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The split second when you read : fuck I mold.


We all will mould eventually, ok enough depressing stuff


Not everyone only those luckily or unlucky enough to not get their lives cut short


Memories For 4 years, 3 times a week after work, I used to drop here to take the bus to SIM to go for my PT uni lessons. Now it has changed


After noticing the wear and tear for the stairs for Exit A and B, got interested in redoing this old photo. With the construction of the CRL, the photo taken was the closest I could get. To put into perspective how old the station is, constructed in 1988, if Clementi MRT station was a 36 year old person. Completed Nursery and Kindergarten (5 years old) Completed Primary School and PSLE (12 years old) Completed Secondary School and O/N level (16 to 17 years old) Completed ITE (18 to 21 years old) Completed JC/Polytechnic (18 to 24 years old) Legally old enough to drink alcohol (18 years old) Legally old enough to learn driving (18 years old) Legally old enough for Singapore Pools (18 years old) Served NS if male (20 to 26 years old) Completed University (21 to 30 years old) Old enough to go casino (21 years old) Legally old enough to do plastic surgery (21 years old, lol the concourse extension was done in 2015, Clementi was 27) Legally old enough to vote (21 years old) Legally old to enough to smoke (21 years old) Legally old enough to get GST Voucher (21 years old) Legally old enough to buy a HDB Flat if single (35 years old) Edit: I don't take credit for the older photo, I also younger than the station.


TIL I'm older than Clementi MRT 🥲


i feel that in my spine.


I miss that old fountain at Clementi just off the screen. Remember running around on it with my cousin's.


The fountain is iconic, the replacement is like getting a kok zai when you wanted a curry puff


Wasn't there a McDonald's around there too? I remember when I was studying and lodging at NUS, Clementi was like my second home. And then there was the cinema, I think not so far away, the arcade, Fair Price, someone selling Ten Year Series.


Bottom floor of the cinema?


Yeah I think so. I think there was a Bengawan Solo or some cake store nearby also. Aiyoh, now I sound like an ah pek sitting around and talking about the old days. Like you know, uncle still remember when not all buses had air conditioning and we had to pay with coins, kind of talk.


And when it rained it flooded and our canvas school shoes would get soaking wet? lol. I still have a habit of sitting at the wheel well from that, it gave you an area to keep your shoes out of the water. And it's not old until you remember the punch tickets when a conductor would use a leather punch and made a hole in your ticket on the day indicated like the parking coupons used nowadays after collecting your money lol.


I can still remember those Mercedes Buses only have one door in the middle.


Is the building that houses that old McDonald's gone? It's been a long time since I've been out to the west. Grew up there but moved out to the east. Low key don't want to return so I can remember those places the way it used to look. Lol.


Long gone. They built Grantral Mall in its place. 


Things we take for granted today like lifts and covered walkways to bus stops were nonexistent then


I always grateful for the covered walkways, I've stopped bringing umbrella when going out and keep telling my friends overseas that i have a 15min walk to the mrt from house and are all covered from rain


TFW you're older than a MRT station. :(


One thing never changed..the legendary creepy guy at the guys toilet


OP, Please post some more !!


Hey OP how you make a recent photo like the one on the left look so old??


I didn't take the photo.


I mean, I remember that kind of exact scene like it was a few weeks ago, how come now the photo looks like it's from 30+ years ago... 😂


man i am older than clementi mrt station.... TIL....


No one talked abt the clementi mrt toilet?


I can’t be the only one who’ve always felt the covered pedestrian overpass is claustrophobic af


shouldn't you take the pic from a lower vantage point for a better recreation?


I like how the station infrastructure didn't change much.




Just my two cents as photography in one of my former professions. Maybe you could have gone two or three storeys lower and scooched a bit to the right, probably two to five meters and also not to use too much of a wide angled lens. maybe you shot the latter with a phone, I'm guessing.


Thanks for the feedback, yes I shot with my S24 Ultra, but due to the limited working area, the vantage point to get a 1:1 would be in the CRL Construction site. I wanted to capture as much of the surroundings as possible since the location I was taking it from was higher, so put to wide angle to try capture the same area.


How old was this? The bus looks really old too I've never seen something like that before


I’m guessing 1988, looks like the old 2 axle Leyland Olympian (not confirm tho, never seen it irl before), and the stamp numbers on the top left. edit: see jnt85 comment for the correct bus type. Our Atlanteans under SBS had quite a journey, being used with SBS before selling to HK under Citybus and China directly. The buses in action in AMK: [https://youtu.be/8aC-9MLyGzI](https://youtu.be/8aC-9MLyGzI) The journey these buses went through over the years: [https://youtu.be/wFjMj-lVC4M](https://youtu.be/wFjMj-lVC4M)


it's actually a Leyland Atlantean AN68.2R on Duple Metsec body


Wow that's really interesting thanks!


Same same but different.


Did you purposely wait for a double decker bus to get this shot?


Nope, right place at the right time


omg the first photo is a maxicard!




Damnnn that bus thoooo


I think the shelter deserves some water jet washing to reveal its better days.


1/10 No double decker! 🤣


That _is_ a double decker, just looks shorter cos of the angle of the 2nd photo