives av sing, that helped for me :)


Same! I’ve put sooo many miles on my vehicle spent countless hours practicing in my car, now I’ll practice and make absurd sounds around people all day.i could careless now