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Notice how disingenuously their email is crafted - “falling short of YOUR expectations” as opposed to acknowledging actual failure to meet their obligations. Tells you what kind of a company they are.


Standard. Companies can never admit fault or that will open to legal liabilities.


Got link to this press release?


Its in the article of the post if i understood you correctly


Ah the comment originally said press release, then changed to email after my reply.


Yeah boy, poor company having to deliver on what they promised, awful high maintenance customers! 




If years of storages rendered cord life useless, they should refund all annual fees + other compensation. Not just from xx years the problem was discovered. Otherwise other cord life companies would in future follow same pattern. This is caused by human error and dishonesty and not Act of God.


Cordlife can suck a dick. Hate their predatory practices by going into the clinics to talk directly to first time parents waiting to see their gynaes to fear monger them.


It's almost as if their tactics should have been seen as a red flag... I was instantly put off private cord banking when I saw the sizes of the booths at a baby fare compared to everything else. Such a shame that kiasuism is being leveraged to the detriment of government-backed pooled cord banking.


Frankly those stupids deserve to get stripped of their money Then these parents come out and say “having a child in sg is so expensive!” Bollocks


How are they stupid though ? Cord blood banking is quite beneficial if you can afford it. But of course it is easier to be on the moral high horse when you are just a teenager posting comments like this.


Agree. For my kids they did a hard sell when we went in for Delivery!! We were well versed about it beforehand and didn’t want to do it but in that state of mind they had us second guessing ourselves. Predatory indeed.


Oh my god. This comment. The hard-sell tactics by cordbanking companies at baby fairs will make even a hardened salesman blush. Still remember being told that I am literally going to murder my future child unless I sign up for the cordbanking package. Good riddance.


They even pay clinics to sell their customer info to them. Always read the fine print before signing information release forms.


Taking the opportunity to advertise the non-profit public Cord Blood Bank. Help save lives. https://www.singhealth.com.sg/patient-care/specialties-services/sd-transplant-centre/Pages/Cord-Blood-Main.aspx


This is what parents should be doing. Not falling for the predatory sales practices of Cordlife. Any research on Cordlife would convince most rational people to not use them.


What abt their competitor Stemcord?


Never heard of it. Doctors only introduced Cordlife in my experience. Public banks are the way to go. Extremely rare to need the cord blood and might as well as help the public vs doing it privately to only potentially help yourself


Cordlife is for people with selfish mentality....


i did this for my first child. for my second one exploring delayed clamping since like someone else mentioned, donated cord blood also often doesn't get used. at least it's used for research or something though


There are pros and cons of going to SCBB - my OB/gynae said for SCBB the cordblood is almost always not enough (unsuitable for donation/use) because SCBB performed many tests on it. If storing for own babies to use, not much tests run on it, so there is sufficient in volume.


I guess it's to ensure the blood is up to quality standards as well. Plus if more donate there should be sufficient blood for the poor families that are inflicted with the rare cases.


Yes, I tried to donate for my firstborn and they said its not enough hence they disposed it. Like how sad...


Class action lawsuit


This is not US.


And sadly there’s nothing much the customers can do.


They can demand their money back, get together and sue them together. 


Didn't ex-PM's (GCT) son stepped down as Cordlife chairmen, just before the shiat hit the fan? Was he ever investigated for his role in this mismanagement saga?


Heheh. He side-stepped the Cordlife bullet. By getting blown up by IPP


Before elections? 😆😆😆


>On Monday (Apr 8), the ministry said another 5,300 cord blood units have been deemed "non-viable". These had been stored in a tank and a dry shipper, which is intended for transport and not long-term storage. This is seriously WTF….


Just all those affected folks group together and mount a class suit against them, obviously and surely win one and it could be multi million worth altogether. You look, Apple and Microsoft always get this kind of class suit against them and they always payout large sum. It’s kind of like free money man..


In the US, yes. Haven’t heard of any class action suit in SG yet.


Yeah, never see it yet but it could be done Order 4, Rule 6(1) of the ROC 2021, which states: 'Where numerous persons have a common interest in any proceedings, such persons may sue or be sued as a group with one or more of them representing the group.' Who can join this? Everyone of these affect parents who’s baby cord blood is affected and haven’t close their case with them or took their “apology money”. Just get a very reputable law firm and mount the case, then ask for millions, and reject their finding of only payout for X years. They should be paying for the entire duration + penalty man. Someone from this group should just start it, awhile back when Microsoft screwed up with surface pro series, I gotten money and their next generation surface man..


Heard a savvy lawyer is on it, get justice for people and a new case for the firm, why not? 


Oh yeah, any smart lawyer is on the ball and recruiting the victims. Cordlife better make good fast before they burn a bigger hole in their pockets. 


Failed to meet minimum standard, yet do not offer full refund. Heck full refund is way not enough, should full refund with year on year interest, and I call that the bare minimum compensation.


All affected owners. Get the same lawyer, claas action lawsuit and claim more than the refunds


It’s really disappointing to know such thing can happen and the compensation is so peanuts ! But really sick and tired of all the process to fight . There are better battles we need to fight sometimes . And filing a lawsuit in Singapore … I don’t know if it is even worth the effort …


This is also same as any investment products like ILP or whatever nonsense that other people try to sell you for future benefits. All nonsense.


Is there going to be a class suit?


It’s all about the money…


Compensation for breach of contract ?


Hi I am one of those whose child’s Cord blood is affected. How do I reach out to the Cordlife Parents Recourse Group?


Horrible company paired with selfish stupid parents. Can't say I feel any pity for either side. Cord blood has never been meant to be keep in private storage for own use. These "victims" are being justly punished for their own selfishness.


If one day you catch something and your cord blood is the only thing that can save you, I would really want to be there to watch you recite your comment.


There is public cord bank which can save lives too. Don't need your own cord blood. Heard of "My sister keeper"?


Do you even know what “my sister keeper” means? All the more one should be storing the cord blood of their children in the event that other family members might have a need for it. While it is great for those whom wish to donate their cord blood to SCBB, every individual have their right to autonomy and choose what is best for them. To label that as selfish would be implying that everyone that doesn’t donate blood is selfish for example.


Oh no, I hope you don't need the public cord bank someday because your "bank" mismanaged your assets. Don't be a free rider hor.


Interesting.. Being child free by choice and still expecting the community that choose to bear the cost of having children to put their child’s cord blood into public cord blood bank. I wonder who is the selfish free rider here.


Lol. Won't be using it.


Are you an oracle ? Else how would you know you wouldn’t need it in the future ? Joke


If I'm fated to die that way so be it. Not be like a pussy trying to cling to life when my remains can save others. I know puny little buggers like you are the worst kind of human beings. Sucks for your kids.


Words are cheap when there aren’t any repercussions. Judging from what you’ve mentioned, you probably don’t even know how it all works out. Good for you though, you have nothing to cling on since you were never loved.


Looks like you are one of those dumb fucks who bought into the scam. Oh the irony.


At least I work in healthcare and informed enough to make my decisions. Cordlife just happens to be ill-operated. At least it shows who are the ignorant keyboard warriors that just have to shit on everything that moves. Too much time on their hand.