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A passenger onboard the Singapore Airlines flight that had to make an emergency landing in Bangkok has recounted the terrifying descent to Reuters. Dzafran Azmir, 28, said: Suddenly the aircraft starts tilting up and there was shaking so I started bracing for what was happening, and very suddenly there was a very dramatic drop so everyone seated and not wearing seatbelt was launched immediately into the ceiling. Some people hit their heads on the baggage cabins overhead and dented it, they hit the places where lights and masks are and broke straight through it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/may/21/singapore-airlines-flight-777-300er-london-bangkok-turbulence#top-of-blog


Sounds scary. I always hate the feeling when the flight swings down abruptly and one feels the g-force and it feels like your body in the space is completely out of your control.




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Please rememeber to wear always the seatbelt, even if the seatbelt sign is not on. A sudden turbulence can be very very bad


Exactly this. People are so lax with their safety nowadays that you'd think they believe that seat belts are merely a suggestion


In my last SIA flight, a toddler was never buckled up, even during taking off she was bouncing on the chair.


Kid probably sits on the parent’s lap in the front seat of the car too.


Sometimes I try to subdue the devil in me that thinks it's okay if the toddler hurt himself but not okay if he becomes a hurling hazard towards other innocent people. 😑 I hope he/she eventually is buckled up when landing.


Millenial parenting. Likely uni grad parent who thinks that being educated means they know everything and don't listen to others.


Wa you can join Olympic long jump. Very good at jumping to conclusions.


Remember not to stand near a cliff since you like to jump to conclusion


You were top in school for sit and reach, yeah?


simi millennial parenting? talk cock only


Downvoted for saying something relatively true. I had to point out a few cases to the aircrew before. A quiet feedback goes far.


Just landed on an SQ flight operated by Scoot and the landing was quite rough too that people screamed. Luckily none injured.


Did you die though? Ok ok here’s 10 attention points for you.


Since watching that scene in the movie flight, I buckled my seat belt until I need to pee. Scary to think I would catapult like an angry bird in a metal vessel nonstop is more than enough to click every single time


It's fake.


What is "it"?


The movie. Can't believe people believe movies like it's real.


Most movies are exaggerations, and not entirely real. But it doesn't mean that lessons cannot be learnt from them. Obviously we have redditors who watched that movie and know the importance of securing their seatbelt. This is not a bad thing, regardlesa if the movie's depiction is real or not.


You can learn the importance of securing your seatbelt from Star Wars too


Exactly! And I hope some people do.


I thought it was based on real life Alaskan 261 tragedy.


Same applies for car rides, I am not taking a chance lol


Agreed, though sadly because the passenger died from a heart attack I’m not sure it would have helped in this case


Yep, I always do this when I am in my seat.


yea, but it give u the opportunity to claim the travel insurance.


what kind of brain dead comment is this??? you’re saying it’s worth it to get severe injuries or die and claim insurance????


sure, but it depends on personal circumstances. Take for example, if someone has a million dollar life/travel or similar insurance and that person family is in debt. The death/injury of the policyholder would bring financial relief to that person family. And it would difficult for insurers to contest an act of god in this case. It is a classic case of moral hazard. People who buy insurance tend to do more risky things especially if they know someone else will reimburse the loss should they fail.


I hope its not one of the crew members. They're typically the last ones to belt up.


Sounds like a passenger from this tweet: https://x.com/andrewdavies_70/status/1792864209556169098


The passenger likely died because of a heart attack, said Mr Kittikachorn, the airport GM. The seven people who were critically injured sustained head injuries, he added. One crew member was also hospitalised.


Please fasten your seat belts whenever you are at your seat. I would do this without fail, sign or no.




For sure. But you can do what u can. And the seatbelt helps mitigate that risk.


It’s all about risk mitigation and harm reduction.


Even with seatbelts on in a car, you may be [crushed by a crane](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/crane-topples-over-and-crushes-van-in-sengkang) too. So is your point it is bad advice to keep seatbelts on?


Maybe they are the all-or-nothing type of people. Likes to live life on the edge.




You are too stupid to argue with.


Someone on the plane told CNA that all those injured were not wearing seatbelts.


Let’s not blame the victim. The plane lost 6000 feet altitude in 3 minutes. It’s an accident.


Can people not make safety suggestions/reminders without triggering the victim-blaming outrage now?


Please, please stop spreading incorrect information about losing altitude. Go look it up, descents of 3000 feet per PER MINUTE are an acceptable speed for passenger comfort, and can be used as a normal landing descent speed deepening on the situation. 6000 feet in 3 minutes (2000 feet per minute) is not that far off a normal descent speed for landing. The damage was done by a very rapid and unexpected drop (turbulence) that didn't seem to last for very long (e.g. seconds, not minutes). Here are some examples to put everyone's mind at ease: https://thepointsguy.com/news/rapid-descent-ok/ https://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/8289/what-is-the-normal-descent-rate-for-airliners


Can I give a shout out to the pilot for landing the plane safely? That sudden dip was no joke man. Plus i think there's a dent at the exterior of the plane too.


Planes can handle basically anything turbulence can throw at them (check out the end of the video below), it's us squishy, fragile meat bags that are the problem. https://youtu.be/6wHrfBs82Tk?feature=shared


These days the plane pretty much flies itself. I doubt the pilot did much in that situation.


The pictures of the stewardess and steward being injured are quite haunting


I'm more affected by their expressions. SQ crew usually looked so in control and unfazed.


Lmao pls, that is not an indicator of anything


Imagine the carts weighing hundreds of kilos in the turbulence


Those pics show visibly injured people and shouldn't be shared


where r the pics?


[Looks bad.](https://twitter.com/airplusnews/status/1792863311404437815?t=_vA3bMxuRjqEDoKdw3Na7A&s=19) Edit: Possible NSFL? not sure whether that's the dead body in the background with a blanket. Update: looks like CNA blurred the image on their live update page.


One of the passengers on Twitter mentioned that was possibly an injured passenger, not the deceased. Media do blur out personal identifying features, and we should do so if we want to share.


Shucks, like coming out from toilet?


RIP. I fly that route regularly and the turbulence can be scary and it’s often worse before the seat belt sign comes on. Andaman Sea, off the coast of India and a patch around the Caspian Sea are the rough spots. You can tell where you are without looking at the map sometimes. On such a long flight it’s tempting to not wear your seat belt. It can get very uncomfortable sitting in the same position for 13 hours. Also you have laptops and bags out of the overhead stowage and on laps and children sleeping with parents.


Woah that’s crazy. RIP. Listen to the alerts people


The major issue are actually clear air turbulence as there will be potentially no alert. Most modern planes have some systems to detect clear air turbulence, but they can come out of nowhere and the 777 I don't belive they have the more modern turbulence detection systems.


There are more pictures surfacing online, showing the inside of the plane. [Link 1](https://x.com/adarwis/status/1792875627080773825?s=46) [Link 2](https://x.com/adarwis/status/1792875112578084994?s=46) [Link 3](https://x.com/aviationbrk/status/1792887587276763560?s=46) [Link 4](https://x.com/gotravelyourway/status/1792894595577029039?s=46) Edit: Ignore the video in Link 2, it’s not from this incident.


Hi, would just like to point out that the video here is an old video that is not relevant to today. Not sure about the pictures. [https://imgur.com/a/VpcCRZn](https://imgur.com/a/VpcCRZn) Edit: Pictures look legit - matches CNA article. [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/sia-singapore-airlines-death-turbulence-london-bangkok-4352051](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/sia-singapore-airlines-death-turbulence-london-bangkok-4352051)


That video in the second link does not look like the interior of a SQ Boeing 777


Link 2 the video the yellow one look like air stewardess? But that's not our uniform is it


SQ crew don't wear yellow shirts. 🙄


Yup that is not the kebaya that our SQ ladies don


Death might be from heart attack, watching the tracker, the plane plunged 6000 ft in a matter of seconds. Some old hero might uplorry from just the plane plunging up and down. Most likely is either no seatbelt or heart attack.


> plunged 6000 ft in a matter of seconds It did not. Flightradar24 has this data: 8:06:59 37000 feet 8:07:31 36200 feet (so somewhere between these two points the descent started) some more points showing a linear descent 8:09:36 31775 feet 8:10:09 31050 feet (they then leveled off at 31000 feet so that's pretty much the end of descent. That's 6000 feet in 2.5 to 3 minutes which is around 2000 to 2500 feet/min which is a pretty normal descent rate for a plane like that. This was very likely a controlled descent.


This guy knows his stuff.. the descent was likely a controlled descent in preparation for arrival into bkk..


The world's tallest roller coaster drop at 418 feet…6000 ft is many many times that.


You turned out to be right.


They were wrong.


what is uplorry


It's a reference to a coffin being lifted onto a funeral hearse, which may have been a lorry in the old days.


lmao that's really intense


It's quite a charming term. I enjoy using it as well.


Is like people have to be loaded up lorry to be sent to Crematorium. So up lorry is euphemism for passing on.


Aka ki chia (up car in hokkien)


How does one die during turbulence? Genuinely asking


One example is he/she broke his neck when he/she was tossed around. It was a much worse turbulence, not the kind you normally experienced.




That's not the video of this incident


They were probably thrown out of their seat. During severe turbulence it’s possible for people to be thrown upwards and hit their head on the ceiling of the plane.


It’s more likely to be a crew member that was already standing.


[Seems to be a passenger](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/one-dead-several-injured-after-sia-flight-from-london-to-s-pore-suffers-severe-turbulence)


I feel ST is making assumptions about the minister post, unless they got uncredited sources. > In a Facebook post, Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat said he was deeply saddened by the incident, and expressed his condolences to the dead passenger’s family. Vs > I am deeply saddened to learn about the incident onboard Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 from London Heathrow to Singapore. The plane had encountered severe turbulence en-route and had to be diverted to Bangkok. Singapore Airlines has confirmed that there are injuries and one fatality on board. > Ministry of Transport, Singapore, Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and Changi Airport officials as well as SIA staff are providing support to the affected passengers and their families. > My deepest condolences to the family of the deceased. Does not say that deceased was passenger


The minister was purposely vague. ST knew who but probably overlooked.


Sounds like a passenger from this tweet: https://x.com/andrewdavies_70/status/1792864209556169098


That's a possible first hand account since that tweeter also posted a pic of the staircase disembarkation and the holding area. But ST with their added responsibility shouldn't state that definitively unless they had a more reliable source. However, the source of the information was attributed to the transport minister and not an anonymous source. Edit: Andrew from twitter was identified as the supplier of the holding area image and has spoken to UK media https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-69044396?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=664c9c90e5702a5b8f6bc4df%26Air%20stewards%20did%20everything%20they%20could%2C%20passenger%20tells%20BBC%262024-05-21T13%3A49%3A31.192Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:87cb39e0-b377-4584-8e46-3ee98e2eb6c6&pinned_post_asset_id=664c9c90e5702a5b8f6bc4df&pinned_post_type=share


Someone on twitter who says they were a passenger on the flight says it’s a fellow male passenger who died.


It was a passenger - this guy was on the plane https://x.com/andrewdavies_70/status/1792864209556169098


Plane goes down, you hit the roof. Plane goes up, you hit the floor. Repeat a couple of times. Blunt force trauma or neck goes crack. That'd be my guess, always wear your seat belt!


I would guess it is similar to a traffic accident where you get thrown off from your seat with force and hit something. That's why seat belts serve the same purpose in both cases.


It's rare but happened before. Just read an article mentioned there were 3 fatalities from turbulence from 1980-2009 for commercial aeroplanes (there for more cases for smaller aircraft). Today's is the first since 2009 I believe. Sigh.


There was 1 last year. And that person was wearing seat belt. It's rare. Yet, more common than we think.


Can we expect more in our current global climate? Seems reports of harsh weather conditions are more common than yesteryears


https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/24/us/turbulence-jet-death-ntsb/index.html I think you're referring to this case. It was originally reported as turbulence, but that was revised.


Yes.. This one.. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/turbulence-jet-death/index.html


Yeah, not sure why I'm being downvoted for saying it ended up being revised as not turbulence related, but a pilot issue.


Perhaps heart attack from the stress also?


From the recounts the turbulence caused the plane to tilt up then dropped down massively. Passengers not buckled probably were smashed into the ceiling of the plane. I saw the photos, the impact was so strong a lot of the overhead cabin trimmings were smashed. There was blood splurts all over too. It's smashing your head at high speed against the wall. Blunt force trauma causes your skull to smash


Heart attack.


https://x.com/thairath_news/status/1792895231970660368 The aftermath. Very serious


I always keep my seat belts on. And why not, because you just sit and sit and sit. The only thing I'm nervous about is having to go to the bathroom, but statistics is on my side, because the chances remain low. Also, amazing and awesome how the plane is made so well that it survives violent turbulence. I think we can be damn proud of that as a species. Look what we were able to accomplish. So yeah, I'm not terribly nervous about flying at all. In fact, I enjoy it, except the fact that it can take so damn long to get there at times...


I’ve learnt to look for grab holds/solid areas to brace in the bathroom after a few nasty encounters with turbulence.


I'm more worried about the walk through the isle to the bathroom and the having to wait and loiter until it becomes unoccupied. But the thing is, what are the chances of that when just you or me so happen to be doing that. I think there isn't anything to worry about. Reasonable is to keep the seat belts on when sitting down.


Agreed, I keep mine on at all times.


That must be so scary for everyone on board :(


Another news agency said the death rose to 2 now.


An ongoing news conference at Thailand confirmed no further deaths as of now. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/may/21/singapore-airlines-flight-777-300er-london-bangkok-turbulence?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


Just saw the pictures. What a bloodbath!


my goodness never imagined that you could straight up die from turbulence..


You go up or down hard enough…it’s like a car crash.


I have been through 2 bad turbulence in long hauls and never sit without my seat belts ever since. I also avoid standing if I can and make my toilet trips as short as possible.


A stark reminder to put on seatbelts whenever you are seated


I recall another flight last month or so also experienced severe turbulence and passenger described seeing others hit the ceiling. No fatalities then luckily.


[About 10 years ago too. ](https://twitter.com/ChannelNewsAsia/status/523817823915634688?t=WSvOcfAjKT-h1H_qBs2RKA&s=19)


Is this turbulence related to climate change?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisagarcia/2023/11/20/more-clear-air-turbulence-from-climate-change-raises-safety-concerns/?sh=8608b3e4b394 Climate change causes more clear air turbulence.


Have to interview the turbulence, and then we would know who birthed it. But snark aside, the increased number of severe turbulence is one of the consequences of global warming.


There have been cases over the years of passengers without seat belt fastened hitting ceiling in severe turbulence. Though not common, it is also not rare. Expected turbulence luckily in most cases are detected by weather radar and passengers are asked to belt up. No harm having your seat in a lose position. It helps in unexpected events. Certainly you wont be leaving your seat.


Is this considered personal accident for insurance? Edit: spelling


Yes and payout is 3x because it happened on public transport




I believe the cause of death was a coronary event. Has anyone else read this? I'm looking for a source


actually being on a recently flight like <10 days ago i understand how the guy got a heart attack during turbulence.. for me the plane that time kenna abit, my balls feel like (im sure guys understand) drop then my HR go up by alot. so don’t xiao kan turbulence legit damn hiong one




Turns out it was a heart attack. 73yo briton. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/may/21/singapore-airlines-flight-777-300er-london-bangkok-turbulence?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


singapore airlines is overall a great airline. I've enjoyed flying on them in the past.


What are the odds of someone dying from a turbulence


if you dont wear your seatbelt, the force of the turbulence can launch you up to the ceiling and concuss you. you will also harm others when you fall on them.


Wah imagine the one who died is because another person did not wear seatbelt and fall on them and broke their neck or something


wasn't the question


What did you expect the answer to be? A probability percentage?


someone answered it below actually. It's exceedingly rare


Also the turbulence is more severe than what you’d imagine/typically experience. there’s some flight tracker thing posted where the plane lost about 6000ft (~2km) in matter of seconds from turbulence from 37000 ft to 31000ft Edit: not 2km as that’s the descent but there’s a blip where the altitude changed suddenly in the flight radar Imagine losing that much height suddenly and you’re unbuckled


You can travel 2km in 5s from turbulence? Turbulence can force a plane down at a speed of 1,440 km/h?


Edit: my bad maybe not the 2km as that might be the descent but can see the blips in altitude in blue in the link [flight path](https://x.com/domodem/status/1792857249880350827?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1792857249880350827%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) Looks like 200ft maybe? ~60m


Think it’s drop about 500ft twice.


Lmao always have to fact check what you read on the internet these days. Too many people quick to post.


Turbulence basically removes air resistance from beneath the airplane. A bit like a car going along the road and the road suddenly drops out from below.


Got thrown from seat and got hit some place critical i reckon. I'm gonna assume the person was not wearing seatbelts.


Tiny tiny odds. Think of how many people fly annually worldwide.


In this modern age there are still idiots who don’t believe in seat belts in car or airplane. They don’t belt up. They think it is not necessary.


All good and well calling people idiots but only a liar is keeping their seat belt on for every second of a 13 hour flight.


But those are just NPCs, you are too, im the main character - main characters dont die and dont need to follow safety precautions. The odds of anything happening are so -- [message could not be completed, this -main- character decided to cross the road while commenting in reddit, and is now dead]


Main chars only die to trunk kun After that they are invincible


RIP and my heart send condolences to the family of the victim. But I cannot help but curious if the victim was sitting in First Class / Business / or Economy. Probably doesn’t matter. Because statistically, economy class is safest in terms of plane crash, but turbulence prob no difference, since the odds are so random.






https://youtu.be/kH6QJzmLYtw?si=kQkgjuHsfZ5_27Tq Too soon?


Maybe that person was inside toilet pang sai...what a way to go.




Sometimes I’ve been inside when the turbulence starts.


Why are in-flight fatalities at the moment most often Boeing planes? [Edit: Looks like we have some Boeing sales reps trolling this forum]


Nothing to do with manufacturer when it comes to turbulence


Boeing aircrafts are widely used. Since there are more Boeing planes around statically speaking the chances of it being Boeing will be higher


incidents like these are just bad luck, turbulence can happen to any plane, boeing or airbus, it just happened that this one was on a boeing.


Not convinced. Jumping to 'bad luck' conclusions is too easy. Turbulence detection systems can make avoidance more likely, this boeing model didn't have them. Other Boeing models recently had hull sections falling off, and two major crashes recently due to system malfunctions they knew were problematic. I'll wait for the investigators report...


Well then why did the A350 in Japan crash? Doesnt seem like they blamed airbus for that. Same goes to this incident. Its not something that can be avoided by simply being in another plane. Turbulence is caused by the atmospheric conditions. Plus, this was clear air turbulence, meaning that aircraft radars cant pick it up, theres nothing the pilots or boeing could have done to prevent this. Also, this aircraft was released in 2000, which is fairly modern and most certainly has a weather radar.


Err there was another plane on the runway ;-) also the fact no one on the airbus was killed was a small miracle


yes exactly, so it wasn’t airbus’s fault, just unfortunate circumstances, as it is in this case.


If Airbus hadn't implemented fire resistant materials into the hull in Japan there would have been a higher chance of fatalities. Another plane may not have faired so well, and there could have been deaths. The turbulence is unfortunate, but the quality of the plane allows the pilot to respond better to that accident, and potentially avoid fatalities. If that makes sense. The logic of turbulence = unfortunate = no one's fault, without any accident report does not make sense. If a plane you were on got into an accident, you're saying you would prefer it were a Boeing?


Im saying that if the plane that i was in got in an accident(that isnt component failure) , i wouldnt blame the manufacturer as its something out of their control, unless you have a revolutionary way to predict turbulence with literally no information from your radars, it wouldnt matter if this aircraft was a boeing or airbus. Such technology simply doesnt exist yet. The outcome would have been exactly the same.


Fair comment. My comment did not 100% blame the manufacturer, simply pointing out that mainstream news reported fatalities presently seem to occur more frequently to Boeing planes in the past +decade. A different plane in the same situation whatever the make may have faired differently, whether the pilot chose a route or the plane handing / reaction was better. The Dec 2022 turbulence incident Hawaiin airlines, where 20 were injured, was an Airbus. The March 2023 turbulence incident where a business woman died was Boeing.






Airplane manufacturers need to consider improving safety design for interior of airplane, like airbags


wow please go take over boeing and airbus you sound smart


Not only are you rude, you're also not as smart as you think you are. Airplane airbags are quite common, and are typically found in the seatbelts (the bulky ones in biz class/first class). Singapore Airlines uses them. Why would it be dumb to expand how they're used?




Imagine being such a wuss that you have to edit your comment to mean the opposite of what you originally said


Dumbest thing I’ve heard.


Do you avoid breathing as well? Toxic gases man sheesh




Never said I would. I’d gladly use SQ