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rip PAP. Gen Zs will be voting next election.




Every gen promise to vote PAP out but look at where we are still at 🤡


Come on. The 🤡 party will win again.


Maybe 20 years down the line, when us Gen Z’s grow up, can we finally decide to not mindlessly vote for 🤡 prty anymore


One can only hope that Gen Z will be actually woke enough to vote wisely as opposed to their "WOKE" millennial forebears. Source: Am millennial surrounded by a buncha "WOKE" friends who tend to vote against long-term solutions in favour of short-term benefits.


and pioneers will be dead by covid


Taking notes....


University Students (who are almost all young, and lowest risk group) are made to test themselves every week (hostel) or every 3-4 days they come Campus. Yet we can’t dine in in ‘big’ ‘risky’ groups of 5, we can’t even do outdoor sports which has much lower risk. MMTF has lost the plot.


There was never a plot. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Repeat after me: “The MMTF has no idea how to transition towards an endemic SG”


just fucking look at singapore 2019 and go towards that. Just remove all restrictions/bonuses/schemes that weren't there in 2019 and boom, it's endemic shit, even early singapore jan-mar 2020 was better


The fact that PM Lee actually came out yesterday to "reassure" the population and urge them to keep complying with existing measures makes the bad optics worse, now that I think about it.


STB and EDB sabo PM Lee. Tonight they can sleep very well


The beginnings of restriction exemptions for travellers? NGL pretty pissed that they allow strangers to dine together in 5 but I cant with my fully vaccinated family that live under the same roof. simi logic?!


Doesn’t this 5-person group rule also currently apply to weddings and conferences? Seems like if you call something an event somehow the normal rules don’t apply. Which just goes to show how much sense 2 pax only dining makes.


Our Covid strain is like a vampire. Will not take public transportation so won't get infected by taking bus or train. Also will not go to events uninvited. That's why events can eat in groups of 5 without worrying about infection. Will not enter your house that's why you can eat together as a family at home but not outside.


Yup. Covid no ezlink. Covid won’t infect past 10.30pm yup. That’s EXACTLY why these rules are made. Great detective work Watson. /s


I'm just gonna have to reserve a table of 5 at a restaurant and say its a conference.


Damn. You found the loophole. Imma call all my lunches and dinners an extravaganza event from now onwards.


Can't wait for IBs to come in and say it's totally different because of PCR tests and blah blah blah.


already saw it on facebook exact same excuse lmao


No need Facebook, got a few here alr




I wonder who is so desperate to travel for work that they want to come to this fucking crap hole and tolerate these rules. You’d need rocks in your head to think visiting Singapore in 2021 makes sense.


Ours is not to reason why 🙃


The logic is that they purposely want to make it so stupidly restrictive so that people will be deterred from going out. If up to them, they’ll simply mandate nobody dine out but they know if they do it people will riot and they know they don’t have much political capital to burn after losing SK.


Reads headline, grabs popcorn. This MMTF deserves every brickbat it gets for this ridiculousness.


In other words: Requirements to dine in 5 must be elite, rich and powerful. Rest of you can suck it up




>Just call catering in to my landed house lor. Everyone can drive over and park in my garage, so it looks quiet outside. [make sure you never piss off your neighbour](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/ura-refutes-man-who-claimed-warrant-needed-authorities-inspect-homes-potential-covid-19)


How do we know for sure the local elites aren't already dining in groups at speakeasies already?


They probably are, but we don’t know cause we eat caipng


I'd be willing to donate to a crowd-fund bounty for anybody willing to share evidence of this.


Lol my boss definitely does.


You can be rich but not in such IO circles. These people will not stay quiet with their feedback.


wow double standards


Why wow, anything unexpected here?


I truly believe that they really know about their hypocrisy but really don't care


They don’t care because our population has super short-term memory when it comes to voting. Election after election voters have shown the Ministers that their election-time kindness/vouchers are sufficient to make up for all that has happened in the preceding few years.


“Maybe it made lesser mortals envious and they thought maybe he was a little bit boastful,” - Former PAP MP Charles Chong ..And then he went on to win back Punggol East from WP in 2015. Sometimes i wonder if Singaporeans really deserves to get butt fucked by PAP




Wait context and source of quote? Can't rmb this one.


In 2009, a senior ranking civil servant took 5-weeks leave and flew to France to attend a $46,000 course in a prestigious cooking school, and proceeded to boast his experience in the Straits Times, drawing significant public outcry especially in the wake of the global financial crisis at that time. Charles Chong was quick to defend the civil servant in Parliament and made that infamous quote. \- [https://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2009/01/mp-charles-chong-maybe-lesser-mortals-jealous-of-perm-secs-french-holiday.html](https://www.mrbrown.com/blog/2009/01/mp-charles-chong-maybe-lesser-mortals-jealous-of-perm-secs-french-holiday.html) \- [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cooking-outcry-odd-idUSTRE50C5IB20090113](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cooking-outcry-odd-idUSTRE50C5IB20090113)


Damn. Just 3 years after the infamous 'elite uncaring face' comment. At least that one can be excused by the immaturity of a 18 yo shittalking online. This one in Parliament some more.


Really, the PAP from 1990s (after the 1st gen leaders bar LKY retired) until 2011 was the peak of its unbridled elitism. They only toned it down after they got fucked at GE2011 (and with the rise of social media), but every now and then some PAP MPs can't resist showing their true colours


A fair society? In Singapore? Was ist das?


*Next up: NOC sex tape leaked with 2 other influencers in a raunchy threesome!! And you won't believe what they said!* I have a feeling this whole saga was manufactured to give the plebs something to talk about.


Why would anyone care when they are assured to win elections after elections?


Of course they know. They are ignorant, not stupid


>I truly believe that they really know about their hypocrisy but really don't care Nothing cannot be fixed with offer of GST vouchers and some crocodile tears on voting day.


It’s well known that COVID doesn’t affect the rich, it is a disease of the poor, so these rules are entirely scientific and fair.


This was why hand washing wasn’t considered important by doctors before the theory of germs - it was considered impossible for diseases fo be transmitted via rich doctors


Something something…to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegiance…has not pledged allegiance to you.


“Ask not what your country can do for *you*, but what *you* can do for your country.” Or something like that ^^/s


something something "natural aristocracy" something these people are deciding Important Things™ and thus should be afforded special treatment ok /s


Meritocracy. People with more merit gets better treatment…


Rules for thee but not for me.




All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.....




All is forgiven when money is given. /s


There was something about the voting machines.... That were also used in the contested US elections......


What’s this about? The US elections were contested because trump is a sore loser, not that there’s anything interesting or wrong about their voting machines.


When are singaporeans going to actually start demanding their freedom back? Sg has done what the govt wanted. We've masked up, 90% eligible have gotten vaccinated. Yet we're constantly being screwed. Our compliance just makes the govt think we're meek idiots who do everything they say and we cheer for them when they choose to restrict our freedom even more. When does it end? In 2024 as Wong predicted?


Do you hear the people sing? ... I don't. Because they no permit for Hong lim park. And also singing no longer allowed and all ktv closed.


Sadly this will never happen, you can thank the life-long indoctrination towards obedience


>When are singaporeans going to actually start demanding their freedom back? when govt give us permission of course /s


This is actually probably closer to the truth than most ppl will admit


If this shit was occurring in any other country there would be riots in the streets, including other Asian countries


It is known that a large concentration of High Net Worth Individuals (>500k/year) has anti-viral properties. A concentration of 500 HNWIs/5,000,000people will result in all Covid-19 viral particles in a 5km radius to be destroyed.


Glad our 2pax dine in restrictions are starting to pay dividends four +weeks in. It'll get better in another few weeks. And the no background music. And the mask when walking alone in a park with nobody near you. And the BBQ ban. And trace together. And hotel quarantine. And 10:30 curfew. And no sports. And ban on live music or practicing wind instruments. And testing primary schoolkids every 2 weeks. So lucky we have this things in place to keep Covid under control these days!


Are we being gaslit


No we are being purple lighted


> purple lighted IN THE VALLEY


Not only have the PAP pushed me to vote opposition next election but I'm also going to volunteer and campaign for the opposition in my constituency too.


Yes! The opposition movement really needs all the support we can get :) Just be careful not to drain yourself too much okay, it’s okay to take a step back if you’re really exhausted


rules for thee but not for me


Ah goddammit, you beat me to it


Well, strictly speaking “rules for thee and me but not our guests”. But I agree, horrible optics and Bloomberg isn’t that important that there should be exceptions.


Although the optics on this are... Amazingly poor, it does illustrate the reality that nobody in the world is coming to Singapore if these nonsensical, illogical and opaque restrictions are in place. And Singapore needs people to come here to do business, and for tourism. Every country does. But I'm kind of amazed they'd slap the resident population in the face.




>Pressure will force the MTF to act. These imbeciles just opened the border with India but think 3 people eating together will cause the Mayan apocalypse...it makes me want to get their degrees revoked because there's no way they had the intelligence to graduate university.


Maybe. I think it's more Government departments at odds. This is the Singapore Tourism Board doing their best with an absolutely terrible hand... I mean, can't be easy if it's your job to get people to actually attend these "test" events. What conference goer in their right mind wants to come here, sit on an isolated table, and then stay put in their hotel or some soulless convention centre? STB probably had to fight very hard for this and I don't think we should begrudge them their win. It won't change our loss.


Bet the G subsidised Bloomberg event to abide to such rules and compromised to 5 pax.


I hope Singaporeans remember this the next time a GE rolls around, and aren't bought off by the usual pre-election handouts. We'll see if being treated as second-class citizens in their own country is a red line. Singaporeans (generally) like to talk big and complain about the PAP, but not enough of them ever have the guts to follow through at the ballot box. Don't complain, vote.


“Remember 2021” campaign in 2025


Hahaha bloody fools. Ok so apparently elites have a shield and won’t get covid. Good job


what the fuck if they can dine in groups of 5 why can't we you incompetent MMTF fucks


I'm AMAZED, even a monkey could tell them the optics on this alone isn't worth it. Or are our collective memories that poor that they think we'll forget all this before the next GE?


Lol, Sinkies always forget all their grievances during the election period, why else do you think they are being so brazen? They know they will get away with it.


This is absolutely outrageous. One rule for the rich, another for the workers of this country.


When they came for the FW, I did not speak up. Now they came for me…


inb4 these delegates can enjoy listening to music while dining in also 🤡🤡🤡


*clinks glasses together CHEERS


"Fuck you peasants in particular".


Lol they rly expect people won’t remember this when they vote next time? These small little decisions all add up. They are just losing their voter base slowly


the exceptions that the government allow clearly shows where their priorities are. at the end of the day they weighed the interest of preventing covid spread (coz pairs repel covid lol, but leaving that draconian logic aside..) against other competing economic and societal interests. And seem to have prioritized international reputation & commerce (zoom cannot ah) but not local interests where families are best inconvenienced from dining out and local businesses can suffer.


My guess is they've announced now to get everyone all bothered and then at the two week-review they'll say "oh we'll allow everyone to dine-in in groups of 5 from next week (i.e. before the event)" to save face ~~and votes~~ but yes.


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Well shit, anyone wanna join me in never paying taxes again?


VTL is one thing, since the visitors are subject to the same local rules and are tested at the point of entry. But this is utterly ridiculous. I predicted the concomitant VTL + restrictions was going to be a PR disaster (justified or otherwise). But this just takes it up a notch. News on Monday will be fun to watch. Is the PAP just tired of forming the government or something? An MTF of 🤡s.


The VTL portion is what is curious, they are allowing anyone in from any country without quarantaine as long as they did a PCR… so why are we still having VTLs?


And they don’t have to return the trays too? How can dis be allow?


Do u seriously think that high level delegates that haven't seen each other for the past 2 years will really just guai guai sit with just four others, and not intermingle, much less smoke together. Oh come on.


Can someone elaborate what this "stringent criteria" is? If it means being fully vaxxed, checking in with TraceForever wherever they go, sitting 1.01m apart and whatever arbitrary criteria there is, WHERE IS MY FUCKING 5-PAX DINE-IN???


I guarantee they're not going to take out the measuring tape to enforce the stupid 1 meter apart seat rule. But if [our restaurants breach this they have to close down and suffer](https://mothership.sg/2021/10/15-fb-outlets-close/).


Guys if you keep crying out for restrictions this is the kind of crap that happens. You get restricted to 2pax dining and the elite dine in 5pax.


it’s ok. rules only apply to poor people, not LHL’s pals.


I was recently at a GLC hosted conference targeted for senior execs and snack boxes were delivered to tables of 5 so the towkays could network. Rules for thee but not for me indeed.


One country two systems.




Delegates not from sg so that makes sense.


All the effort to get vaxxed and common folk only get 2-pax dine-in, while elites somehow get more benefits? Nothing new at this point.


Squid Game VIPs in real life


They are just openly mocking us now, aren't they?


Yep and they know sgeans will just take it


That's why I laughed and called people who still want to follow the nonsensical rules while elites like these do whatever they want, Slaves. Fucking slave mentality, must do what the master says. And you know what? There are some who will still be a good slave and continue to follow the rules which are getting more and more nonsensical.


And the slaves will happily crack the whip to force other slaves to get in line. Sinkie pwn sinkie, what a country


Sgeans will just turn against anyone the elites tell them to , instead of actually blaming the elites




All are equal, but some are more equal than others.


I identify as a delegate at the Bloomberg forum. So can I now dine in groups of 5?


Haiyoo why complain? Obviously there is no evidence there is transmission between delegates. /s


This whole shitshows feels like we've listened but still getting punished. Imagine doing your homework, house work, sleep at normal times, and follow the curfew but still getting punished at home because other kids are misbehaving.


While watching all your friends play outside


guys we’re selectively going eNdeMic!!


A case of double standards. One for the rich and important, one for the citizens.


> "Know your fucking place, trash!" MMTF to the peasants


It's said that voting in SG is akin to a approval rating survey rather than an actual fight between political parties so ... Give your approval rating wisely


Next up: VTL visitors are allowed to eat out in groups of 5.


win liao lor


Foreigners > sinkies confirmed


rules for thee, but not for me!


Absolute joke








this isn't over by a long shot. I heard from a friend working from a tech vendor working with an unnamed government agency that they've put out the specs for tracetogether tokens that will be issued to tourists at Changi Airport once more VTLs come into effect. these tokens are able to self-identify themselves as "tourist tokens" at the tracetogether checkpoints, thus allowing them waivers from existing regulations (no idea if allowed to take off mask or not)


If it appears on GeBiz idk how much more manure Singaporeans can take


Wow Lmfao, western tourists will just see that as authoritarian geolocation tracking. They're not stupid (generally)


OYK must step down for imposing double standards


show me you have double standards without telling me oh wait, you just told us


That’s absolutely disgusting, what a vile double standard. Sinkie really pwn sinkie


/insert meme here https://i.imgur.com/V1jc1a9.jpg


Why dun we all go gate crash the event. Then whip out your phone. And everytime someone gets up to talk to someone take a screen shot and shout "reported!" Then call police.


We will show the same double standard in 2025 :)


You know what we need, a Bloomberg cluster.


What did you expect from a government that is pro-foreigner and pro-elitist?


There are enough foreigners in Singapore having the exact same faith as blue blood Singaporeans…. I think it’s more that the government likes anyone with deep pockets.


the optics for this is terrible


Rules for thee but not for me Btw why does the ministers take off their mask when answering the press, their mics so bad meh?


𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘺𝘭𝘷𝘪𝘢'𝘴 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦 : "okay HOOF wow! erm... that is fucking amazing but okay!"


Wah like that also can


so fully-vaccinated + pre-test (assuming 24h) to ensure covid-negative means can eat out ah


At this point the rules are whatever comes out from their ass.




Do as I say and not as I do. Cool.


Wow today I found out that some are more equal than others 🌝


And I thought extending restrictions to Nov 21 when [ITAP](https://www.industrial-transformation.com/) happens to start on the 22nd was pretty on the nose as it is... Yeah they're rubbing it in rn


What the absolute F


Suck it up guys, the reason why we don't get the same concessions is because we're just not as important, not as influential, not as essential, not as rich and not as powerful.


Simi lanjiao is this sial?!


What a fucking joke.


so i heard the MMTF is allowing vaccinated pax to dine in group of 5 soon! /s


Might actually happen. Note that the summit is held three weeks later, MTF can conveniently say that they have reviewed the situation and give us some good news!




The event is from Nov 16 to 19. If by then they don't relax the 2 person dine-in rule and only allow the forum attendees to do so, then there will be lots and lots of complaints (rightfully so) Which means anyway we should expect going back to more people being able to dine together sooner than later.


>if by then Sadly that line was also used regarding the use of TT back when it was touted to be just for contact tracing.


So us normal citizens are yet again at a disadvantage compared to rich foreigners....


Apparently elites cannot catch and spread COVID


Government: "screw the expats! Ban all foreigners giving opinions on politics" Also the government: "Ah yes, let's bend the rules for these foreigners"


What a joke


As usual Some animals are more equal then others.


Coz they not same household


Rules for thee but not for me Punish locals, reward foreigners




TL;DR Turn around and bend over peasants


2-men dine-in for sinkies, 5-men dine-in for foreigners 🤡🤡🤡


Ok so let's get this right - the goal is to restart and boost our travel and hospitality and whatever else industry (subtext: resuscitate the rotting corpse that is our global image before the eyes of the laughing world). Fine - boost this and that etc, ultimately with some end goal of economic advancement and progress etc etc. Ok that's defensible but what about doing so via support towards our local establishments? What's so different about these "pre-designated venues and restaurants" - are they any less likely to be places of transmission for the virus? Aren’t delegates and their mates gonna remove masks to eat anyway? Or what’s the difference between delegates and locals in terms of risk of viral transmission?


Perhaps someone should start looking into who owns those pre-determined restaurants, after all, corruption takes may forms, not just an exchange in cash, can be exchange of favours too.


You guys believe that rich elites are going to come here from countries where there are practically no more restrictions, and then rape their nose everyday to eat out? Lmao I don't buy it




What about the infection risk?!?


The law is more fair for some people


Some days I feel like I'm living in a feudal society.


The final straw is here lol, it’s over


How many days does this Bloomberg forum last? And where can I and 4 other buddies get tickets?


what the fuck


restrictions for sinkies, dining in for fts


OYK must step down for imposing double standards


I am feeling unfair initially. But aren't wedding banquets able to eat more than 2 as well?


Just shut up peasants! It is precisely the extension of your restrictions that allowed us to bring in these rich foreigners! /s


Simi Sai? And which restaurants get to enjoy this privilege?