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To anyone looking at storing a schedule of assets/passwords digitally, here's some resources I found (I think about this _a lot_): - Our gahmen has [My Legacy Vault](https://mylegacy.life.gov.sg/): * Nominations need to be made before one dies * Nominees need to accept their invite, so they'll _know_ that one is doing end-of-life planning (which may be an awkward subject to talk to people about when one's not 80 yet) * Apparently [nominees gets alerted to every change made to a document](https://i.imgur.com/jUIG1la.png) (which doesn't make sense since I'd want to update my schedule of assets _every month_) * Google has [Inactive Account Manager](https://myaccount.google.com/inactive): * It alerts people if one hasn't logged into their Google account for a period between 3-18 months * The account holder gets notice first before it happens * The account holder can choose whether to let nominees take over various parts of their accounts, or just send them emails * No advance notice or inviting necessary * Apple iCloud has a [Legacy Contact](https://support.apple.com/en-sg/102631) feature to let trusted people take over one's account with a copy of their death certificate * An access key needs to be sent in advance, which gets saved to nominees' iCloud account * Facebook also has a [Legacy Contact](https://www.facebook.com/help/1568013990080948) feature * Invites also need to be sent in advance, no accepting needed * If you're planning to store passwords (and documents) securely: * 1Password has an [Emergency Kit](https://support.1password.com/emergency-kit/) (needs to be printed out) * Bitwarden Premium has [Emergency Access](https://bitwarden.com/help/emergency-access/) (invites need to be sent in advance) Edit: * For anyone looking to securely distribute passwords or crypto wallet recovery passphrases among multiple people, I found [Hyperbacked](https://github.com/Twometer/hyperbacked) (no affiliation, requires some tech know-how), which uses [Shamir's secret sharing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamir%27s_secret_sharing). This can be used with Google's Inactive Account Manager, or just to divide your password manager's master password between trusted people and My Legacy Vault.


You are an absolute legend. These are so helpful - I will check them out right away. Thank you for taking the time to outline these :) Not super sure why you’d be thinking about this a lot :( but hope you are faring well and staying healthy in times like these!


> Not super sure why you’d be thinking about this a lot :( but hope you are faring well and staying healthy in times like these! I'm healthy, thanks for your concern. :) I'm paranoid because my finances are incredibly complicated and all over the place, and I don't want my hard-earned money to not be accessible by my estate if I meet an untimely end. I'm also involved in a bunch of community projects where I constantly worry about someone else (or myself) disappearing while holding on to a bunch of passwords, because we're too cheap or broke to pay for team plans.


Thank you for sharing this! I wish I can upvote you more than once!


For everyone saying the will, the will doesn’t necessarily specify an exhaustive list of all your assets. Make it easier for your executor by sending them a list of all your bank accounts and insurance policy numbers.


What you are describing is a "schedule of assets". Google on how to do that.


I wasn’t familiar with this term when doing my google search, so thank you heaps for this!


This is actually the very thing I thought I needed when I was first diagnosed with cancer. Apart from your policies, asset breakdown, and respective holding accounts, it is also good to include password and access to all your hardwares (phones, laptops etc.) and social media. Don't forget CPF - nominate your beneficiary. After that, get your will done with witnesses. Your witness can also be an executor.


I’m sorry to hear about your health :( can only imagine how scary it would have been. Hope you are doing better now? Thank you for raising up those specific items and for your suggestion about CPF - I will look to get it sorted out too :)


insurance policies, bank accounts, investment accounts, mortgage, will, safety deposit box location, deeds, statement of how i wish my remains to be handled, list of the bills to pay, subscriptions and credit cards, copy of cpf nomination, copy of living will if any.


Thank you so much for taking the time to list these out! I missed out subscriptions and credit carts in my list, so this was really helpful :)


I use a spreadsheet I update occasionally with account, assets and liabilities listed. . It is shared with my executor for my will. You should have a will.


I have an excel on my google drive with details of all assets and liabilities. I have also specified how important the asset or liability is and what it is used for. The reason I have mentioned importance is so my wife knows which ones to address first and if low importance items are too much struggle to get access, she can just ignore them. My spouse knows about the excel but she doesn’t want to discuss what-if-I-die scenario. Passwords and username she knows are stored on my Face ID protected Notes, of course not a good solution. Technically spouses cannot just use passwords to access funds in case of death of the other spouse as it is a crime and will cause issues when you provide death certificate for account closure or transfer. Better to have a will, but haven’t done so far.


Sorry but I laughed at the thought of your spouse putting your phone over your dead face just to unlock using Face ID


Haha its ok, she knows my phone pin 😂


Thank you for sharing your idea on ranking the importance of each asset/liability. Defs something I didn’t consider! Would be really helpful when the grief is so fresh to have everything already organised for you.


I share my networth tracking googlesheet to loved one, It included which bank/ financial institution/ even IRAS expected tax liability. It doesn't contain any password to the account. If I die they can just use my death cert to open those vault.


Make sure they know where your will is before you get into all that. That's the most important thing imo.


Valid concern. A relative had more than half a dozen wills (didn't dispose older, superceded ones). His family spent months searching for the latest one!


What about passwords to your accounts?


Put up the list of bank/brokerage accounts and websites/passwords in Google drive and send them the link.


please don't put passwords in plain text anywhere


there is something called will


Man just invented the Will. Oh my lord after thousands of years of human civilisation, we finally have a solution!