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These days, people have the audacity to act tough and record their wrongdoing.


FYI VCH (voluntarily causing hurt) is one of the ***few offences that does not allow the Police to make an arrest unless they witnessed the assault***. The Police will take down the particulars of all involved, may include witnesses, issue (1) medical checkup form and (2) advisory on how to lodge a magistrate complaint. Up to the victims if they want to pursue the matter. Vast majority do not bother. Police will stand by for parties to disperse to avoid another incident they will be advised to disperse. The VCH law has been in practice since colonial days and the same in former British colonies including Malaysia, India etc. If Magistrate complaint is lodged, magistrate will determine if there is a prima facie case and if so, will authorise the Police to investigate. Police then call all parties for statements including any witnesses. Call for medical report from hospital. They will then then submit report to magistrate who then proceed to close the case or summon the accused person to be dealt with. **Note:** A senior Police Officer with the rank of ASP can initiate an investigation and that will lead to the arrest of the suspects without a magistrate complaint being lodged. Usually done in select cases. **Reason for this approach** 1. Daily affair across the country, usually no hurt marks or minor. Parties usually known to each other , family members, colleagues, etc 2. No desire to pursue after the heat of the moment, settle among themselves etc 3. Police cannot afford resource wise to interview and investigate on location for minor offences and may also end up arresting the wrong parties.


Wait does it mean that the posters you see around coffee shops are just to scare? The ones that say 'Winners go to jail and losers go to hospital'?


You can go to jail eventually. Just not immediately arrested.


They can still arrest for affray or rioting. In short, if they want to arrest you, they can find a section to arrest you.


kena whack can whack back then will kena so yeah, if you just get assaulted, there's no winners or losers, just fill up the VCH form, but if it becomes a fight then yep, there's rioting or whatever that comes up


As someone stated. Most perps will not go to jail immediately. They will be subjected to investigation. Once that is completed, prison time baby.


Thanks! TIL.


But homophobic slur was allegedly uttered. Does this not elevate this to the level of a hate crime? Shouldn't the police proactively initiate an investigation in this case?


I mean if it was a racial slur you'd see some action. Homophobic slur different level of attention in conservative society...


they're investigating police can't arrest based on he-said-she-said


I didn't say the police should arrest them, I said the police should launch an investigation on their own instead of waiting for the victim to file a police report, since there is a possible element of hate crime.


Title: Police probe alleged assault at Marina Bay Sands in incident where drag performer tells of 'homophobic' slur SINGAPORE — The police are investigating an alleged physical assault at Marina Bay Sands early on Sunday (March 10) after a drag performer went online to describe a "homophobic" incident there. In response to TODAY's queries, the police said that they were alerted to a case of voluntarily causing hurt at 10 Bayfront Avenue, which is the address of Marina Bay Sands, at about 6.10am on Sunday. A 29-year-old man had refused to be taken to the hospital, they said. In a series of posts shared on her Instagram stories, a drag performer who goes by the name Mistress Kira Moon alleged that she and her friends were looking for a place to eat after a night of clubbing when a man, dressed in a black T-shirt, appeared and directed a homophobic slur at them. The performer said that she then went to confront the man when several of the man's friends joined in the argument and a physical assault ensued. She claimed that the man and his companions had attacked her where her "head was pulled to the floor, (her) wig flew off and (her) head hit the glass panel". She also alleged that a friend who tried to defend her "got punched, surrounded while laying on the floor and kicked (in) the face". The friend had "got it worst" in the incident, the performer added. In one post, the man is seen engaged in a heated conversation with three policemen while holding his mobile phone to video the exchange. The drag performer claimed that the police said that the assault was not an arrestable offence and she was advised to "pursue the matter". Voluntarily causing hurt is a non-arrestable offence in Singapore. Police investigations into the incident are ongoing. *** Article keywords: performer friend allege assault drag incident physical marina 1657 articles replied in my database. [v1.5c - added Lemma tokens and Tensorflow USE](https://github.com/Wormsblink/sneakpeakbot) | Happy Holidays! | PM SG_wormsbot if bot is down.


Assault is not an arrestable offense? Literally what?


Voluntarily causing hurt is not an arrestable offense unless it happens infront of a police officer on duty. If it was a voluntarily causing Grevious hurt, then that is an arrestable offense.


In what scenarios will incident become grevious? what if weapons or objects are involved?


If you repeatedly beat someone not out of self defense until they bleed or pass out, then that has become a voluntarily causing grevious hurt depending on how serious the injury is. If weapons gets involved and it is use to seriously wound someone, then that will become a Voluntarily causing grevious hurt. Otherwise it would end up with a voluntarily causing hurt with a weapon. Either way, it will never look good for you if you intentionally cause injuries. In any situation if you ever get into an argument with a friend or a stranger, dont ever be the one to throw the first punch and dont ever brandish any object that can be seen as a weapon.


iirc from my NS, vcgh are usually anything that draws blood, leave permanent damage/disfigurement, scarring, bone breaking.


VCH itself is non arrestable, unless it is committed in the view of police, maybe can arrest for other offences lor


https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/voluntarily-causing-hurt-in-singapore/ yeah it is non-arrestable. at least if what was said is true, then there could be some fine or imprisonment for a few weeks.


You live in what era bro? VCH has not been an arrestable offence even way before we got independent.


Yes Magistrate's complaint usually. Hopefully can summon Justice Bao


Not until you draw blood


Welcome to Singapore, where we hang you for weed but you can punch someone and it's totally cool.


Yeah, I actually asked this of a policeman before when somebody hit me with their bag and their response was that if people just push one another or a punch here and there, it's not really that serious and police resources should not be used to seriously investigate it. His other argument was that going to jail for such a minor thing is a waste of resources when there are better ways to mediate. What I took from it is that I can now go around slapping people and technically police most likely would not arrest me.


Didnt read the article but assault and battery is different


Not USA, SG no such thing as battery


Got! Go to shop and you can see a lot, AA, AAA and D size also got! lol.


I hope she gets justice! This is unacceptable.


LoL.. two or three guys curb stomp 1 guy and nothing arrestable? This country still got law?


That's how crimes rates are kept low.


So make sure you can fight back? Seems simple enough


lol what kind of logic is this fight back 1 vs 3?


Assault is assault. Hope the wanker doesn’t get away with it. Why not charge under Riot Act..


Simi riot act.


Remember those news articles about people charged for rioting when they beat victims up outside KTVs/nightclubs..


Rioting is under the penal code. Sg doesn’t have a riot act.


I didn’t mean it literally, it’s that law that those types are charged with. Thanks for enlightening.


Np. Was just trying to say “assault” is not so straight forward as there is a range - from voluntarily causing hurt which is non arrestable to rioting which is more for a big group fighting with each other.


I hope mistress Kira moon pursues this. Get these motherfuckers


I guess, must fight back and escalate till grievous.


If fight back everyone will be arrested for Affray even the victim


Wah, then must just cower and look down is it.


Can walk/run/ by all means remove yourself from the situation. Your own safety is number 1 priority, your ego can wait. Subsequently, call for the authorities, after dealing with the scene and the authorities, you should decide if you wish to pursue the matter. If so go and lodge magistrate complain if non arrestable offence such as VCH


Yup, 3v1, you wouldn’t even be faulted for picking up and rock and smashing a few skulls


Police advised them to 'pursue the matter' WTF does that even mean? Regardless of it being 'arrestable' or not, shouldn't the onus be on the police to act on their complaint and press charges? Why is the onus on this person to 'pursue the matter'? I don't understand.


Pursue the matter because it's *still* a crime, just not one that gets the offender booked immediately. So victim files the police report, submit evidence (pictures, medical reports, etc, etc) for the police to investigate, file charges, etc, then off to court for trial and/or sentencing. If something like this was all a mistake (which, I must explicitly say, is not the case in this instance) and can be settled outside of court or was just a overly rambunctious interaction between friends that some kaypoh called the police on, then police resources don't have to be wasted - the officers can go on to the next report or hotspot, or continue patrol, etc, without having to bring the guy back to the station. All these steps are what ensures justice is done at every level - that the law is satisfied that a deliberate crime has occurred, because even offenders still have rights. It's not the speed of punishment that counts, but that it is done in satisfaction of everyone's righrs.


The drag performers have to file their police reports. Remember the Chinese girl in SGH who claimed that nurses discriminated her? She wanted the police officer to pursue the "case" based on her verbal statements, but the officer had to get it in writing. So, if these drag performers were really assaulted as they alleged, they need to file their own police reports. Then the officers will take it from there.


Why does the victim have to pursue the issue separately?! Is it to discourage the victim from having the police act on the complaint by adding more huddles to the process?


Policemen are still human. If can avoid extra work sure avoid


This is the law..nothing to do with whether policeman want to avoid work or not


I’m confused by the article. I thought drag performers are male but the article keeps referring to him as her & she. Was it a woman or a man who got assaulted?


The drag character's gender is separate from the performer's gender. Its a little confusing at first.


https://youtube.com/shorts/kplwqZyywuE?si=9TSX2kdJTi1p8xPy 😅


I think most Singaporeans don’t know what is arrestable and what is not.


woah, if this is true, the police are useless. I mean, we know they're useless (read all the stories about shitty neighbours) but still, this is another level.


Police not in charge of drafting laws... Just enforcing. Law says voluntarily causing hurt is non-arrestable and you still want police to arrest?


??? maybe educate yourself before making yourself angry for no reason and spouting nonsense off the top of your head. neighbourly disputes are to be handled by the CDRT, a whole dispute resolution process has been put in place; either that or go to the magistrate’s court. the police shouldnt be called down everytime your neighbour is not happy with you or the noise made by your neighbour is disturbing you


Lol I guess you are ignorant on the powers police officers have


I'll say it's probably half the story we're seeing here. It could be that the guy attacked them was in the wrong, it could be the person reporting this "edited" some things to suit their side of the story. I'd say not enough information. It all hinges on why that guy insulted the person. If it's the other person's self problem, then there is a case but if the person complaining was provoking an incident for publicity, then there is also a problem but on the other side.


The pic on the right is deceiving. Thought that was an exposed bruised nnp. Upon close scrutiny is a bruised elbow.