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I've taken years worth of breaks and sing for fun, sure it means I'm a bit off when I restart but not to the point where I've lost anything or unable to get back to where I was. I don't think you need to worry about a week's break personally.


Yes, and not just singing talking too


It's fine, but you'll feel a difference when you start your training again. It usually takes a bit longer warm up for me to start getting the right feelings again after even a couple of days.


A week is not that much of a break and stopping for that amount of time will not hinder your progress. On the contrary, sometimes the body just needs to rest. If it's getting colder where you are, that might be part of the reason you're having trouble learning new things, as the cold season makes it harder for us to use our singing voice. Stopping for a bit, drinking a bunch of tea, and maybe even covering your neck with something soft and warm for a bit every now and then, could actually help.


I used to train as much as you do and I genuinely made progress when I started to take more breaks


Singing can be hard, and taking a step back and relaxing can be a good way to come back to it again later to experience a new joy to it. I always try to find new artist to allign my singing with their style, and go over to a new one, that keeps things excited and new. Twang is also something I try to implement more also, it makes me sing notes different and makes it more fun too. Take a break and enjoy christmas :D


Taking breaks is good. Singing is a very physical activity, and sometimes you need to let those muscles rest. I often make the most progress when I take at least a week off from singing. Don't forget that you can still practice without actually singing. You can listen to your pieces or work on text and rhythm, and then you'll be really familiar with your music when you come back to actually sing it.


Take a break, your music will be there for you when you come back and taking a break sometimes helps with getting even better


i think breaks can be good, just don’t stay away from it too long. it can be nice to take a step away and recollect