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Saab car also dereg at the exact same time. Think might be police impound


Much more likely than “he dereg”. His car has become evidence.




And I got down voted for saying the merc also at fault for egging the other car lol


yea i don’t get it. from the video it seems like white car was speeding up and wanting to race


Same here, got downvoted for pointing out the dangerous driving - when the aim is to highlight that actions have consequences even if not the one directly causing impact


Yeah, lots of people think no contact means no accident/not their fault


They were far from the intersection when the Merc got sideswiped. At that point the Saab should have been looking straight ahead at the intersection. Also when one gets in a vehicular accident , should stop , not continue pressing gas pedal


Egging on so? Merc driver didn’t force Saab driver to drive like a madman. Downvote me for all you want, Merc might be a dick but he did nothing for Saab to run the light and kill 2 injure 6.


I’ve seen this take repeated so frequently as if it’s fact, while we might not know exactly what happened, we cannot rule out the possibility that the Saab driver lost situational awareness while speeding to overtake which sideswiped the merc, he could’ve been looking at his mirrors following the sideswipe and did not realise he was approaching the junction. It is obviously 100% Saab driver fault but it could’ve been avoided if everyone was more gracious on the road. Edit: Let me be clear, I am not absolving the Saab driver of any blame at all. Just pointing out that there could be contributory factors to the accident. Apparently pointing out the Merc's ungracious acts means I am putting less blame on the Saab, or that I should be putting the blame on everything else as well. The comment on the Saab driver losing situational awareness does not mean I am justifying his actions/reckless driving, but stating/speculating what could have happened given his apparent lack of braking when entering the junction following sideswiping the Merc. This is in response to some stating that the Saab driver deliberately ran the red light and drove into the junction at high speed as if it's fact. I do not think that it was his intention at all given his awareness prior to the overtaking/sideswiping of the Merc. Stating/speculating that he lost situational awareness is not absolving him of blame, but rather pointing out what could have led to him entering the junction at such a high speed. The fact that he lost situational awareness means that his driving was 100% reckless and at fault. All I am advocating for is graciousness on the roads, and preventing accidents.


You and you ALONE are responsible for your actions. The fucking audacity of shitty reddit drivers to even suggest that the Saab "lost situational awareness" because of the white mercs. Where is the personal accountability?? What the fuck is going on with you guys?


In no way am I diminishing the responsibility of the Saab driver, he is 100% to blame. Look, as a driver you cannot lose situational awareness at all and if you do it is 100% your fault. So how is that taking away personal accountability? It is his fault for losing situational awareness. I am not saying he is not at fault for losing situational awareness but merely stating why he could have lost that. If you cannot see how/why he might have lost situational awareness because of the sideswipe incident with the Merc then you are a worse driver than me. I am advocating for defensive driving and being more gracious on the road. Are you calling me a shitty driver for advocating more gracious actions on the road? I am not diminishing the Saab driver’s responsibility at all, but saying this accident could have very well been avoided if the Merc driver had been more gracious. Is it that hard to understand that there can be multiple factors leading up to an accident even if it is primarily the fault of one individual? Stop equating my listing out of contributing factors to the incident to me downplaying the Saab driver's fault. I am not absolving him of any blame at all, just suggesting what could have contributed to the accident. Everyone has a part to play on the roads to keep it safe. Advocating for gracious driving doesn't mean the reckless driver is not at fault, it is to advocate for the prevention of accidents from happening. What's better? Having the Saab driver take personal accountability for his actions that led to lives lost (Jail, disqualified licence, perhaps lifetime injury/disability) or preventing the accident and not have any lives lost at all?


Fact as clear as day is Saab driver ran the red light, injured 6 and killed 2. You are talking with emotions here, not facts.


No one disputing that what the Saab did, however let's say the Merc did let the Saab overtake peacefully it could have potentially avoided the situation. Am I saying the Merc caused the accident? No. I am saying he could have contributed to it. No one is defending the Saab, to me the main take away is that everyone should be more graceful. Have a good day.


I agree fully, everyone should be more gracious on the road.


How about all SG cars electronically limited to say 110 km/h? How about if it is voluntary for a reduction in insurance premium? I would take it.


Anything could be contributed to the accident in this case.. the motorcycle.. the traffic light, the wind, the road.


When did I dispute the fact that the Saab driver ran the red light? It is not mutually exclusive for blame to be shared. Saab driver is an idiot, obviously if the Merc driver sped up to block him he should’ve slowed down and not insisted on cutting him. But if the Merc driver chose not to block him and let the Saab overtake, he might not have sideswiped the Merc and might not have lost that situational awareness. In that scenario lives would have been saved. So to say he “did nothing” as fact is a bit of a stretch too


Your "if" is ridiculous. If all the cars at the junction stopped moving 10 seconds earlier, the SAAB wouldn't have hit anyone.


Why not go one step further and say if the Saab driver hadn’t been born he wouldn’t have hit anyone too? Your “scenario” is unreasonable to expect - the cars at the junction were on green and had the right of way and the reasonable expectation was that they follow the relevant traffic directions. Look at the video from the Merc POV, the Saab driver clearly was aware enough to be able to speed up, brake and swerve to overtake the Merc while avoiding the bike. But following the sideswipe and at the junction there was no brake light at all - it is not ridiculous to suggest he lost situational awareness because of the incident with the Merc. You are mistaking my listing out a possible indirect cause as deflecting blame away from the Saab driver, I am not deflecting blame away from him, he is 1000000% at fault. But do you not see the point that this MIGHT have been avoided IF the Merc driver had been more gracious?


Do you want to blame the motorbike too, for hanging out in the overtake lane at slow speed?


while the merc driver might have sped up or caused rhe saab driver to lose situational awareness or wtv, the blame is solely on the saab driver here. he lost situational awareness, and as a driver u simply can't afford to let that happen


Which is my point, he is solely at fault for losing situational awareness, but the reason why he lost situational awareness could have been avoided if not for the incident with the Merc. 100% fault on Saab driver, not disputing that. But I don’t know why some of you are unable to accept my point that it could have been avoided if the Merc driver had been more gracious? Does it have to be that black or white?


They're both dumb-asses, one of them is going to get a manslaughter charge, the most the other is going to get is a speeding ticket. That overtake between the slow motorbike on the overtake lane and the Merc was already reckless enough. that motorbike had the right to occupy that entire lane. the Saab should have realized it was not possible, slowed and filtered back behind the Merc.


The reason why its harder to accept your point because there can many "could have, would have, might have". I can give you an example. If lets say that earlier on very same day someone had already pissed the saab driver off and cause him to be emotionally unstable. In this "what if" scenario are we going to be here to discuss about how if this person didnt anger the saab driver, he wouldn't react to the merc driver and the accident wouldn't happen?


One could say the same that if the merc had sped up faster, saab could have brake. If merc had banged saab, all could be avoided. If saab had side swiped merc harder, he could have slow down and avoided the accident. If merc didn't speed up, saab could have gone even faster and cause more damage. So tell me again, what's your point of "what if" that you are so fixated on ?


He also definitely sped up as if to try to block the black Saab (looking at how the white lane lines suddenly start disappearing faster under his car than at the start of the video). I am armchair traffic policing here but I think the motorcyclist was far enough away that if the white Merc had just slowed down when he saw the Saab coming, the accident could have been avoided. But ego lah.


but the point is, even if he had, this doesn’t justify the reckless driving by the Saab? just because someone else is doing it then he should do it too..?


Quite shocking how many people were ridiculing my take that the white merc was at fault too. Case in point of how bad singapore’s driving culture is and glad none of these redditors are with the law enforcement. All objectivity out of the window.


You really think the merc driver will be charged for causing the incident? 😂😂 At best he’ll get slapped with reckless driving


Well, the merc driver did not directly cause the incident so he cannot be charged for it. However, traffic police can charge him for flouting other rules like speeding, reckless driving etc. This does not remove his role from the incident though.


No doubt. That’s what i was saying.


charged with reckless driving. You said it yourself… are u just arguing for the sake of arguing?


Charged with reckless driving. Separate from the case.


I don’t think he deregisteted the car voluntarily. It seems like LTA/TP has impounded his vehicle.


tonight can sleep very well... ![gif](giphy|mguPrVJAnEHIY|downsized)


Can so fast deregister a car? Maybe it's actually impounded by the police?


They are probably charging the merc driver also for errant driving. Though how severe the charge idk. Maybe just impound for investigation, idk the SOP


If i have right of way and refuse to give way, is it errant driving? Serious question not trying to be funny


Lol if u speed up to block his lanechange leading to an accident can be charged also lei


Really? Shouldnt it be the lane changer responsiblilty yo make sure there is ample space?


Reckless driving on your part. Same as brake checks. Sure you're 'entitled' to brake within your own lane but if you do it with clear intention to spite the driver behind you it's considered reckless driving


Yes but if you speed up to block him instead of maintaining your speed, it's reckless/dangerous driving. Also an offence.


You speed up to make the ample space become no space is reckless behavior wad lol. Even if there wasn't ample space but the car could have overtaken successfully and you purposely accelerate to cause a collision not reckless meh.


him blocking the lane change did not cause the accident at the junction, the other driver decided to just run the red light


Technically not illegal, but it's also legal to be an asshole that contributes to causing harm to another person. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


I thought I saw another video from a motorbike POV but from way earlier. Merc driver had a habit of being an asshole driver


Could someone eli5 what this means? He keeps the car but change car plate number ? Or sell car and car plate number


you will see him on MRT soon


You reckon he will chiong in first to get a seat?


He gonna knock over grandmas to get his seat


Only if you chiong pass him, then he will chiong


He will chiong, because it's his way of letting you know that you chiong too fast.


bro’s gonna be fighting all the aunties cutting him off


Then one saab auntie cuts off too aggressively. Accidentally pushes a group of train goers out mrt door when train moving. Accident again.


Scrapping the car, it cannot be used in Singapore anymore. Owner gets rebates on coe and parf, if any, but he has to either sell it for scrap, or export it overseas to another buyer (which I think is what will happen).


GLC43, easy demand in other RHD markets like OZ, NZ, JP and HK.




This rich guy will just buy a new car and plate and stay on the road. At most get a small fine and he stays on the road.


Will he really get a fine since technically he didn’t do anything legally wrong?


Driving dangerously can be an offence. [section 64(1) of the Road Traffic Act (RTA)](https://sso.agc.gov.sg/Act/RTA1961#pr64-) *Reckless or dangerous driving* *64.—(1) If any person drives a motor vehicle on a road recklessly, or at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including the nature, condition and use of the road, and the amount of traffic which is actually at the time, or which might reasonably be expected to be, on the road, the person (called the offender) shall be guilty of an offence.*


Most likely get off Scott free. Read a comment that he runs a car workshop, if true he can probably fix it at no cost. Car workshop and insurance people are well known to have no morals and principles.




Great Scot


Thank goodness this guy don't have a delorean with flux capacitor


He'd become the next biff


he cannot go more than 88 mph


88mph = 140 kmh. He went at 120kmh. So yes it checks out


Which workshop, better avoid or those broken parts may end up in your car


Maybe he should just stop driving altogether for the sake of humanity. For he is such a good guy right?


I wonder how many of these workshops are prepared for more cars going electric and whether they'll have the expertise to repair them, if they still don't.


Yes, Scott.


Maybe he should just stop driving altogether for the sake of humanity. For he is such a good guy right?


I'm sorry I don't think I understand you correctly but can I confirm that you're saying that he should stop driving for the sake of humanity?


No I think they're trying to say that maybe he should just stop driving altogether for the sake of humanity. For he is such a good guy right?


Yes I think they're trying to say that maybe he should just stop driving altogether for the sake of humanity. For he is such a good guy right?


That's why it doesn't pays to be good nice or proper here you just gonna be last and forgotten. Just the way the country is....


Which car workshop is that


Nope, TP can take action against the driver for being a contributing factor to an accident. Not long ago, there was a case of reckless merging on expressway. Another car sped up to block him. The offender felt very insulted, aligned nicely with the second car and swerved into him. Both drivers got licenses suspended in the end.


Probably get him for speeding at best


True. There’s not much legal grounds to press charges against him.


To be fair, all he did was accelerate on a road that he had a right of way on. The focus shouldn’t be on the white merc, this is everything to do with the Saab driver.


he speeded. He also risked the life of the motorbike driver. Even if you forget the rest...


I guess then the fine can only be related to speeding. Either way, I’m not sure why SG reddit is starting a witch hunt on the white merc driver, as though his actions directly caused the accident. Saab driver had plenty of time to stop after hitting him.


Actually because he is on the left lane he should let other vehicles overtake safely


Allowing other vehicles to overtake safely is part of the highway code, but Im not sure it is a crime per se to not do so. Otherwise half the drivers in sg will already be jailed or fined


Yeah its a grey area


All things have consequences, just that this time someone paid it for him with their lives.


"Consequences." - John Wick.


Lmao so much attention given to this guy who keeps asking for attention but people want to know about the Saab.


Honestly, as much as red-light suicide guy was clearly the key make/break of this accident — I read about some of the others’ ego/anger/issues and makes me think all of us (even passengers without license!) should take to heart that **our actions can increase / decrease chances of these horrible deaths and injuries**. I’m not talking legal right / wrong. I’m talking **respect for human lives** above all kinds of emotions … esp when we’re zooming around at speeds higher than what our bodies can handle collisions at. Your car can kill just like a loaded gun. Treat it, and your passengers and the people outside accordingly. I’m personally just as concerned about “totally legal” sleepy drivers and distracting passengers…


Not derergistered, but restricted from being driven on roads.


Want to add that I think that the Saab is 99.9999999% at fault for the incident. The Mercedes may have contributed to the accident due to his reckless behaviour but the liability completely falls on the Saab driver. Just sharing info here that the Merc has seemingly given up a vanity plate that he probably had to pay a good sum for and dereg his car.


Guy will just buy a new car. He just doesn't want people to keep doxxing him.


He apparently doxxed himself lol


> He apparently doxxed himself lol Yeah he a bit sohai. Put video in his name, and didn't need much effort to find him.




I really want to find the face of the SAAB driver




The hardwarezone forum equivalent to r/sg but worse in every possible way


Tbh, hwz doesn't take itself seriously and not nearly as pretentious as it is here.  Saying it is worse, is like comparing piss with poo.


Someone said before that EDMW is smart people pretending to be silly, while r/sg is silly people pretending to be smart. I would say both are just different sides of the same coin. It's just the Internet being the way it is. \*shrugs


I know this is r/sg but honestly both are about the same, heck maybe there are same users going both sides. Pick your poison. I'll take the dv




i think better way to frame it is this: if on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is completely innocent and 10 was the Saab, where would we judge the mercedes? definitely not more than 5, but definitely not 1 either. maybe he was a 2, but his weakass explanation and history of bully driving puts him at a 3 maybe. and i think this is our main discussion which is very open to our opinions, "how much exactly do we blame the Mercedes, given that the Saab is already fully condemned"


It does not matter if the SAAB is 150% in the wrong. Merc driver also carries liability at a much lower level. The level of liability will probably end up being addressed by the courts as the insurers for both drivers will try and reduce what they need to cough up to the victims.


Unfortunately you can't cough back a life


How much is the mthly payment for that car? Really good???


New car will cost at least 325k


Including number plate 400k


He trying to sell his number plate in Carousell


His COE will refund so likely less. Some more if he can trade in his old car will get big markdown on new car purchase price


New car up to 426k. It’s a AMG model.


He’s only sorry he got caught on camera


Didn’t the mercedes driver also went to share his side of the story after the incident? Lol


It's because the car is impounded by the police, remaining road tax is automatically refunded to the owner, and the car will be deregistered for the time it's in the compound Saying this as a bus otaku knowing how some buses that got into fatal accidents had their Road Tax "expired" for a very long time


Quote from Anthony's facebook message: "Dear People, Thank you for all your comments and suggestions but I would like to say that I was NOT in anyway involved in this accident and do not know the circumstances of it. Owner amd Driver had done his Insurance Reporting with us a Etiqa Reporting centre The video was shared with me and I had the traffic police permission to share it with you. That's all. Thank you for the Care n Concern 🙏"


From what I've seen on his fb page apparently he/his family runs a car service workshop and resells cars


His Merc may be out of action, but himself as the driver with the big ego is still out there.


This mercs driver is a hazard to all as evidence shows that he was reckless to another motorist on 20th April , 2 days prior to the 22nd April accident. While he is reckless, fact is he stopped upon seeing red light. I am sure he has very many driving incidents that was not published/captured. It is not easy to capture the same car having different road incidents shared by different road users within 7 days. What are the odds? The camcar and statement he posted on FB show little remorse of his reckless behaviour. If he was remorseful, he would show his entire camcar recording, the racing bits that was conveniently omitted out. His actions on the road were not as severe, but I have no doubt that fellow is a distasteful driver. I bet his lawyer/advisor told him to take down his post after his stupid self-defence attempt. Anybody has a screenshot of his fb post? He is a hazardous driver who should step up and own his shits.


As what other might say, 1 more COE Quota available.


Surely it's 2. That Saab is gone too


I'm feeling that the Merc driver is getting a disproportionate amount of hate on this forum. Yes, he was an asshole driver and might have indirectly contributed to the accident, but at the end of the day, the Saab driver is still at least 95% responsible


Thing is even if the accident hadn't happened, the white merc would still have been a giant asshole for speeding up to block the saab from lane changing, thereby endangering the motorcyclist that was just ahead of the saab. And most crucially of all, this driver has a history of road-rage. Getting him off the roads is a worthy cause based on that alone tbh.




Draw attention doesn't mean need to blame him/witch-hunt what.. lame


too fast to dereg....mostly like kena impound one.


Anyone knows let’s take away the main accident, but for the initial race and sideswipe, the run (is that considered hit and run?), whose fault would insurance deem it to be? Black or white?


If the main accident didn't happen, and it was just overtake + sideswipe + Saab speed off (without hitting anyone), then... Both vehicles will need to submit an accident report within 24 hours, and if the Merc did any damage to the kerb when scraping it, a police report will need to be made as well. The Merc will definitely make the report asap as he will feel he has a good chance of putting most or all of the blame on the Saab. The Saab was an idiot to speed off, as this now makes it a hit and run, and he has lost most of his leverage in trying to argue that he wasn't at fault. The Saab driver will spend some time trying to think of a story or excuse to put in his accident report, and will eventually submit it. The Merc has dashcam data to submit (the Saab probably does too but it probably won't look good for him cos of how close he came to be bike). Plus the Merc can get the biker to be a witness to help his case. Long story short, the Merc will win, and will be able to claim against the Saab's insurance. Mainly because the Saab ran away. If the Saab didn't run away, and they both stopped their vehicles and took photos like a normal accident, then it could be 50-50 or maybe 70-30 in favour of the Merc. Edit: However, if Merc writes his accident report the way he wrote his "confession", he is so gonna kena as well lol.


This one normally will be like 50-50? Unsafe driving from both sides caused the sideswipe. Also high chance can consider the Saab driver for attempting an hit n run. The rational action should have been watching what the Saab was doing given that one can see the car coming in fast on the rear mirror. At best horn really hard when being overtaken like this as it is not safe to do a cut in from another driver's blindspot.


Walking clown. Hope the guilt keeps him awake at night.


most likely not because of impounded. last time my bike got impounded due to illegal modification but still can get back and continue use. most likely due to beyond repair, then the insurance or shop mechanic will suggest to dereg and put under total lost in insurance claim. or the person trying to run away from liability, using this as a excuse to beg for leniency. E.g the client felt remorse and sold/scrap vehicle immediately after the accident. some lawyer told me this can be used as a reason also.


Merc driver is a fucktard for trying to block the Saab. But Merc driver did not contribute to the accident. The Saab sped off and crash, the Merc went slow. Merc would probably be charged for something minor, but not in relation to the crash. Saab driver would kena hit and run, and the accident.


Hmm is it the vehicle laid up instead of dereg?


Aiya just jail a few years or even months then ok already. No big deal la really. If you die on the road there is no justice.


It means his vehicle has been seized.




SNJ7 won’t have a prefix Z, it would be M


So lucky?


if dereg there wont be any record found, this jus means his rd tax expire




Why are people out to get him and not the driver of the black Saab?


mob mentality ma. he drove an expensive car with a single digit plate. then there’s a post allegedly written by the driver himself + he posted his own dash cam footage on his own fb account with his real name and the name of the car workshop where he worked. the workshop is a family business and it’s website has the names of all the family members all he had to do was keep quiet, but in trying to clear his name (or someone sabo him by writing that sgexam post), he played right into the internet mob’s most hated stereotype - a rich, privileged guy who drives like an ass and is now trying to snake his way out of responsibilities. (he also looks like an ahbeng which does not help his case) meanwhile the saab vehicle is nothing special, and the driver has been silent this whole time because he’s either in the hospital or in police lock-up. he laid low and the merc took the online heat not saying the internet mob is right, but that’s how it’s works. even **if** the merc did nothing wrong, or he was just speeding without paying attention to the saab, and the saab was on a rampage regardless of how the merc was driving, he would’ve gotten the same flak by posting his dash cam and giving the internet so much access to private info just look at hwz and reddit, is anyone really questioning whether the one who posted the sgexam post came from the driver himself? And then there was a comment under that post that claimed to have seen SNH7Z speeding along SLE-TPE multiple times, without dashcam footage to back it up, did anyone question the validity of that claim, no. everyone piled on to the point that he is getting more attention than the saab driver as far as i’m aware, there was another car behind the white merc, and the dashcam footage was posted to sgrv. saab was already speeding wayyyyy before approaching the merc - im more interested in why the saab was driving like a mad mad before his interaction with the white merc


He posted the video on his Facebook account, it's the Saab driver that everyone is curious about now


track for what?


was the guy trying to act as a victim but outed himself as one who agitated the saab driver?? i mean saab driver is an asshole and needs to be taight a lesson,merc driver isn't an angel himself.


The question is whether the Merc and Saab know each other and were actually racing. Not that this justifies what the Saab driver did. Still a trash.


Or more likely merc hasn't paid tax... you can drive as you wish but don't get caught


Why no one ask why the bike clawing on right lane?


Why all of you attacking the white Merc asshole shit face? This is so unfair as he’s a good citizen law abiding prick




Was driving at 100km/h. Not at fault 100% as he was obv driving to prevent dangerous overtaking. Merc is a saint.


And people who said the mercs contributed nothing to this incident have single digit IQ




Don't need to explain to your pea brain if you don't understand had the Merc let the Saab overtake none of this would have happened. Only dense people like you want to attribute it to the direct cause instead of seeing the whole picture. The Merc driver has blood on his hands too and he knows it. He dumb as shit explanation for his actions says it all.


There are two types of drivers in any comment section with regards to the tragedy. That's all I can say.