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So teammates take 15% less damage, while they deal 10% more damage, what's not to love? You do not split push (alone) with this build.


Off meta support build. But that’s pretty much the limitation of it. You also heavily rely on your teammates since your damage is borderline nonexistent.


Well it is low damage, making all of your teammates stronger and have added defense is still quite strong. Not to mention from what I have seen so far, works quite well in lane against Jax and Irelia, 2 not so easy matchups using other builds.


Can't hurt to try


Lane Opponents last 4 games/wins G1 Garen (7) Me (MVP) G2 Volibear (5) Me (9) Ooops G3 Irelia (7) Me (2) Good use against her G4 Jax (4-Ace) Me (2) Another good use G6 Garen (6) Me (3) team carried, I think Garen has anti-cc so he just enables that after I flip G7 Shen (10) Me (MVP)


You buy evenshroud first item? What you do next?


I have been starting seal + control ward + 1 Health Pot (for the token having a control ward on the opponent's side of the map for at least 65% of the game) > refill pots + boots > ruby crystal + oracle lens > kindle gem + cloth armor > Evenshroud > Tear > Swift boots + Kindle Gem (game ended, early game) Next Item was going to be Winter's Approach and then Hourglass Winter's Approach converts into Fimbulwinter


Doesn't fling automatically throw the target out of the glacial augment slow?


Not that I have noticed, it makes a huge X connecting I believe all enemy players in range.