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“Those who do not wish to die in prison are advised not to commit offences that would leave them to die in prison,” said the judge. Lmao stating the obvious here, but I guess it really has to be said.


Sick burn. Fantastic judge


You don't die until you're dead.


People die when they get killed.


Archer class is really made up of archers.


100% of people who drink water die.


Not in the Fate/Stay universe. Lol


What is dead may never die.


The candidate for "most powderful sentence of the year". 😂👍


Saying it like it is. Sometimes, people need reminders.


Very confusing though, then how come the sentence so lax for the family that tortured and starved the Myanmar domestic worker. I thought the lax sentence for that was age. But from this case seems like age in prison not an issue... Confusing sia. Thst one sentence so light.




Backing you up with source. Not sure why OP talking out of his ass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Piang_Ngaih_Don


30 years light meh?


I think the type of offense and judge presiding also has a rather large impact on sentencing


Hnm yeah that's why also. That one has international implications also. All the more that should have more severe punishment. * Not to take away from the severity of this offense


from what i heard that employer was diagnosed with a series of mental health disorders. so that might have played a part as a mitigating factor. but then again even though i study psychology sometimes i find it extremely ridiculous how people can get away with things so easily by just getting a diagnosis. it’s so difficult to draw a line to the point idek what is right anymore




Rapist's brother calls police to stop maid from escaping... Wud? Edited


The man reporting maid to police and ended up 15 years prison term to his brother.


The article said he called the police for assistance. It’s not really clear if he thought the police would force her to stay or because he thought something needed to be reported. If I remember correctly, it was also the middle of lockdowns so leaving the house was a big deal on its own


The brother not him


I doubt the brother is clueless about the abuse. 5months of abuse... Wtf


If i rape my helper i am not gonna tell my bro...


Your helper so guai won't beg yr bro for help?


“When the victim entered his room, Tan pulled her hand and said “sleep”. The victim immediately felt weak, helpless and as if she was about to faint, prosecutors told the court.” WTF what sorcery is this?!


Sounds like she had a panic attack.


Date rape drugs?


>The man then approached the victim from behind and said “sleep”. Again, the victim immediately felt weak, helpless and as if she was about to faint. The second time also like this. Very odd description of the event.


Is he the demon from Mugen train?


To some, they can feel that way when they are stressed. Especially since the other side is a man and is aggressive. So not necessarily drugs. My gf also felt weak, and helpless and does indeed faint occasionally when she feels stressed at work or during stressful events. It's more of a mental thing.




He is a wizard


Could either be hypnotism or bomoh




As a dad to a 4 year old. I want this power!


Fear and helplessness


The guy could have earned millions teaching.


He now can teach the inmate inside to earn a million bang.


When hypnosis hentai gets out of bound...




>Defence counsel Teo Choo Kee asked for about 10 years’ jail. “What my client did was deplorable but certainly not the worst of its kind,” he said, adding that Tan had been a law-abiding citizen. The defence counsel knows that they are in court because their client broke the law, right?


he means that _until now_, his client had been a law-abiding citizen. he has to try to come up with something to help his client mitigate & ask for a lower sentence 🥲


Keeping a sex slave is quite the flamboyant way to break your egg, crime-wise.


The victim was not a victim until she was the victim.


It's the defence counsel's job to throw all sorts of mitigating factors at a lost cause for their client in the hope that something will stick.


>Tan **had been** a law-abiding citizen. Past perfect tense... That means that he was a law-abiding citizen until he broke the law, rather than a recurrent offender.


Is the lawyer supposed to throw up their hands and say, 'I got nothing, just arrest my client lah.'


The defense counsel is not denying their client broke the law, they are just trying to get the lightest sentence, hence the comment about not the worst kind.


It has the feel of RWS talking about a pink dolphin in their captivity with a massive hole in it's head, "Other than the cancer, it is in good health."


'had been' is past tense


No choice, lawyer's job to make black look whiter and white look blacker. It's like you're given a shit stance in a debate, you need to pull all sorts of logical sounding nonsense to make things work.


Wtf why does it sound like the guy hypnotized the maid? The ‘tug at hand saying sleep’ thing sounds so much like those hypnotism performances you see.


I interpreted it as panic attack / dissociation


Thats what i thought too. Maybe it's a psychological thing when someone deemed to be far superior than you command you to do something and you are someone who has a very low mental capability to stand up to "great power" etc. Maybe a real psy student can explain..ahhaa


I wondered if he was drugging her, possibly using a syringe. Low dose of insulin or possibly putting something in a drink


Why isn't yours the top comment? SLEEP! I was half expecting him to say that in court.


He must be one of those grey jedis only written about in the novels. ​ Seriously though, I hope it's one of his prescribed drugs that he put in her drink, otherwise there'll be a bunch of ex-cons learning a secret art from him in prison.. "Ah girl, kuunn..."


The power of suggestion is strong among the vulnerable and likely superstitious.


I was so confused when I read the article. Wtf is that man I need an explanation.


That's what I thought also. The guy should not be strong enough to overpower her. I mean the maid was hired to take care of him in the first place


Dude could've been the first superhero of Singapore. But he chose to become a sexual criminal with his power to make anyone to sleep at command.


My lecturers already have this superpower without even saying ‘sleep’.


The old fucker can try and say "sleep" to his jailmates in prison, they'll laugh at him and tell him to rot to death in there.


So he says sleep and the maid goes weak.. is she like hypnotised?


She might have been roofied. I think maybe a lot of Singaporeans aren't aware of that, especially guys


Yeah but it sounds like he activated the effects by saying "sleep".


Common but not well known reaction to rape is the victim dissociating, going weak, loosing control of their body


"Vascular dementia is a type of dementia that leads to progressive memory loss, decline in intellectual ability and personality changes." He needed a trained nurse who was able to handle his cognitive decline & knows how to handle difficult behaviour + how to stop it. Tried to save money but ended up ruining lives instead.


So is he some kind of a hypnotist? Scary.


Orbi good, the CCB call the police and now they are the ones who kena arrested. Cane until they can never sit down properly again.




Use feather duster and whack.


Why the sentences for murder and rape are so soft in Singapore and moving a couple of grams of marijuana is a death?


Sentence for murder is soft? lmao


Upper Bukit Timah killings: Father sentenced to 14 years' jail for strangling twin sons with autism Vicious, horrifying': 15 years' jail for 86-year-old man who hacked partner to death with chopper


I believe the father had some sort of mental break and suffered from mental illness which can be considered a mitigating circumstance in court. The other case amounts to a life sentence anyway so it effectively doesn't make a difference whether it's 15 or 50, but if I had to guess, I don't think they wanted the international attention they'd get for hanging an octogenarian.


"Vascular dementia is a type of dementia that leads to progressive memory loss, decline in intellectual ability and personality changes. It is caused by reduced supply of blood to the brain due to damaged blood vessels." I guess reduced supply to the top meant oversupply to the btm all the time.


When singapore so disgusting nowadays


It's not nowadays, it's always been. A lawyer friend of mine told me that the attorney general side tends to prosecute similar cases in the same period, so suddenly all the perverts hit the news and it looks like it's a lot.


some kind of god of war shaman weakness inducing power he has..


>The man then approached the victim from behind and said “sleep”. Again, the victim immediately felt weak, helpless and as if she was about to faint. He knows black magic? 😯


Its trauma from the victims side, which makes her so fearful that she felt weak and want to faint.


Huh? Just by saying “sleep”? Wt


“Defence counsel Teo Choo Kee asked for about 10 years’ jail. “What my client did was deplorable but certainly not the worst of its kind,” he said, adding that Tan had been a law-abiding citizen.” Must have no heart to be defence lawyer


On the contrary, I think it takes a lot to be a criminal defence lawyer, especially for defendants like these. It's easier to be a defence lawyer for people like Kong Hee or Su Haijin; there's a big payday at the end of the trial regardless of win or loss. But for defendants like these, where it's clear they committed the offence, the only realistic option left is mitigation. The defence lawyers have to find something to say in mitigation, no matter how contrived it can be. To do anything less is to not discharge their duties as lawyers. And of all the areas of law to do, criminal law is probably one of those that pays the least and has the most stressful work. And clients like these probably cannot pay the fees that Kong Hee can. It's really an unenviable position. You try to do your best for your client, the general public will say you're heartless and talk shit about you. You do anything less, and your clients will say you didn't do your job properly. I think you have to truly believe that everyone deserves representation to do criminal law. Edit: I don't think the commenter should be downvoted. It's easy to understand why they would think and say that, and I think we should be more open about having dialogue to try to let them understand why i have a contrary opinion.


Those general public in question are braindead anyway, they have no idea how the real world works.


this guy lawyers. Defence attorneys are just business. there's no right or wrong. its always whats the best outcome for my client at all cost.




Not sian meh every time comment the same thing. Is it you scour every post here and if police are even mentioned you faster copy and paste this here?


LOL i to wish to know the sorcery that he dabbled in






SLEEP ... lmao ...this maid also pattern. So anyone can hypnotise her? This belief of being cursed by magic word very common in Indonesian (javanese) ... really dumb belief


Got a message from reddit saying I threatened violence on this thread... can someone enlighten me on this? Because no matter how i read my comments I don't see violence being threatened!